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Dear reader,

Are people less than animals??

I am very angry on the people how are still going on holidays to Thailand and the other countrys how are hit.

I can not believe that people arriving, and going to the hotel laying on the beach and pretend if there is nothing happened.

Maybe a few hundred of meters away the dead bodys are laying on the street.

I hope that this idiots will see so much disaster and dead bodys that they suffer for years.(mental)

I think you have no brains if you just go on holidays to a place like this and do if there is nothing happened.

Yes i believe you still can enjoy your holliday, but not on Phuket or the other hit places.

People still searching for the love ones and than this stupid people comming for hollidays.Maybe because they loose there money.


If i was the Thai goverment i kicked out all this people out of my country.

Why dont they go to Koh Samui, Koh Pangan or North there are no problems, they dont walk in the way.

Only people how are helping had to be in the area.

And in this time the Thai people shows again how they are.

Great people.

Sorry for this negativ mail.

Eric Nagtegaal



How can resorts (that are ready to recieve tourists again) expect to survive if nobody goes there?


The devested resorts and areas granted should left alone and cleared up.



But this is what i feel, i think to wait one month is not much.

Alsoo this people how are working in the hotels lost friends, so is it not a bit hard to serve the tourist and missing your friends how are out there.

THe most of this resorts are from foreign owners, so what is the problem?

The poor people with the small shops they lost everything and possible even there life.

The people they find that they still had to go there are tourist how love to see all the dissaster around them.

I know alsoo that not whole Phuket is hit by the water.

If 3 or 4 weeks is to much to wait to open your resort than i think there is something wrong.

But anyway this is my opinion nobody have to be agree with this.

For my selves i will stay away out a place like this, i think i can not stand to see so much dead people around me, wounded people, people how lost everything, tourist how are trying to find people back, thai people how lost familys.



Most of the Thai people I know live paycheck to paycheck, there is even a quote from one woman who lost her job (resort gone) and said she has no money, doesn't think she will get a paycheck this month and doesn't know what to do. Sure, this woman is alive, but penniless with no job and no prospects. Are you going to send her money to help her out? I, personally, am telling our customers to make sure they go back to the west side, to places that haven't been wiped out, they need the money.

But anyway this is my opinion nobody have to be agree with this.

For my selves i will stay away out a place like this, i think i can not stand to see so much dead people around me, wounded people, people how lost everything, tourist how are trying to find people back, thai people how lost familys.


Once cholera breaks out you'll not be the only one staying away.

Most of the Thai people I know live paycheck to paycheck,

And a good many especially in tourist areas make a living on each bag or pineapple or bottle of water they sell.

An OP with its heart in the right place but sadly unaware of the realities of basic economic survival in Thailand.


But anyway this is my opinion nobody have to be agree with this.

For my selves i will stay away out a place like this, i think i can not stand to see so much dead people around me, wounded people, people how lost everything, tourist how are trying to find people back, thai people how lost familys.


Once cholera breaks out you'll not be the only one staying away.

People talking of dead bodies laying around all over the place and cholera scares, are doing nothing but adding to the damage of the local peoples.

You're right there's no cholera at the moment so no need to be scared for something which is not there. Any cases of cholera will be covered up anyway in order not to add damage to the local people.


Elnagtegaal has a very good point. Is it too much to ask people to go to Koh Samui, Pataya, Chieng Mai or Hua Hin until things have straightened out?


But anyway this is my opinion nobody have to be agree with this.

For my selves i will stay away out a place like this, i think i can not stand to see so much dead people around me, wounded people, people how lost everything, tourist how are trying to find people back, thai people how lost familys.


Once cholera breaks out you'll not be the only one staying away.

People talking of dead bodies laying around all over the place and cholera scares, are doing nothing but adding to the damage of the local peoples.

You're right there's no cholera at the moment so no need to be scared for something which is not there. Any cases of cholera will be covered up anyway in order not to add damage to the local people.

Did cynicism that deep take practice... or did it come naturally? :o

Took some lessons in life I suppose. :D Anyway happy new year to all


My wife and I were due to go to Phuket on Feb 12th. We would like to support the community there by giving work and spending there. Knowing the people in the resorts we have visited in the past around Thailand, people work for their income and by going there we would get them back on their feet again. Thai people may want to make a buck off of visitors, but they work at it and do not just hold out their hand.

However by going there we would be using resources that are not there at the moment. We have no really way to know if the area can support two extra people consuming water and food.

Without tourists these areas will be devastated in more ways than just flattened houses and many dead people. Recovery is Chicken & Egg thing with hotels getting back to taking visitors so visitors can come and spend the money to pay to rebuild the facilities.

We have decided not to go to Phuket this year. But want to go there as soon as we can.

But to refer to the original posting. How will these areas get back on their feet unless visitors go there soon to keep the local economy going?


Most of the Thai people I know live paycheck to paycheck,  there is even a quote from one woman who lost her job (resort gone) and said she has no money, doesn't think she will get a paycheck this month and doesn't know what to do. Sure, this woman is alive, but penniless with no job and no prospects. Are you going to send her  money to help her out? I, personally, am telling our customers to make sure they go back to the west side, to places that haven't been wiped out, they need the money.

I know! wouldn't it be a good idea if Thailand took care of its own. Just for a while till things pick up. Instead of relying on tourists at this time, let the fat cats of Bangkok put their hands on their pockets and fork out. They could keep their Mercedes for a few more months. Surely charity begins at home. Don't you agree?


If you want a holiday, there are plenty plenty of other places in Thailand to enjoy one. However, having said that, if you have time and money to spend doing some good, are fit and active, please go to the affected areas and do your best to help. I feel sure it will be appreciated.


What's crazy about taking a positive mental attitude?

What is crazy is to wallow in negativity in some frozen euro wasteland and not partake in the joys still available here.

I would refrain from going to Sri Lanka or Indonesia but then again I always have!

Phuket is coming back fast and is fine even now.

I don't really mind the thin crowds but I hate to see my pals in business here sweat out another crisis.

Keep it on the sunny side! :o:D

There has been hostile comment in some newspapers about the Western tourists who went back to the beaches of Phuket even before all the bodies had been cleared from the area. We all react to trauma differently, and, in some respects, those tourists were showing the way forward for the worst-affected countries. It is always the case that alongside the most terrible natural disaster, or the most brutal civil war, millions of people get on with their lives. Strange as it may seem from looking at the shocking television images of ravaged coastline, two thirds of Phuket's hotels are fully functional.

Graham Boynton points out on the front page of today's Travel section that the relatively fragile economies of South-East Asia will not prosper again without tourist pounds, euros and dollars. As we mark a New Year overshadowed by the horrors of the last few days of 2004, it is as well to keep this truth in mind. We urge readers to donate generously to the appeal effort, but also not to exclude the prospect of early visits to beautiful and fascinating countries such as Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, not only for their own pleasure, but also for the long-term benefit of local people who have suffered so grievously.

from this mornings uk telegraph online

As I said on another topic: It is amazing how differently people react to situations. The Irish have a wake when somebody dies and the Greeks may mourn for years... I could not say when my father died, not the day, not the month or even the year... and yet he died right outside my bedroom. I do not think about it, only if it comes up in conversation, or like here when explaining something... and by the time I finish typing here, it will be forgotten again. Most people do not understand that, but it is the way I deal with things in the past that I can do nothing about. Now is now, and I live each day at a time, becaus now is all I have... the past has gone and there may be no future...

It may seem calous to some, to see people enjoying their holidays and the bar girls back in business so soon after such a terrible tragedy... but it is just the way they deal with it. I knew a nurse that worked in a hospis for incurables and asked her how she dealt with that kind of a situation. She told me that the nurses make jokes about the patients in the canteen and on the wards... that is the only way we can deal with this kind of job, she said. If we get close to the patients, knowing they are going to die soon, it would make anybody crazy.

We all deal with Life in our own way... and who is to judge?

Fully agree with you Ravisher. One man's pity is another man's bread so to speak.


Yes we send money to Asia.

But i want to come back on what i said before.

I will tell you what i think what is human.

Close the island for at least 4 weeks, bring all the people on the island together start cleaning the area what is hit.

Help all together and dont be an egoist.

If you have a business, close it for this time so that the thai people and the foreigners how are living on Phuket can do the job together.

The big investment companys how owne the hotels are abel to pay there workers for one month for free.Bring all the rubish on one place on the island, recycled it and give the people the materials back.

I think that is what have to be done first and than you can put the smile back on the faces of the thai people.

Dont think only in Dollars.

Look around in Asia, i think Thailand is not the worth place what is hit in Asia.

I am sure thailand can recover easyer than all the other countrys.

But i lived in Thailand and my hart is there.


And as sbk and ProfessorFart pointed out... many of the local Thai poeple live from hand to mouth... day by day, week by week and month by month... Many of the survivors 'need' money and the 'only' way they will get it is through 'Tourism'. Only through tourism will they be able to resume life as normal.

Could it be that there is a connection between that people have to live from hand to mouth and and a selfish government which is said to not have warned about the tsunami because a possible loss of revenue?


But anyway this is my opinion nobody have to be agree with this.

For my selves i will stay away out a place like this, i think i can not stand to see so much dead people around me, wounded people, people how lost everything, tourist how are trying to find people back, thai people how lost familys.


Once cholera breaks out you'll not be the only one staying away.

I and my friends live here. We have been helping out - taking pick-up trucks full of water food and clothing to worst hit areas. Also did 2 days moving dead bodies at the temples in Takuapa. You have no idea. Stay in Spain, you are the sort of scare-mongering tourist Thailand can do without. Many of us own businesses here and rely on the tourists coming EVERY DAY. If i could, i would stand in arrivals at Don Muang shaking the hand of every tourist arriving. God bless Thailand and it's wonderful people.

I know! wouldn't it be a good idea if Thailand took care of its own. Just for a while till things pick up. Instead of relying on tourists at this time, let the fat cats of Bangkok put their hands on their pockets and fork out. They could keep their Mercedes for a few more months. Surely charity begins at home. Don't you agree?


What planet are you on?
Mother earth, and more precise, a relative centre Phuket, Thailand.
Get some 'reality' here. Do you imagine that any 'fat cats' in BKK are going to give one baht to the local people of Phuket and other damaged areas?

If you have follow the politics to the Government in this Country the last decade you should know who need to get real.

It is a FACT of life, that the local people NEED tourists.

Quit ironic. With a PM and a Nationalistic government which the three last year have had a very anti foreign politic on one side. On the other side when a natural disaster strike and kill thousands of local people and tourists alike the local business shall survive on aid from foreign tourists, which their own Government have anti attitude against!

I live in Phuket and know very well what most people do for a living and are quit sure that their businesses slowly will recover and be back on track. But to promote a tourist destination and expect tourists to be a source for aid even before all the dead bodies are found and the beaches is cleaned up are immoral.

In the meantime I would see it as a absolute that their Government use what they can and have for helping this people making a living from tourist related businesses, even if mean to help people into other professions.

Is it to democratic for you, well this Country calling themselves for democrats, maybe its time for the Government to get real.


You are right, people are less then animal. Animals can sense danger are coming and they save hundred of villager but human are very dumb animal, they are laughing and funny when the wave enter the shore.

Tourist are willing to sleep next to a corpes that means they are something very charming on this Island and the people here.


QUOTE(Felt 35 @ 2005-01-04 07:53:51)

Is it to democratic for you, well this Country calling themselves for democrats, maybe its time for the Government to get real.

And my point was.... will it?

I don't think so.

No they don’t have to as long as foreigners support their people and turn a blind eye to anything, which can slow down their own way to poor wealth.

Dear reader,

Are people less than animals??

I am very angry on the people how are still going on holidays to Thailand and the other countrys how are hit.

I can not believe that people arriving, and going to the hotel laying on the beach and pretend if there is nothing happened.

Maybe a few hundred of meters away the dead bodys are laying on the street.

I hope that this idiots will see so much disaster and dead bodys that they suffer for years.(mental)

I think you have no brains if you just go on holidays to a place like this and do if there is nothing happened.

Yes i believe you still can enjoy your holliday, but not on Phuket or the other hit places.

People still searching for the love ones and than this stupid people comming for hollidays.Maybe because they loose there money.


If i was the Thai goverment i kicked out all this people out of my country.

Why dont they go to Koh Samui, Koh Pangan or North there are no problems, they dont walk in the way.

Only people how are helping had to be in the area.

And in this time the Thai people shows again how they are.

Great people.

Sorry for this negativ mail.

Eric Nagtegaal


Hi Eric.

I understand your emotions and this is a very subjective matter. Some of these people may have sved up for sevral years to have a holiday of their lifetime. and then disaster strikes. What do they do? If they stay at home they loose quite a bit of thir funds already expended. and not to mention the time and effort to get time off work and all their emotional thoughts. Then the hotels that a welcoming them. They are going to have unprecidented losses this year. They neeed more than anything revenue. Other businesses that are strugling, only one thing can help them survive, and that also is revene, now - latter is too late. I know this is not easy to understand and I am certain that these travellers will display a lot of consideration for the current events, but all the aide thats going into Thailand does not reach the everyday business.

I have been closely invlvolved with this situation and have people on the ground in Phuket coordinating all the databases for furhter identification in conjunction with governments. But I can tell you. its not blcak and white - its Grey. Many businesses owned by Thais are so greatful for new tourists. PS> I lived in Thailand for 15 years and understand some of the thinking and emotions involved.

Kind regards.


But anyway this is my opinion nobody have to be agree with this.

For my selves i will stay away out a place like this, i think i can not stand to see so much dead people around me, wounded people, people how lost everything, tourist how are trying to find people back, thai people how lost familys.


Once cholera breaks out you'll not be the only one staying away.

I and my friends live here. We have been helping out - taking pick-up trucks full of water food and clothing to worst hit areas. Also did 2 days moving dead bodies at the temples in Takuapa. You have no idea. Stay in Spain, you are the sort of scare-mongering tourist Thailand can do without. Many of us own businesses here and rely on the tourists coming EVERY DAY. If i could, i would stand in arrivals at Don Muang shaking the hand of every tourist arriving. God bless Thailand and it's wonderful people.

Well spoken. I wish I could be there, standing next to you, but I can do more from here.

Also what a lot of people don't understand is how resilient the Thai people are. Being mostly Bhudest and Musliem they beleive in reincarnation or that if you die in good ness you will go to a beter place. i don't want to give a leson in religion here as I am not qualified, but I have lived with and know the Thai character. They are amongst the most strong and positive peoples I have ever met. I only wish that if a disaster happened here in Sydney that we could act and feel as they do. Lots of sorrow, but also lots of courage.

Kind regards,


Kind regrds, Shayne


I have heard of people who cancelled their holidays there out of fear of further tragedy and instead donated money to the various funds...

They sent, in one case $1500, now this $1500 is to be split up where needed between the countries involved....nothing wrong with that sentiment and I dont begrudge them.

However they were going to spend about $6000 on their holiday in spending money which would have gone straight to the local economy.....Now I could be guessing here but I think I know which course of action the people of Phuket would prefer.

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