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As Some Of You May Know..


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I have been going on about going to Koh Samui on the 29th for quite sometime now . After the herendous events of yesterday. I was wondering if Samui was affected at all?.. and I just kind want some sort of idea of the chances of this happenin on Samui?

I would not get my money back for the ticket as it doesnt cover "natural disasters" the ticket cost me 800 pound aswell.

Also RIP to the people who lost their lives.

Edited by lbd2005
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The epicentre was Sumatra and thus the tsunami spread across the Andaman Sea and Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal). The Gulf of Thailand was not affected as the Malaysian Peninsular took the brunt of the wave, sheltering it. The only way you'd have a tsunami hit Samui's shores is if there was an earthquake around the South China Sea area, ie - western portion of Borneo or west Philippines. As for the possibility of that happening?...an earthquake can happen anytime but you can't live in a private cocoon your whole life. Can't see you having any problems other than possible flight delays.

Enjoy your holiday!

Edited by jackr
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