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There are two ways: 1. Reduce your calorie intake (popularly known as 'eat less'), 2. exercise more (increase your energy expenditure, also known as 'excercise more'). Or you can do both.

Actually, rather than "eat less", I think you meant to say, "eat more selectively". In my case, it's "drink more selectively" -- I've switched to diet beer. (Cr*p, I shouldn't have said that -- someone's going to take me seriously.)

Kudos to FitcorpAsia -- you got a little bit of a niggle early on in the post about advertising yourself, but you gave some good advice and, more importantly, you're in an industry that does have a genuine case to promote itself -- as another study I read recently said, most medical problems can benefit from exercise, even if it's just a little bit. So I say, "Exercise, you heathens" -- since I got back on the treadmill, you wouldn't believe how much food I can get through at a hands-free restaurant these days.


Also don't just check your weight but check your fat levels as well - many people who excercise and there weight doesn't reduce don't realise they've probably gain muscle to replace what fat has been lost. So standing on a scale tells you just have the story.

Yes indeed,

Stay off the scale,

What belt notch holding up your pants will tell you all you need to know, :o


It's refreshing to see a company in the fitness industry (I'm presuming Fitcorpasia is a company) not staking their reputation on fat loss supplements. Respect to them. I've tried lots of products like Xenadrine, LA Muscle and EAS, they are hogwash - I do train better after some caffeine granted, but I steer clear of supplements. I'm glad that someone has put together a list of this crap, as this forum is a good source of information for foreigners like myself living in Thailand.

As for good advice, I agree 100% with whoever wrote:

5-6 small meals a day with plenty of protein with regular excercise and you will have no problem in shifting the fat

I completed two 'Body-for-Life' challenges in a similar fashion (without using the protein powder) but I did find that this method just caused me to think about food all day long.


What does Fitcorp have to say about middle age weight gain?

Even into my mid forties i was relatively thin but since my late forties despite eating the same diet and similar exercise regime I have managed to get bigger around the gut.

I am not fat about 36 inch waist but still i was always around 32 inch just a few years back.

It is extremely hard when you hit middle age to keep from developing a paunch despite doing all the right things.

It's refreshing to see a company in the fitness industry (I'm presuming Fitcorpasia is a company) not staking their reputation on fat loss supplements. Respect to them. I've tried lots of products like Xenadrine, LA Muscle and EAS, they are hogwash - I do train better after some caffeine granted, but I steer clear of supplements. I'm glad that someone has put together a list of this crap, as this forum is a good source of information for foreigners like myself living in Thailand.

As for good advice, I agree 100% with whoever wrote:

5-6 small meals a day with plenty of protein with regular excercise and you will have no problem in shifting the fat

I completed two 'Body-for-Life' challenges in a similar fashion (without using the protein powder) but I did find that this method just caused me to think about food all day long.

Thanks Aussiebebe! Im a fellow Aussie, and yes we are the real deal. We work hard to present real, factual information that will of course help to debunk the myths and misconceptions which flood the media and of course prebent so many from achieve a healthy lifestyle.

What we wite here is based on our 15 years experience as professionals, university degrees, countless hours of continued education and of course through our own experience with hundreds of clients who have achieved some absolutely phenomenal results. And again, purely through correct nutrition and creating the correct training methodologies which created real results.

Congrats on your achievements also. Body for life is testament to the effectiveness of 3 major components which we continue to emphasise. 1) Interval Strength Training 2) Correct Nutrition and 3) Structure, Consistency and Committment.

The one area where people get lost on Body for life is the end! What do I do now???? :o

You can get a free report with 25 tips on our website

Thanks again,


What does Fitcorp have to say about middle age weight gain?

Even into my mid forties i was relatively thin but since my late forties despite eating the same diet and similar exercise regime I have managed to get bigger around the gut.

I am not fat about 36 inch waist but still i was always around 32 inch just a few years back.

It is extremely hard when you hit middle age to keep from developing a paunch despite doing all the right things.

Hey Tolley!

Good news is its not only you! Sure, many, actually all of us will be subject to a lower metabolism , less lean tissue (muscle) as we age.

The body requires a constant change of stimulus to respond to. The famous Einstein quote...

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Hold very true for the fat loss...

The similar exercise routine needs to change. Emphasis should be on strength training to stimulate the muscle, and you can also use the same 5-6 smaller meals per day rule.

We say 'eat light and eat often'.

Mix up your training, keep the body guessing, add more strength training and more importantly interval strength training.

More exercises, more weight doesnt mean better training. Super set your strength exercises, use exercises which require multiple joints and msucle groups for greatest effect.

Also with any cardio work, focus on interval training. Higher heart rate, greater energy expenditure, faster results.

Pre and post meals are seential to maximise effectiveness of your workouts and to facilitate your recovery.

We work with many athletes and corporate executives. Training programs are the same! We train for efficiency and effectiveness. So achieving more in less time also makes the time committment to regular exercises more achieveable.

Hope that helps.



The only way to gain control over a weight problem is to monitor and control calorie intake and exercise to burn calories.

It's all about what goes in and what is burned off or stored....quite simple...really.


The only way to gain control over a weight problem is to monitor and control calorie intake and exercise to burn calories.

It's all about what goes in and what is burned off or stored....quite simple...really.


You can get through the previous posts where a few of us have repeatedly stated and explained that is it not 'simpley' a case of what is eaten and what is expended...

The only way to gain control over a weight problem is to monitor and control calorie intake and exercise to burn calories.

It's all about what goes in and what is burned off or stored....quite simple...really.


You can get through the previous posts where a few of us have repeatedly stated and explained that is it not 'simpley' a case of what is eaten and what is expended...

Well I am going to agree with Martian and say YES it is.......


Still no comment on L-carnitane?

I have lost about 12 kilos in the last 4 months. I've been eating less junk food, try to eat healthy food in moderation and exercise at the gym 4 times a week and run or walk 5 days per week. I feel so much better! I could never do it alone though. I have a friend who has lost about 16 kilos in the same amount of time and we talk on the phone almost every day for support. I'm down to a lean weight for me now and enjoying my new eating habits and regular exercise. I found a few secrets that work for me and I'd be happy to share them if you want. Otherwise, experiment and find your own.


There is only ONE way to loose excess body fat (weight)...burn up (use) more calories than you consume. It is really that simple but most people don't want to hear it!

The problem with just dropping calorie levels is that the very first store that your body consumes when lacking substanance is muscle - it's the easiest tissue for the body to consume.

Fat on the other hand is the hardest so only when the muscle has been exhaust with you body start consuming the fat - this is why main people get into a contant ever shrinking circle of dieting because all they do is diet and there muscles waste. So when the eat normally there body's natural response is to store the food in fat deposits.

You need to make sure that you consume enough protein for your requirements.

Also if you are hungry before you sleep - EAT - the worst thing you can do is sleep on an empty stomach - you body will start consuming muscle again! :o


I always thought the comments in Red above applied too.

Surely everyone has got muscle they appear on the stomach when the thickness of the covering decreases, and those muscles presumably burn fat. Do we need big muscles to rid ourselves of fat and need to work-out only because we have a Western lifestyle ie. eat a lot and don't move much under our own power? I am interested in the technical side I need to lose about an inch round the waist to bring me down to 34 and save on new Trousers. I wont look any better of course because that is about 1/3 of an inch off the diameter 1/6 each side in profile. I have stopped beer; I used to have a can a night, have porridge and banana for breckies and rice and Thai style quantities of meat for other meals and very little veg, lots of fruit though when I am in Thailand. I could wait, because during the summer in England when I do my own catering, I usually lose the inch.

Does anyone know the mechanism for burning fat? Since it is possible to just suck it out of there, (emergency lipo suction) it cannot be integral so, how on earth is it consumed ?

I am a bit worried about the vicious cycle of muscle going before the fat, or is that only the case when you have more muscle than you need? I don't feel that I have less strength when I lose my inch in the summer.


I dont know how old you are but if you start lifting weights while on a dieet you will start to loose fat and you will be able to preserve the muscle. If you dont do anything you might not be able to loose only fat when your dieting. At the moment im again trying too loose some weight and i follow a training routine that includes a lot of weight lifting to preserve my muslce.

At the moment i am gaining muscle while loosing fat (can happen if you just start working out or if you have a history of working out with weights) but after a while you will only maintain your muscle while burning fat because its hard for the body to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Because to build muscle you must eat more then what you burn and to burn fat you must eat lest then what you burn.

I would just advise to do some exercises with weights.

  • 2 weeks later...
Any comment on experiences using L-Carnitane?

Jumnien, in reply to your query my experience with L-Carnitine is great but it won't help you shed fat if you don't train hard and eat right. I take it before every work out - more for the energy kick which helps my training intensity rather than for simple fat burn. I hear there is research showing it helps build muscle too and more muscle equals more fat burned.

As for green tea, CLA etc I am with Fitcorp. Get them in your diet, not as fat loos supplements.

Where I disagree with Fitcorp is on caffeine front.

Fitcorp is really not referring to Caffeine at all but sugar and fat laden drinks. I am with the guy who has a couple of straight coffees right before exercising. Like L-Carnitine, caffeine doesn't shed much fat in of itself but caffeine is a proven stimulant and it give you a great boost to make you train harder. This then leads into the post exercise calorie brun already dicsussed.

I now train in California Pattaya and get the Carnitine from that little booth right out front. If you take 2-4 capsules and then have a black tea or coffee before exercising you should notice a big fat free and sugar free energy kick.

The key thing with L-Carntine is to make sure you are getting enough. Avoid drinks or foods saying they have it added. Just take straight capsules or powder. And avoid the L-Carnitine Tartrate as it is much weaker and inferior.

As for the wallies who waste 200 baht plus on super sugared starbucks drinks, don't get me started. Doesn't stop me enjoying my black tea or coffee watching the pretty little things go by tho :o

Also - Great little article from Time Magazine on the joys of my favourite supplement (Caffeine):


Not just good for energy and exercise but also great for concentration too!

Any comment on experiences using L-Carnitane?

Carnitine is fantastic stuff but it won't help you shed fat if you don't train hard and eat right. I take it before every work out - more for the energy kick which helps my training intensity rather than for simple fat burn. I hear there is research showing it helps build muscle too and more muscle equals more fat burned.

On the caffeine front, Fitcorp is really not referring to Caffeine at all but sugar and fat laden drinks. I am with the guy who has a couple of straight coffees right before exercising. Like L-Carnitine, caffeine doesn't shed much fat in of itself but caffeine is a proven stimulant and it give you a great boost to make you train harder. This then leads into the post exercise calorie brun already dicsussed.

I now train in California Pattaya and get the Carnitine from that little booth right out front. If you take 2-4 capsules and then have a black tea or coffee before exercising you should notice a big fat and sugar free energy kick.

As for the wallies who waste 200 baht plus on super sugared starbucks drinks, don't get me started. Doesn't stop me enjoying my black tea or coffee watching the pretty little things go by tho :o

Also, read this on caffeine:


  • 4 weeks later...
Stop eating so much. And there it is.

P.S. No gym necessary (but always optional).

You can also under eat and bring your body in a state of energy save mode and then you have a slower metabolic rate. So that isn't that smart to do. Best thing is check how much you eat (count calories), then check how much you should eat and go no lower then 500cal under that. Then add some exercise.

Also its healthier to eat unrefined products opposed to refined products so it also makes a difference what you eat.


fatcorpasia without starting a new topic, whats your view in spirulina? i have been taking a multivitamin for a few years now but recently was talking to someone working in a health shop in aus and she was saying that your body might only absord about 10% of a multivitamin as apposed to the spirulina which absorbs 100% as it is a natural product. It contains all the essential minerals and vitamins aswell as some protein and something else that a multi doesnt {cant remember what though}.

I notice that when take a multi your pee is very yellow and she said that most of the multivitamin gets peed out. It apparently can also be used as a meal replacement for those wanting to lose wait. i prefer to eat but like to take something extra to know that im getting the minerals and vitamins that i miss out on although im very sceptical of any health supplements these days but who can you believe ha?

thanks for your info/opinion.


I have mostly tried every diet to lose weight then i start then fail.

Still 130kg but again 2 months ago i thought i would do something about it and went to my Doctor and i told him i am a binge eater.

I admit i just overeat,not content with my evening meal at 7pm,i eat again at about 9pm.

M doctor prescribed REDUCTIL,i started taking this after paying 80.00 dollars a bottle,it seemed to make me feel full,along with the side effects of skin rashes etc.

However,i was still eating,because it wasnt because i was hungry,i just had to eat.

I went back to the doctor and told him,he told me to keep a diary on eating.

I started to eat when i was stressed,bored or just because i wanted to gouge and make a pig of myself.

I threw the reductil away,yes it made me feel full along with the sore kidneys etc but i was still eating.

The doctor told me to see a pyschologist which i paid 160.00 for the hour,she was no help,she told me to join a gym,to do breathing exercises when i get hungry etc.

So anyway i decided to join a gym,i have lost 3kg in 2 weeks.

I forced myself to go after 20 years.

i paid the 90.00 dollars a month upfront so i make myself go.

The last 3 days i have been walking on the treadmill for 60 minutes burning around 860 calories.

It is not easy,i try to walk at the speed of 5.6 ,but staying/forcing myself to stay on that treadmill has taught me or should i say taught me to respect how easy it is to eat calories but bloody hard to burn them off.

After 10 minutes on that treadmill i feel like pressing the stop button but i lower the speed if i have to and force myself.

I wa very shy on going to the gym,so i take my glasses off and i cant see anyone.

As for my eating,i am eating about 6 small meals a day.

At work i work harder physically ,not to help the boss,but to try to burn calories.

Night time is the hardest because i have my dinner at about 7pm but i still want to eat at 9pm just for the sake of it.

Can anyone tell me if i cut back my eating will the hunger pains go?

Usually for lunch i eat around 8 slices of bread,with cheese,i have cut this back to one sandwich or two slices of bread,however my body or mind is telling me to eat more,and then i started to get tired around 2pm and wanted more to eat.

The pain i have to go thru on that treadmill is forcing me to cut calories,even right now at 11pm i feel like eating a peanut butter sandwich or two but im forcing myself not to because then i wont eat breakfast.

I watch TV shows such as the biggest loser",and they lose 12kg a week!

Does anyone know if that 1 hour on the treadmill will do anygood,a man today at the gym told me to deduct 20 percent off that 860 calories i walked because i had both haNDS on the railing on the treadmill as i was walking,but its hard to balance wthout holding.

I have mostly tried every diet to lose weight then i start then fail.

Still 130kg but again 2 months ago i thought i would do something about it and went to my Doctor and i told him i am a binge eater.

I admit i just overeat,not content with my evening meal at 7pm,i eat again at about 9pm.

M doctor prescribed REDUCTIL,i started taking this after paying 80.00 dollars a bottle,it seemed to make me feel full,along with the side effects of skin rashes etc.

However,i was still eating,because it wasnt because i was hungry,i just had to eat.

I went back to the doctor and told him,he told me to keep a diary on eating.

I started to eat when i was stressed,bored or just because i wanted to gouge and make a pig of myself.

I threw the reductil away,yes it made me feel full along with the sore kidneys etc but i was still eating.

The doctor told me to see a pyschologist which i paid 160.00 for the hour,she was no help,she told me to join a gym,to do breathing exercises when i get hungry etc.

So anyway i decided to join a gym,i have lost 3kg in 2 weeks.

I forced myself to go after 20 years.

i paid the 90.00 dollars a month upfront so i make myself go.

The last 3 days i have been walking on the treadmill for 60 minutes burning around 860 calories.

It is not easy,i try to walk at the speed of 5.6 ,but staying/forcing myself to stay on that treadmill has taught me or should i say taught me to respect how easy it is to eat calories but bloody hard to burn them off.

After 10 minutes on that treadmill i feel like pressing the stop button but i lower the speed if i have to and force myself.

I wa very shy on going to the gym,so i take my glasses off and i cant see anyone.

As for my eating,i am eating about 6 small meals a day.

At work i work harder physically ,not to help the boss,but to try to burn calories.

Night time is the hardest because i have my dinner at about 7pm but i still want to eat at 9pm just for the sake of it.

Can anyone tell me if i cut back my eating will the hunger pains go?

Usually for lunch i eat around 8 slices of bread,with cheese,i have cut this back to one sandwich or two slices of bread,however my body or mind is telling me to eat more,and then i started to get tired around 2pm and wanted more to eat.

The pain i have to go thru on that treadmill is forcing me to cut calories,even right now at 11pm i feel like eating a peanut butter sandwich or two but im forcing myself not to because then i wont eat breakfast.

I watch TV shows such as the biggest loser",and they lose 12kg a week!

Does anyone know if that 1 hour on the treadmill will do anygood,a man today at the gym told me to deduct 20 percent off that 860 calories i walked because i had both haNDS on the railing on the treadmill as i was walking,but its hard to balance wthout holding.

It is still good but don't believe those calories too much, usualy they are too high and walking for an hour on a treadmill does not sound like 860 calories too me. If you really want to know get a heart rate meter and it will tell you a lot more and it is a lot more accurate.

Try to eat 6 times a day but moderate meals, try to eat some vegetables with each meal and a lean protein and not to much carbonates.

Just my advice.

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