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Tot Adsl - Horribly Slow - Anyone Else ?


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Everybody back to normal speed? Things are working well here in CM again.

Yup - Thank Goodness, CM here also and things are back to normal - *touch wood* - I keep reading horror stories about TOT - I have to say that until the debacle of a couple of weeks ago which my original post was about, my connection has been fine, no complaints whatsoever, it's been fast - and in about a year I've only had a couple of short lived instances of 'down time'.

Anyway - all good now - thanks to everyone for advice and input, a special thanks to Steve2UK for the info' re: some remarkable free software; Advanced System Care - great stuff,



:o Happy to have helped.

My TOT service is still crap at Hillside 3, fluctuating between frequent disconnects and no connection at all.

My connection seems also to have stabilised - though my trouble hasn't been speed so much as unbelievably frequent dis-connects/attempts to re-connect. After a day of OK performance, the replacement modem repeated the same sorry history of dis-connects as the previous one. 'Phoned the Call Centre again (at least I no longer have to give them all the details again - the operators seem to have a screen full of me and my problems); no technician visit - but the service became stable again. TIT.

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