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Some of you may have noticed that WETV has reduced the number of channels it takes from South Africas Supersport network from 3 to 2 and the number of channels broadcast in Englsih from 2 to 1. This has been done to accomodate another movie channel (dubbed into Thai). A few of us have been up to WETV to complain but have been told that the new programme controller who is a woman, so less likely to be pro sport anyway, refuses to budge and will not reinstate the second English sports channel. Under pressure from a few of us they did agree to make the two remaining channels English language and drop Siam Sport (the Thai version of Supersport) It later transpired that this is true -except on Saturdays and Sundays- when of course most sport is on!

If you watch WETV and are as frustrated with at this reduction in service to Farangs as we are, please consider going to WETV (in the old town on the first soi off Praprokklao rd, just down from Chang Peuak Gate near the Queen Vic pub) registering you disapproval and asking them to reinstate the 2 Englsih language sports channels.

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I used to enjoy the Reality TV channel which they no longer have and wish they could bring back. Also, I wish they could provide a better schedule of what is going to be on but not sure if they know themselves in advance.

All in all, however, much better deal than the 2200 baht I was paying for UBC.

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WETV is ok, and a vastly cheaper and more reliable option that UBC. When we originally subscribed it had Disney, then cut it, had Cartoon Network, then cut it. Lately I have noticed more French and German movies as well, fine if you are French or German of course but I am not. Didn't realize the sport had been cut as well, seems to be a trend emerging :o . I prefer my kids to watch English TV as they get enough Thai as it is, but the cartoons are almost all Thai language now. Interesting my Thai wife has a huge anmount of Thai channels but really only watches the TV ones anyway.

If I didn't burn my own DVDs, including foreign TV shows, it really would be underpowered. Another thread talked about a Dreambox with satellite that seems interesting and to be a good option. I will look into later.

I suspect that WETV like every Thai business couldn't care less what foreigners think as we are a small percentage of their market. I did get a free umbrella though!

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Don't blame them for knowing their market. The SA channels are cheap, I am sure. I believe them too limited in interest, myself

All in all, although I don't watch TV very much, I am impressed with the diversity of offerings considered from a national point of view.

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I entirely agree that they don't generally care what foreigners think, but these people are susceptible to gentle pressure, so it is worth complaining. If enough of us went in and clogged up their customer service desks, it might help - they don't know how many Farang subscribers they have as most of us are registered in our wives names!

I notice that over 70 people have viewed this thread to date, if only a few of you went in and make your views known we might get our second sports chanel back!!

As for mapguy, I don't believe they have any idea what their audience wants- they have put this new channel on because the company has paid them to broadcast it. A few of us suggested they take off Bloomberg- who watches that? but again they are being paid to show it.

If you are a Rugby or Formula one fan particularly its important that you act now- the 6-Nations is coming up and as it is, WETV probably wont show most games- unless they can be persuaded! As for formula one fans the coverage of the Grands Prix is much better on Supersport - no adverts and better commentary

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Don't blame them for knowing their market. The SA channels are cheap, I am sure.

I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that it's more like "free" - as in pulled down from the SA satellite without agreement/contract............ TIT.

I'm another migrant from the UBC/True rip-off. I just paid for a second year with WETV - 350 baht p.m. is great compared to the alternative (and one month free if you pay for the year). Not into sports and I do watch Bloomberg. Hey, it also gives you the PAD-"minded" ASTV - so I hope no-one here is going to start claiming there aren't any comedy channels on WETV! :o

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Ordert a new connection for another place of mine, got a 500 THB petrol-check for Caltex stations, thank you very much - but now the Caltex are all closed... funny :-)).

(Ok, I know about the one still open on the road to Mae Rim, but that's to far with motorbike every time).

Aside from that, WE-TV is worth the money at all, a lot more than True/Ubc overpay.

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Ordert a new connection for another place of mine, got a 500 THB petrol-check for Caltex stations, thank you very much - but now the Caltex are all closed... funny :-)).

(Ok, I know about the one still open on the road to Mae Rim, but that's to far with motorbike every time).

Aside from that, WE-TV is worth the money at all, a lot more than True/Ubc overpay.

BTW, check the small print on those Caltex vouchers - I think you may find that they're only valid for goods purchased in the Caltex shop rather than for fuel.

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This is so typical of this forum. A serious post directed toward those who are concerned about WETV's sports coverage gets hijacked

by people with nothing relevent to contribute

It is NOT:

a) A thread debating the value of WETV. It is fantastic value. I agree. That doesn't mean they should be allowed to remove

Farang orientated channels unchecked.

:o It has nothing to do with Caltex vouchers

If you are not a sports fan or are not British, Irish, Aussie, Kiwi, French etc I accept you are not going to be interested in

preserving Rugby on WETV.

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When I first got Wetv 4 yrs ago (3 yrs ago?) it was a real coup not to be forking out all the dough UBC asks for its miserable selection. There were several Euro lang channels along with several Eng lang channels featuring news and shows on a variety of topics, not to mention cable movie channels. There were like 8 channels I liked. Then they dropped 1. Then another. Then they claimed they couldn't renegotiate their cable movie contract n that disappeared or came back with way weaker choices for movies. They just got really sad if you'd known them when they offered a good pkg for like 350B. In any case I've moved a couple times in 2 yrs and haven't bothered re-upping. It's cheaper than UBC but they both suck if you aks me. Waay better selection (news) live via the web, downloading shows as torrents, or picking up some dvd's for a few baht in the Night Bazaar or Mae Sai. Sorry WeTv, you used to be so good and mean so much to me!

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When I first got Wetv 4 yrs ago (3 yrs ago?) it was a real coup not to be forking out all the dough UBC asks for its miserable selection. There were several Euro lang channels along with several Eng lang channels featuring news and shows on a variety of topics, not to mention cable movie channels. There were like 8 channels I liked. Then they dropped 1. Then another. Then they claimed they couldn't renegotiate their cable movie contract n that disappeared or came back with way weaker choices for movies. They just got really sad if you'd known them when they offered a good pkg for like 350B. In any case I've moved a couple times in 2 yrs and haven't bothered re-upping. It's cheaper than UBC but they both suck if you aks me. Waay better selection (news) live via the web, downloading shows as torrents, or picking up some dvd's for a few baht in the Night Bazaar or Mae Sai. Sorry WeTv, you used to be so good and mean so much to me!

Just curious : what kind of internet package do you have, provided by which company ? In the past I did have a TOT goldcyber package, but it was nearly impossible to see news live via the web.

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Just curious : what kind of internet package do you have, provided by which company ? In the past I did have a TOT goldcyber package, but it was nearly impossible to see news live via the web.

TOT upgraded Goldcyber from 1Mb to 2Mb sometime last year (though I think it may still depend which exchange provides your connection). As a visiting technician told me, that's only the "nominal" speed; in practice, you'll still only get say 50-70% of that depending on how many other users are on your "circuit" at a given time - and other factors.

PS - when I switched to Goldcyber around the time of that upgrade, the TOT accounts department were super-efficient at increasing the charge immediately; sad to say, the technical department only got round to upgrading my service several months after the invoicing change....... :o .

[Apologies to the OP for further digression]

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I hope the OP won't mind this further digression - and it will also "BUMP" the topic.

WETV has recently introduced a half-hour CM-specific news bulletin at 6pm nightly on Channels 53/54/55* (otherwise the main movie channels). What you get from it will depend on both your knowledge of Thai and your interest in CM. Fair to say, there's quite a bit of "parish pump" stuff - reports from meetings at hotels, conferences, openings, prize-givings etc - but it also provided a video tour of the new aquarium earlier this week. The bulletins/reports are quite slickly shot, produced and presented for what must be such a low-budget operation - certainly the studio anchors are very polished and enthusiastic. One commercial break in the middle - all for local advertisers.

Incidentally, this evening's bulletin also included a video report from the home of the late David Crisp.

It also occurs to me that having a CM-specific news programme available also provides an opportunity - for those with a newsworthy event they want to promote - to achieve more publicity than just getting a mention in City Life, Chiang Mai Mail etc

Edit: *These are the channel numbers as self-set on my TV set - could be different numbering on others? Apologies for any confusion.

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