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My wife is nearly fluent in English, but there are some things she just cant explain.

I think Patipada, refers to the method of practice used by monks. Im not sure what is meant by Patipadtaam.

Can anyone clarify these two words for me, please?

My wife is nearly fluent in English, but there are some things she just cant explain.

I think Patipada, refers to the method of practice used by monks. Im not sure what is meant by Patipadtaam.

Can anyone clarify these two words for me, please?

ปฏิบัติ bpaL dtiL batL execute; perform; do; act; behave

ธรรม thamM dharma; religious teaching; religious duty

from this link:



The following is from Lexitron:

ปฏิปทา (pà tìp pà thaa) [N] mode of practices; way; path; behavior; conduct; course; procedure

Sample: พระสงฆ์ต้องมีปฏิปทาไปในทางที่ดี

( phráʔ sǒŋ tɔ̂ɔŋ mîi pà tì p thaa pay nay thaaŋ thîi dii )

Monks are required to conduct themselves in a good path.

ปฏิบัติธรรม (pà tì bàt tham) [V] practice the dharma

Def. ประพฤติตามคำสอนของศาสนา.

To act or behave according to religious principles and teachings.

Sample: ผู้ทรงศีลปฏิบัติธรรมอย่างเคร่งครัด

( phûu soŋ sǐin pàtìʔ bà tthamʔ yâaŋ khrêŋ khrát )

Monks practice the dharma very strictly.

A very common compound use of this word is:

มัชฌิมาปฏิปทา (mát chíʔ maa pà tìp pà thaa) [N] middle path; middle way; moderate practice

From the Dictionary of Dharma, paragraph 179, comes:

"ธัมมานุธัมมปฏิปัตติ . . . Dhammànudhammapañipatti: practice in accord with the Dhamma, i.e. in such a systematic way that all levels and aspects of the Dhamma are in accord as regards their respective purposes; living in conformity with theDhamma

Let us know if you need additional clarification; perhaps this question might be addressed in the Buddhism Forum.

My wife is nearly fluent in English, but there are some things she just cant explain.

I think Patipada, refers to the method of practice used by monks. Im not sure what is meant by Patipadtaam.

Can anyone clarify these two words for me, please?

Here is a possibility for patipada

ปะติดปะต่อ ( bpà-dtìt-bpà-dtòr )

link up ; join together ; piece together

patch ; piece together ; put together

put together ; link up ; join together


Thanks everyone. As usual, the replys exceed my expectations.

This forum always amazes me at the vast knowledge of its members. The forum has really evolved from the days of all the petty bickering. I think new members dont realize how good they have it. When many of us came to Thailand, there was no internet and we had to figure it all out on our own. Now its really simple. Thanks, forum members, Tom

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