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What's It Like To Be Israeli In Thailand?


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I am very close to a thai family that until recently owned and operated a bungalow operation on koh phan ngan. though they did not post a sign, they simply told every Israeli that approached them that they were full, even though it was obvious they were completely empty.

I will say that it was far more prevalent 4-5 years ago than it appears to be today. However not being in chaing mai, but rather bangkok, i am unable to comment on the OP or the situation there.

I wonder how guesthouse can be so certain of what is happening in thailand from saudi.

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Ive heard of such policies in guesthouses before, never actually seen a sign. Clearly a decent sized hotel would not be able to get away with such discrimination.

Havent looked at this website in a while - but judging by this thread and particularly the one about Africans it sems the quality of debate has markedly declined!

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its a forum for opinions and more often than not generalisations,just because people mentioned certain races or cultures does not imply a rascist attitude,people should be a little more thick skinned,it would seem to me that these posts are merely founded observations,and no one should be too intimidated not to post them.

yeah, when you make comments like 95% of Israelis are obnoxious, that is pretty much the definition of racism, of course, unless it is true.... which I think it is pretty clear that it is not.

I said that 95% of Israelis coming to my shop are obnoxious, not that 95% of the Israeli population is. Talked about that with one of the very few nice Israeli customer I had and he explained that most of them are young guys who just came out of 3 years of army and use a sabbatical year to travel the world. After 3 years of very harsh discipline and fighting in the occupied territories, they don't quite adjust very well to their new found freedom and are impolite, aggressive and so on.

So, in my case, what I said is true and I don't find it racist; just objective.

I wouldn't mind not having them as clients because I don't like to deal with them. The same goes for many Thai peoples I know.

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You cannot condone what israel have done to women and children,but America and the allies did the same in iraq.If countries like Thailand,get away with refusing to serve israelis thats up to them as there are no racist laws here.If i was an israeli,especialy a soldier having some r&r,i would be very careful where i went,because there is plenty of hate towards this country.The media have jumped on the FACT that many civilians have been murdered in this war and very few israelis have.

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You cannot condone what israel have done to women and children,but America and the allies did the same in iraq.If countries like Thailand,get away with refusing to serve israelis thats up to them as there are no racist laws here.If i was an israeli,especialy a soldier having some r&r,i would be very careful where i went,because there is plenty of hate towards this country.The media have jumped on the FACT that many civilians have been murdered in this war and very few israelis have.

dont forget what the bali bombers did, the russians who shot down the airliner.......

should we put up a sign no indonesians and russians served?

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Shop, Guesthouse, Hotel Owners displaying such signs - doesn't matter which national is targeted should be taken to justice - license revoked etc. - it's plain racism!

.... if not, in this particular case, plain Anti-Semitism!

Ever had to deal with a bunch of indians? :o

If not able to deal with the mannerism's of certain people - don't get a job serving the public!

Ther is no law against that in LOS. All you can do is boycott them. TIT.

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The most racism I have seen here in Thailand is toward their own people.

A great many establishments will not allow a Thai Male through their doors for some reason. If I book a hotel room, I always have to confirm whether my husband will be welcomed and also in bars and restaurants. The only places we don't have problems is in open restaurants, so far.

I have also noticed, reading through other threads that I am not alone with this problem.

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It's a little difficult to determine what posts should be deleted because they're off-topic. The topic is racist. I doubt any Isreali feels shameful. As far as being denied a room, a motorbike, or a meal because their Isreali, what do the owners do? Check their passports? Maybe they smell funny like all farangs.

Edit - Isreal is made up of people from all over the world. Russian, European, African, etc. I feel like I entered a time capsule.

Edited by Shotime
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Ulysses G. 2009-01-08 20:28:21

I have to admit that I see many of the most ardent Israel-haters as either closet Nazis who really hate them because they are Jewish or brain-dead trendies who want to be fashionable and repeat left-wing rheteric like parrots without thinking a whole lot about who it hurts.

:o These establishment are trying to be fashionable ;I guess .

But ;Sanitka was a Nazi establishment ! :D

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The most racism I have seen here in Thailand is toward their own people.

A great many establishments will not allow a Thai Male through their doors for some reason. If I book a hotel room, I always have to confirm whether my husband will be welcomed and also in bars and restaurants. The only places we don't have problems is in open restaurants, so far.

I have also noticed, reading through other threads that I am not alone with this problem.

You're not the farang lady I met the other day married to the Irish/Black/Israeli/Thai Guy--are you???

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The most racism I have seen here in Thailand is toward their own people.

A great many establishments will not allow a Thai Male through their doors for some reason. If I book a hotel room, I always have to confirm whether my husband will be welcomed and also in bars and restaurants. The only places we don't have problems is in open restaurants, so far.

I have also noticed, reading through other threads that I am not alone with this problem.

You're not the farang lady I met the other day married to the Irish/Black/Israeli/Thai Guy--are you???

No I'm not and if you are referring to my previous post about a flight stop-over in Egypt with a group of Indian/Thai/English people, I didn't state I was married to any one of them, which I'm not. We all happened to be on the same flight that missed the connection flight from Egypt to Bangkok.

Edited by joskydive
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its always "a friend of mine's guesthouse" and never your own guesthouse. whenever people want to say something but not take responsibility for saying it, they just invoke the friend rule.

"i am asking for a friend".... "my friend always used to say".... "my friend's experience was"....

just something i noticed.

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I worked with and for the Israelis in West Africa between 1979-85.  Found them to be very defensive and suspicious, but once we got to know each other their defences dropped and were a good team to work with.  When they open up and start looking at the world through their eyes, you can become the same.  Remember, ant-semitism brought about the near eradication of European Jewry.  Everyone of those I talked with lost between 50-100% of their parents/grandparents, uncles and aunts in the Holocuast.  They don't trust outsiders, believe that when it suits us (Americans/Europeans the West) they will be abandoned to their fate once again.  Then the final solution will take place again.My view is they pick up a lot of negative vibes from us, which put's up their shutters and they go into defence/pack mode.  Not nice, but understandable.One said "We feel at times like a lonely black man down Alabama, just before a KKK rally"? 

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