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Reporting Illegal Workers?


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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care. There is no working with these people and after three years I'm fed up with it.

The people of the house are rude in the first place. The wife walks around the village looking inside houses, the kids at one point used to come into my house without asking just to bounce around the furniture, the husband is never in town. They park their cars in the middle of the street. They used to chain their chihuahua to their gate and let it yip all day. I kicked it and tied it up with the leash and set it free. In retrospect I should have put it in a bag and taken it somewhere far away.

Neighbors from hel_l and that's the general consensus around here.

Getting the maid in the shit would kill two birds with one stone. A rude and inconsiderate person would get what she deserves and the family would be out of a worker to watch over the house while they're on vacation.

So should I call immigration?

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care. There is no working with these people and after three years I'm fed up with it.

The people of the house are rude in the first place. The wife walks around the village looking inside houses, the kids at one point used to come into my house without asking just to bounce around the furniture, the husband is never in town. They park their cars in the middle of the street. They used to chain their chihuahua to their gate and let it yip all day. I kicked it and tied it up with the leash and set it free. In retrospect I should have put it in a bag and taken it somewhere far away.

Neighbors from hel_l and that's the general consensus around here.

Getting the maid in the shit would kill two birds with one stone. A rude and inconsiderate person would get what she deserves and the family would be out of a worker to watch over the house while they're on vacation.

So should I call immigration?

Merry Christmas....

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Not really Visa related. Moved it to General where I am sure you will get some good advise.

As said are you sure the maid is not Thai?

It is really up to you what you do.

She's definitely not Thai.

Go to your neighbours, it is their dog. See somebody burn?? How nice of you.

Never heard of trying to change a situation by just a talk??

We've done talking before. They just don't care.

Edited by MrSnrang
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Not really Visa related. Moved it to General where I am sure you will get some good advise.

As said are you sure the maid is not Thai?

It is really up to you what you do.

She's definitely not Thai.

Go to your neighbours, it is their dog. See somebody burn?? How nice of you.

Never heard of trying to change a situation by just a talk??

We've done talking before. They just don't care.

Get two bigger dogs.Feed them a lot and then let them out on the street that they can shit a lot.
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Not really Visa related. Moved it to General where I am sure you will get some good advise.

As said are you sure the maid is not Thai?

It is really up to you what you do.

She's definitely not Thai.

Go to your neighbours, it is their dog. See somebody burn?? How nice of you.

Never heard of trying to change a situation by just a talk??

We've done talking before. They just don't care.

"I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care."

Exactly how much talking have you done then ??....Either get someone to talk to them in their own language or get a letter written up in their own language to voice your objections.

With a farang on farang issue the BiB will not care either...the only solution is to get some of the local Thai's on your side and let them do the "dirty work".....failing that play the neighbours at their own game...go and look in their windows, have a sh*t on their lawn, walk into their house and jump up and down on their furniture.

Bear in mind the maid may very well be here legally as believe there is provision in the immigration laws for people working here to have the possibility of bring domestic staff with them for their working time in Thailand.

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Get two bigger dogs.Feed them a lot and then let them out on the street that they can shit a lot.

Already have dogs. Don't want shit to be everywhere.

With a farang on farang issue the BiB will not care either.

My dad's Thai.

Either get someone to talk to them in their own language or get a letter written up in their own language to voice your objections.

Their kids know English. They just ignore everyone.

Bear in mind the maid may very well be here legally as believe there is provision in the immigration laws for people working here to have the possibility of bring domestic staff with them for their working time in Thailand.

That's exactly what I'm asking about. how do I approach immigration officers about something as foggy as this?

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

The "I want to see her burn" comment speaks volumes about your character and class, by the way...

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That's exactly what I'm asking about. how do I approach immigration officers about something as foggy as this?

You generally cant get a straight answer out of immigration on a simple question...so forget about the foggy ones...

"Their kids know English. They just ignore everyone"..so by this statement then have you have actually talked to the Taiwanese parents directly then ?....just through the kids ?

If your father is Thai, then get him to call the BiB and get him to raise a formal complaint with the BiB, at the very least this will get the neighbours attention and might actually sh*t them up a bit...

I still cant see why you are trying to "burn" the maid as you so eloquently put it...there are other avenues that could be persued..

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

The "I want to see her burn" comment speaks volumes about your character and class, by the way...

..... And makes the whole post dodgy , in my opinion

Merry Christmas to the OP again.....

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The "I want to see her burn" comment speaks volumes about your character and class, by the way...

If you had to live with these people you probably would come to this too.

"Their kids know English. They just ignore everyone"..so by this statement then have you have actually talked to the Taiwanese parents directly then ?....just through the kids ?

Have complained to them too and they just acted confused and walked away. The kids tell the parents and they just kind of laugh.

I still cant see why you are trying to "burn" the maid as you so eloquently put it...there are other avenues that could be persued..

The maid herself smarts off to us, and getting rid of her could put the Taiwanese parents in a tough spot knowing that they have even further limited communication and people who are genuinely pissed at them.

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The "I want to see her burn" comment speaks volumes about your character and class, by the way...

If you had to live with these people you probably would come to this too.

"Their kids know English. They just ignore everyone"..so by this statement then have you have actually talked to the Taiwanese parents directly then ?....just through the kids ?

Have complained to them too and they just acted confused and walked away. The kids tell the parents and they just kind of laugh.

I still cant see why you are trying to "burn" the maid as you so eloquently put it...there are other avenues that could be persued..

The maid herself smarts off to us, and getting rid of her could put the Taiwanese parents in a tough spot knowing that they have even further limited communication and people who are genuinely pissed at them.

some solutions for you on this fine Christmas Day.

1) Maid - just shag her and get it over with

2) Dog - when you bbq, save a little for him

3) Kids - buy them a football or PS3

4) Taiwanese parents - invite them over for a night of tequila and nachos

happy new year.

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The "I want to see her burn" comment speaks volumes about your character and class, by the way...

If you had to live with these people you probably would come to this too.

"Their kids know English. They just ignore everyone"..so by this statement then have you have actually talked to the Taiwanese parents directly then ?....just through the kids ?

Have complained to them too and they just acted confused and walked away. The kids tell the parents and they just kind of laugh.

I still cant see why you are trying to "burn" the maid as you so eloquently put it...there are other avenues that could be persued..

The maid herself smarts off to us, and getting rid of her could put the Taiwanese parents in a tough spot knowing that they have even further limited communication and people who are genuinely pissed at them.

Not trying to be rude here...but exactly how old are you ?....as you are coming across as a 12 year old...!!!, as I have already suggested...if your Daddy is Thai, get him to put a complaint in with the BiB about the dog sh*t, about the trespassing etc.....and I am sure two of Thailands finest knocking on the door will sh*t up your Taiwanese neighbours enough.

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No expat with any self respect is going to complain to the police or even worse to the immigration about a matter like this.If somebody shoots at you go ahead complaining.

Go to the village chief and dont forget to take along with you some liquid chrismas present and mention this little disturbance on your way out.I am sure he has some good advise to give you.

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No expat with any self respect is going to complain to the police or even worse to the immigration about a matter like this.If somebody shoots at you go ahead complaining.

Go to the village chief and dont forget to take along with you some liquid chrismas present and mention this little disturbance on your way out.I am sure he has some good advise to give you.

Expat? You haven't read the thread.

Majority of the posts here aren't advice. I appreciate anyone who's helped.

I'm going to let it stew for a while and wait for them to come back from Taiwan. If they don't budge then I'll deal with the law.

Moderators, feel free to lock this topic.

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No expat with any self respect is going to complain to the police or even worse to the immigration about a matter like this.If somebody shoots at you go ahead complaining.

Go to the village chief and dont forget to take along with you some liquid chrismas present and mention this little disturbance on your way out.I am sure he has some good advise to give you.

Expat? You haven't read the thread.

Majority of the posts here aren't advice. I appreciate anyone who's helped.

I'm going to let it stew for a while and wait for them to come back from Taiwan. If they don't budge then I'll deal with the law.

Moderators, feel free to lock this topic.

My post was pure advice, straight from the heart. You catch more bees with a honey than you do on your own....or something like that.

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I don't think it really matters if the person complaining is Thai or Non-Thai.... but if the OP's Dad is Thai, that means he is Thai so why can't he just call himself.

Easy answer call the labor department and ask for their advice... after that come on back and let us know what they said and maybe we can try and help.

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Easy answer call the labor department and ask for their advice... after that come on back and let us know what they said and maybe we can try and help.

Why are we mudding the water even further....We have the BiB involved, Thai immigration and now you want to get the labour dept involved in the mix as well...

If the OP is Thai, why not...just call the BiB, put in a complaint and let them deal with it....or is there more to this story than meets the eye ???

It seems to me that the OP is h*ll bent on stiching up the maid...via immigration...why would this be so ?

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Easy answer call the labor department and ask for their advice... after that come on back and let us know what they said and maybe we can try and help.

Why are we mudding the water even further....We have the BiB involved, Thai immigration and now you want to get the labour dept involved in the mix as well...

If the OP is Thai, why not...just call the BiB, put in a complaint and let them deal with it....or is there more to this story than meets the eye ???

It seems to me that the OP is h*ll bent on stiching up the maid...via immigration...why would this be so ?

You see, my first post although disguised as a smart arse remark, is likely closer to the path of truth regarding the maid than is being disclosed by the OP. :o

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It seems to me that the OP is h*ll bent on stiching up the maid...via immigration...why would this be so ?

You see, my first post although disguised as a smart arse remark, is likely closer to the path of truth regarding the maid than is being disclosed by the OP. :D

Yeah, I reckon you're right there James, think the OP is hung up on the maid. :o

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