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Average Cost For Thai Wedding


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I have been to Thai weddings that have cost less than 10,000 Baht. Most expensive about 100,0000 and that was 2 parties, one daytime with the actual ceremony and then another in the evening with singers and dancers.

An up country Mor Lum show costs about 12 to 18,000 Baht.

Most Thai marriages, family and friends prepare the food, so reduces costs.

300,000 Baht ??? if 300 guests that would be 1000 Baht per head. That would be some party

I think you'll find that many guys paying that much, unless it's top hotel, are getting fleeced. They probably haven't been in Thailand long. :o

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I have been to Thai weddings that have cost less than 10,000 Baht. Most expensive about 100,0000 and that was 2 parties, one daytime with the actual ceremony and then another in the evening with singers and dancers.

An up country Mor Lum show costs about 12 to 18,000 Baht.

Most Thai marriages, family and friends prepare the food, so reduces costs.

300,000 Baht ??? if 300 guests that would be 1000 Baht per head. That would be some party

I think you'll find that many guys paying that much, unless it's top hotel, are getting fleeced. They probably haven't been in Thailand long. :o

Or it's their first wedding,and they would like it to be memorable.I rather enjoyed my wedding,although it was a bit long and darn hot...Plus the fact that the wife has worked a government job for a long time,so she would lose face if she did not invite all her colleagues and friends.

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my wedding cost me about 300,000 to 400,00 baht range .

plus there is a " FIne line " During our wedding many guest Help out , till now i am still returning the FAV . from all the guest .

- Thai believe that when someone give you 2000b on a wedding you return when there have wedding or their kids enter monkhood .


i got baout 800-1000 guest . and had a large stage with a 20 head live band + dancer and MC .

the local major and province minister came down also . as it was near election the last time .


over all we did spend more . sending out almost 1000 invite card . the invoite card alone cost me about 10,000 b


all this is before the wedding photo and so on .. and the honey moon .

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