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Blocked Toilets Dyna-rod Thai Style?

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I've just moved in to a house rental which was empty for 10 months while the owner tried to sell it.

1st flush of both toilets proved useless, both are blocked.

The Thai lady owner is short of cash so I need to get the toilets cleared ASAP and deduct the cost from the rent.

Who can I get to sort the dunnies out?

Is there a Thai DynaRod equivalent ?

Thanks :o


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I have some corks which may be of use :D

Seriously, my wife (who actually knows what Dyno-rod is from when we used them in the UK) says that they don't exist here. Best bet is a word with the neighbours to see who they recommend.

If you're not on mains drainage I fear a world of hurt :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Should be an endless suppy of locals that will do the job for a small fees. Check with the people in the area and find out who drain their septic tanks, would be a good start. :o:D:D Get ready for some FOUL smells.


You can buy mini cleaning spirals at the builders supply shops, such as Home Mart, Home Pro Home Works and True Value. Push em down and twirl em around.

Failing that call the local council office they will often come out with their big truck and blow them through for you. Some of the septic tank trucks can also blow as well as sucking.......

Best of luck with it.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

You can buy mini cleaning spirals at the builders supply shops, such as Home Mart, Home Pro Home Works and True Value. Push em down and twirl em around.

Failing that call the local council office they will often come out with their big truck and blow them through for you. Some of the septic tank trucks can also blow as well as sucking....... and the truck is sponsored by Tina Bar........ the mind boggles! LoL

Best of luck with it.

Good tips, thanks Rimmer.

The "carpenter" is due here @ 0800 to sort it.

Let's see. :o


There are Thai DynaRods, at least in Bangkok anyway. The drains in our place got blocked up a few days ago. I manged to stop her from hack sawing the pipes open just in time to give her a yellow pages to look up drain cleaners. They took about 2 hours to arrive, 30 minutes to clear the drains and gave a 30 day guarantee.


Oi GD,

Its been a week since you first moved in and ur dunnies still blocked. I'm starting to get a bit worried about you....where r u crappin mate? :o

You certainly know how to get yourself into a mess! :D


ND, Gday!

Yeah, if it was rainng rose petals, I'd get hit by bird shit this week.

Ok, the 'carpenter' saga.

0800 came and went, so did 0830 0930 & 1000.

I send Lord Haw-haw out to find the bugger.

"he back soon, haw haw...." yeah, right.

Carpenter turns up at 1130 without even a wire coathanger as a tool, hmmm!

After inspecting the dunnies he concludes that the ploblems are in the cisterns, eh?

Need 600bt to replace parts, ok, I flush out 600 for him and he comes back with a receipt made out by his mate in the local dunny shop.

An hour or so later, all fixed..... really, what about the drains, you haven't touched them? Not necessary. 200bt service charge.

Unknown to Lord Haw-haw, this guy is the local conman we found out later, no kidding! :o

I sussed him from the minute he arrived but was glad to be rid of him, 800bt was cheap for peace of mind & get him out of the house!

Since then, the upstairs cistern leaks and the dunny is U S.

Downstairs functions only if I tip 5 gallons down the big white telephone, the weight of sudden water helps.

My first reaction is to screw his scrawny neck, but you have to remember that this is a gated community and I have to walk past this prick's place every day, so in the interest of harmony, I have to bite my lip.

So, you might say, that was 800bt down the drain, even though the bloody thing is still blocked. :D

cheers :D



Man, you need to get that sucker pumped out.

Theres a fellow that comes down my soi every fortnight yelling at the top of his voice how he'd like to suck anybodies dunny clean.....thats the only man I would be letting near ur big while telephone.

You might like to ask him to hang around for a while after he empties it, because it may be full again after you finally get to take a dump...SORRY i shouldnt laugh, its a shitt of a situation u've got urself into (again).

Sorry, no pun intended above, But this really stinks.


PS: GD, if it makes you feel any better my new replacement Samsung Inverter Aircon has gone on the blink....I'd gladly swap ur 800 baht for the 30k I wasted on that lemon :o


Ahh, yes, I'm in the market for an 32m2 aircon and a 135cc motorcycle.

I'm sure they'll be sagas too. :D

but I need a bed first, I'm ratty thru lack of sleep.

I dread the nights now. :D

I've just pulled 60,000bt out of the hole in the wall in 5 days, and I still haven't got a bed, or a pot to piss in! :o


G'day Gippy.

Got a phone number for me?

I don't have a landline or yellows.

Cost to clear?

Thanks for replying. :o

I have a phone number on the receipt here, it's for R.E. Enterprise Co. Ltd, 0-2910-0254-5. The cost for clearing was 1,500 baht. A bit pricey I thought but it was for our salon so we needed to get back into action quickly and I wasn't in the mood to rebuild the plumbing if I had let the wife do it the Thai way!

G'day Gippy.

Got a phone number for me?

I don't have a landline or yellows.

Cost to clear?

Thanks for replying. :o

I have a phone number on the receipt here, it's for R.E. Enterprise Co. Ltd, 0-2910-0254-5. The cost for clearing was 1,500 baht. A bit pricey I thought but it was for our salon so we needed to get back into action quickly and I wasn't in the mood to rebuild the plumbing if I had let the wife do it the Thai way!



I cant help you with a 135cc motorcycle, but a pristine 150 cc jobbie should sort you out. Then i could grab one of those er6n's that are racing out the door at the Kwaka dealer.

You are having a rough trot.

Three Samsung fellas just rolled past to look at the a/c unit.....looks like they were on a joy ride to use up some o/t or something.....I told them if they didnt sort it out in the next week or so, I was going to insert the unit up someones blurter! :D

Honestly how hard is it to get an a/c unit running or a dunny fixed around this place? :o

There's a fellow that comes down my soi every fortnight yelling at the top of his voice how he'd like to suck anybodies dunny clean.....

That sentence cracked me up. :o

There's a fellow that comes down my soi every fortnight yelling at the top of his voice how he'd like to suck anybodies dunny clean.....

That sentence cracked me up. :o

After the wife and I came back from 2 weeks hols, I founf the bog in our place well blocked up. To cut to the end of the story, the woman staying in the place while we were away thought it was ok to flush her menstrual post it pads down the loo. And she must be a heavy bleeder cos it was bunged up tight.

Here's how I got it unblocked.

1. Shoved a bucket loan of Soda five (sodium chloate) down. No go.

2. Shoved a hose pipe down as far as I could and turned on the water. No go.

3. Went round the other end and shoved about 5 meters of hose pipe up the septic tank end of the pipe with water running. No go.

4. Bought 5 meters of stainless steel coil from the hardware store (350 baht) and shoved all of it down the toilet. No go

5 Bought another 5 meters of stainless steel coil, joined it to the first 5 meters and shoved all 10 meters down the toilet. No go.

6. Bought another 5 meters of stainless steel coil, joined it to the first two and shoved 15 meters of coil down the toilet. Finally cleared it. About half a dozen post it's came out the septic tank end of the pipe along with a gush of water and...well you can guess what else.

But we are not on mains drains. Not sure how this would go with mains drains. Do you have any manholes outside the toilet? usually there should be a manhole wherever there is a bend or join.

Anyway, maybe too late now but

There's a fellow that comes down my soi every fortnight yelling at the top of his voice how he'd like to suck anybodies dunny clean.....

That sentence cracked me up. :o

Well GD, thats not exactly what he said, thats my translation of what he said in thai....fairly rough one at that. But its true a dunny man comes past here every other week....must be heavy crappers around here.

There's a fellow that comes down my soi every fortnight yelling at the top of his voice how he'd like to suck anybodies dunny clean.....

That sentence cracked me up. :o

After the wife and I came back from 2 weeks hols, I founf the bog in our place well blocked up. To cut to the end of the story, the woman staying in the place while we were away thought it was ok to flush her menstrual post it pads down the loo. And she must be a heavy bleeder cos it was bunged up tight.

Here's how I got it unblocked.

1. Shoved a bucket loan of Soda five (sodium chloate) down. No go.

2. Shoved a hose pipe down as far as I could and turned on the water. No go.

3. Went round the other end and shoved about 5 meters of hose pipe up the septic tank end of the pipe with water running. No go.

4. Bought 5 meters of stainless steel coil from the hardware store (350 baht) and shoved all of it down the toilet. No go

5 Bought another 5 meters of stainless steel coil, joined it to the first 5 meters and shoved all 10 meters down the toilet. No go.

6. Bought another 5 meters of stainless steel coil, joined it to the first two and shoved 15 meters of coil down the toilet. Finally cleared it. About half a dozen post it's came out the septic tank end of the pipe along with a gush of water and...well you can guess what else.

But we are not on mains drains. Not sure how this would go with mains drains. Do you have any manholes outside the toilet? usually there should be a manhole wherever there is a bend or join.

Anyway, maybe too late now but

Man, that would be the least of ur dunnies problem after ramming all that down there.....a few sanitry pads is nothing compared to kilometres of wire and stuff WOW! :D



I don't know how old you are, so, do you remember the Dunny Man in Australia?

They used to pick up the huge, black cans from the houses, after midnite, and jog with the can on their shoulder.... they never spilled a drop and I reckon those cans, when full, must have weighed 30kgs+.

This was just after WWII. We didn't get a sewer system until about 1950.

Poor buggers were unemployed then. :D

Dan Dan the Dunny Man........... :o


GD, I'm only 39 years young old fella.....but yes I remember hearing about that sort of thing. I was born in Sydney, but hate the place, I much prefer the old bush style dunny myself.....even been known to get in and dig a hole every now and then.

I wonder what sort of money those dunny boys were paid back then.....imagine taking a shiela out for the first time and she asked you what type of work you were inovled in..... :o

I wonder what sort of money those dunny boys were paid back then

It was "shit money". :o

Thats a crappy line GD, it really stinks! Piiissss poor effort, okay!

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