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Earthquake In Bangkok


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Very strong, very long tremors in Bangkok just now.  Anyone else feel them?

Something woke me up at 8am... I didn't feel it so much feel it as hear it in our apartment which is about 1/3 of the way up a tall building in Bangkoknoi. My wife dismissed it as workers in the unit upstairs, and I thought "at 8am on Sunday?" but TiT. :-)

But now that you mention it, I realize the reason I was so unnerved is that it set off my subconscious earthquake detector. (I grew up in California and experienced plenty of real quakes ranging from localized 1.x magnitude swarms to the 7.4 Loma Prieta from a safe distance.) The creaking of the building preceding or during the main shock can be as disturbing as the movement!

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Yes, very unnerving and felt it in Chiang Mai also. Off-topic slightly, is that huge pool of lava still growing under Yellowstone National Park? She is going to be one super volcano when she blows again...forget the global warming problem and Kyoto.

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My dog woke me up this morning. She s usually very calm but she was having a fit at the foot of our bed... I looked over, there was a small blanket on the floor, thought maybe she had been bitten or something. I checked for a snake or any critter in the blanket, under the bed... nothing...

I went back to sleep... I was wondering all day why she was so frightened. I think she freaked out when she felt tremors whilst lying on the floor.

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reports from friends

said that tall buildings in BKK

shook like as if it might crack in the center and break


reports from earthquake experts

more to come in the next couple of weeks

space ship earth is calling for a start of massive home run for the souls...

what else is coming...? :o

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