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Everthing You Worked For About To Vanish?

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Sorry, what I meant to say was: Your lot started all this and it's only because the dollar is the the world reserve currency that you're able to gloat. Why don't you keep your big spam mouth shut and have some sympathy for the rest us who you dropped in the crap.

Yep, the world is going to get mighty pissed off with the US over this mess. Ok, it's not entirely their fault, but won't stop them being made the scapegoat.

The US will get their own form of punishment though. While it's highly likely there will be a rise in unemployment throughout the world and even possible there will be riots over food like in the Great Depression I wonder what the effect will be in a desperate society awash with firearms ?

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I am sorry that he is not more qualified than a guy who posts on an internet forum called Naam. laugh.gif I went back and reviewed what he said.My mistake, He said that it would cost the Spanish government 4 times the amount to insure the debt than before their credit rating was downgraded.

Sorry but in your previous post you were saying he had no qualification.

it's useless to hide your ignorance and stupidity which caused your false quoting and wrong conclusions behind ridiculously shitty attacks. besides that you seem to have reading problems. the "no qualification" statement is from TV-moderator "Endure", not from me.

moreover i have defended Neil by voicing strong doubts and suspecting he was misinterpreted or misquoted.

my quote: "i would like to read the exact wording as i suspect some sensation eager journ-ass-lists misinterpreted Neil. that happens all the time even with Bloomberg and Reuters."

i therefore apologise to all journalists i might have offended and my excuse is "i had no idea that a local dummy is the culprit" :D

as far as my qualifications are concerned please note that academically i swallow people like you before breakfast on an empty stomach, and that without the slightest burp :o

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Now this is right on topic


"Merrill has reported a 2008 pre-tax loss of $42.2bn - enough to wipe out all of the last quarter-century's profits - but employees' total compensation was $15bn. This is slightly down on last year, but the workforce has been shrunk by about 6%. The remaining 60,000 employees are taking home virtually unchanged average pay of $250,000 each, despite the disaster that has overtaken the business"

So all the profit and effort put in over 25 years has been wiped out in a twinkling. Incredible.

The top three layers of mismanagers should be axed, sued, clapped in jail and all their assets confiscated. "Duty of care" surely applies?

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Because the U.K. are transparent is one reason Sterling has dropped. Each time Mervyn King or Goron Brown open their mouths the pound drops. Only last year the $ was very low...financiers make a profit from fluctuating currencies and like to see a run......the euro has yet to have its run, Spain, Italy, Ireland...they all got serious problems that will appear in the very near future....result, the same financiers mocking Sterling will do the same with the Euro...

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it's useless to hide your ignorance and stupidity which caused your false quoting and wrong conclusions behind ridiculously shitty attacks. besides that you seem to have reading problems. the "no qualification" statement is from TV-moderator "Endure", not from me.

Guess I am not as stupid and ignorant as you because if you could actually read then you would have seen that the "no qualifications" post was under a quote from "Endure". LMAO.

as far as my qualifications are concerned please note that academically i swallow people like you before breakfast on an empty stomach, and that without the slightest burp

Oh and you got a big head as well, there's sweet. :o

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In times such as this, having the necessities close at hand is what matters. When you walk down the rows of shelves at the Tesco or Makro and see it stacked to the ceiling, ponder that it may not always be so. Take whatever action today that prevents desperation tomorrow. This is going to be a long, dark ride I fear.

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In times such as this, having the necessities close at hand is what matters. When you walk down the rows of shelves at the Tesco or Makro and see it stacked to the ceiling, ponder that it may not always be so. Take whatever action today that prevents desperation tomorrow. This is going to be a long, dark ride I fear.

Surely not: Obama will fix it ' Yes he can, yes he can' :o

What concerns me is how Obma has plagerized his speachs and one liners from 'Bob the Builder'

The superior man , when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus this person is not endangered.


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In times such as this, having the necessities close at hand is what matters. When you walk down the rows of shelves at the Tesco or Makro and see it stacked to the ceiling, ponder that it may not always be so. Take whatever action today that prevents desperation tomorrow. This is going to be a long, dark ride I fear.

Are you seriously suggesting stockpiling food?


Perhaps I can also interest you, Alex, Midas et al in some prime real estate for the times ahead?


Because you never can be too careful...


See you in a few years:-


**shakes head**

I can just imagine some of you lot running off to join the militia, if you are not already members that is.

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Sorry, what I meant to say was: Your lot started all this and it's only because the dollar is the the world reserve currency that you're able to gloat. Why don't you keep your big spam mouth shut and have some sympathy for the rest us who you dropped in the crap.

Yep, the world is going to get mighty pissed off with the US over this mess. Ok, it's not entirely their fault, but won't stop them being made the scapegoat.

The US will get their own form of punishment though. While it's highly likely there will be a rise in unemployment throughout the world and even possible there will be riots over food like in the Great Depression I wonder what the effect will be in a desperate society awash with firearms ?

First off let me agree that gloating is a bad thing anytime but especially when folks are hurting & seeing their hard work disappear before their eyes.

Secondly your both basically doing the same thing by blaming any country.

It was not the US nor was it Europe or Asia it was greed plain & simple.

None started it all. The US did not invent the form of banking & selling of securities that caused this. The greed caused it ....the greed that allowed such stupidity as we now see more & more of. Now we see it unwinding & see the causes. Pretty amazing it was allowed on the first place.

Lastly jesimps said....I wonder what the effect will be in a desperate society awash with firearms ?

I on the other hand wonder what a unarmed desperate society will be like in other countries. Where they will be forced to accept period what the govt deem fit to offer them.

It has been proven over & over again. I will stick with what works.

Edited by flying
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In times such as this, having the necessities close at hand is what matters. When you walk down the rows of shelves at the Tesco or Makro and see it stacked to the ceiling, ponder that it may not always be so. Take whatever action today that prevents desperation tomorrow. This is going to be a long, dark ride I fear.

Are you seriously suggesting stockpiling food?


Perhaps I can also interest you, Alex, Midas et al in some prime real estate for the times ahead?


Because you never can be too careful...


See you in a few years:-


**shakes head**

I can just imagine some of you lot running off to join the militia, if you are not already members that is.

Ofcourse we shouldn't be worried about the ongoing economic collapse. Governments of today aren't like previous governments. Just because the Mao regime killed 60+ million soles and Stalin 30+ million soles, doesn't mean history could repeat. Man has evolved so much in the past 50 years :o

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Governments of today aren't like previous governments. Just because the Mao regime killed 60+ million soles and Stalin 30+ million soles, doesn't mean history could repeat. Man has evolved so much in the past 50 years :o

that must have been a real blessing for the soviet and chinese footwear industry :D

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As far as the UK is concerned if this article is true then Britain as we know it ceased to exist on January 1st 2009. Its just the spineless EU and an even worse British Government haven't the balls to tell us! See here for full story


As far the blame for the position we now find ourselves in that is the fault of the way the banking system works. Fractional reserve banking.

In any other business this would be illegal but in the world of finance its the way things are done. Try googling it ? The DVD " The money masters " is also a fascinating watch. I love telling the American customers I get about the Fed. You would not believe just how many Americans think the Fed is an American Government concern.

Its Not. Its a private bank that prints and then LENDS the money to the Government and charges interest. It doesn't pay tax and has never been audited! ALL yes ALL the income tax collected in the USA goes to pay for this privilege.

Another little coincidence is the only 2 presidents to ever to think about abolishing the Fed were assassinated ! :o Were all DOOMED!!!!!!!!!

Edited by H2oDunc
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Governments of today aren't like previous governments. Just because the Mao regime killed 60+ million soles and Stalin 30+ million soles, doesn't mean history could repeat. Man has evolved so much in the past 50 years :o

that must have been a real blessing for the soviet and chinese footwear industry :D

:D Your so bad! Funny but bad :D:D

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Governments of today aren't like previous governments. Just because the Mao regime killed 60+ million soles and Stalin 30+ million soles, doesn't mean history could repeat. Man has evolved so much in the past 50 years :o

that must have been a real blessing for the soviet and chinese footwear industry :D

:D Your so bad! Funny but bad :D:wai:

Yeah, the slaughter of almost 100 million people is so funny :D

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Brown has totally screwed up.

He could have joined the Euro but refused to consider it.

He is personally shattered that the Royal Bank of Scotland (don't forget he is a kilt wearer) is more than insolvent, it has liabilities amounting to a considerable proportion of the UK gbp.

Brown has overruled the MPC and forced them to drop interest rates, in spite of the inflation rate at over 1% above target and the 30% devaluation of the GBP, which will mean massive inflation is heading to the UK.

Brown has authorised King to start the printing presses and force more GBPs into the country where the population is desperately trying NOT to spend and to pay off debts before they lose their jobs.

Pushing on a trillion meter piece of string comes to mind.

Now the fukcing speculators have the GBP in their sights, 6% drop overnight already. Brown will do nothing to counter this, he has lost control already.

I can only hope that he has now gone to the IMF and asked them to help get the UK into the Euro. The IMF does not have limitless funds and a bail out the size of the UK ltd would be both unaffordable but also futile. Brown has no long term policies to fix the fundamental problems of a country with no manufacturing, no natural resources and a financial service industry which has proven itself to be a massive liability. Maybe the UK could eventually become the holiday destination of Asians, who will buy up dirt cheap property in a year or two and travel around in tuks tuks in Brighton and the girls of the UK have to find work in the service industry :o:D :D

Over 30% of my assets have been destroyed and the resulting income from the Zero Interest Rate Policy is not worth a box of Chang.

And my backup plan when the cash runs dry? Soup kitchens in the UK, which, if Brown carries on his destructive policies, will be the horrendous outlook.

(just joking, I will be supported by my GF in the rice fields of Isaan, Khao Niaow, somtam, fried chicken and a Beer Chang every day :D :D :wai::P )

Whichever way you look at it, we are lucky to be in Thailand and it is now time to try to secure a life here INDEPENDENT of any income from Farangland.

(Obviously any moaners, whyngers, complainers can bguger off back to where you come from)

Ah! At last the penny has dropped Gordon Brown is in fact a staunch Scottish Nationalist a big buddy of Alex Slamond.

What he has been doing secretly is to syphon away all of Englands riches and place them in a Swiss Bank Account in Dollars. When the UK goes under in a few weeks time Scotland will decalre independance join the Euro get a great exchange rate for their dollars and become the richest small country in the world.

Gordon Brown will them be crowned King of Scotland close the border with England and rebuild Hadrians wall to keep out the riffraf!

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Governments of today aren't like previous governments. Just because the Mao regime killed 60+ million soles and Stalin 30+ million soles, doesn't mean history could repeat. Man has evolved so much in the past 50 years :o

that must have been a real blessing for the soviet and chinese footwear industry :D

:D Your so bad! Funny but bad :wai::P

Yeah, the slaughter of almost 100 million people is so funny :D

it is quite natural that mistakes like "soles" instead of "souls" do attract ironic or sarcastic comments which are considered funny by most people who possess a wee bit of humour :D

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Governments of today aren't like previous governments. Just because the Mao regime killed 60+ million soles and Stalin 30+ million soles, doesn't mean history could repeat. Man has evolved so much in the past 50 years :o

that must have been a real blessing for the soviet and chinese footwear industry :D

:wai: Your so bad! Funny but bad :jerk: :burp:

Yeah, the slaughter of almost 100 million people is so funny :D

it is quite natural that mistakes like "soles" instead of "souls" do attract ironic or sarcastic comments which are considered funny by most people who possess a wee bit of humour :D

NAAM the thing is that (a) some people just do't get it ! and (:P they have NO sense of humour. It seems to get left at the log in page :D

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Reported in todays Telegraph

They don't know what they're doing, do they? With every step taken by the Government as it tries frantically to prop up the British banking system, this central truth becomes ever more obvious.

Yesterday marked a new low for all involved, even by the standards of this crisis. Britons woke to news of the enormity of the fresh horrors in store. Despite all the sophistry and outdated boom-era terminology from experts, I think a far greater number of people than is imagined grasp at root what is happening here.

The country stands on the precipice. We are at risk of utter humiliation, of London becoming a Reykjavik on Thames and Britain going under. Thanks to the arrogance, hubristic strutting and serial incompetence of the Government and a group of bankers, the possibility of national bankruptcy is not unrealistic.

The Telegraph is running a number of extreme headlines!! is it about to go tabloid?

Make no mistake the world's economies are in big trouble.

Uk, no more no less as affirmed by Moodys reiteration of a AAA rating.

Ironically (but sadly for us expats) the drop in sterling benefits UK economy over the next few years. It's a myth that UK has no industry.

Ireland, Portugal and Spain are likely in "Iceland" territory, others could follow.

Rogers, who came out with the sterling scare this week, was Soros's partner during the last forced sterling crash. say no more.

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Yes I am serious about being prepared for food shortages. Could it be a bad idea not to have a few months supply of canned products and water? This is no militia or survivalist dogma, just prudent measures while hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Do as you like.

In times such as this, having the necessities close at hand is what matters. When you walk down the rows of shelves at the Tesco or Makro and see it stacked to the ceiling, ponder that it may not always be so. Take whatever action today that prevents desperation tomorrow. This is going to be a long, dark ride I fear.

Are you seriously suggesting stockpiling food?


Perhaps I can also interest you, Alex, Midas et al in some prime real estate for the times ahead?


Because you never can be too careful...


See you in a few years:-


**shakes head**

I can just imagine some of you lot running off to join the militia, if you are not already members that is.

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Yes I am serious about being prepared for food shortages. Could it be a bad idea not to have a few months supply of canned products and water? This is no militia or survivalist dogma, just prudent measures while hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Do as you like.

Your the smart one & there is no problem at all with a little foresight.

The others that tease you are the ones that come knocking first...sadly.

I grew up here on a rock & when we were little they had shipping strikes.

Folks here have never forgotten that & they stock even though times have changed .............they remember.

Funny too what folks stock first.

You know here what is the first thing to run out?

Toilet paper & rice :o If they only knew about bum washers ( we have one )

Then they would not have to stock that bulky paper :D:D

Good on you though! If nothing happens will you feel foolish yo have some extra food?.......Nope

But if it is the other way around & you don't have it will you feel foolish having read these things previously?.............Yup........Mak Mak

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Dr Naam Sir please can you answer my question about how this might affect USD > GBP > THB? :o

The US$ is the world's most important currency and used in most international trade. Gold and oil and other commodities are always quoted in US$. Many countries with expanding economies hold huge amounts of $ reserves. This helps to support the US$. In reality the US economy is probably in a worse state than any other, but other countries help to support it's currency.

I don't know, so am only guessing, feel free to correct me....... What happens to all the English pounds that make their way to Thailand? Thailand exports to UK, British tourists?expats and all the Brits transferring money into their "girlfriends" bank accounts. I don't think that Britain has stocks of Thai Baht, so Thailand can't send the pounds to UK and get Baht back. Maybe Thailand will hold a small amount of GBP as foreign reserve, but most likely it swaps the GBP for US$. If it does, that helps to support US$ and weaken GBP.

You would think that the sensible thing to do would be to change all your GBP to $ now and then change to Baht as needed, but the US$ is artificially high with absolutely nothing to back it up. If the Euro hadn't emerged as (arguably) the 2nd most important world currency, the $ would probably still be 45 Baht. You will note that the Euro has not suffered as much as other currencies.

If possible, maybe the best currency to buy now would be the Chinese Yuan. The new US administration have already announced that they think that the Yuan is being manipulated to keep it low and want the Yuan to strengthen against the $

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Dr Naam Sir please can you answer my question about how this might affect USD > GBP > THB? :o

i don't know the basis ("how this") of your question Will. but even then i won't most probably be able to give a conclusive answer.

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