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Reporting Illegal Workers?


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My gut feeling is the following...

OP had a relationship with the maid that went sour, she's threating to expose it, hence the emphasis on her.

Merry X-ms

Or maybe another twist on that, OP had a relationship with the Sir of the maids house, maid caught them out, and he's worried that she's going to expose them......

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

Yes, report her.

Fighting for all that is good and justice the American way.

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OK, just to try and recap the story as it has evolved.

The kid, who lives in an Isaan village and is of dodgy character, had an affair with the neighbour and his maid, who happens to be a ladyboy. Said ladyboy and/or master ditched him, so now he is pissed and it is suggested that he bomb the master and the dog, and deport the ladyboy?

Am I up to speed on this?

/edit. Or is it bomb the house, burn the ladyboy and run the master over? :o

Edited by OlRedEyes
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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care. There is no working with these people and after three years I'm fed up with it.

The people of the house are rude in the first place. The wife walks around the village looking inside houses, the kids at one point used to come into my house without asking just to bounce around the furniture, the husband is never in town. They park their cars in the middle of the street. They used to chain their chihuahua to their gate and let it yip all day. I kicked it and tied it up with the leash and set it free. In retrospect I should have put it in a bag and taken it somewhere far away.

Neighbors from hel_l and that's the general consensus around here.

Getting the maid in the shit would kill two birds with one stone. A rude and inconsiderate person would get what she deserves and the family would be out of a worker to watch over the house while they're on vacation.

So should I call immigration?

Can I report you to immigration?

Maybe someone should put you in a bag pal - can I give you a kick? Make no mistake about this - Thailand needs far fewer people like you. Maybe the reason she looks in your house and gives you a dirty look is because you're the p+ick who kicked their dog? Ya think? Where do people like you slither out from anyway?

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Reporting is the lowest, the very lowest of all options. It is out of question.

Maybe so, but it appears that there is no one here that knows how to report someone working illegally. Rather people here are offering opinion about the OP, rather than the issue there may be an illegal maid, where the problem has been brought to a head because of their dog's behavior.

Possibly also in the reducing economic climate, weeding out the illegal workers may not be such a bad thing.

Yes, I do have a real Work Permit.

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care. There is no working with these people and after three years I'm fed up with it.

The people of the house are rude in the first place. The wife walks around the village looking inside houses, the kids at one point used to come into my house without asking just to bounce around the furniture, the husband is never in town. They park their cars in the middle of the street. They used to chain their chihuahua to their gate and let it yip all day. I kicked it and tied it up with the leash and set it free. In retrospect I should have put it in a bag and taken it somewhere far away.

Neighbors from hel_l and that's the general consensus around here.

Getting the maid in the shit would kill two birds with one stone. A rude and inconsiderate person would get what she deserves and the family would be out of a worker to watch over the house while they're on vacation.

So should I call immigration?

The red quotes say enough what kind of a 'person' you are.

I guess you're not man enough to handle it on your own and need others to sort your shit out.

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Reporting is the lowest, the very lowest of all options. It is out of question.

Maybe so, but it appears that there is no one here that knows how to report someone working illegally. Rather people here are offering opinion about the OP, rather than the issue there may be an illegal maid, where the problem has been brought to a head because of their dog's behavior.

Possibly also in the reducing economic climate, weeding out the illegal workers may not be such a bad thing.

Yes, I do have a real Work Permit.

Then why not go after the employers for not registering the maid and paying for her work permit? Get THEM fined and chucked out of the country - along with the dog - Why do you want to punish the most disenfranchised person in this subject?

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Reporting is the lowest, the very lowest of all options. It is out of question.

Maybe so, but it appears that there is no one here that knows how to report someone working illegally. Rather people here are offering opinion about the OP, rather than the issue there may be an illegal maid, where the problem has been brought to a head because of their dog's behavior.

Possibly also in the reducing economic climate, weeding out the illegal workers may not be such a bad thing.

Yes, I do have a real Work Permit.

Doe sit harm you when somebody works as an illegal maid. It's not like she doing armed robberies, sell drugs or guns. she's trying to make a living from working for a rich family who probably don't care about her.

Our neighbour has a Cambodian maid, she gets 5000 a month, needs to pay for her own food and needs to take a lot of shit from her boss and minute of the day as it suits him.

Who in their right mind would even consider reporting somebody trying to make a living for their family.

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of common courtesy or respect for the people around her. She walks around houses, looking in and giving dirty looks. She lets their dog shit everywhere and bark from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her burn.

The problem is that I doubt that she has a work permit though she might. Should I call the cops anyways?

And reporting her whether she has a WP or not will almost certainly make problems for you...why dont you just talk to her employer....your neighbours.... and see where that gets you first...instead of wanting the maid to be hung drawn and quartered...

I have complained to her Taiwanese boss several times before, they either don't understand English and Thai or they just don't care. There is no working with these people and after three years I'm fed up with it.

The people of the house are rude in the first place. The wife walks around the village looking inside houses, the kids at one point used to come into my house without asking just to bounce around the furniture, the husband is never in town. They park their cars in the middle of the street. They used to chain their chihuahua to their gate and let it yip all day. I kicked it and tied it up with the leash and set it free. In retrospect I should have put it in a bag and taken it somewhere far away.

Neighbors from hel_l and that's the general consensus around here.

Getting the maid in the shit would kill two birds with one stone. A rude and inconsiderate person would get what she deserves and the family would be out of a worker to watch over the house while they're on vacation.

So should I call immigration?

The red quotes say enough what kind of a 'person' you are.

I guess you're not man enough to handle it on your own and need others to sort your shit out.

Remember , the OP said he is THAI .

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Reporting is the lowest, the very lowest of all options. It is out of question.

Maybe so, but it appears that there is no one here that knows how to report someone working illegally. Rather people here are offering opinion about the OP, rather than the issue there may be an illegal maid, where the problem has been brought to a head because of their dog's behavior.

Possibly also in the reducing economic climate, weeding out the illegal workers may not be such a bad thing.

Yes, I do have a real Work Permit.

Bully for you. So what point are you trying to make? Are you a maid?

As for the OP, he's claimed he's Thai. :o

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of wearing clothes for the people around her. She walks around houses naked, looking in and acting dirty. She seems like a dog everywhere and barks from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her bum.

The problem is that I doubt that she uses protection though she might. Should I call the chemist anyways?

i agree with bkkjames... i think you're on to something here :o

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of wearing clothes for the people around her. She walks around houses naked, looking in and acting dirty. She seems like a dog everywhere and barks from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her bum.

The problem is that I doubt that she uses protection though she might. Should I call the chemist anyways?

i agree with bkkjames... i think you're on to something here :o

Where did these quotes come from--excellent!!!

Must agree about Taiwanese neighbours though--not wishing to generalise but......on a moo-bahn in Phuket some years ago several houses were rented/owned by Taiwanese people--never met a less socially-aware, neighbour-friendly bunch of .....holes!!

My best wishes to OP--I also think he should probably just give her one and get it over with [ a New Year's card, that is!]

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Hmmmm Sherlock is on this case and I see a number of burning issues, (1) Taiwanese enployess dont speak English or Thai) (2) Maid suspected by OP as an illegal immigrant, which if so couild mean she doesnt speak Chinese, Thai or English. (3) the said chained dog is totally out of the communication chain and no one has ever told it in a language it can understand that shiiting in the road is a no no

Yup without doubt a major communication breakdown here.

Conclusion. The OP should spend more time learning to communicate in a language that all can understand and spend less time on stupid postings. Case solved

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Neighbors have a maid who has never heard of wearing clothes for the people around her. She walks around houses naked, looking in and acting dirty. She seems like a dog everywhere and barks from 7 in the morning to nighttime nonstop. I want to see her bum.

The problem is that I doubt that she uses protection though she might. Should I call the chemist anyways?

i agree with bkkjames... i think you're on to something here :o

Wooh!! Thats what I call reading between the lines :D

As an aside, who the h3ll lets strangers walk into their house and strange kids walk in and jump on their furniture??

My neighbour's kid tried openning my door once, I had the little monster in the condo management/security office and had the father and grandfather and the lil monster all apologising to me and giving me permission to cuff him one if he ever does it again.

Just grow a pair and tell them if the little b'stards (wife,kids, maid) so much as walk onto your property again you will physically throw them out and call the freakin cops. They WILL understand. If they dont, too bad for them for not understanding the language afterall this is Thailand and you are Thai.

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I say:

1) Build an electric fence around your property and lock you doors. This should keep the maid from peering through your windows and the kids from jumping on your furniture.

2) Get a nice loud stereo, the entire LZ (Led Zeppelin) discography, and crank it up to the highest lever. This is to mute any noises made from your neighbors or the dog and yet provide long hours of self entertainment.

3) Get a case of tequila and take 'shooters' all day long. This will hopefully get you a personality or else put you in a coma so that the rest of us good people here in LOS won't be annoyed with folks like you.

Happy New Year!!!!

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It seems to me that the OP is h*ll bent on stiching up the maid...via immigration...why would this be so ?

Nothing gets a man madder than being rejected by a burma maid :o

Jokes aside....

His choice of words might not have been so PC, but I can imagine..... Your nieghbors, their kids, their maid, their dog, all act out.... The parents the ones that are supposed to control the kids, maid, and their dog.... Don't understand Thai or English, how is one supposed to resolve the issues?

Have you made the police threat? They may not understand english or Thai, but can almost garuantee that if you point to the YAPPING/SHITTING DOG and the maid and then say POLICE.... they will take the hint.

But calling immagration should be the last on your list... That is if she is illegal, plenty of Burma house keepers have a WP....

Edited by MyphuketLife
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Not really Visa related. Moved it to General where I am sure you will get some good advise.

As said are you sure the maid is not Thai?

It is really up to you what you do.

She's definitely not Thai.

Go to your neighbours, it is their dog. See somebody burn?? How nice of you.

Never heard of trying to change a situation by just a talk??

We've done talking before. They just don't care.

Get two bigger dogs.Feed them a lot and then let them out on the street that they can shit a lot.

Excellent Idea! That is my kind of thinking!

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