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How Lazy Is Your Partner?


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Notwithstanding that my ex is raving mad, I reckon she must also be the laziest person on the planet :o

So - just for fun - how does your partner compare? Lazy or hardworking?

As for my ex:

- She lies on the sofa all day watching Thai soaps and reading comics

- She will get one of our hotel staff to switch the fan on/off, even though the switch is directly above her sofa

- She will get one of the staff to drive her to see her friends, even though she can drive herself

In 5 years, I have never seen her run, not once!

She promised to 'turn over a new leaf' at New Year, but I think she actually meant 'turn over and lie on her other side on the sofa' :D

Does she win the prize for laziest person in Thailand?? Anyone do any better?


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- She lies on the sofa all day watching Thai soaps and reading comics

typical Thai behavior, actually. Ever see Thais at 'work'? They lie down on the sofa/couch/floor reading comics and watching soaps until a customer comes

- She will get one of our hotel staff to switch the fan on/off, even though the switch is directly above her sofa

Most Thais WOULD do this...IF they were wealthy enough to have people/staff working for them.

- She will get one of the staff to drive her to see her friends, even though she can drive herself

Ditto. Most Thais would do this too if they could afford it. I would do it too if I could afford it. All the wealthy Thais I know have drivers. I mean really, driving in Thailand sucks. Who wouldn't rather be asleep in the back of the car with the A/C on?

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Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

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I'm a helluva lot lazier than my girlfriend. She works about 60 hours a week, I work about 50, but I get paid roughly 9 times as much as her. I'm also the one who's complaining about work in the evenings. Honestly, the girl has got work ethic coming out of her ears.

On the other hand, on her day off, this girl can sleep and eat for far longer than anyone else I have met.

In my opinion, she earns that day of sloth.


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Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

sarcasm: google it.

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Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

sarcasm: google it.

I know what sarcasm is, and is totally not talking bad about people, and definitely not behind their backs. So I guess the one that has to Google here is YOU. Do you always put your nose in places where you haven't been call? I would like you to stop going behind my post, since I find you quite dense. Thanks!

A guy who talk bad about a woman, especially his may be call many things but sarcastic. :o

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Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

sarcasm: google it.

I know what sarcasm is, and is totally not talking bad about people, and definitely not behind their backs. So I guess the one that has to Google here is YOU. Do you always put your nose in places where you haven't been call? I would like you to stop going behind my post, since I find you quite dense. Thanks!

A guy who talk bad about a woman, especially his may be call many things but sarcastic. :o

Fortunately pop-corn, many of us are in relationships where we are close enough to our partners to be able to see the lighter side of things. And this works both ways of course, no doubt my wife has a good laugh with her friends over my efforts at speaking Thai for example.

What a sterile relationship it could be otherwise.

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Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

sarcasm: google it.

I know what sarcasm is, and is totally not talking bad about people, and definitely not behind their backs. So I guess the one that has to Google here is YOU. Do you always put your nose in places where you haven't been call? I would like you to stop going behind my post, since I find you quite dense. Thanks!

A guy who talk bad about a woman, especially his may be call many things but sarcastic. :o

Fortunately pop-corn, many of us are in relationships where we are close enough to our partners to be able to see the lighter side of things. And this works both ways of course, no doubt my wife has a good laugh with her friends over my efforts at speaking Thai for example.

What a sterile relationship it could be otherwise.

I hope I never get to do something like that to my partner, I would ever talk behind his back, if he have any mistake or bad side I tell him directly :D .... But I wouldn't dare to gossip about someone I love. It's sad.

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Sorry to say but all of the people commenting badly about their partner (or ex) are really wrong. Shame!!! How can you be then with a person you have an aversion to so much, or why in the world would you like to be with someone who's not able to do stuff on their own. Because they got vaginas? Shame, shame, and more shame. A good healthy partner would ever talk behind his wife's gf's back.

are you really this naive? yesterday you were asking for reasons why a 16 yr old girl would jump off a building (like it makes any difference - cause its too late to do anything about it) and today this drivel above.

sarcasm: google it.

I know what sarcasm is, and is totally not talking bad about people, and definitely not behind their backs. So I guess the one that has to Google here is YOU. Do you always put your nose in places where you haven't been call? I would like you to stop going behind my post, since I find you quite dense. Thanks!

A guy who talk bad about a woman, especially his may be call many things but sarcastic. :o

Fortunately pop-corn, many of us are in relationships where we are close enough to our partners to be able to see the lighter side of things. And this works both ways of course, no doubt my wife has a good laugh with her friends over my efforts at speaking Thai for example.

What a sterile relationship it could be otherwise.

I hope I never get to do something like that to my partner, I would ever talk behind his back, if he have any mistake or bad side I tell him directly :D .... But I wouldn't dare to gossip about someone I love. It's sad.


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And as for me, note that I'm talking about my ex! Her laziness is 1 reason why she is 'ex',. not 'current':)!


Yeah, I thought so.

Perhaps if you took the time to read the title of the thread and in particular the portion in (), you might actually clue-in that what is being written here about our spouses is purely humorous in nature. :o

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And as for me, note that I'm talking about my ex! Her laziness is 1 reason why she is 'ex',. not 'current':)!


Yeah, I thought so.

Perhaps if you took the time to read the title of the thread and in particular the portion in (), you might actually clue-in that what is being written here about our spouses is purely humorous in nature. :o

I ownder if they would laugh... :D:D

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And as for me, note that I'm talking about my ex! Her laziness is 1 reason why she is 'ex',. not 'current':)!


Yeah, I thought so.

Perhaps if you took the time to read the title of the thread and in particular the portion in (), you might actually clue-in that what is being written here about our spouses is purely humorous in nature. :o

I ownder if they would laugh... :D:D

i am too lazy to go ask her. could you do me a favor and call her to see if she has gotten off her arse and did the laundry yet?

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Mine works a lot harder than I do.. Maybe I could google up some 'lazy' jokes to participate.

Just did.

Philosophy of a Lazy Wife

by mid_nite_poet on 08 Jun 08, 4:03 am

Philosophy of a Lazy Wife

I don't do windows because ... I love birds and don't want one to run into a clean window and get hurt.

I don't wax floors because ... I am terrified a guest will slip and get hurt then I'll feel terrible ( plus they may sue me.)

I don't mind the dust bunnies because ... They are very good company, I have named most of them, and they agree with everything I say.

I don't disturb cobwebs because I want every creature to have a home of their own.

I don't Spring Clean because ... I love all the seasons and don't want the others to get jealous

I don't pull weeds in the garden because ... I don't want to get in God's way, HE is an excellent designer!

I don't put things away because ... My husband will never be able to find them again.

I don't do gourmet meals when I entertain because ... I don't want my guests to stress out over what to make when they invite me over for dinner.

I don't iron because ... I choose to believe them when they say "Permanent Press".

I don't stress much on anything because ... "A Type" personalities die young and I want to stick around and become a wrinkled up crusty ol' woman!

REMEMBER . . . .

A clean house is a sign of a broken computer.

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Some more.

We are always told we should look after and keep an eye on our old neighbours. Why the fuc_k should we? My 87 year old neighbour is such a lazy bitch, she hasn't even taken her newspapers in for two weeks.

Just finished watching Obama's Inauguration, and was suprised to see hardly any white people there.

But then again they were probably all working. :D

Last night I called my wife a lazy fat bitch.

I've not seen her since.

The doctors says my blindness is common with blunt trauma injury, but should improve.

I was accused of being pedantic the other day, because I'm the sort of person who "would always dot the i's and cross the t's"

...but to be fair, what lazy bastard doesn't do that?

If I's aren't dotted then they look like little L's and if you don't cross T's...well they look like L's! In other words, if we don't dot the i's and cross the t's, then we'd just end up overusing the letter L

Basically what I'm saying is the Welsh are lazy bastards! :o:D

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Actually, I'm the lazy one in this family. My Thai wife has one of the most admired work ethics I have ever seen in my life.

Now even in her retirement still keeps busy around the house as I play on the internet and read thai visa.:o

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Notwithstanding that my ex is raving mad, I reckon she must also be the laziest person on the planet :D

So - just for fun - how does your partner compare? Lazy or hardworking?

As for my ex:

- She lies on the sofa all day watching Thai soaps and reading comics

- She will get one of our hotel staff to switch the fan on/off, even though the switch is directly above her sofa

- She will get one of the staff to drive her to see her friends, even though she can drive herself

In 5 years, I have never seen her run, not once!

She promised to 'turn over a new leaf' at New Year, but I think she actually meant 'turn over and lie on her other side on the sofa' :D

Does she win the prize for laziest person in Thailand?? Anyone do any better?


I am assuming that you are referring to your ex who just gave birth to another man's child and who is severely Bipolar. :o

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"Just finished watching Obama's Inauguration, and was suprised to see hardly any white people there.

But then again they were probably all working. :D "

Jeez,that's a bit cruel...... :D:D:o

I personally saw lots of white folk but none with rednecks :wai::D

or the whiteys were breaking into houses

Edited by njpski
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