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Taximeter In Chiang Mai


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One swallow doesn't make a summer.

But do two Taximeters mean a fleet?

I saw a no. 4 and a no. 6 today. At leas one had a big long aerial.

How many? How much? Any news?

I think there is only 1 at this time and it has different numbers one each side..... [and different nums each day] and they have red bus permission only to drive folks around the Airport Plaza lot :o

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They're almost as rare as dodo birds. And some report last month claimed that they were everywhere in Chiang Mai. I'm picking my best friend up at the airport tomorrow night, and I've hired a tuk-tuk. However, there usually is an OLD taxi sedan waiting outside the terminal.

Chiang Mai should have the market for a hundred real taximeters. Don't the red songtaew fleet have a union, or a mafia?

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They're almost as rare as dodo birds.  And some report last month claimed that they were everywhere in Chiang Mai.  I'm picking my best friend up at the airport tomorrow night, and I've hired a tuk-tuk.  However, there usually is an OLD taxi sedan waiting outside the terminal.

Chiang Mai should have the market for a hundred real taximeters.  Don't the red songtaew fleet have a union, or a mafia?

Who do you think operates the taxis? The Songthaew co-op :o

Anyway, here's a list of the individual drivers with a taxi..

Nok tel. 0 9261 4290, Singkame at 0 1952 0900, Werapong at 0 1960 1391, Winyu at 0 1885 4469, Somboon at 0 9851 3708, Wisan at 0 7177 0929 and Somchai at 0 6181 6386

30 baht for the first 2 km and 4 baht for each subsequent kilometer. Waiting time – 1 baht per minute

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30 baht for the first 2 km and 4 baht for each subsequent kilometer. Waiting time – 1 baht per minute

And you can also reserve them in advance. I think there is an extra charge of 20 baht for setting an appointment.

Did this last month during Loy Krathong and worked fine except the driver "forgot" to turn on the meter. When I reminded him, he did turn it on after saying that he had been told that the charge could be set at 100 baht.

The actual trip cost was less about 80 including all charges and tip.

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They're almost as rare as dodo birds.  And some report last month claimed that they were everywhere in Chiang Mai.  I'm picking my best friend up at the airport tomorrow night, and I've hired a tuk-tuk.  However, there usually is an OLD taxi sedan waiting outside the terminal.

Chiang Mai should have the market for a hundred real taximeters.  Don't the red songtaew fleet have a union, or a mafia?

Quite a distinction, union or mafia, but quite right....

If I remember correctly, there have been two or three instances during the past 10-12 years when various individuals or groups have tried to create a real bus or taxi service for the Chiang Mai area, only to be shot down for one reason or another

I do believe that there was a city bus graveyard out to the east of town somewhere...

Word was that the shooting down was done by the police or military mafia who supposedly control the red buses and tuk tuks.

Chiang Mai is considered by many to be the 2nd city of Thailand.... It is large enough and deserving enough to have decent bus and taxi service....

The songtaew group, while providing the minimal service it does, is only slightly better than nothing... The hazard presented by these 'persons' behind the wheel, are by far the greatest danger on the city streets.... I would daresay that most of them [note I do not say drivers] are not even aware that there are rules for driving, much less what these rules are..... and forget about obeying traffic laws even if they were aware of them.. If you can reach the pedals, start it and wash it .... you can be a driver.... Should there be a likely looking passenger candidate, they will stop anywhere in the flow of traffic.... right side, left side, center anywhere. They will create an accident behind them, and of course see nothing of it and drive away.

It was also rumored that behind the current attempt of buses and taxi's was none other than the PM's sister. In my opinion it will take someone with such connections to succeed. .... and then only if the group currently in control, does not have too close a connection either as friend or financial..... more of the 'you scratch my back and I scratch your....

Mr. PM, you are promoting the city of CM..... please look into getting a good [please read good as in for the public, not the private pocketbooks] public transportation system installed..

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I don't think there is any police or military involvement in the Songthaew business here. It's simply that they have the numbers... Local officials are quite wary of upsetting the co-op because, in the past, they have massed together to create traffic problems downtown, most recently when the city was threatening to cut back their numbers and make them subservient to the the busses- financed by the PM's sister, as you said. After tying up traffic downtown by massing around Thapae Gate for a few hours, the city caved and backed off their plans... The city's plans for future transportation in CM still includes the Songthaews.

Thankfully, it seems the military mafia is pretty much out of the picture, being relegated to running private security companies.... I once refused to continue paying for my share of the security at our muubann after one of them was continually harrassing my wife... Just an hour after I told them, Col Chalermchai Matchaklam showed up at my house in full uniform, suggesting that the crime rate will go up without my support... When my neighbors saw this obvious act of intimidation against us, most of them also refused to pay for their security services any longer. It gave me a different feeling about Thais standing up to authority. BTW, Col Chalermchai Matchaklam is now under sentence of death for killing a governor a couple of years ago. He was also a 'look nong' of Major Intharat Yongbaitoey, whose wife was mayor of CM for awhile. Since she was booted out, and after Intharat was elected Senator, the miltary mafia no longer seems to exist to any large extent, including the Night Bazar, which was a run by Intharat and friends for many years...

Personally, I think the downtown area is better suited for songthaews than the large busses currently running around (mostly empty). CMU has a great system with their smaller electric busses which I think would be perfect for the downtown areas.

The taxis will be around as long as they're making money, but will never be a help to the mass-transit system, in my opinion.

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More taxis planned for Chiang Mai in 2005

But the drivers have to go to charm school

Nopniwat Krailerg

In the middle of January, a taxi call center will be established in front of the Chiang Mai Plaza Hotel on Sri Donchai Road, in the downtown area, instead of at the Nakorn Lanna Transport Cooperatives. More taxis will be put into service, and training courses will be held every Sunday for taxi drivers to ensure good service, politeness, and ability to communicate in English.

n7-115.jpgSinghkham Nunti, president of the Nakorn Lanna Transport Cooperatives and Taxi Service in Chiang Mai.

Singhkham Nunti, the president of the Nakorn Lanna Tranport Cooperatives said that currently there are 13 taxis, 2,791 red minibuses and 37 air-conditioned buses.

In 2005, the cooperatives aim to launch another 50-100 taxis because the demand has been gradually increasing, with now an average of 20 calls to call center and 50 calls directly to the taxi drivers. An agreement has been made with the Provincial Traffic and Transport Committee, that for every new taxi, they will decommission one red minibus.

The new taxi services are being equally used by both Thais and foreigners, said Singhkham. The daily income after deducting expenses is around 1,000-1,500 baht per taxi. Every taxi can be contacted through radio communication.

In 2005, good service is the most important, then vehicle condition, service, politeness and ability to speak English. The Gems Gallery is supporting the company by hiring an English teacher to teach 40 cooperative members every Sunday. They also want a community radio station and the company is now seeking a license from the government department.

To contact the call center, telephone 053-279291and 053-271242 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Are you sure they weren't just on a run up from BKK? I used to see the odd one in Chanthaburi, closer to BKK granted, but its not beyond the realms of possibility that there is the odd charter from BKK or even a driver visiting his folks.

Thats what it sounds like to me.

To dispel any further professorial doubts about the existence of these taximeters, here are two pictures of vehicle #3 taken at Kad Suan Kaeuw on 25 January 2005. The driver told me there were a total of 15 taxis in the fleet. He handed me the business card with his name Nok, and he was not a ladyboy!



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They're almost as rare as dodo birds.  And some report last month claimed that they were everywhere in Chiang Mai.  I'm picking my best friend up at the airport tomorrow night, and I've hired a tuk-tuk.  However, there usually is an OLD taxi sedan waiting outside the terminal.

Chiang Mai should have the market for a hundred real taximeters.  Don't the red songtaew fleet have a union, or a mafia?

Who do you think operates the taxis? The Songthaew co-op :o

Anyway, here's a list of the individual drivers with a taxi..

Nok tel. 0 9261 4290, Singkame at 0 1952 0900, Werapong at 0 1960 1391, Winyu at 0 1885 4469, Somboon at 0 9851 3708, Wisan at 0 7177 0929 and Somchai at 0 6181 6386

30 baht for the first 2 km and 4 baht for each subsequent kilometer. Waiting time – 1 baht per minute

Thanks Ajarn for your usual sane post. I have used meter taxis on two occasions to go to the airport and they were early for the appointment, great vehicles and quite nice drivers. The two I took were former BKK drivers.

The official word is that the nine existing taxis will be increased by another twenty soon.

The drivers will get a referal from the central meter taxi number for which they pay 10 Baht. Sometimes the individual driver doesn't answer the call to his cell phone so the central number is necessary, unless, of course, you want to call each cell phone until you get an answer. In each case, I called the day before and made an appointment for my airport run.

There is a 60 baht pick up fee if your a ways from town, I am 10 KM from central.

My total cost including the pick up fee for the 17 km to the airport, I have clocked the way I told them to go, was 200 Baht including tip. I did insist on the meter, but now I know how much it is, I have no problem agreeing to 200 Baht for the airport run.

The drivers rent their cabs so I guess it is a tax issue if they desire to do it off meter.

I am a big supporter of metered taxis and they gave me no argument about a large bag on the front passenger seat, something I got when using the cabs waiting outside the airport. I advised my driver the last time of my expected return date and time and he indicated to call him as soon as I deplaned and before I picked up my luggage. He was outside waiting when we exited the terminal.

Sure if you want to save 100 baht you can get a Song tel to do the same thing, but somehow I just don't trust them to do a pick up at my home when I have a plane to catch. Likewise, airconditioned comfort and no other stops makes the other 100 Baht well worth it to me.

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  • 2 years later...
They're almost as rare as dodo birds. And some report last month claimed that they were everywhere in Chiang Mai. I'm picking my best friend up at the airport tomorrow night, and I've hired a tuk-tuk. However, there usually is an OLD taxi sedan waiting outside the terminal.

Chiang Mai should have the market for a hundred real taximeters. Don't the red songtaew fleet have a union, or a mafia?

Who do you think operates the taxis? The Songthaew co-op :o

Anyway, here's a list of the individual drivers with a taxi..

Nok tel. 0 9261 4290, Singkame at 0 1952 0900, Werapong at 0 1960 1391, Winyu at 0 1885 4469, Somboon at 0 9851 3708, Wisan at 0 7177 0929 and Somchai at 0 6181 6386

30 baht for the first 2 km and 4 baht for each subsequent kilometer. Waiting time – 1 baht per minute

Thanks Ajarn for your usual sane post. I have used meter taxis on two occasions to go to the airport and they were early for the appointment, great vehicles and quite nice drivers. The two I took were former BKK drivers.

The official word is that the nine existing taxis will be increased by another twenty soon.

The drivers will get a referal from the central meter taxi number for which they pay 10 Baht. Sometimes the individual driver doesn't answer the call to his cell phone so the central number is necessary, unless, of course, you want to call each cell phone until you get an answer. In each case, I called the day before and made an appointment for my airport run.

There is a 60 baht pick up fee if your a ways from town, I am 10 KM from central.

My total cost including the pick up fee for the 17 km to the airport, I have clocked the way I told them to go, was 200 Baht including tip. I did insist on the meter, but now I know how much it is, I have no problem agreeing to 200 Baht for the airport run.

The drivers rent their cabs so I guess it is a tax issue if they desire to do it off meter.

I am a big supporter of metered taxis and they gave me no argument about a large bag on the front passenger seat, something I got when using the cabs waiting outside the airport. I advised my driver the last time of my expected return date and time and he indicated to call him as soon as I deplaned and before I picked up my luggage. He was outside waiting when we exited the terminal.

Sure if you want to save 100 baht you can get a Song tel to do the same thing, but somehow I just don't trust them to do a pick up at my home when I have a plane to catch. Likewise, airconditioned comfort and no other stops makes the other 100 Baht well worth it to me.

I wish I could say the same. I have had nothing but grief with the metered taxi's in CM. The last time I called, I wanted to be picked up and taken to the airport. After giving all the details, they told me two hundred baht. I calmly replied, I thought you are metered taxi. They said yes.....200 Baht. I said again, I thought you are metered taxi, they said yes, pick up before 6am to airport is 200 baht, set rate. I hang up. I call back a few minutes later and ask to go to Central airport Robinson. Yes, 200 Baht. But I thought it was only set rate to the airport? Yes, but Robinson very near the airport. I hang up. I mean, <deleted>?? Why advertise as a metered taxi when you are not?? I was going from Hillside 4 to the airport, its not like its miles away. I have no problem paying a surcharge for pick up, just as long as they turn on the meter! This has happened twice now. Makes me shake my head as it boggles my mind how they can say one thing....then do the complete opposite.

Anyone have any numbers for REAL metered taxi's? Would love to find one.

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They're almost as rare as dodo birds. And some report last month claimed that they were everywhere in Chiang Mai. I'm picking my best friend up at the airport tomorrow night, and I've hired a tuk-tuk. However, there usually is an OLD taxi sedan waiting outside the terminal.

Chiang Mai should have the market for a hundred real taximeters. Don't the red songtaew fleet have a union, or a mafia?

Who do you think operates the taxis? The Songthaew co-op :o

Anyway, here's a list of the individual drivers with a taxi..

Nok tel. 0 9261 4290, Singkame at 0 1952 0900, Werapong at 0 1960 1391, Winyu at 0 1885 4469, Somboon at 0 9851 3708, Wisan at 0 7177 0929 and Somchai at 0 6181 6386

30 baht for the first 2 km and 4 baht for each subsequent kilometer. Waiting time – 1 baht per minute

Thanks Ajarn for your usual sane post. I have used meter taxis on two occasions to go to the airport and they were early for the appointment, great vehicles and quite nice drivers. The two I took were former BKK drivers.

The official word is that the nine existing taxis will be increased by another twenty soon.

The drivers will get a referal from the central meter taxi number for which they pay 10 Baht. Sometimes the individual driver doesn't answer the call to his cell phone so the central number is necessary, unless, of course, you want to call each cell phone until you get an answer. In each case, I called the day before and made an appointment for my airport run.

There is a 60 baht pick up fee if your a ways from town, I am 10 KM from central.

My total cost including the pick up fee for the 17 km to the airport, I have clocked the way I told them to go, was 200 Baht including tip. I did insist on the meter, but now I know how much it is, I have no problem agreeing to 200 Baht for the airport run.

The drivers rent their cabs so I guess it is a tax issue if they desire to do it off meter.

I am a big supporter of metered taxis and they gave me no argument about a large bag on the front passenger seat, something I got when using the cabs waiting outside the airport. I advised my driver the last time of my expected return date and time and he indicated to call him as soon as I deplaned and before I picked up my luggage. He was outside waiting when we exited the terminal.

Sure if you want to save 100 baht you can get a Song tel to do the same thing, but somehow I just don't trust them to do a pick up at my home when I have a plane to catch. Likewise, airconditioned comfort and no other stops makes the other 100 Baht well worth it to me.

I wish I could say the same. I have had nothing but grief with the metered taxi's in CM. The last time I called, I wanted to be picked up and taken to the airport. After giving all the details, they told me two hundred baht. I calmly replied, I thought you are metered taxi. They said yes.....200 Baht. I said again, I thought you are metered taxi, they said yes, pick up before 6am to airport is 200 baht, set rate. I hang up. I call back a few minutes later and ask to go to Central airport Robinson. Yes, 200 Baht. But I thought it was only set rate to the airport? Yes, but Robinson very near the airport. I hang up. I mean, <deleted>?? Why advertise as a metered taxi when you are not?? I was going from Hillside 4 to the airport, its not like its miles away. I have no problem paying a surcharge for pick up, just as long as they turn on the meter! This has happened twice now. Makes me shake my head as it boggles my mind how they can say one thing....then do the complete opposite.

Anyone have any numbers for REAL metered taxi's? Would love to find one.

It's pretty much a scam. For getting to the airport, much better to use an airport limo, huge car for 150 baht. Tel: 0 5392 2128

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I have used every form of transport to the Airport, although infrequently and find all about the same. However, when one arrives and calls ones favorite metered taxi, whether their central office or an individual driver, a wait is often involved if the taxis are on a run when you call.

The last time, there were no metered Taxis waiting at the airport, as there is often, and so I took a large gray car, from a group of identical ones waiting at the airport, which seemed luxurious. They have a round government type logo on the front door and appear to be a type of limo. The fare was flat rate, but fair, based upon experience, for my ride to Mae Rim and the driver took us through the Air Force Installation as a short cut to 121. Metered taxis have not done that for me.

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Okay, so after that long wait, it now appears that there are taximeters, but if it involves the airport, they don't put their meter on. In BKK, you can flag down a taxi almost anywhere in the central part of town, if their light indicates they're empty. I've never used a taximeter in CMai, so is it the same? Are there taxistands at places like Central and Robinson?

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Okay, so after that long wait, it now appears that there are taximeters, but if it involves the airport, they don't put their meter on. In BKK, you can flag down a taxi almost anywhere in the central part of town, if their light indicates they're empty. I've never used a taximeter in CMai, so is it the same? Are there taxistands at places like Central and Robinson?

Yes you can flag one down but the meter won't be working - flat rate. I had this a couple of days ago, promptly got out, flagged down a following tuk-tuk and payed about half the rate the taxi quoted for my journey.

Yes there are taxi stands at both Central (basement floor turn left at the bottom of the down escalator and go outside) and at Robinson out side the exit near Watsons on the first floor. Both stands operate fixed price journeys when ever I have asked them so I never use them but persist in asking about the meter on the basis that it may change.

Not sure about the logic of not using the meter - if they did I'm sure they would have a lot more customers which should translate as more money even if it involves more work. Ahhh the root of the problem :o

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While taxes have been mentioned as a reason for drivers to try to get fares off the meter, I read where the rates they can charge are regulated by the government and the current rate may not reflect the additional cost of gasoline, thus lowering the net return to the driver. It may not be economical to run a taxi at the government rate?

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