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I think the 2-baht coin has got to be one of the stupidest minting decisions ever made.

The 2 baht coins are being made because the 1 baht coins are extremely expensive to produce. In fact, during the recent peak in commodities pricing it actually cost more than 1 baht to make the 1 baht cupro nickel coin. The 2 baht coin is a very inexpensive steel slug with almost no intrinsic value.

Actually, you all should consider saving those 1 baht and satang coins. They are a great way to save. In the event of deflation, they still retain their face value, so you can't ever lose money. In the event of inflation, the metal content of the coins will appreciate along with declining currency. They are really a very good hedge against whatever economic ills are coming.

2 baht coins however, are absolutely worthless. I dump those awful things as soon as I get them.


Except at groceries stores and 7-11, almost everything else is priced in 5 baht increments here. Even cheap parking is 5 or 10 baht. I put satang and 2-baht in a piggy bank. Two baht are almost identical to one baht. I save the 1-bahts to use at the swimming pool. Also, the water man takes them.


All my coins are kept in a jar for easy access and used for motorbike taxis up the soi, small purchases from 7-11 and Songthaews down to the BTS.

I spend 50 and 25 satang coins every day so these are never thrown away - the songthaew (or "Baht Bus", whatever you want to call it) down to the BTS station costs 5.50 Baht, so they will always receive any satang coins which get collected. 50 & 25 satangs also get spent in 7-11s and other grocery stores, never known the coins be refused by anyone.


I save all of my coins up from December to December, then my partner takes the heavy bag to our nearest 7.11 and they change it for us, A nice tidy sum just in time for Christmas.

But suppose your monthly shopping bill is 6,000 Baht and that 25% of the items you buy end 25/50/75 satang then these will be rounded upwards following the death of the satang.

This would mean a possible gross loss of 120 baht per month which is a 2% loss. Over a year that would amount to 1,440 baht: Enough for a decent night out on December 31st.....

If they are abolished we would all lose, the profits would return to the shopkeepers. Plus as the UK pound is set to go sub 50 Baht in 2009 I reject the idea until 50 satang is work less than 1/2 a UK penny. It is still worth 1 UK penny and is set to appreciate.

Relax Syd. What would happen is the total of the bill gets rounded up or down to the nearest baht if paying cash, not each individual item. Pay by credit card or cheque and you will pay the exact amount.

I got sick of finding thse pesky little coins in pockets and wherever I used to leave them. For the last 6 months or so I have been saving my 1 Baht coins in a large, plastic marmalade jar.

When I asked the g/f if her baby son has a bank account the answer was yes. I handed over the jar of 1 Baht coins and asked if she would either get them changed or take them to the bank and have the money put into the babies bank account.

The g/f changed the money at the shop where she worked and brought home 700 Baht. She gave me the money back!!! Thought it was too much. I was surprised there was that much and asked her to put it into the babies account anyway. Was no loss to me.

Next day she brought the bank book with the 700 deposited to show me.

Now I have another 250 Baht in 1 Baht coins and they will be getting put into the account too. I do not miss the pesky coins and the baby benefits.

So, what do you do with your 1 Baht coins?

My friends 8 year old boy just swolled one; it cost 1,300 today with another X-ray tomorrow (1,000) lets hope he craps tomorrow and he's not short changed

I got sick of finding thse pesky little coins in pockets and wherever I used to leave them. For the last 6 months or so I have been saving my 1 Baht coins in a large, plastic marmalade jar.

When I asked the g/f if her baby son has a bank account the answer was yes. I handed over the jar of 1 Baht coins and asked if she would either get them changed or take them to the bank and have the money put into the babies bank account.

The g/f changed the money at the shop where she worked and brought home 700 Baht. She gave me the money back!!! Thought it was too much. I was surprised there was that much and asked her to put it into the babies account anyway. Was no loss to me.

Next day she brought the bank book with the 700 deposited to show me.

Now I have another 250 Baht in 1 Baht coins and they will be getting put into the account too. I do not miss the pesky coins and the baby benefits.

So, what do you do with your 1 Baht coins?

My friends 8 year old boy just swolled one; it cost 1,300 today with another X-ray tomorrow (1,000) lets hope he craps tomorrow and he's not short changed

It would have been cheaper to buy him an ice cream!!


Only joking. Hope everthing comes out naturally.


There are a several charlity boxs in the bank, if you do not need 1 baht coin or you have too much you can bring some put into these boxs, it will be nice for many children and other people who need.

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