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King Cobra In The Kitchen


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Anyway, I get myself into the kitchen, flicked on the light just in time to see the baby King Cobra striking at my legs & naked feet. :D Ok, I could tell you he was 6 foot long and all of that, but he was actually only about 60cm - YET very very cranky :o .

Based on some trivia I read on another cobra thread here, that age of snake possibly is the most dangerous.

A true baby snake which is too young to be able to produce and/or inject venom is least risk. An adult cobra has control of the amount of venom to dispense. In the case of true prey, like a python who would fight it to the death, the cobra will inject maximum venom. (Did you know king cobras eat other snakes?) In a defensive posture against a human it can inject a lesser potency warning dosage. However, adolescent cobras have full strength venom and the fangs to inject, but not the ability to adjust the dosage, so every bite is a killer bite. Or, so I read...

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I was staying on the 5th floor of a guesthouse over the holidays and while dozing on the sofa I hear something of a metallic clang coming from the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom I saw a snake wriggling on the sink and falling to the floor. :D My heart skipped a few beats.

I shut the bathroom door and went downstairs for assistance. A couple of the cleaning ladies returned to the room with me to dispose of the snake. Of course we could not find it and the ladies said that I must have been dreaming about a Thai lady. :o

The metallic clang mentioned earlier was the drain stopper which was on the edge of the sink. Apparently the snake knocked it over and hence I was alerted to its arrival.

The funny part was that the previous day, I had made arrangements to change guesthouses so it all worked out. There was no way I could sleep in that room knowing that a snake had "magically" appeared and disappeared.


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I actually spent a bit of time speaking to a SNAKEMAN in Alice Springs Australia....he has a snake musuem. He explained alot of things about snakes & sometimes I think we misunderstand them a little.

Sad thing is though, sometimes you just can't risk being bitten just to try and save one. I'm not exactly sure how dangerous the King Cobra is to man, but I was told it could be deadly depending on the bite.

My next worry is, how did he get inside? :o

i'd be worryed where his mum was ........

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  • 1 month later...

Many moons ago, while in Vietnam, we had a cobra crawl into our hooch. After much yelling, uncontrolled panic, the Master Chief made the command decision!

"Get rid of it!"

When nobody volunteered for the duty, Master Chief said "Pussies", grabbed a CO2 Fire extinguisher and proceeded to reduce the body temperature of the cobra to a point where it would take a week in the sun to get his/her motor skills back.......

Quick, painless for the snake and easy for us "Pussies" to now remove the snake and return it to nature.

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  • 3 months later...

I came out of my rental condo in Pattaya some years ago, 2003, and out from under the shrubs from across the street comes this 1.5 metre long snake. I froze, it went into the vacant lot.

I asked the local motorcycle taxi guys about it they asked if it was gray. I said no it was reddish brown. They said if it was a cobra it would have been gray. Then I saw a photograph a couple of months later of a cobra in a boot. Same markings exactly. I am sure it was a cobra now.

It was just going on about it's business not caring much other than getting to the cover of the vacant lot and the shrubbery. Nevertheless, it was exciting for me and it gets bigger every time I tell the story.

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I have had some dealings with Cobras, In Bangkok.if i think there are snakes about, usually they stink of piss, They are smelly things. I walk heavy like exaggerated , they can feel the vibrations through the floor, and in Genaral do not like confrontation. believe me they can move as quick as an eel in water , The trouble is they can inject venom , or not , thats the problem , many people have been bitten and not been injected , they think they are immune but they are not, Some snake men start ingesting snake poison to build up an immunity at Young age . the Brown cobra are usually the most likely snake in Thailand

Edited by Thongkorn
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