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Is Thailand Getting Too Expensive?


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Thailand is definitely no longer the retirement paradise for us over 50s.

Many Middle aged and elderly Farangs came here because it was believed their pension incomes would go a lot further and could do much more here than in the West.

They wanted to re kindle they're younger days by finding much younger partners and social, where as in the home countries they would be put out to graze, feeding the ducks over by the pond.

This has really changed, falling victims of scams, especially by the younger partners, ever increasing costs of social and living expenses. Bank rip-offs with decreasing exchange and interest rates.

In the end they find themselves with as little freedom in Thailand than there would be back in the home country, not being able to afford the lifestyles they dreamed about during retirement.

It's called inflation.

Pensions never allow that lifestyles that any one dreams about.

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The only thing cheap in Thailand is food and sex.

Many farang are in denial in Thailand.

I guess if you are coming from central London, it is cheaper. But you don't have to go to Thailand to lower costs.

Come to USA and you find many things are comparably - or lower - priced than Thailand.

100,000 USD house? You can have that in many parts of US, including Florida and 25 miles outside of my city, Washington, DC.

Cars and vehicles? Waaay more expensive in Thailand.

Comparable education? Appears to be more expensive as well.

Any sort of goods - electronics, clothing - almost everything is more expensive in Thailand.

Does this mean you guys will all stay there???? ..... :)

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Thailand is definitely no longer the retirement paradise for us over 50s.

Many Middle aged and elderly Farangs came here because it was believed their pension incomes would go a lot further and could do much more here than in the West.

They wanted to re kindle they're younger days by finding much younger partners and social, where as in the home countries they would be put out to graze, feeding the ducks over by the pond.

This has really changed, falling victims of scams, especially by the younger partners, ever increasing costs of social and living expenses. Bank rip-offs with decreasing exchange and interest rates.

In the end they find themselves with as little freedom in Thailand than there would be back in the home country, not being able to afford the lifestyles they dreamed about during retirement.

It's called inflation.

Pensions never allow that lifestyles that any one dreams about.

Its called greed and corruption............

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First post!

An emerging country like Thailand is always going to get more expensive. Im sure alot of UK expats are suffering from the loss in value of the GBP. However, Thailand is way cheaper that Australia ATM, with the possible exception of a few things like some elctronics. Food and property prices are going through the roof here, and the AUD has stayed very strong. When I first visited Thailand in 1995 I got 19 baht to the AUD. ATM its 29.

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My wife and I spend 6 months here (Thailand) and 6 in the States we spend less and enjoy a better standard of living in the States.

The only concern for the wife is the cost of going to a Thai restaurant in the States however the choice and cost of buying rice at the local Public Supermarket is far greater and more or less the same price as in LoS

Clothing is of a far superior quality and cheaper in the States. We wouldn't return here if she didn't have family to visit.

When making a comparison of cost you really have got to take into account of the sub standard quality of merchandice available in Thailand against the quality sold in other countries

Thailand is and always will be a third rate third world country.

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The only thing cheap in Thailand is food and sex.

Many farang are in denial in Thailand.

100,000 USD house? You can have that in many parts of US, including Florida and 25 miles outside of my city, Washington, DC.

Common mate, who are you trying to kid. You talking about the US housing market, AFTER THE <deleted> BUBBLE BURST :) and its still got a way to fall yet, although I understand its firming in some states. At least the thai housing market wont fall, theres no bubble here, you wont get much capital gain (of course all the fools that blew 20 mil on condos will now chime in).

In 3-5 years time, the USA will become its very own third world nation, your going to get belted with inflation & u will be scratching around trying to figure out <deleted>. Good luck.

I agree with witold do you live or own property in the States? Probably not! I paid far less than $100k for a new $200+k property which WILL increase in value quicker than the crap brought in Thailand, a no brainer really that is except for all you that are stuck in the LoS%$T living on a few 100 baht a day.

USA will become its own third world nation? Explain that comment or better still stay on the steps outside 7/11 drinking your Leo

Sad really not having a choice of where you want to live and not being able to come to terms with your predicament

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The only thing cheap in Thailand is food and sex.

Many farang are in denial in Thailand.

100,000 USD house? You can have that in many parts of US, including Florida and 25 miles outside of my city, Washington, DC.

Common mate, who are you trying to kid. You talking about the US housing market, AFTER THE <deleted> BUBBLE BURST :) and its still got a way to fall yet, although I understand its firming in some states. At least the thai housing market wont fall, theres no bubble here, you wont get much capital gain (of course all the fools that blew 20 mil on condos will now chime in).

In 3-5 years time, the USA will become its very own third world nation, your going to get belted with inflation & u will be scratching around trying to figure out <deleted>. Good luck.

I agree with witold do you live or own property in the States? Probably not! I paid far less than $100k for a new $200+k property which WILL increase in value quicker than the crap brought in Thailand, a no brainer really that is except for all you that are stuck in the LoS%$T living on a few 100 baht a day.

USA will become its own third world nation? Explain that comment or better still stay on the steps outside 7/11 drinking your Leo

Sad really not having a choice of where you want to live and not being able to come to terms with your predicament

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I see arguments and rows coming to this thread. Remember that you all originate from diffferent countries and had different lifestyles/circumstances to each other, different expectations. For me, Thailand costs ten times what it did in the UK. But that's because I lived on the sites I worked at and spent next to nothing. This is all subjective to the individual.

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Thailand is definitely no longer the retirement paradise for us over 50s.

Many Middle aged and elderly Farangs came here because it was believed their pension incomes would go a lot further and could do much more here than in the West.

They wanted to re kindle they're younger days by finding much younger partners and social, where as in the home countries they would be put out to graze, feeding the ducks over by the pond.

This has really changed, falling victims of scams, especially by the younger partners, ever increasing costs of social and living expenses. Bank rip-offs with decreasing exchange and interest rates.

In the end they find themselves with as little freedom in Thailand than there would be back in the home country, not being able to afford the lifestyles they dreamed about during retirement.

It's called inflation.

Pensions never allow that lifestyles that any one dreams about.

I think you may find that the 'final salary' public sector pensions did ok...... :)

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The direction of the currency is a crap shoot and I believe this is the leading factor to most cost increases especially those on a fixed other currency. Asia as a whole has a better outlook for the future simply because they have so much they can improve. For those already in retirement, this has to be a scary time. Consider hedging your position and puting more of your money in other locations or currencies that will trade opposite of your currency. $500 million new investments entered Thailand in the past 6 months. The world is looking to asia as a whole to invest bringing inflation to your backyards.

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The only thing cheap in Thailand is food and sex.

Many farang are in denial in Thailand.

100,000 USD house? You can have that in many parts of US, including Florida and 25 miles outside of my city, Washington, DC.

Common mate, who are you trying to kid. You talking about the US housing market, AFTER THE <deleted> BUBBLE BURST :) and its still got a way to fall yet, although I understand its firming in some states. At least the thai housing market wont fall, theres no bubble here, you wont get much capital gain (of course all the fools that blew 20 mil on condos will now chime in).

In 3-5 years time, the USA will become its very own third world nation, your going to get belted with inflation & u will be scratching around trying to figure out <deleted>. Good luck.

I agree with witold do you live or own property in the States? Probably not! I paid far less than $100k for a new $200+k property which WILL increase in value quicker than the crap brought in Thailand, a no brainer really that is except for all you that are stuck in the LoS%$T living on a few 100 baht a day.

USA will become its own third world nation? Explain that comment or better still stay on the steps outside 7/11 drinking your Leo

Sad really not having a choice of where you want to live and not being able to come to terms with your predicament

I see you are trying to make this personal, although I don't recall being rude to you, so I will explain a few things to you. Firstly, I don't drink. Secondly, I live in Thailand but I have a home in Australia in a little town called Byron Bay, its by the beach, so maybe you should google that and see what my options are because in regards to not having a choice on where I want to live or being able to come to terms with my predicament, you are wrong, I have TWO choices.

Finally, you suggest that I am in LOS living on a few hunderd baht per day & you are right about that, we live really well on bugger all here & I'm still scratching my head trying to work out what people find expensive about the place.

Anyway, sorry to spoil your fantasy about me drinking leo on the steps of 7/11 and I can assure you (and theres several people here on this thread that can confirm this) I am far from what you describe............sorry to burst another bubble for you.

Edited by neverdie
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I agree with witold do you live or own property in the States? Probably not! I paid far less than $100k for a new $200+k property which WILL increase in value quicker than the crap brought in Thailand, a no brainer really that is except for all you that are stuck in the LoS%$T living on a few 100 baht a day.

USA will become its own third world nation? Explain that comment or better still stay on the steps outside 7/11 drinking your Leo

Sad really not having a choice of where you want to live and not being able to come to terms with your predicament

I think you have already taken the steps outside 7/11 = considering what you own, so maybe Neverdie and a few more of us will will find somewhere a bit more comfortable to sit and watch the world go by.

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Thailand is definitely no longer the retirement paradise for us over 50s.

Many Middle aged and elderly Farangs came here because it was believed their pension incomes would go a lot further and could do much more here than in the West.

They wanted to re kindle they're younger days by finding much younger partners and social, where as in the home countries they would be put out to graze, feeding the ducks over by the pond.

This has really changed, falling victims of scams, especially by the younger partners, ever increasing costs of social and living expenses. Bank rip-offs with decreasing exchange and interest rates.

In the end they find themselves with as little freedom in Thailand than there would be back in the home country, not being able to afford the lifestyles they dreamed about during retirement.

Even if all that is true, then so what? Places get more expensive. Either suck it up or move, I think those are the options. And it's a bit harsh to blame bank's 'scams' for your currency going down the drain. Was your choice not to move it all into Thai baht while you had the chance. Seems just sour grapes to be honest. Still, I'm confident the exchange rate will go the other way again.

What a load of crap Ninnie.

If what I say is true, then why are you disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing?

I wasn't saying it's true. I just didn't want to go nitpick on things like if (and to what extent) scams by younger partners are significant. That's a partner-choice issue, which is not what this is about so I chose not to debate it.

What do you mean, blame the banks for my currency going down? Are you excempt from the falling bank rates? Do you have a secret source from where you obtain your income?

Banks don't set exchange rates. Economic factors set exchange rates. You're barking up the wrong tree. (And yes I'm exempt from falling (or rising) exchange rates. :D Not always a good thing, mind. With exchange rates sometimes you lose some, sometimes you win some.

> I believe the financial gap between the cost of living in the West and Thailand is closing.

I think so too, and I think that's great. It means Thailand is developing as a nation. Not only is it closing in cost, it's also closing in value, convenience, safety and so on. (But long way to go still) Look at us, we're arguing over the Internet in Thailand.. 20-30 years ago you had to make an appointment to make as much as a phone call. :D

> And why do you defend the banks? What sort of banker are you? We get ripped-off by these

> institutions everyday of our lives. The odds are always with the house and that's the banks.

Oh dear.. I must be something wrong because this happens to me in political discussions as well.. As soon as I point out some sort of fact or viewpoint, I get accused of being in bed with one party or another. Being accused of being a banker makes for a nice change of being accused of being a Red Shirt Thaksin-lover though. :)

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I have lived in Thailand 10 years now, the cost of living here is much lower than that of the U.S., back then I paid $600. a month for a Studio Apartment, when I was married I had a house with a 30 year mortgage,

In Thailand We purchased land ,cleared it had it built up with 60 truck loads of dirt, had a large home built with a 33 ft by 18 ft living room,3 bedrooms and 2-1/2 baths and it is paid in full! that all has taken place in 5 years.

In the U.S. I paid almost a hundred dollars a month for my medication from the VA hospital, at $7.00 per month per prescription on each medication. Here in Thailand I pay not quite $100. dollars for 3 months for my required medication. Way lower than the going rate for medication paid by most retirees in the U.S. that takes up the largest portion of their fixed income.

My wife makes all my shirt, not because of necessity's but because my limited size availability of Thai shirts,

I use my air conditioner almost around the clock during the hot season and pay about $45. per month on my monthly electric bill.

The U.S. population was living high on the hog via credit, the recent financial crises, has greatly affected their style of living.

Some items are higher in Thailand, but most westerners shop by buying expensive name brand labeled items. I buy a $7.00 sabre saw and when it breaks down, I buy another one.

I find the cost of living well within my limited retirement income here in Thailand as I could not live with the same Life style on that same retirement income in the U.S. !

Maybe that just me!

PS when I came to Thailand the dollar was worth 44 baht, even with that great loss of purchasing power, I still find Thailand with a cheaper cost of living.

Cheers: :)

Edited by kikoman
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First of all, apologies for not reading all posts before contributing with something that might be old news, but:

I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes (copies and that <deleted>). It is when you want to by any imported western product you end up at the other end of the scale. A nice Italian suite is twice as expensive as in London, you can get a nice bottle of wine from any Tesco's in UK for under 10 pounds. The same bottle in Thailand will cost you FIFTY! Cars can be three to four times as expensive. The list goes on and on. Healthcare? Anyone of you wondered what would happen if you get critically ill and had to spend, let's say 2 years to recover from cancer? It's gonna cost you, believe me.

It is possible to live cheap in this place, but try to maintain the same standard as you did in Europe and you'll get ruined, eventually and inevitably.

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First of all, apologies for not reading all posts before contributing with something that might be old news, but:

I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes (copies and that <deleted>). It is when you want to by any imported western product you end up at the other end of the scale. A nice Italian suite is twice as expensive as in London, you can get a nice bottle of wine from any Tesco's in UK for under 10 pounds. The same bottle in Thailand will cost you FIFTY! Cars can be three to four times as expensive. The list goes on and on. Healthcare? Anyone of you wondered what would happen if you get critically ill and had to spend, let's say 2 years to recover from cancer? It's gonna cost you, believe me.

It is possible to live cheap in this place, but try to maintain the same standard as you did in Europe and you'll get ruined, eventually and inevitably.

i am inclined to issue a certificate saying "Forethat possesses a wealth of no idea". have you ever thought of the possibility that people have proper health insurance and can select any top thai hospital for treatment, are not interested in buying italian suites but have them made to measure by a tailor, live in homes with sizes they could never afford in Europe, keep domestic employees and last not least having all their expenses (and more) covered by not paying any income tax?

tell me where to send the certificate :)

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Good points. However I'd tweak this line:

I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes

to something like: "I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a lifestyle that's appropriate for your means.". My cheap may not be the same as your cheap; I wouldn't want to create the impression that in order for Thailand to be considered 'cheap', you're stuck to eating street food. Because Thailand is ALSO cheap when it comes to higher end stuff. So the good thing about Thailand when it comes to price and value is that you can basically spend what you want (or what you can) and get excellent value at almost every price level for most things. (Some exceptions apply, indeed wine and some types of car and a couple others).

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First of all, apologies for not reading all posts before contributing with something that might be old news, but:

I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes (copies and that <deleted>). It is when you want to by any imported western product you end up at the other end of the scale. A nice Italian suite is twice as expensive as in London, you can get a nice bottle of wine from any Tesco's in UK for under 10 pounds. The same bottle in Thailand will cost you FIFTY! Cars can be three to four times as expensive. The list goes on and on. Healthcare? Anyone of you wondered what would happen if you get critically ill and had to spend, let's say 2 years to recover from cancer? It's gonna cost you, believe me.

It is possible to live cheap in this place, but try to maintain the same standard as you did in Europe and you'll get ruined, eventually and inevitably.

i am inclined to issue a certificate saying "Forethat possesses a wealth of no idea". have you ever thought of the possibility that people have proper health insurance and can select any top thai hospital for treatment, are not interested in buying italian suites but have them made to measure by a tailor, live in homes with sizes they could never afford in Europe, keep domestic employees and last not least having all their expenses (and more) covered by not paying any income tax?

tell me where to send the certificate :)

Well, if you feel inclined to pass out certifacates based on the comparison between a nice italian suit and a bangkok taliored equivalent, i feel you that you should probably hang on to that certificate.


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Good points. However I'd tweak this line:
I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes

to something like: "I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a lifestyle that's appropriate for your means.". My cheap may not be the same as your cheap; I wouldn't want to create the impression that in order for Thailand to be considered 'cheap', you're stuck to eating street food. Because Thailand is ALSO cheap when it comes to higher end stuff. So the good thing about Thailand when it comes to price and value is that you can basically spend what you want (or what you can) and get excellent value at almost every price level for most things. (Some exceptions apply, indeed wine and some types of car and a couple others).

Well, isn't that exactly what I suggested? It is cheap as long as you are prepared to live cheap, but any attempt to live according to the same spending principles you had before you arrived will backfire financially?

Maybe you're missing my point? My point was the direct comparison between buying western manufactured products. Cars, clothes, food, watches and similar IS much more expensive. If you say that it isn't true because of the cheap alternatives, we are not comparing the same things, now are we?

But hey, I might be completely wrong, maybe I'm not looking in the right places, can you give me an example of seomthing that is cheaper in Thailand than, let's say UK?

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Good points. However I'd tweak this line:
I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes

to something like: "I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a lifestyle that's appropriate for your means.". My cheap may not be the same as your cheap; I wouldn't want to create the impression that in order for Thailand to be considered 'cheap', you're stuck to eating street food. Because Thailand is ALSO cheap when it comes to higher end stuff. So the good thing about Thailand when it comes to price and value is that you can basically spend what you want (or what you can) and get excellent value at almost every price level for most things. (Some exceptions apply, indeed wine and some types of car and a couple others).

Well, isn't that exactly what I suggested? It is cheap as long as you are prepared to live cheap, but any attempt to live according to the same spending principles you had before you arrived will backfire financially?

Maybe you're missing my point? My point was the direct comparison between buying western manufactured products. Cars, clothes, food, watches and similar IS much more expensive. If you say that it isn't true because of the cheap alternatives, we are not comparing the same things, now are we?

But hey, I might be completely wrong, maybe I'm not looking in the right places, can you give me an example of seomthing that is cheaper in Thailand than, let's say UK?

For the 30 something expat wanting a Porsche, having two kids in an international school, young wife, overseas holidays etc, this place is as expensive as anywhere including property prices relative anything but capital city prime.

For the 50 something early retiree, living on a pension, with a healthcare plan, wife of similar age etc, it is entirely possible to contain costs and enjoy a humble existence.

It is not a case of right or wrong.

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Good points. However I'd tweak this line:
I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a cheap life. By cheap I mean eat street food and wear non brand clothes

to something like: "I find Thailand refreshingly cheap as long as you live a lifestyle that's appropriate for your means.". My cheap may not be the same as your cheap; I wouldn't want to create the impression that in order for Thailand to be considered 'cheap', you're stuck to eating street food. Because Thailand is ALSO cheap when it comes to higher end stuff. So the good thing about Thailand when it comes to price and value is that you can basically spend what you want (or what you can) and get excellent value at almost every price level for most things. (Some exceptions apply, indeed wine and some types of car and a couple others).

Well, isn't that exactly what I suggested? It is cheap as long as you are prepared to live cheap, but any attempt to live according to the same spending principles you had before you arrived will backfire financially?

Maybe you're missing my point? My point was the direct comparison between buying western manufactured products. Cars, clothes, food, watches and similar IS much more expensive. If you say that it isn't true because of the cheap alternatives, we are not comparing the same things, now are we?

But hey, I might be completely wrong, maybe I'm not looking in the right places, can you give me an example of seomthing that is cheaper in Thailand than, let's say UK?

For the 30 something expat wanting a Porsche, having two kids in an international school, young wife, overseas holidays etc, this place is as expensive as anywhere including property prices relative anything but capital city prime.

For the 50 something early retiree, living on a pension, with a healthcare plan, wife of similar age etc, it is entirely possible to contain costs and enjoy a humble existence.

It is not a case of right or wrong.

I think it IS a case of right or wrong. The problem is that when comparing you need to make sure the environment is constant. In the example above you're trying to tell me that it's expensive to buy a porshe in thailand, and you can make it cheaper by not buying it. That's WRONG, if I may tell you so.

What is RIGHT, is that the level of expensiveness doesn't change whwther you buy it or not.

As I said initially, it is possible to live cheap, but western products are very expensive. However, I'm sure we both agree with each other, and just to clarify: I happen to like street food.

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The only thing cheap in Thailand is food and sex.

Many farang are in denial in Thailand.

I guess if you are coming from central London, it is cheaper. But you don't have to go to Thailand to lower costs.

Come to USA and you find many things are comparably - or lower - priced than Thailand.

100,000 USD house? You can have that in many parts of US, including Florida and 25 miles outside of my city, Washington, DC.

Cars and vehicles? Waaay more expensive in Thailand.

Comparable education? Appears to be more expensive as well.

Any sort of goods - electronics, clothing - almost everything is more expensive in Thailand.

there is no IRS in Thailand and property tax does not exist. tell us how much property tax and income tax you pay, how many servants are working in your house and garden, what is your heating oil consumption and then we can discuss the topic again. until then stay put where you are and let us enjoy life in Thailand.

p.s. the Greatest Nation on Earth™ has no provision for retirees walking its holy grounds.

Property tax for the 100K house assessment will run you $400 to $2570/year depending on location.  (Places with higher property taxes tend to have lower income taxes.)  In Florida and other Southern states, heating will not be a major cost.  I acknowledge your point that there is additional carrying cost in the US - but I would not consider $1500/year (avg) to be a huge additional burden - particularly in light of the fact that just about everything is more expensive in LOS.  Go to any Western department store in Thailand and tell me what you can get cheaper in LOS than in US?  Just about nothing, from my observations.    

To answer your second point, US has Social Security (pension system) and Medicare/Medicaid (heath insurance) for retirees.  

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Even if all that is true, then so what? Places get more expensive. Either suck it up or move, I think those are the options.

I think the point is that a lot of people come to LOS with expectations of living the high life on $1000/month, etc, after reading all the info on the Internet raving about how cheap Thailand is and every post giving the same tired example of cheap 'food' (street vendor).  

Thailand is a great place to visit.  Possibly a great place to live.  But I would not call it cheap.  

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Irrelevant to most of the guys comparing the price of Jif to Goober in the supermarket, but apart from highly specialized fields, employees for any number of applications for hundreds of industries are much less costly here. Much easier (read: cheaper) to get a startup off the ground here IME as well.


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I agree with witold do you live or own property in the States? Probably not! I paid far less than $100k for a new $200+k property which WILL increase in value quicker than the crap brought in Thailand, a no brainer really that is except for all you that are stuck in the LoS%$T living on a few 100 baht a day.

USA will become its own third world nation? Explain that comment or better still stay on the steps outside 7/11 drinking your Leo

Sad really not having a choice of where you want to live and not being able to come to terms with your predicament

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you paid far less than $100k for a property...how is it a $200k property? :D

The price you paid is what it's worth. Admittedly to someone else it maybe worth more...or perhaps even less :)


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