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No One Ever Addresses My Replies So I Am Starting My Own Topic - Isaan Lady Trade In For Bangkok Hi So, Good Idea Or Not?


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I am currently BF to a lady who originates from Isaan but lives and works in BKK (Not a bar :o) She is caring, never asks for money, very pretty, loyal and just a really lovely soul all round. She is poor however and from a poor family and is often stressed from her parents asking her to provide money for them and her sisters baby. My GF was the only one in the family to go though university so the responsibility apparently falls on her to provide. One negative is that her english is not great, we can communicate well and have fun together, but put it this way we don't discuss Middle Eastern Politics, or the over inflated Thai economy, or Thasins rise and fall etc...you get my point i am sure.

I hear so many negative things about Isaan and the hassles long term of being involved with a lady from this region that i have started to fantasise about being with one of those beautiful looking, hi society, virgin like. immaculately turned out, great english speaking BKK born girls. I think it might be all those Thai TV actresses that have got me thinking about it so much. I know the grass is not always greener and i am happy with my current lady but sometimes feel that because of my background i might be better suited to someone as i have described above. I am fairly decent looking and well turned out so thai ladies do pay me attention which i try to ignore and not disrespect my lady, but living here is hard in that respect.

I read on here somewhere that 95% of TV members go out with wealthy Thai women or at least from wealthy families, i would like to hear what peoples thoughts are on picking the right choice of thai lady, and what it is like to go out with the Hi so breed in comparison to the poorer nothern ladies.

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I have lived in Thailand for 2 years, a year in Samui and a year in BKK. Samuibeachcomber was that sarcastic or is it true?

And what can you not see staying open for very long Mrtoad? I thought it was a rather honest and interesting discussion to open up...or is someone going to tell me it has been spoken about numerous times before?

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you can't make these type of broad based generalizations. yes, you see posts on here from guys saying "Mr father in law bought me a Mercedes Benz for a wedding gift and has never asked for anything since", and good for them, but that does not mean that there will not also be cultural headaches that come from dating a woman from a wealthy family. for one, it has been my experience that many wealthy Thais end up in arranged marriages, or rather, the family pushes the kids together who are often, somewhat related, so are you sure they will be accepting you with open arms. What will her father's friends say when they hear she is marrying an evil barbarian? "Oh, I guess Somchai's daughter like's em big". laugh, laugh, laugh.

it should also be noted that many of these girls from wealthy families are probably lousy cooks and do not have any idea of how to run a household or raise children and will simply expect to move from their father caring for them to you caring for them via maids and nannies. not all of course will be like this, but who wants an isaan nanny with a 2nd grade education raising their kids?

now please don't tell us you are some 40+ year old troll. lol.

so short answer, it depends. i mean, who wouldn't want to marry a doctor or a lawyer? but stop with childish labels and generalizations.

Edited by dave9988
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I have lived in Thailand for 2 years, a year in Samui and a year in BKK. Samuibeachcomber was that sarcastic or is it true?

And what can you not see staying open for very long Mrtoad? I thought it was a rather honest and interesting discussion to open up...or is someone going to tell me it has been spoken about numerous times before?

The reason it will get closed is because .........well you wait and see how this discussion progresses. It's perfect Troll material, even if it isn't meant to be. I appreciate your honesty though.

BTW, Samuibeachcomber is almost right, 95% of TV posters have a hi-so Thai chinese partner, who drives a Merc.

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BTW, Samuibeachcomber is almost right, 95% of TV posters have a hi-so Thai chinese partner, who drives a Merc.

the Thai-Chinese thing is also ridiculous. the majority of Thai Chinese are not wealthy. If you were to run a genetic make up test on every Thai I am sure you find that a vast majority of Thais have some Chinese ancestry.

Many of the people on this board seem to be obsessed with Thailand's class society and where they fit in. I think most of you are complete dolts.

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but sometimes feel that because of my background i might be better suited to someone as i have described above.

So what is "your background"?....pray tell :o

This was a huge mistake of the OP and will be his demise. You cannot suggest that you are wealthy or have a good job on TV or are physically attractive without shaking some waves. Its internet suicide. I have seen it many many times before.

It just makes people feel like you are FOS if you feel the need to brag.

Edited by dave9988
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No i am a 30 year old fairly well off and educated man, not into sleeze and my GF is 29. It is a normal relationship not matromonial prostitution..lol i love that term.

I am not making childish generalisations; I used the word fantasy which suggests exactly what it means. I am not naive enough to think that the middle and upper classes here are any different to those in my homeland, and I have been with ladies from those circles before. However, Thailand is very different and living in samui for a year seldom did I meet any girls that interested me or guys that were not with ladies from the north. When I met my GF in BKK I thought she was from BKK and she doesn't have an Isaan look. Anyway, the point is I thought it would be interesting to hear about the experience of someone who dates or is married into a high society Thai family.

I know a lot about Thailand and in fact I write about Thailand and various social issues for a UK journal as one of my jobs, I enjoy reading through Thai visa forum for diversity of opinion, so would you please not read too deeply into the wording of my first thing in the morning post and let me know your experience of the question in hand.

What I find extremely funny about TV is how people always jump on threads and immediately start making judgements of people and scrutinising what they have written beyond necessity. I can only think this is born out of some strange insecurity. Its funny someone called me childish when this kind of behaviour is very childish. "Ner ner ner ner, I have lived in Thailand longer than you and I know everything, I bet you are an aging man who trawls bars looking for desperate poor women, and you have no money and don't understand Thailand and I do ner ner...."

Well I am none of the above, so now we are past that can someone tell their own story?

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BTW, Samuibeachcomber is almost right, 95% of TV posters have a hi-so Thai chinese partner, who drives a Merc.

the Thai-Chinese thing is also ridiculous. the majority of Thai Chinese are not wealthy. If you were to run a genetic make up test on every Thai I am sure you find that a vast majority of Thais have some Chinese ancestry.

Many of the people on this board seem to be obsessed with Thailand's class society and where they fit in. I think most of you are complete dolts.

yes you are so right,how many times do we see a post that includes "i have chinese/thai girlfriend".........so what,big deal.its like the snoberry in the west,"oh yes my g/f's a lawyer,her daddy you know owns a lot of property"etc.etc.

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the reason i said i was fairly good looking was to hint at the fact that i wasn't some aging sexpat, i just didn't want to cause offence to any elder gentlemen on here. If you couldn't read between the lines i would question your intelligence sir. Some of you guys crack me up, i think living in Thailand has made you a little too pompous. :o

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No tutoring no teaching, as Oscar Wilde once said, 'those that can do, those who can't teach'

Samuibeach why say i am a snob, i am from a working class family, i educated myself and have been fairly successful....why judge me if you want to answer my topic question then please do, if not go down to the Raggae Pub or something :o

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I think the perfect solution here is to have a daytime, hi-so mia noi. You get to be in the company of an intelligent, stunning, white-skinned 'lady', whilst you can return to your little brown, unintelligent Issan girl in the evenings :o

Seriously, do you really think things would be any better were your GF a hi-so woman? I think not!! You would be expected to part with serious sums of money to keep her happy. And I suspect that the inability to converse about Middle-East politics or know the capital of Paraguay etc is a trait shared by 99% of Thai people....

Stick with your Issan 'lady', learn some more Thai, learn more about Thai culture, support her direct family (ie parents and grandparents but no-one else) to a level which YOU are happy with, not what they are happy with.

Good luck


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BTW, Samuibeachcomber is almost right, 95% of TV posters have a hi-so Thai chinese partner, who drives a Merc.

the Thai-Chinese thing is also ridiculous. the majority of Thai Chinese are not wealthy. If you were to run a genetic make up test on every Thai I am sure you find that a vast majority of Thais have some Chinese ancestry.

Many of the people on this board seem to be obsessed with Thailand's class society and where they fit in. I think most of you are complete dolts.

You must be a "complete dolt" for not picking up on the piss take.

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the reason i said i was fairly good looking was to hint at the fact that i wasn't some aging sexpat,

with or without the fotochop?....any sample pix? :D

hmm....self-proclaimed.... "fairly good looking", wealthy, and educated

Still not that interesting enough to me :o

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No tutoring no teaching, as Oscar Wilde once said, 'those that can do, those who can't teach'

Samuibeach why say i am a snob, i am from a working class family, i educated myself and have been fairly successful....why judge me if you want to answer my topic question then please do, if not go down to the Raggae Pub or something :o

sorry i cant be bothered with this anymore..................as a writer,edit before sending cos you cant spell reggae!

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I know a lot about Thailand and in fact I write about Thailand and various social issues for a UK journal as one of my jobs, ...

I'll be gentle.

Here is what you don't know.

Hi-so girls parents would not let them date falang. End of story.

So now you know more about Thailand than you did yesterday.

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the reason i said i was fairly good looking was to hint at the fact that i wasn't some aging sexpat, i just didn't want to cause offence to any elder gentlemen on here. If you couldn't read between the lines i would question your intelligence sir. Some of you guys crack me up, i think living in Thailand has made you a little too pompous. :o

yeah, but look at it like this. here is your post:

I am rich and handsome and educated and my current girl friend is poor, ugly, and uneducated. I am considering trading her in for a rich, educated, hiso Thai girl.

it makes it sound like you are either not all you say you are, or you are just trolling.

i think most people end up with a partner who is their equal.

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I know a lot about Thailand and in fact I write about Thailand and various social issues for a UK journal as one of my jobs, ...

Hi-so girls parents would not let them date falang. End of story.

What about the Royal Princess who married a farang?

Yes, and what happened? Not that we can discuss anyway.

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I know a lot about Thailand and in fact I write about Thailand and various social issues for a UK journal as one of my jobs, ...

Hi-so girls parents would not let them date falang. End of story.

What about the Royal Princess who married a farang?

Yes, and what happened? Not that we can discuss anyway.

So before that it was Ok, but not anymore? Come on, stop embarrassing yourselves with the generalizations.

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