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High Vision On Sophon Cable


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In the spirit of the posts a couple of years ago regarding the Geordie news announcer on Pattaya People, I have to ask how much beer was involved in choosing the presenter on the new High Vision program.

This fellow dresses like a garbage collector. And that accent! Grating doesn't begin to describe the effect.

"Hey, I've been watching television my entire life. I'm sure I could be a presenter!" seems to describe the thought process. :D

As a North American (Canadian), where someone who does not have a pleasant neutral voice would ever get a chance to be in front of a camera, I feel like throwing a brick at the television every time I see this <deleted>.

It doesn't matter where you were born, but if you have had the misfortune to come from the backwoods of the British Isles and have the accent to prove it, perhaps television presenting should not be at the top of your career wish-list.

It's bad enough out in public here trying to figure out what language some people are speaking, only to realize that it's some approximation of English but of a dialect that is only understood by someone from the same village, but please keep it off my television! :o

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An update to my rant.... :D

Having now seen the beginning of the program, I can answer my own question. "Who is that <deleted>?"

He is Mr Arthur Archer, an Irish gentleman if my ear is correct.

He is also one of those people who believes he is living in a city called Pa TAY ya, like so many English/Irish here in Pat ta ya. How can you mix a long "a" and a short "a" in the same word? Despite hearing it said correctly all around them every day? This issue, of course, has been brought up many times here on TV.

More to the initial point, the particular episode I forced myself to watch for research purposes has him interviewing (?) a lovely young woman named Yuki. Unfortunately, someone forgot to "mic" her. So we are left listening to a one-sided conversation! Now, tech screw-ups happen, but you re-shoot when you realize this. You don't let the program go to air, so that all and sundry laugh themselves silly at your ineptness and un- professionalism. :D

And that accent..... :D

With so many native English speakers here from so many different countries, it might be fun to start a poll about which country produces the most unpleasant accent. Judged by the ears of other native speakers. :o

Edited by bobbin
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And that accent..... :D

With so many native English speakers here from so many different countries, it might be fun to start a poll about which country produces the most unpleasant accent. Judged by the ears of other native speakers. :o

Probably the Americans/Canadians, so don't be so smug! :D

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And that accent..... :D

With so many native English speakers here from so many different countries, it might be fun to start a poll about which country produces the most unpleasant accent. Judged by the ears of other native speakers. :o

Probably the Americans/Canadians, so don't be so smug! :D

Predictable response UG, but thought it would come from someone from the other side of the pond! :D

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Irish gentleman if my ear is correct.

Think you should be apologising to all the Geordies them...as believe in your first post you referred to this gentleman as a Geordie...

As a North American it would appear you dont have a clue about UK accents.. :o ...Georgie and Irish accents are not even close...

Top of the list for me who have the most grating hard to understand accents are persons from Glasgow and broad scousers (for our colonial cousins, thats someone from Liverpool)

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Irish gentleman if my ear is correct.

Think you should be apologising to all the Geordies them...as believe in your first post you referred to this gentleman as a Geordie...

As a North American it would appear you dont have a clue about UK accents.. :D ...Georgie and Irish accents are not even close...

Top of the list for me who have the most grating hard to understand accents are persons from Glasgow and broad scousers (for our colonial cousins, thats someone from Liverpool)

Actually, it was a reference to that thread and the consensus that some accents are unsuitable for public consumption! :o

One of my friends here in Pat ta ya is a Geordie. He claims he has to modify his speech or no-one will understand him!

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Irish gentleman if my ear is correct.

Think you should be apologising to all the Geordies them...as believe in your first post you referred to this gentleman as a Geordie...

As a North American it would appear you dont have a clue about UK accents.. :D ...Georgie and Irish accents are not even close...

Top of the list for me who have the most grating hard to understand accents are persons from Glasgow and broad scousers (for our colonial cousins, thats someone from Liverpool)

Actually, it was a reference to that thread and the consensus that some accents are unsuitable for public consumption! :o

One of my friends here in Pat ta ya is a Geordie. He claims he has to modify his speech or no-one will understand him!

Dont get me wrong....Geordies are up there for the worst/hard to understand accents....top 3 for not being able to be understood by fellow countrymen....Glasgow...Liverpool and would say Newcastle is #3, possibly #2 in some cases...

I worked with one lad from Glasgow offshore...and the Thai lad came to me and asked me to translate what the guy was saying into English....listened for a while...turned to the Thai lad and said...Havent got a f*kcing clue what he is talking about and walked away..

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How much do these people pay to work there ?... :o another one is that pattaya unplugged,commentator is a brit absolutly plastered in tattoos,.no wonder the dregs across the world come to pattaya, they see this and think, " hey im ugly,have questionable hygene and tattoos, i can do that " :D.but seriously the tv is utter rubbish here and a 45/15 minute advertising ratio means i wath 5 minutes a day, if that,

Edited by imaneggspurt
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How much do these people pay to work there ?... :o another one is that pattaya unplugged,commentator is a brit absolutly plastered in tattoos,.no wonder the dregs across the world come to pattaya, they see this and think, " hey im ugly,have questionable hygene and tattoos, i can do that " :D .but seriously the tv is utter rubbish here and a 45/15 minute advertising ratio means i wath 5 minutes a day, if that,

Agree that one with the tattoo's is a disgrace and anywhere else in the world unlikely to be allowed on TV except perhaps in an episode of "Prison Break".

I hear from some acquaintances who often go to various functions in Pattaya that they are totally fed up whenever they go that one called "Nils" is forever around town trying to ingratiate himself.

What an inflated ego and incredible bore he is,eh?

Edited by Zodiac
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The tattooed guy is mick the hammer,a boxer who has had a few bouts here in pattaya.dont know he he has got a job like that but at least i understand him talking,just lol.

seems like a decent guy in real life though.now nils is a different kettle of fish,which i will not go into.

the irish guy is a complete nob and hasnt got a clue about interviewing

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the irish guy is a complete nob and hasnt got a clue about interviewing

So its confirmed then from an independent source (ie someone not from North America) that the person concerned is definitely a Mick...and he is not Welsh, Cornish, Flemish or Serbo-Croate... :o

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The tattooed guy is mick the hammer,a boxer who has had a few bouts here in pattaya.dont know he he has got a job like that but at least i understand him talking,just lol.

Mick is quite a nice guy and think his segments of local Muay Thai bouts are a plus to most of the crap on Sophon Cable.

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From what I gather in this thread you could all do with a well spoken and knowledgeable Bonza Aussie Bloke like me, on the one eyed monster! I'd be great. I would not confuse our bretheren from the old country with big words.... I don't know any! And for the hearing impaired I could talk loudly in monotonic verse so they wouldn't need to adjust their hearing aids. And I work for peanuts, lots and lots of peanuts! PM me with a big offer of lots of peanuts and you may persuade me to return earlier than planned.

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The droning Dane , cant bear the sound of him

While we're moaning about TV presenters how about that Australian

doctor who speaks so s-l-o-w-l-y and cackles at his own 'jokes'?

u must be talkin about doctor ian....i think thats his name.

have you seen what the irish <deleted> put on tv now................cockfighting......he also said that they dont hurt each other as they just peck a bit then preceded to show 10 mins or more of them fighting and bleeding ......even though it dont hurt !!!!!

maybe they could lie him on the floor and let one peck him for 5 or 10 mins and see if it hurts then! i would enjoy that a bit more.

the tv is crap in pattaya for farangs ,why cant they sit down and at least get an idea of what is even worth puttting out on the local stations.the amateur stuff is a bit dire

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The Twit on High Vision is from the southern end of Ireland. Somewhere near Cork I would guess because he says "Ye" when he should be saying "You". Another annoying thing about that that program is that they play muzak over the so-called interviews. Why?

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The Twit on High Vision is from the southern end of Ireland. Somewhere near Cork I would guess because he says "Ye" when he should be saying "You". Another annoying thing about that that program is that they play muzak over the so-called interviews. Why?

because the music is more interesting than the interview :o

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The Twit on High Vision is from the southern end of Ireland. Somewhere near Cork I would guess because he says "Ye" when he should be saying "You". Another annoying thing about that that program is that they play muzak over the so-called interviews. Why?

Oh you of the correct grammar... don't you mean music??? :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Twit on High Vision is from the southern end of Ireland. Somewhere near Cork I would guess because he says "Ye" when he should be saying "You". Another annoying thing about that that program is that they play muzak over the so-called interviews. Why?

Oh you of the correct grammar... don't you mean music??? :o

No, I mean muzak. It's a word used to denote crappy music. Also, I forgot to mention that Cork is the Irish equivalent of Isaan.

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The Twit on High Vision is from the southern end of Ireland. Somewhere near Cork I would guess because he says "Ye" when he should be saying "You". Another annoying thing about that that program is that they play muzak over the so-called interviews. Why?

Oh you of the correct grammar... don't you mean music??? :D

No, I mean muzak. It's a word used to denote crappy music. Also, I forgot to mention that Cork is the Irish equivalent of Isaan.


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What do expect for 400 baht a month ?? maybe you guys need to sign up to ubc or something ?

400 baht a month? At my condo in Bangkok I have Happy Home Cable TV which has virtually the same content as Sophon (60 channels of which about 10 are watchable) and the cost? 500 baht for 6 months!

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