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Global Warming


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The issue of global warming is indeed a hot topic these days.

The increased use of petroleum results in an overabundance of carbon dioxide emmissions that harm the earth's atmosphere and disintegrates the world's ozone layer, resulting in a chain of side effects.

But after studying some of the things that influence the earth, i start to question if it is solely our own fault for global warming, and why is there an ozone hole where there is no industry? in antarctica?...is it possible that the things that are influencing the warming of the planet beyond our control?

1. the earth's magnetic field - magnetic north field lines travel south, and south field lines travel north

2.solar activity - the sun is going through the largest amount of solar activity during this period than ever recorded, it is also going through a pole shift which has already started.

3. solar flares and ion wind - then travel to the earth literally within minutes, within an hour.

4. solar flares (ion wind) - travel along the magnetic field lines through the poles, possibly the cause of the ozone hole?

5. earths magnetic field - the earths magnetic field is also shifting, the last time i checked it was 40 miles off the mark and still moving...the bermuda triangle has the most rapidly weakening magnetic field on the planet.

6. is it me or is the sun in bangkok during the hot season more intense than it was 3-4 years ago?

so in your opinion AFTER researching these facts, would you be inclined to think that global arming is beyond our control? Man made pollution is bad for the earth no question about that , and is a contributor to global warming hands down...

But is it only a small piece of the puzzle and merely a coincidence with the timing of increased solar activity?

and is it also a coincidence that the Mayan, Hindu and Tibetan calendars all end in 2012? (Mayan December 11)

Edited by Vato
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With 6.7 billion people on the Planet we are doing some damage, but if we cal blame CO2 for all the effects in our local and global climate, I doubt.

CFC gasses was phased out ahead of schedule, because everybody, including major industries realized it was harmfull. CO2 is not directly toxic and so far no serios effort has been made to reduce emmisions, so whatever effect it might have we and our children will feel it sooner or later.


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actually the sun will start to burn cooler...the sun will continue to burn hydrogen, but at some point will start to burn helium, when this happes the suns mass will increase and become larger engulfing the earth...then it will become what is known as a red giant.

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However to get back on topic. The warmer it gets the more ice melts. Now bear in mind that fresh water freezes at higher temp than salt water, means that sooner or later we get more sea ice. This in turn will bring on another ice age as sunlight will be deflected back into space. That may come sooner than we like, and climatoligists old a majority view we are between ice ages. Before you think the warmer climes are ok. The last one created a major drought in the warmer areas, as the available water was locked up in ice. It is entirely possible that people alive today wil see the next ice age begin.

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yes, but what created the last ice age? solar activity or influences within the earth?

theres a strange thing about the earths magnetic field that doesnt make sense...they say the molten iron core is where the magnetic field comes from, but the core temperature exceeds the currie point of known materials, this is the temperature where it is too high for elements to retain magnetivity...so how is it the core is magnetic?

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I am not sure what this topic has specifically to do with Thailand, but so be it.

Global warming most probably has its roots in natural fluctuations, but it is being exaberated by manmade conditions.

It is odd, but true, though, that global warming might very well result in a mini-ice age where Europe freezes.

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Actually the earth is getting cooler. Global warming has turned into a psuedo religion thats main goal is to make dosh. Alright to be a greenie, and nothing wrong with being pro-environment because we do after live on this earth, but let's not bring doom/gloom scenario(s) when evidence is rather weak.

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Actually the earth is getting cooler. Global warming has turned into a psuedo religion thats main goal is to make dosh. Alright to be a greenie, and nothing wrong with being pro-environment because we do after live on this earth, but let's not bring doom/gloom scenario(s) when evidence is rather weak.

Say what?

Temperatures have risen about .75 degrees C over the last 100 years, and this decade has been the hottest on record. (http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2008/07/global-trends-and-enso/)

Whethere there is too much doom and gloom or if the warnings are appropriate is another matter, but the earth is certainly not getting cooler.

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The issue of global warming is indeed a hot topic these days.

Ha ha.

The increased use of petroleum results in an overabundance of carbon dioxide emmissions that harm the earth's atmosphere and disintegrates the world's ozone layer, resulting in a chain of side effects.

Global warming and the ozone layer damage are two separate issues. CO2 doesn't mess up the ozone, that's other chemical stuff like CFCs does that.

But after studying some of the things that influence the earth, i start to question if it is solely our own fault for global warming, and why is there an ozone hole where there is no industry? in antarctica?...is it possible that the things that are influencing the warming of the planet beyond our control?

1. the earth's magnetic field - magnetic north field lines travel south, and south field lines travel north

What??? And why is this important??

2.solar activity - the sun is going through the largest amount of solar activity during this period than ever recorded, it is also going through a pole shift which has already started.

3. solar flares and ion wind - then travel to the earth literally within minutes, within an hour.

4. solar flares (ion wind) - travel along the magnetic field lines through the poles, possibly the cause of the ozone hole?


5. earths magnetic field - the earths magnetic field is also shifting, the last time i checked it was 40 miles off the mark and still moving...the bermuda triangle has the most rapidly weakening magnetic field on the planet.

The magnetic poles habitually wander a small amount each year.

6. is it me or is the sun in bangkok during the hot season more intense than it was 3-4 years ago?

I think I would agree with you here, but then the air is also a lot cleaner than it used to be (really). I used to really notice the change in light when I went home (I come from a place with no air pollution). I think the crap filters out a lot of the light.

so in your opinion AFTER researching these facts, would you be inclined to think that global arming is beyond our control? Man made pollution is bad for the earth no question about that , and is a contributor to global warming hands down...

But is it only a small piece of the puzzle and merely a coincidence with the timing of increased solar activity?

I recommend watching 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

and is it also a coincidence that the Mayan, Hindu and Tibetan calendars all end in 2012? (Mayan December 11)


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Climate Cycle :o

Climate cycle is certainly a reasonable theory (although most scientists do agree that man has contributed at least something to the current global warming.) But cycle or not, the earth is not cooling right now. It started cooling around 1250 when the Little Ice Age began, but has been warming ever since the end of that period.  From 1850 to 1950, this warming was most likely as a result of a recovery from the low temperatures of the Little Ice Age, but from 1950 to the present time, carbon emissions are the main suspect for the increase in temperatures.

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However to get back on topic. The warmer it gets the more ice melts. Now bear in mind that fresh water freezes at higher temp than salt water, means that sooner or later we get more sea ice. This in turn will bring on another ice age as sunlight will be deflected back into space. That may come sooner than we like, and climatoligists old a majority view we are between ice ages. Before you think the warmer climes are ok. The last one created a major drought in the warmer areas, as the available water was locked up in ice. It is entirely possible that people alive today wil see the next ice age begin.

Salt water freezes at minus 12 C and fresh water freezes at 0 C, so if it is getting warmer how will we have more sea ice?

Surely if it is getting warmer then we will have less sea ice, so less ice means that less sun light is being reflected so it will get hotter on Earth.

FD :o

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The other Global Warming thread is still active: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Gulf-Thailan...t&p=2434961

Perhaps it could be merged with this one - or the other way around, as this one is not specifically Thai related.

The link above is to my post: "More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims".

BTW, did the North Pole become ice-less this year? - 50-50 chance of first iceless summer for North Pole: scientist

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can we stay on track regarding the ...the influence of the suns solar cycle on the earth?

everything posted above by various posters is common knowledge of the 'after effects'...but the cause, what is the actual cause? there has never been this level of activity recorded.

so lets post about the cause and not the after effects.

PLEASE research solar maximus, magnetic field lines, van allen belts, solar ion wind, magnetic pole shift, mayan calender and the position of the earth in relation to the milky way....not one person talked about the suns influence over the earth.

lets be forward thinking in this topic and analyze things that people dont usually think about.

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Global warming is about 1) Carbon Tax, and 2) Micro managing everyone's life.

Agreed and amen (so to say).

How does this affect Thailand? Everyone should start moving from BKK (it's sinking anyways, right?) to the north (and northeast too).

Soon those poor people up north will be rich after selling all of their land, if they hold out long enough that is... Say at least 100 years? :o

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can we stay on track regarding the ...the influence of the suns solar cycle on the earth?

everything posted above by various posters is common knowledge of the 'after effects'...but the cause, what is the actual cause? there has never been this level of activity recorded.

so lets post about the cause and not the after effects.

PLEASE research solar maximus, magnetic field lines, van allen belts, solar ion wind, magnetic pole shift, mayan calender and the position of the earth in relation to the milky way....not one person talked about the suns influence over the earth.

lets be forward thinking in this topic and analyze things that people dont usually think about.

Theres mountains of data out there, the sun has been constant while the earth is heating as we pump co2 into the atmosphere.

Solar maximus, magnetic field lines, van allen belts, solar ion wind, magnetic pole shift, mayan calender and the position of the earth in relation to the milky way are interesting topics but not related to the present temperature increase.

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Ok, but seriously, what is 'a' or 'the' solution?

I've an idea, probably pretty far out, right now at least, but perhaps one day...

There's all this activity related to bio-technology and bio this and bio that (cloning, etc.). It all seems to be focused on "saving mankind", yet only one person at a time, which probably means that you or I, unless you're freaking rich, will *never* benefit from it. So lets narrow the focus a bit.

If there is in fact global warming, and it is being caused by an excess of CO2, and the melting global ice caps are in fact reflecting less solar energy back to space, adding to the global warming, then why isn't someone working on bio-engineering a small single or multi-cell organism that consumes CO2 (perhaps converting it O2), that is also white (or off-white) colored to take the place of the vanishing ice caps? This would work for more than just one person it seems to me...

Who would want to be cloned or live forever in some kind of F'ed up world?

I'm sure I'm not the first person who may have thought of this, hopefully some really dedicated and smart bio-tech guy is already working on. That'd be cool... :-)

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can we stay on track regarding the ...the influence of the suns solar cycle on the earth?

everything posted above by various posters is common knowledge of the 'after effects'...but the cause, what is the actual cause? there has never been this level of activity recorded.

so lets post about the cause and not the after effects.

PLEASE research solar maximus, magnetic field lines, van allen belts, solar ion wind, magnetic pole shift, mayan calender and the position of the earth in relation to the milky way....not one person talked about the suns influence over the earth.

lets be forward thinking in this topic and analyze things that people dont usually think about.

Theres mountains of data out there, the sun has been constant while the earth is heating as we pump co2 into the atmosphere.

Solar maximus, magnetic field lines, van allen belts, solar ion wind, magnetic pole shift, mayan calender and the position of the earth in relation to the milky way are interesting topics but not related to the present temperature increase.

im sorry but i disagree with you on this and your statement about the sun being constant is just plain wrong and shows the lack of intent to do the research...until you truly research them it will be hard to see the correlation.

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Ok, but seriously, what is 'a' or 'the' solution?

I've an idea, probably pretty far out, right now at least, but perhaps one day...

There's all this activity related to bio-technology and bio this and bio that (cloning, etc.). It all seems to be focused on "saving mankind", yet only one person at a time, which probably means that you or I, unless you're freaking rich, will *never* benefit from it. So lets narrow the focus a bit.

If there is in fact global warming, and it is being caused by an excess of CO2, and the melting global ice caps are in fact reflecting less solar energy back to space, adding to the global warming, then why isn't someone working on bio-engineering a small single or multi-cell organism that consumes CO2 (perhaps converting it O2), that is also white (or off-white) colored to take the place of the vanishing ice caps? This would work for more than just one person it seems to me...

Who would want to be cloned or live forever in some kind of F'ed up world?

I'm sure I'm not the first person who may have thought of this, hopefully some really dedicated and smart bio-tech guy is already working on. That'd be cool... :-)

the US government is already working on someting to block the sun rays....i believe its called chemtrails...i havent done much research on it, check it out.

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However to get back on topic. The warmer it gets the more ice melts. Now bear in mind that fresh water freezes at higher temp than salt water, means that sooner or later we get more sea ice. This in turn will bring on another ice age as sunlight will be deflected back into space. That may come sooner than we like, and climatoligists old a majority view we are between ice ages. Before you think the warmer climes are ok. The last one created a major drought in the warmer areas, as the available water was locked up in ice. It is entirely possible that people alive today wil see the next ice age begin.

Salt water freezes at minus 12 C and fresh water freezes at 0 C, so if it is getting warmer how will we have more sea ice?

Surely if it is getting warmer then we will have less sea ice, so less ice means that less sun light is being reflected so it will get hotter on Earth.

FD :o

It does seem counter-intuitive, but what we believe will happen is that as the polar ice cap melts, there will be a vast release of fresh water flowing into the Atlantic which will disrupt the Gulf Stream. THis will reduce the warm waters flowing north which currently warms Europe. Europe will then experience weather like those Canadian cities which are on the same latitudes. THis is what we suspect happened with the advent of the Younger Dryas. 

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Global warming is about 1) Carbon Tax, and 2) Micro managing everyone's life.

The Global Warming Hoax is about 1 & 2 above plus 3 ) a naked attempt to strip us of our freedoms.

Some people are born with a cross on their backs they are forced to carry all their lives.

Some people are afraid of their own shadows.

Some people think the world will end real soon.

Trees need carbon dioxide to live.

CFC's have been abolished? wrong. Thailand uses huge amounts of R-12 Freon because it works so well & it is cheap.

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There was a major report that came out on this within the last month. It claimed that any warming created by humans could actually be a good thing.

The theory was that the Earth has a history of freezing...and not overheating. Any rise in temperature would put off (but not totally prevent) the next ice age.

Maybe we should start a new global climate campaign: "Burn fuel and leave the lights on - Let's work together to keep the ice away!".

As for the claim that the Earth is getting warmer, I believe this was true for the past few decades...however it has turned around the past 18 months or so from the study I saw.

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However to get back on topic. The warmer it gets the more ice melts. Now bear in mind that fresh water freezes at higher temp than salt water, means that sooner or later we get more sea ice. This in turn will bring on another ice age as sunlight will be deflected back into space. That may come sooner than we like, and climatoligists old a majority view we are between ice ages. Before you think the warmer climes are ok. The last one created a major drought in the warmer areas, as the available water was locked up in ice. It is entirely possible that people alive today wil see the next ice age begin.

Salt water freezes at minus 12 C and fresh water freezes at 0 C, so if it is getting warmer how will we have more sea ice?

Surely if it is getting warmer then we will have less sea ice, so less ice means that less sun light is being reflected so it will get hotter on Earth.

FD :o

Because as the ice melts it is dumping more FRESH water into the seas, thereby diluting the salt water, which in turn raises the freezing point.

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the US government is already working on someting to block the sun rays....i believe its called chemtrails...i havent done much research on it, check it out.

I read the wikipedia page on that, seems that it's conspiracy theory / black helicopter stuff. :o Also it is supposed to be chemical based and not biological as I'd suggested.

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