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Renewing Passport As Full

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did a search here and didnt find answers and not sure if this right section but..........

my passport is pretty full especially as the cambodian visa takes up a whole page each time and i need to get a new passport soonish at the british embassy bangkok. anyone done this before? it seems fairly straight forward apart from a few things

1) how much,there website says send the equivalent of uk fee,but baht changes all the time and there are 2 fees in uk....fast and slow process but im guessing i cant have slow process here as they say is ready in 10 days.

2) they say send to them and include fee......should i send cash or what,this seems a bit dodgey or go up there and hand it to them,im real lazy and would rather send then pick up when done rather than go twice!!

3) the form wants a signature from a doc/solicitor that has known me a while but i dont know any here so shall i just put a thai person or farang friend!!!!

4) what happens about my visa and stamps ,i got a valid non imm thingy visa from hull and dont wanna lose this,will they put new stamps in or give me old passport back,i guessed they keep old passport.

any help would be appreciated so i dont <deleted> up.thanks

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Renewal at the British Embassy is very easy.

There is only one service and it takes about one week to process.

It is best to make the application in person, then there is no need for someone

to vouch for you. The embassy officer will verify that you match your photo.

The Embassy will return the passport to you by post, for a small handling charge.

You will get your old passport back and still be able to use the old one for the Hull visa,

but the entry stamps will be in the new passport.

You will have to visit immigration with the new passport to get your current status transferred

to the new one.

The embassy web page is http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/passports/

Read it all carefully, especially the part about the photos.

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If you renew before your passport expires you can get up to an extra 9 months on your new passport.

But IIRC you have to tick a box on the application form.

So if you have at least 9 months on your old passport your new passport will run for 10 years and 9 months.

Not much use if you insist on going to Cambodia! (Get the bigger passport?)

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If you renew before your passport expires you can get up to an extra 9 months on your new passport.

But IIRC you have to tick a box on the application form.

So if you have at least 9 months on your old passport your new passport will run for 10 years and 9 months.

Not much use if you insist on going to Cambodia! (Get the bigger passport?)

I read somewhere that they have stopped issuing the big passport now!


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I read somewhere that they have stopped issuing the big passport now!


They are still being offered according to this page on embassy website.

Link: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/passports/fees

If you are frequent traveler it is better to get the larger passport even though it does cost more but in the long run it would be cheaper than having to get a new passport because your passport was full.

Unless of course you are from country that adds pages for free and also does not charge extra for the larger passport.

I am on my third free 48 page passport because the added pages are a mess to deal with. :D

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I read somewhere that they have stopped issuing the big passport now!

Think you find this is a mis-communication, when the new biometric passports came out, I applied for the "big passport" and was told by the BKK consulate, that they were not doing them, so ended up with a normal passport, When I questioned them why they where advertised on the website, was then told in reality BKK consulate had run out...and when they received a new supply they would issue...

Forward 18 months...time for a new passport, applied again for the big passport in BKK and received it this time..

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I read somewhere that they have stopped issuing the big passport now!


They are still being offered according to this page on embassy website.

Link: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/passports/fees

If you are frequent traveler it is better to get the larger passport even though it does cost more but in the long run it would be cheaper than having to get a new passport because your passport was full.

Unless of course you are from country that adds pages for free and also does not charge extra for the larger passport.

I am on my third free 48 page passport because the added pages are a mess to deal with. :D

I read somewhere that they have stopped issuing the big passport now!

Think you find this is a mis-communication, when the new biometric passports came out, I applied for the "big passport" and was told by the BKK consulate, that they were not doing them, so ended up with a normal passport, When I questioned them why they where advertised on the website, was then told in reality BKK consulate had run out...and when they received a new supply they would issue...

Forward 18 months...time for a new passport, applied again for the big passport in BKK and received it this time..

I stand corrected, but I new I had read it somewhere.

Happy New year to you both. :D

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If you renew before your passport expires you can get up to an extra 9 months on your new passport.

But IIRC you have to tick a box on the application form.

So if you have at least 9 months on your old passport your new passport will run for 10 years and 9 months.

Not much use if you insist on going to Cambodia! (Get the bigger passport?)

I DONT INSIST ON GOING TO CAMBODIA........THAILAND INSISTS I DO( go somewhere every 3 months anyway ),so what with the hull visa taking up a page and then the visa runs taking up a page it dont take long to fill up......hopefully this new extension for an unmarried parent is ok and i will get that after my last visa run.

thanks for all your help,looks like im better off going up there then.. at least to start with.

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If you renew before your passport expires you can get up to an extra 9 months on your new passport.

But IIRC you have to tick a box on the application form.

So if you have at least 9 months on your old passport your new passport will run for 10 years and 9 months.

Not much use if you insist on going to Cambodia! (Get the bigger passport?)

I DONT INSIST ON GOING TO CAMBODIA........THAILAND INSISTS I DO( go somewhere every 3 months anyway ),so what with the hull visa taking up a page and then the visa runs taking up a page it dont take long to fill up......hopefully this new extension for an unmarried parent is ok and i will get that after my last visa run.

thanks for all your help,looks like im better off going up there then.. at least to start with.

Why wait to the get the extension you do not have to wait until your visa expires. Just do it within the last 30 days of your latest entry. It only takes a page for the extension. So if you did it now you might not need a new passport for a while longer.
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You are right that Bangkok did not have the new larger biometric passports last year as I wanted one. I went to London as part of a number of other things I had to do and got one there in 4 hours.

I enquired about Bangkok and it was all very easy. Go in, drop off, pay the fee, come back and collect or they will post it out. They also give you a slip of paper to show the police should they ask. As posted, check the photo regulations, they are a pain in the arse over that and you'd think they would have it all done digitally now but no, not yet !

I think London was about £150 or so for the one day service.

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I DONT INSIST ON GOING TO CAMBODIA........THAILAND INSISTS I DO( go somewhere every 3 months anyway ),

so what with the hull visa taking up a page and then the visa runs taking up a page it dont take long to fill up......

Go to Malaysia instead, the stamp is much smaller and no full page visa required.


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I DONT INSIST ON GOING TO CAMBODIA........THAILAND INSISTS I DO( go somewhere every 3 months anyway ),

so what with the hull visa taking up a page and then the visa runs taking up a page it dont take long to fill up......

Go to Malaysia instead, the stamp is much smaller and no full page visa required.


ARE U PAYING???, if yes then will go malaysia everytime. im in pattaya and cambodia is nearest,quickest,cheapest,easiest. its cheaper, easier to get new pasport everytime when full than go malaysia every 3 months,thanks for the help.

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[Why wait to the get the extension you do not have to wait until your visa expires. Just do it within the last 30 days of your latest entry. It only takes a page for the extension. So if you did it now you might not need a new passport for a while longer.

baby aint born yet so will have to do another visa run then passport full,even if i get the extension(seems like might not be so easy) then i will still need a new passport at some point so i think maybe il get new passport after next run then ask for extension before next visa runs out.thats the plan anyways. :o

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