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Serial Italian Peadophile Caught Again!


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Saw the story in this mornings PDN, absolutely disgusted, can some of the Mods tame the story down a bit and remove the pics and post in the Pattaya news clippings? so as we can all tear this w4nker to bits!!!!!! :o:D

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Something definately not right here! He has been caught 40 - 50 times before - Have they lost count and why haven't they done something about it the first time let alone 40 - 50 times?

Last time caught on 23rd December, 2008 - why isn't he in jail or deported?

They know where he goes to persue these kids so where are the parents, teachers and police?

They know where he normally takes them to perform his sexual apetites so, again, where are the parents, police and hotel security?

His wife knew about this behaviour and that is why she left him. Why didn't she report him?

Now, on the tele. they have just reported that the Police are considering Bail.

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Where are the Thai authorities on this one?

They are very good at policing those of us who show up to renew our visa etc on time, yet they can't ban foreign pedophiles who are repeat offenders.

Royal Thai government - get off yer @$$ & protect your citizens.

Where are all the libs whackos screaming for blood?

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