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Pre Natal Exercise Classes


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Morning all

Darling wife is up the duff and doing nicely so far at 12 weeks.

I suggested to her she might like to find a pre natal class that offered

suitable exercise and breathing routines such as one sees on UK/US TV programmes.

She looked at me as though I was a little bit mad and she felt sorry for me!

Is there really no such thing here in LOS?

Any suggestions gratefully received. (Chiang Mai based incidently)

David (& Jup)

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I would inquire at the various hospitals in Chiang Mai. If that doesn't produce any results just tell the wife you know a series of exercises the two of you can do in the privacy of your home :o

Good luck with everything!


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If you're talking about lamaze, all my friends that have been having babies for the first time (in the U.S.A.) the last few years never took a class and had no problems. They said it popped into their heads once or twice because they always heard it when they were kids but never had any doctor suggest it or say they must do it. It seems its not in fashion these days. Maybe it never made it to Thailand and is Thailand the lesser for it?

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If you're talking about lamaze, all my friends that have been having babies for the first time (in the U.S.A.) the last few years never took a class and had no problems. They said it popped into their heads once or twice because they always heard it when they were kids but never had any doctor suggest it or say they must do it. It seems its not in fashion these days. Maybe it never made it to Thailand and is Thailand the lesser for it?

Actualy they are according to a study by the Thai goverment submitted by dear óle George , but not just for the reasons why some Western governments supply the classes . Thai suffer from malnutrition from day one of birth due to thier 'Native diet 'which is lacking in both vitamins and minerals , plus iron which results in stunted growth , reduced mental ability and early child deaths . Read Georges post for the full article . :o

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