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The End Of The Crisis

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This crisis will end when the large banks such as Citigroup, Goldman Sacks, Wells Fargo etc etc are nationalized and broken up to ten small banks each so they never again can pose a systemic risk. Nationalizing the banks is also a much cheaper solution, for instance the market cap of Citigroup is only 19 billion.

Why pump hundreds of billions into a bank if you can take over the complete bank for 19 billion. :D

I am asking myself the same thing. :o

Lana yes I am new to all of this financial bogus, I just think I understand it a litlle bit but enough to see something is wrong.

And Naam please understand I am not boasting, just checking what I have seen before.

As I said,what I think is that history does not repeat itself, it are people that try to repeat history.

I found a site that gives sort of a timeline/history of the build up to this crisis, it is not complete but still interesting.



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Its always been my experience, that the guys with the most conspiracy theories, have the least money in the bank. :D

I may be wrong in this case, but this has been my experience, many, many times in the past.

line spacing just a coincidence :D

why do i have that strange feeling that you are dàmn right? :o

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Its always been my experience, that the guys with the most conspiracy theories, have the least money in the bank. :D

I may be wrong in this case, but this has been my experience, many, many times in the past.

line spacing just a coincidence :D

why do i have that strange feeling that you are dàmn right? :o

maybe its because the people with the least money in the bank have least to lose.

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Its always been my experience, that the guys with the most conspiracy theories, have the least money in the bank. :D

I may be wrong in this case, but this has been my experience, many, many times in the past.

line spacing just a coincidence :D

why do i have that strange feeling that you are dàmn right? :o

maybe its because the people with the least money in the bank have least to lose.


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good morning flying(thai time)the financial guru's are out in force today,am sure you've noticed!

Sawadee Don Chow

But it is 9PM here :o

I wish I was there though

My wife & I will be back soon ahhhhhhhhhh

Spend a few months there chilling

I can hardly wait!

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yes its so good here i bet you cant wait.

Yeah we love it here but all her family is there

& we really miss it too. We will probably retire there & the way the world is going who knows that may be sooner than later.

We still have a condo & a business there so we could.

We miss the cheap food big time....hahah :o

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yes its so good here i bet you cant wait.

Yeah we love it here but all her family is there

& we really miss it too. We will probably retire there & the way the world is going who knows that may be sooner than later.

We still have a condo & a business there so we could.

We miss the cheap food big time....hahah :o

where is your home in thailand?we are based here on samui as my TV name suggest,but g/f family are from chaiyaphum.i would like to buy you a beer some day.

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Hey, you guy's are very off topic!!!!

We need to discuss how and when all currencies will be ended and in return you will get a chip implanted and your "Account" is created.

We will be ones and zero's in a computer system and if they do not like you your account will be closed and you will die, simple as that.

And that is what they mean with one currency, New Financial Order, stuff like that.

That shoe will be throw at you, but for those non believers even if they tell you when and from where, you will not see it coming because it is thrown behind your back. And it will hurt big time because it is a size 47 and made from concrete. I think, I found a way to see what is going behind me wile looking in front and the sides at the same time.

I am sure most of the peeps here are decent people and in real would be fun company to have a drink with but I am sure when I show them what is going on behind them they would want to order a few more botlles of luscious liquid and get really really pissed.

If you cannot see something it does not mean it does not exists, it is just that you not have figured out yet how to see it.

Here a short clip of something a lot of people have never seen, still it existed, we were just not able to see it.


Now where is the beer?


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i would like to buy you a beer some day.

what about me? :D

come on naam, you know you dont drink beer....... and I havent had sherry in a long time :D

i drink at least one bottle of beer or even two every month. Port and Sherry are banned since quite some time (i think i told you already). reason: i am slowly but surely approaching my old fighting weight again and i would have progressed more if we didn't have most of the time some bloody house guests who disturb my daily routine of meditating, fasting and exercising :D

then there are the goldbugs, the gloom&doomers, the global conspirators, the prophets, the apocalyptic riders and UFO seers. they scare the living beejesus out of me and my fiat money :D so before i click on Thaivisa to read their sermons i need a double shot of Vodka or Gin to gain the necessary courage. go and figure out my calory intake if i click on TV half a dozen times a day :o

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You know Naam although some people think you are Pure Klingon Evil, I think at times you are funny as hel_l.

As said we need some stuff to unload and have a bit of fun with eachother (I do not mean sex lah :o )

I guess you as an investor are perhaps at great risk and so are others.

What will you think or how will you feel if you ask for your money and in return they tell you it is gone or they just close their office, never to be opened again.

There you are with your statement that you own whatever amount of shares, and you finally realise it were just numbers printed on a fancy designed piece of paper that eventually could be used to wipe your arse or start a fire to cook your mudpies.

Do you actually have the stock certificates that you invested in? If so, you might have a chance to get some money from it, if not, you are in deep sh1t.


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Do you actually have the stock certificates that you invested in? If so, you might have a chance to get some money from it, if not, you are in deep sh1t.

Alex, the only certificates i hold physically are those of the companies i/we (the Mrs and myself) own 100%. besides these i have not invested in any stocks/shares but bonds of sovereign and corporate debtors. these bonds are not held by my bank but by clearing agents such as Euroclear and Clearstream. should the banks i am working with close their offices, never open them again and the government guarantees for cash or the cash itself turn out to be worthless i will lose all cash held.

in case of a total global financial meltdown my bonds will of course for a long time not yield any means enabling me to survive. if this -highly unlikely- case should occur i will "retire" on agricultural land we own and grow/breed/hatch whatever source of carbohydrates and protein is necessary for survival. you are then welcome to exchange your gold for the goodies i produce and when your gold stash has run out i might be offering you a job against payment in foodstuff. deal?

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Hi Naam,

You wake up early, did you had enough sleep?

Thanks for the invitation but I think I have myself covered and not only with gold.

If the shit hits the fan I can always go NE where there is a nice house and big piece of land where already I am growing food.

Chickens are running around and sometimes when we really want, we kill one cook and eat it.

Food we grow at the moment for a large part we just give to people that have not.

It is an easy and simple way of living and apart from buying some fuel, not much else is needed.


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Hi Naam,

You wake up early, did you had enough sleep?

i get up every day between 03.00 and 04.00 hours.

Thanks for the invitation but I think I have myself covered and not only with gold. If the shit hits the fan I can always go NE where there is a nice house and big piece of land where already I am growing food. Chickens are running around and sometimes when we really want, we kill one cook and eat it. Food we grow at the moment for a large part we just give to people that have not.

bingo Alex! that's the only rational way to go in case the big sh*t hits the fan.

It is an easy and simple way of living and apart from buying some fuel, not much else is needed.

pig and chicken shit for methane gas is an alternative.

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