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Dodgy Pervert


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<snip> are you talking about the guy who wears an Austrian style felt hat that looks like this?


I met this guy on KSR and thank god I spotted him for what he was before I ended up suffering the same fate as the girls in shaniasmum's post.

My story: I was stupid and drunk and had wandered off from my mates cause they'd gone into that god-awful Gulliver's place.

He was sitting on a white plastic chair by the side of the street and called me over to sit next to him. I mean it when I call this man a pro - he makes it very difficult for you to either end the conversation or leave, without appearing churlish: He is friendly, approachable, speaks good English and ends every sentence with " Am I right? Say 'Yes'," So you play along and you say 'Yes' and it's all fun and games until he asks you to do something you don't want to do. But by this point he's got you backed into a corner so when he says you've got blocked energy and he needs to put his finger in your mouth to clear it, the only answer you have is 'Yes.'

He's a dirty old git and it's doubly worrying to hear that he's using rohypnol or whatever now too.

This guy's a menace. Warn your female friends.

Anybody else know of this @rsehole? Please post if you have a similar story - maybe we can expose him to the point he is put out of action.

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If you want to leave, just fk off - end of story. What could some con lad do to make you say yes to everything? :o

Plenty of people would just fk off. Men like this are very practised at identifying the few who wouldn't, the ones who are easily manipulated: young, friendly, too trusting, polite, looks people in the eye, returns a smile in the street, probably treading extra carefully because she knows she's in someone else's country and wants to do her bit for international relations.

These people are abusers. And they are good at what they do. You say why not just leave: Think of the battered wives/husbands who stay with their partners. Psychological manipulation.


Edit: I might add that the person in question is not a 'con lad' it is a man of at least 50. Age commands respect for some people. This would be something else he'd identify and use to his advantage.

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Sorry, but it sounds like Charlie Chect-Out to me. I have seen him wearing a hat like that. Several times seen him riding off with farang girls half his age on his motorbike. Once over Pinklao bridge. I'd heard of his 'date rape' stories long ago.

Short, bit of a beer belly, long wispy hair, often wearing a black vest. About 50 and not at all handsome!

Girls, steer clear.

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If you want to leave, just fk off - end of story. What could some con lad do to make you say yes to everything? :o

You and I, along with most people would tell him to get lost.  But there are always a few people who don't know how to say no or refuse someone. And these are the people on which men like this prey.

What I don't understand is if this guy, or two guys, are known factors and have done this before, then why hasn't any action been taken?  Police action or vigilante action?

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hannah yeah you are right that is him. i posted a long response about him on the last thread. i don't understand why the first topics were deleted and this one is left.

here is my response again, i changed his name to x:

mr. x eh. i have known him for about 10 years- not close friends, but not just a guy on the street to me either. he usually sits in front of pad thai restaurant on khao san road. he actually has something to do with the jewelry industry and made a lot of money at one point, so i think he is retired. on the side he works to develop strange potions that supposedly cure this or that disorder. but he spends most of his time trying to pick up young tourist girls with his tantric guru spiel. you would be surprised how many of them fall for it! i have seen him driving around with gorgeous 19 year old scandinavian girls, and he is never short of willing sex partners! also more than once i have seen him make a girl cry because he can read them so well, and he will say something like "you were raped, weren't you?", and then proceeds to comfort them... yeah a bit of a sleazebag. but he tried it on with me a few times in the beginning (watch those roving hands), and when he realized i wasn't going to fall for his b.s. he sort of gave up, and now whenever i see him i stop for a little chit chat. he even took me out for coffee once, totally platonic. he helped me out of a bad situation once as well. and one time he did manage to get me back to his room because he said he had some chinese medicine that would help me with a stomach bug- but he wanted to give me a massage too so i just rolled my eyes and took off. i asked at the pharmacy later about the pills and they were just vitamins.... i have never taken him seriously, i really think he is pretty harmless and a little bit loopy. i really can't see him drugging a girl, to be honest, there are so many stupid girls that fall for him that he doesn't need to. i do try to warn girls that are with him occasionally to be careful, but they never listen to me. he can be aggressive, but it is my experience that if you tell him to back off, he will. sorry to hear some girls get themselves into a bad position with him, but i do sort of feel like it is their fault for being so stupid. you can tell right off the bat that he is a scam artist.

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(*clambers up onto her soapbox*)

Of course it's the feelings of shame and self-blame that keeps victims quiet and this plays right into the hands of people like 'Mr X'. Let's make the most of this forum and the opportunity to make his behaviour publicly known (within the limitations of forum rules- sorry for earlier infringements, Mod). I know if I had seen a certain other thread before, I wouldn't have ended up with some geezer's smegging finger in my gob.

For those of you who decry the naivete of girls who fall foul of this particular type of sexual predator, I can understand your viewpoint in my case but your responses are precisely why many people choose to keep quiet about their experiences. Please try to sympathise even if you can't empathise. (Although, nothing anyone's written so far has even come close to the emotional pounding I gave myself for allowing it to happen to me and I bet the same goes for his other conquests/victims).

@ Toptuan: You're right, undesirables do flock there. I imagine one of the reasons why is that there is a plethora of young, inexperienced and possibly inebriated tourist girls to prey on. What was I doing there? Good f@cking question. It's not somewhere I ever choose to go to but some of my friends/colleagues do... and I think we've already established that I have zero backbone.

But please let's keep to the topic - encourage any vulnerable, female friends to read this and a certain other thread. It would also be good if this could stay open so that people with similar experiences of this person can vent.

editted for spleling

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Go up and obviously take a couple of photos of him. Or, have someone pose as a journalist and tell him he's been nominated as a KSR "character of interest" for an interview (with pictures) If he's really a "dodgy pervert' doing wrong he'll object strenuously. If he's just an eccentric loopy he probably won't mind.

"dodgy pervert"...great name for a nic...thinking of changing mine. :o

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Go up and obviously take a couple of photos of him. Or, have someone pose as a journalist and tell him he's been nominated as a KSR "character of interest" for an interview (with pictures) If he's really a "dodgy pervert' doing wrong he'll object strenuously. If he's just an eccentric loopy he probably won't mind.

"dodgy pervert"...great name for a nic...thinking of changing mine. :o

It's a good idea. According to the original thread, though, someone has already done this.

Internet lasts longer than fliers, though.

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...My story: I was stupid and drunk ...

Next time I'll stop reading at this point.

So you've never been stupid and drunk before? geeez :o Most good stories I've heard have been when people have been inebriated.

Thanks for sharing anyway OP, not that I plan on going to Khao San Rd again any time soon. I do think it would be easy for anyone to fall prey to this dude, cos personally I try to never piss anyone off and if it's some random on the street who I haven't got a clue about then I'm gonna be polite in case he freaks on me.

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Regardless of people admonishing you with the 'you should have known better'/'serves you right' lines, im sorry this happened to you Hannah, and thank you for posting. Some people really do find it difficult to get out of situations, for whatever reason. I hope you learn to be stronger in future, and glad nothing more serious happened.

Good luck.

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...My story: I was stupid and drunk ...

Next time I'll stop reading at this point.

So you've never been stupid and drunk before? geeez :o

I've rarely been stupid and drunk.

But I can't count all the times, I've been drunk and stupid. :D

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Rule number one when you are in a big city or are travelling in rough places are how you allow your inner force to be displayed. Walk with a straight back, don´t ever let your eyes betray that you are afraid, take charge of your situation, let your aura/body force tell people that you are in charge and that you know where you are going and never let anyone intimidate you. If people try to stop you just walk on!

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Rule number one when you are in a big city or are travelling in rough places are how you allow your inner force to be displayed. Walk with a straight back, don´t ever let your eyes betray that you are afraid, take charge of your situation, let your aura/body force tell people that you are in charge and that you know where you are going and never let anyone intimidate you. If people try to stop you just walk on!

Thanks Obi Wan Kenobi :o

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Rule number one when you are in a big city or are travelling in rough places are how you allow your inner force to be displayed. Walk with a straight back, don´t ever let your eyes betray that you are afraid, take charge of your situation, let your aura/body force tell people that you are in charge and that you know where you are going and never let anyone intimidate you. If people try to stop you just walk on!

Don't overdue that. You can also let your aura/body let them know you mean no disrespect. Don't cut a stroll in a strange neighborhood.

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Rule number one when you are in a big city or are travelling in rough places are how you allow your inner force to be displayed. Walk with a straight back, don´t ever let your eyes betray that you are afraid, take charge of your situation, let your aura/body force tell people that you are in charge and that you know where you are going and never let anyone intimidate you. If people try to stop you just walk on!

Thanks Obi Wan Kenobi :o

+1 :D

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"But by this point he's got you backed into a corner so when he says you've got blocked energy and he needs to put his finger in your mouth to clear it, the only answer you have is 'Yes.'"

I don't know exactly what to warn my friends about. None of my female friends would ever allow a stranger on the street to put his finger in their mouths. Just how did he have you backed in a corner? I mean physically or metaphorically. Why could you only say yes? I will and do warn my friends about getting drunk and to drink responsibly, other than that they are grown women and I would be laghed at if I were to tell them "You see that dodgy perverted looking man over there? Don't let him put his skanky finger in you mouth".

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I don't really understand all the comments on this thread. Maybe I am being naive? Hannah tells us about this guy, GirlX sort of backs it up but says he's kind of 'harmless' and she has regular 'chit chats' with him. Other women have apparently been drugged by him?

Can someone give a more accurate description than the hat? What nationality? Accent?

And I have to say I abhore people like Britmaveric who say just walk away - just because you are an over confident male and comfortable in your own body doesn't mean that all others have your fortune Brit.

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