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Why Isn't Fox News Offered On True Ubc?


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It's the money. True/UBC does not want to pay for it. Plane and simple.

That's amazing--it's on all the cheapo Thai cable networks around the country and in all the cheapo hotels, where neither BBC nor CNN are available--I can't believe that it's too expensive for UBC--I presume it's free, hence the only reason it's available at all--and yes, it is shit.

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Fox is biased news just as the BBC is biased, but from opposite viewpoints and they both try to manipulate viewers.

The BBC's documentaries are quite good, but the BBC provides its biased news with homely newscasters and a really boring format, where Fox has attractive newscasters and can be quite entertaining.

I like to switch back and forth between all the different networks. They all have their strengths. :o

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It's the money. True/UBC does not want to pay for it. Plane and simple.

That's amazing--it's on all the cheapo Thai cable networks around the country and in all the cheapo hotels, where neither BBC nor CNN are available--I can't believe that it's too expensive for UBC--I presume it's free, hence the only reason it's available at all--and yes, it is shit.

Many interesting posts. I agree with haybilly's point however about why FN is on cable everywhere if it's so expensive? IMHO, Fox News is not offered on True/UBC because the execs don't like it's conservative slant. Media bias. Fox is entertaining and controversial - typically that would be enough for it to be offered. Yes, it is not as international oriented as CNN (which I also enjoy), but many Americans travel or live abroad and appreciate it being that way. It's a good additional news and entertainment source. Surprising for the vitriol on TV against FN.

Edited by Lopburi99
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Fox is biased news just as the BBC is biased, but from opposite viewpoints and they both try to manipulate viewers.

The BBC's documentaries are quite good, but the BBC provides its biased news with homely newscasters and a really boring format, where Fox has attractive newscasters and can be quite entertaining.

I like to switch back and forth between all the different networks. They all have their strengths. :o

On the high-lighted points, find meself in rare agreement with oft self-narcissist 'Ulysses G'... Imho, ironically Al Jazeera English broadcast with the insight of Sir David Frost and others is on tap and more often on the scene (vs Jonathan Head's BBC reporting from his posh balcony in Bkk's CBD for example;)

FOX (faux) news is best with O'Reilley imho. Otoh, Geraldo was best/worst before even 'revealing' Al Capone's secret tomb (thus his own empty, opportunist lair and agenda).

FOX live stream: http://www.tvunetworks.com/

Al Jazerra live stream: http://www.tvlizer.com/content/view/242/374/

Edited by baht&sold
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Before Murdoch came along it was hard to notice the big 4 were all leftist.

Yes FNC is Amerocentric. It's the reason I like it. CNN makes me ill.

What's the most endangered species on CNN? White American males. LOL.

The most endangered species on CNN (and the rest) ? imho, people whom desperately want the world to stop evolving.

CNN's best? Jonathan Mann taking the pis* in a friendly informative way, plus the 'truth-o-meter' pants on fire guys and beyond that, Saturday Night Live (a wonderful Canadian concoction that teaches ppl to do as we do, laugh, at ourselves and learn;)



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Before Murdoch came along it was hard to notice the big 4 were all leftist.

Yes FNC is Amerocentric. It's the reason I like it. CNN makes me ill.

What's the most endangered species on CNN? White American males. LOL.

Yes, the day of old whitey ruling the roost is well over.

Happy days.

Very classy signature you have there.

Edited by garro
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Watching the FOX News coverage of the recent US elections was arguably one of the most enjoyable TV moments I've had in a long time.

The surgically manufactured faces of the FOX News presenters trying to hold the FOX Corporate sardonic smile while gagging on reporting the Obama victory.... Un-missable stuff.


In the interest of Fair and Balanced views, perhaps Dotcom ought to at least wait until Obama has had his term in office before he pronounces on what the Obama legacy might or might not be.

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I've got it on my cable telly. Hardly ever watch it though. Much prefer Al-Jazeera.

God is great.

Farce News is an embarrassment to the American people, I'll take Al-Jazeera any day too. I'm glad they don't carry that crap.

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It's the money. True/UBC does not want to pay for it. Plane and simple.

That's amazing--it's on all the cheapo Thai cable networks around the country and in all the cheapo hotels, where neither BBC nor CNN are available--I can't believe that it's too expensive for UBC--I presume it's free, hence the only reason it's available at all--and yes, it is shit.

Many interesting posts. I agree with haybilly's point however about why FN is on cable everywhere if it's so expensive? IMHO, Fox News is not offered on True/UBC because the execs don't like it's conservative slant. Media bias. Fox is entertaining and controversial - typically that would be enough for it to be offered. Yes, it is not as international oriented as CNN (which I also enjoy), but many Americans travel or live abroad and appreciate it being that way. It's a good additional news and entertainment source. Surprising for the vitriol on TV against FN.

I'll never forget the only time I've ever been privileged to see Fox News. I arrived in Thailand on December 26th 2004 - the day of the Asian tsunami. All the news channels were broadcasting news of the tsunami. The thing that differentiated Fox from everyone else was that while all the other news channels were broadcasting news of the victims of the tsunami Fox was broadcasting news of the donations that the citizens of the USA were making. It was the most disgusting self-serving chunk of television that I've ever seen. :o

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It's the money. True/UBC does not want to pay for it. Plane and simple.

That's amazing--it's on all the cheapo Thai cable networks around the country and in all the cheapo hotels, where neither BBC nor CNN are available--I can't believe that it's too expensive for UBC--I presume it's free, hence the only reason it's available at all--and yes, it is shit.

I agree - the local cable companies in Pattaya carry Fox, and they are cheap skates and never pay for anything. They used to get certain networks for free, like Star World, and when Star World started to charge, they dropped them.

They either have some kind of free deal with Fox, or they are transmitting it illegally, like they do some of the Sports Channels from S Africa.

Maybe They can get a freebie from Fox, but UBC can't - for whatever reason - as Fox broadcasts all over the world and in hundreds of Hotels, and I doubt whether many places pay for it. I even got Fox news on a Singapore based cruise ship, but no other news channels - I bet they didn't pay either.

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I find that Fox news is sometimes biased,(but not that much, as they go to great lengths to let the opposing views air their opinions), sometimes trivial, sometimes infantile, (That weather man on F & F drives me to distraction)sometimes deafening, sometimes informative, sometimes extremely annoying, but always entertaining.

It is clearly aimed at an American domestic audience, and for that alone it is sometimes worth watching - just to see how, the still (just) greatest and most powerful country in the world, receives it's news.

I agree with UGG on the quality of the female presenters, not a single dog, and in general, many foxes :o

The fact remains is that Fox is the most watched news Channel in the USA, easily outdoes CNN and even gets higher audiences than network stations , such as ABC. So whether you like it or not, it is a very significant source of news for most Americans.

The fact also remains that they get some of the very top people on their station for interviews - all the major politicians,(including a very extensive interview with Obama), celebrities, Sports Stars, etc .

I once saw a Channel on Pattaya cable called "CNN News Headlines" (or something like that), which was clearly: a; aimed at domestic USA, and b; a bad attempt to copy the Fox News format. It was awful - it was the format without the beautiful women and the humour, and suffering from a very low budget.

For International News, I watch BBC, CNN, and an Australian news channel (which is excellent on S E Asian and Thai news). For UK news, I watch Sky News, and for American news - and entertainment - I love Fox.

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Actually True Visions does offer Fox News and has done so for almost two years. The criminal element that runs True Visions thought they had found a new way to drain the wallets and purses of potential customers. One of them must have went on vacation and found out about Internet Protocol Television. For a nominal exorbitant fee you can buy another converter box to run through your "High Speed" internet connecting that brings alternate viewing packages into one of your TV's. You get Fox News, some more movie channels, sports and even on-demand Karaoke. It is still available but they could not ever find a way to market it properly. How many of us have the True High Speed Internet needed by the system to function normally? How many of us a dumb enough to pay real money for this? I suspect they have fewer subscribers than Thai Elite card has paying members. Two converter boxes for the same company service? Priceless.

I stream Fox News and other channels using the free service at www.tvunetworks.com

In a few years we should be able to easily pick our content out of the air or from the internet. Competition is supposed to open in Bangkok soon and it should give us some relief from the True Visions monopoly.

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When I moved to Banchang I lost my Fox News fix for the day, week, month, year. I only have Truevisions dish now and miss my Fox News. I hope and pray that the New Year of the Cow will bring me my Fox News. Oh how I miss it. I can only watch CNN and BBC now so I suffer with CNN as I would never give those dull BBC people a minute of my time.

If anyone can bring Fox to my dish please do it now!

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I'm always amused by the far left liberals bashing Fox. Unfortunately I can't get Fox on True at home so I can only watch it when I go to Jomtien. I guess you liberals are quite happy with British Bullsh!t Company and Communist News Network. :o

I also cannot get Al Jazeera which is also more balanced the the above mentioned BIG two.

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I know many people in this forum do not appreciate the Fox News channel, however it is highly popular world wide.

(This isn't intended to be a FOX NEWS bashing thread!)

Oh, Fox News can’t possibly be discussed w/o bashing on these forums because of the high percentages of Brits and dizzy leftists, anarchists, and arcadians who post here.

The mere mention of Fox always makes the Bitchers here sh*t their knickers, as it is (cough) FAR too Amerocentric. Despite all the brainy babes, it seems to clash with their general provinciality and nanny state indoctrination. In fact, according to numerous suicide notes, the mere appearance of Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin on Fox News has driven many a hapless Bitcher to dive off a balcony.

And of course the leftists, anarchists, and arcadians among our posters can’t tolerate any opposing viewpoints whatsoever. They KNOW--they FEEL--the absolute truth.

Hence, it would be better not to bring up the subject of Fox here as it merely generates hot air and teeth gnashing and soiled knickers among so many of our posters.

In post #46 above, Mobi has given the “fair and balanced” point of view as he reliably does; may the bashers consider it and perhaps learn to judge Fox a bit more charitably.

Edited by JSixpack
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At the end of the day it is up to people what they want to watch, but I personally can't stand Fox 'news'. How a television station that just shouts opinions can be considered a news channel is beyond me though. I remember there was a study a couple of years back which showed that just watching Fox news makes people less informed. This is worrying because Fox seems to be aimed at the academically less advantaged and if these studies are correct it further disadvantages them. Of course some people may see women in lots of make-up to be more important than news reporting.

If somebody in the real world kept trying to tell me that they were fair and balanced I would worry that they were trying to cheat me - the same with Fox.

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Simple. CNN and BBC both have international version news channels that they market overseas and offer in places like Thailand. The CNN watched in the U.S. is not the same as in Thailand and likewise for BBC and it's brand seen in England. Fox News has no such international edition to market overseas, and thus your question results for this simple fact.

Edit: I mean to say that yes, I know you can get Fox News overseas but it's not attractive as I believe it's just the same feed we get in the U.S. with very few alterations. Whereas CNN and BBC are more professional and pertinent to each overseas market it operates in as it tailors the broadcast to international viewers much more dramatically. There is a difference been CNN and CNN International whereas with Fox News there is little or no distinction. Fox News is heavily focused on the U.S. and thus it's quite an unnecessary channel to view or buy for many in other countries.

BBC Professional ?and Pertinent to Thailand - not /Their weather is a joke and I sometimes wonder if in fact some of the weather/newscasters are puppets rather than people .

At least CNN attempt

re UBC All they are interested in is getting cash for crap - For the money we pay they should at least offer some decent sports apart from football .

BBC have the show Talk Asia often with Thai guests. They report a lot of Asian news. It is the Asian version so it's pertinent to Asia, which makes it far more relevant to Thai viewers than anything Fox News puts out. You may not like BBC, but it has much higher standards than Fox News.

Those who are saying Fox is 50/50 and CNN is not are just plain wrong. You don't see wild arguments on CNN as much because they are more professional and expect their guests to argue in a more educated manner. They still could do a lot better, though. Fox, however, just eschews that notion and likes people to argue loudly without letting the other finish their point. They don't like some to finish their point especially if they are saying something intelligently with which they don't agree.

Fox will report anything, and I mean anything, that will slander those evil liberals and prop up those hero conservatives. Anything is reported whether its factual or not. For example, they will take any gray area and make it black and white in favor of their side. They will say Obama studied at a madrassa as a youngster without researching the facts. CNN actually went there and found the school and found it is and never was even a Muslim school, but a multi-cultural international school with students of many religions. Hardly a madrassa. For one, they need to realize American and the world are not made up of these cliches (liberals and conservatives) that have come to have little meaning beyond the myth the media makes them. For another, they should just report the news unbiased as possible but they fail miserably when they spend their whole morning show defending Sarah Palin against media attacks. Other news channels have bias, but nowhere near as bad as Fox News. It should not even be called a news channel, as it is more entertainment.

Anyway, why I am arguing this on a forum about Thailand is beyond me...

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I have cable which only carries BBC World News and AJE. I think AJE is very good, and has the best Thailand coverage. I would probably watch Fox, if it was offered. I find their slant comedic. In the U.S., I would watch O'Reilly and then watch Olbermann right after.

Now, I am able to watch a good amount of Fox and MSNBC on the internet here in Thailand. So, I can watch O'Reilly, Hannity and stupid guests like Coulter, Ingraham and Kristol, and follow it up with the MSNBC's satire from Olbermann and Maddow. I'm not a huge fan of CNN. None of their analysts are very enlightening or entertaining. CNN puts me to sleep. No news station covers Asia, the Mideast and Africa like AJE.

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Before Murdoch came along it was hard to notice the big 4 were all leftist.

Yes FNC is Amerocentric. It's the reason I like it. CNN makes me ill.

What's the most endangered species on CNN? White American males. LOL.

What in the world are you talking about? Three of the most popular personalities on (US domestic) CNN are Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs and Nancy Grace; all ultra conservatives. During the election coverage CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer went back and forth between a panel of Democrat supporters and a panel of Republican supporters asking the same questions to both groups. Neither received any more airtime than the other. Both groups remained civil to one another and discussed the results intelligently. So just what is it about CNN that gives you the impression that they are so liberal? Maybe they need to pick up that dope head high school drop out Rush Limbaugh to balance things out. Rush is after all the spokesman for every trailer-dwelling, Wal-Mart shopping, uneducated retard who ever loved his Mama, his guns, his television evangelist, and his crystal meth. Now there's an intelligent conservative all us Americans can be proud of. JFHC! give us a break.

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What in the world are you talking about? Three of the most popular personalities on (US domestic) CNN are Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs and Nancy Grace; all ultra conservatives. During the election coverage CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer went back and forth between a panel of Democrat supporters and a panel of Republican supporters asking the same questions to both groups. Neither received any more airtime than the other. Both groups remained civil to one another and discussed the results intelligently. So just what is it about CNN that gives you the impression that they are so liberal? Maybe they need to pick up that dope head high school drop out Rush Limbaugh to balance things out. Rush is after all the spokesman for every trailer-dwelling, Wal-Mart shopping, uneducated retard who ever loved his Mama, his guns, his television evangelist, and his crystal meth. Now there's an intelligent conservative all us Americans can be proud of. JFHC! give us a break.

Glenn Beck has moved to Fox. CNN is more neutral (i.e. boring) than Fox. It tries to be more international, not more liberal.

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Before Murdoch came along it was hard to notice the big 4 were all leftist.

Yes FNC is Amerocentric. It's the reason I like it. CNN makes me ill.

What's the most endangered species on CNN? White American males. LOL.

What in the world are you talking about? Three of the most popular personalities on (US domestic) CNN are Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs and Nancy Grace; all ultra conservatives. During the election coverage CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer went back and forth between a panel of Democrat supporters and a panel of Republican supporters asking the same questions to both groups. Neither received any more airtime than the other. Both groups remained civil to one another and discussed the results intelligently. So just what is it about CNN that gives you the impression that they are so liberal? Maybe they need to pick up that dope head high school drop out Rush Limbaugh to balance things out. Rush is after all the spokesman for every trailer-dwelling, Wal-Mart shopping, uneducated retard who ever loved his Mama, his guns, his television evangelist, and his crystal meth. Now there's an intelligent conservative all us Americans can be proud of. JFHC! give us a break.


Can the mods please remove this flame?

I like Rush but I'm not a retard.

I am a conservative - ergo I am opposed to the mulatto's promise to hand out tax payer funded abortion to all comers - including under age girls who do not have to inform their parents.

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<deleted> JFC LMFAO

You know FNC is doing something right when the left wing idiots & Europeans hate it.

Allah Akbar & Long Live FNC.

btw. That's why GOD invented the remote control - so you don't have to watch it.

Edited by dotcom
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