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If you have a good news story stick it in General Topics, if Admin like it , it will be picked up & moved to News. :D

If it's not, Soundman will move it to the Knitting section. :D

and there was me tinking it was "Ditto". We live and learn. :o

The Knitting section Kan be found only after you have made 500 posts or more in "Forum 47" :D

Yours truly

Kan Win :D

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Yesterday or the day before, my anger makes me forget, I attempted to start a new topic in General Forum. I had previously logged in and been acknowledged as having been logged in, but after clicking on the New Topic marker, I was informed of my inelgibility to start a Topic in this Forum. Therefore be advised, if you do not need me, I certainly do not wish to intrude. This is my formal announcement of never darkening your doors again.


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I was informed of my inelgibility to start a Topic in this (General Topics) Forum.

I've never seen that before. :o

Can you capture the "notice" & display it here?

edit. It sounds like you tried to post in the News Clippings forum, not General Topics. :D

Edited by GungaDin
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Can you capture the "notice" & display it here?

I fear not :o

This is my formal announcement of never darkening your doors again.


I must admit I have not seen or heard anybody complain of it before, you sure it wasn't 'News', you were in?


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