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Had the same problem awhile back. It first started the way you described, then progessively became worse. It got to the point I was calling True 3x a day! Disconnects, won't connect, modem light blinking...I think they finally got tired of me calling and sent a tech out to investigate the problem. They did state prior to sending a person out that it would cost me 500 baht if they could fix it. They did "fix" it but it lasted about 4 days. More calls and getting a little irritated at this point. Again, another tech out to the house and another 500baht to be billed. The problem was with their lines...nothing to do with the pc. They replaced the lines outside and haven't had a problem.

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They claimed it was fixed the first time, therefore, for them to come out again was another 500baht. Regardless if it was my pc or their lines this is what they stated. Had I refused, I would still be paying True each month until the end February (end of the contract) for basically no-service. One of those hidden costs?

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Again, the same problem for the last couple of days, but only during the day. Late at night, there's no problem. From this, I suspect it's their routers and not the phone line. It's very aggravating, especially if you're doing any stream recording. :o

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Pretty pbvious stuff, but I would do some basics that I know you do periodically anyway:

online virus scan at Trend PCillin http://www.trendmicro.com/en/home/global/enterprise.htm

Updated adware and spybot scans

Registry mechanic registry scan

Junk file scanner (these are great)

de frag (prolly not related but...)

remove all modem sfotware and re-install

Put a fresh windows on D drive and try it then

trr unplugging all the phones connected to the line

change all the phone lines to the modem

contact spray all connecters between the com and phone exchange

Try a friends modem instead of your own.

If you have tweaked the TCP settings for DSL or BT reset all to default

Phone TRUE

tear your hear out

kill someone ....

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I've done most of what you listed, except for killing someone. I'm pretty easy-going. But it's quite obvious what's at fault when the problem is only during peak times. True's system is just over-loaded right now in certain areas. I was just wondering if anyone else experiencing the same irritating disconnecting and resetting of their connections. You see, I've stopped complaining, and hoped someone else would do it for me. :o

Edited by melus
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