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might as well,there's bugger all interest to be had,but safes at home can be robbed too.

When I was staying up in Isaan near the end of the rice harvest before Christmas I was thinking

how attractive or otherwise it would be have an outbuilding full of bags of rice as an alternative

" investment " -it seems like a more attractive asset to me than bars of gold which you can't eat. :D

But can you believe at that time almost every day there stories of burglars that had wandered around

the villages in the middle of the night stealing bags of rice. :D I never thought they would rob

from the poor farmers. :o

and if they do that now,what will it be like when things really get bad.any farang that thinks he's safe cos he's married into a thai family i think should think again.at the end of the day nothing we have is really safe.however sharing what we have with everone in the local community may go a long way to reducing such a threat.

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your usual bullshit Alex. two silly pictures, a boring graph that makes my dog yawn and a youtube link. why don't you go and play nicely with the other little boys in your neighbourhood? :o

Sometimes you just need the right key.....


I think I found one.


But those peeps like a good joke, verry funny!


I mentioned 9 a while back, now the countdown has begon.

Here funny piece of movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ-IPb8AOZE&eurl

You kids and your video obsessions! Paddy Chayefsky you ain't.


You have meddled with the primal

forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I

won't have it, is that clear?! You

think you have merely stopped a

business deal -- that is not the

case! The Arabs have taken billions

of dollars out of this country, and

now they must put it back. It is

ebb and flow, tidal gravity, it is

ecological balance! You are an old

man who thinks in terms of nations

and peoples. There are no nations!

There are no peoples! There are no

Russians. There are no Arabs!

There are no third worlds! There is

no West! There is only one holistic

system of systems, one vast and

immane, interwoven, interacting,

multi-variate, multi-national

dominion of dollars! petro-dollars,

electro-dollars, multi-dollars!,

Reichmarks, rubles, rin, pounds and

shekels! It is the international

system of currency that determines

the totality of life on this planet!

That is the natural order of things

today! That is the atomic,

subatomic and galactic structure of

things today! And you have meddled

with the primal forces of nature,

and you will atone! Am I getting

through to you, Mr. Beale?


You get up on your little twenty-

one inch screen, and howl about

America and democracy. There is no

America. There is no democracy.

There is only IBM and ITT and A T

and T and Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide

and Exxon. Those are the nations of

the world today. What do you think

the Russians talk about in their

councils of state -- Karl Marx?

They pull out their linear

programming charts, statistical

decision theories and minimax

solutions and compute the price-cost

probabilities of their transactions

and investments just like we do. We

no longer live in a world of nations

and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The

world is a college of corporations,

inexorably deter- mined by the

immutable by-laws of business. The

world is a business, Mr. Beale! It

has been since man crawled out of

the slime, and our children, Mr.

Beale, will live to see that perfect

world in which there is no war and

famine, oppression and brutality --

one vast and ecumenical holding

company, for whom all men will work

to serve a common profit, in which

all men will hold a share of stock,

all necessities provided, all

anxieties tranquilized, all boredom

amused. And I have chosen you to

preach this evangel, Mr. Beale.


(humble whisper)

Why me?


Because you're on television, dummy.

Sixty million people watch you

every night of the week, Monday

through Friday.

HOWARD slowly rises from the blackness of his seat so

that he is lit only by the ethereal diffusion of light

shooting out from the rear of the room. He stares at

JENSEN spotted on the podium, transfixed.


I have seen the face of God!

In b.g., up on the podium, JENSEN considers this

curious statement for a moment.


You just might be right, Mr. Beale.


That evening, Howard Beale went

on the air to preach the corporate

cosmology of Arthur Jensen.


Last night, I got up here and asked

you people to stand up and fight for

your heritage, and you did and it

was beautiful. Six million

telegrams were received at the White

House. The Arab takeover of C.C.

and A. has been stopped. The people

spoke, the people won. It was a

radiant eruption of democracy. But

I think that was it, fellers. That

sort of thing isn't likely to happen

again. Because, in the bottom of

all our terrified souls, we all know

that democracy is a dying giant, a

sick, sick dying, decaying political

concept, writhing in its final pain.

I don't mean the United States is

finished as a world power. The

United States is the most powerful,

the richest, the most advanced

country in the world, light-years

ahead of any other country. And I

don't mean the Communists are going

to take over the world. The

Communists are deader than we are.

What's finished is the idea that

this great country is dedicated to

the freedom and flourishing of every

individual in it. It's the

individual that's finished. It's

the single, solitary human being

who's finished. It's every single

one of you out there who's finished.

Because this is no longer a nation

of independent individuals. This is

a nation of two hundred odd million

transistorized, deodorized,

whiter- than-white, steel-belted

bodies, totally unnecessary as human

beings and as replaceable as piston

rods --


It was a perfectly admissible

argument that Howard Beale advanced

in the days that followed; it was,

however, also a very tedious and

depressing one. By the end of

the first week in June

the Howard Beale show had dropped

one point in the ratings, and its

trend of shares dipped under forty-

eight for the first time since last

November --



As I said just a funny movie.

Naam, you are getting old, it is clear you are missing something. maybe you can starty playing with yourself?




I did not find that funny at all. It sent me straight to the fridge for another Chang.

Has anybody else notices the increasing number of articles suggesting that the current bailouts may not work?

The financial system is working against recovery, and that’s the dangerous dynamic we need to change

At the moment the globe is pinning its hopes on all the trillions disappearing into the dam_n banking system so that they bonuses can be paid out (well, it doesn't look like there is any other money emerging to provide credit where it is needed)

So <deleted> happens if it doesn't work? What's the next solution that Cyclops, the self proclaimed saviour of the world, is going to pull out from his kilt? Maybe this will finally answer the mystery, "what does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?". But maybe there is nothing left except a withered dangling organ?

Is there a solution? Maybe he will then nationalise every industry including farming? Welcome to the new Socialist Republic of the UK. Everybody works for the country, with some being more equal than others. Next year's election cancelled due to the crisis, all other political parties made illegal.

Wait for the mass of the red shirted party members toiling away for this debacle, the Olympic Games, the crowning centerpiece of Brown's glory. With 3,000,000 unemployed, sorry, Nulabourers, working for 70 Quid week, it will be the cheapest Olympics the world has seen for decades.


Naam, you are getting old, it is clear you are missing something. maybe you can starty playing with yourself?

in olden times people believed that playing with yourself weakens body and especially brains. reading your repeated rubbish i tend to believe that story :o

Is there a solution?

Who knows maybe there is. With everybody or almost everybody indebted one way or another to everybody else the most elegant solution would be to cancel all debt starting tomorrow.


I need some humour,

This just popped into my email, so I thought I'd share it. Where there's humour maybe there's still hope?

1. The US has made a new weapon that destroys people but keeps the building standing. It's called the stock market - Jay Leno

2. Do you have any idea how cheap stocks are? Wall Street is now being called Wall Mart Street - Jay Leno

3. The difference between a pigeon and a London investment banker. The pigeon can still make a deposit on a BMW.

4. What's the difference between a guy who lost everything in Las Vegas and an investment banker? A tie!

5. The problem with investment bank balance sheet is that on the left side nothing's right and on the right side nothing's left.

6. I want to warn people from Nigeria who might be watching our show, if you get any emails from Washington asking for money, it's a scam. Don't fall for it - Jay Leno

7. Bush was asked about the credit crunch. He said it was his favorite candy bar - Jay Leno

8. The rescue bill was about 450 pages. President Bush's copy is even thicker. They had to include pictures - Jay Leno

9. President Bush's response was to meet some small business owners in San Antonio last week. The small business owners are General Motors,

General Electric and Century 21 - Jay Leno

10. What worries me most about the credit crunch is that if one of my cheques is returned stamped 'insufficient funds', I won't know whether that refers to mine or the bank's.

:D :D

Now back to depression :o:D :D


Well IMO, what happens next, is likely to be something that is unthinkable. I guess that if the system cannot comeup with enough cash to solve the problem then they have to look at where they can get it from, and I suspect that it will be deposited funds that are sitting on deposit in the banks. The figures I saw were that depositors out numbered borrowers by 7 to 1, that means that there are some large amounts sitting in the bank, now earning little or no interest. How much of a step is it for the government to create a 'book of toxic loans' and make a statement that it will be financed by the government using depositors cash, albeit backed with a 'guarantee' from the government of some low percentage growth, and held until the system is back under control. Sure it may take some years for that to happen but some interest is better than none, or that is how it will be presented anyway. Your government needs you to help now, and all that BS. And worse there is likely to be little choice given for this to happen. If there is one thing that all governments fear it is a revolt that might just remove them from power. They have little interest in the their country, any of them, they are interested in 2 things, first, how much money can be diverted to their pockets, Second the power to control. A very distant third is what they were put there to do, which is to run the country and serve the countries interests. Any financial crisis on this scale is bound to have them all worried about losing their positions. Roll on the revolution, but realistically it would solve nothing since if it were successful, another breed of similar ilk would take their place. Thanks to all the posters here, it is wonderful to learn from the level of interest created and contributed to on this forum


does anyone really think there will be an olympic games in 2012?the times report about the finances could be leveled at every country holding the games,i think the only financially successful games was in atlanta,correct me if i'm wrong.


interestly netanyahu in israel is claiming victory in the their election and is now saber rattling against iran.could this be a bluff to frighten the arab neighbours into any kind of peace deal or will it bring something on for real?who knows it could go either way.

Is there a solution?

Who knows maybe there is. With everybody or almost everybody indebted one way or another to everybody else the most elegant solution would be to cancel all debt starting tomorrow.

This simply does not work.

I am not indebted to anyone, far from it, the Icelanders owe me a massive chunk of money.

There are millions of pensioners who have contributed to pension schemes. So what's the deal? Cancel the debts that the insurance companies have and euthanise the pensioners?

There are millions like me who have saved and saved, the banks owe us this money. Should they be allowed to just cancel it?

Some bastrd who has taken out a 2,000,000 Quid debt to finance his house which is now worth 1,000,000 Quid or less. Should he suddenly have all that property with NO fukcing debts? He does not OWN a dam_n thing except for the DEBTS.

You have to be kidding me.

Debtors have to PAY US, the SAVERS.

You solution would have at least 30% of the population on the rampage, killing for what is really RIGHTFULLY THEIRS.

And I WOULD BE AT YOUR FRONT DOOR with my AK47 (assuming you are one of the debtors, otherwise RESPECT Brother)


Sorry 12, didn't want to scare anyone.

How about the following solution.

Steal Borrow the pension money of those that are aged between 25-45, and use that to stimulate something.

This whole crisis is projected by some to last a few years, and by the time those peeps are going to retire we are minimum 20 years further from now.

There is no way, that we will still have to deal with the mistakes decisions they make and made in 2008-2009.

I bet some folks are discussing such idea's.


What I think is that they are just trying to buy time to delay the unthinkable.


Sorry 12, didn't want to scare anyone.

It's OK, today I've moved another large amount of cash out of the GBP and the UK. The decision was hard, but now its done I can relax for now. Tomorrow will will bring more stress...

Steal Borrow the pension money of those that are aged between 25-45, and use that to stimulate something.

This has already been done. All the trillion quids of bailouts have effectively left everybody in the UK in debt for the next two generations, and maybe more, if the depression continues and Cyclops continues his war on savings, the UK economy and the GBP.

All those relying on constantly increasing house prices at 6 to 10% year for their pensions have been wiped out.

All those relying on "endowment" mortgages "with profits :o:D :D :D " will only see losses.

All those who have contributed to company schemes which invested in the stock market are also deep in the <deleted>. There is simply no where near enough money to pay them what they think is on the way to give them a comfortable life.

And all those lucky government workers expecting lifetime inflation proofed pensions based on taxing the working population stand by, because the THIS CANNOT CONTINUE.

This whole crisis is projected by some to last a few years, and by the time those peeps are going to retire we are minimum 20 years further from now.

There is no way, that we will still have to deal with the mistakes decisions they make and made in 2008-2009.

This mess is heading to lasting more than a few years, it will go on for at least a decade or more.

I bet some folks are discussing such ideas.

The only thing being discussed is, "how much can I GET OUT OF IT before the <deleted> REALLY HITS the fan?"

What I think is that they are just trying to buy time to delay the unthinkable.

Yes, but only to MAXIMISE their own assets before they leave the country for South America, the Philippines and, oh <deleted>" Thailand.

I'll send a box of large Chang to the first person who spots one of the bankers or politicians fleeing the country.

Naam, you are getting old, it is clear you are missing something. maybe you can starty playing with yourself?

in olden times people believed that playing with yourself weakens body and especially brains. reading your repeated rubbish i tend to believe that story :o

I am sorry Naam that you stick with your ancient wisdom, have a look at this "old" news: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3072021.stm

I could also have posted a picture again but I guess some people do not really like how I try to post sometimes, nothing personal, just try to lighten things up a bit.

You see I already got rid of this useless spacing a great bit, so I do listen. :D

And 12 that must have hurt a bit indeed when you transferred your money against a lousy exchange rate, I am having the same dillema with my savings in Euro. From 54 to now what is it 45 THB, so I am gonna wait a litlle bit longer to move that out. I am really surprised on all the fearmongering going on and GB keep on mentioning that this "Global" crisis will be worse then the great depression. <deleted>, why are they not informing the public what the heck is going on while mentioning things like money is flowing out of the banks in an unimaginable scale and stuff like that. Today on Cspan, you can see the congressional hearings of congres members putting up their funny show of grilling the bankers. Someone mentioned naked shortselling here and if you go and dig into that sh1thole, an AK 47 would not be sufficient to wipe out all of these Mafia controlled people and institutions, RPG"s would be a much better choice of weaponry.

The news that was planned on the 9th was moved to the 10th, sending the market down. Wall street has no confidence in this stimulus package that was first said to be in the order of 700 Billion, now it is close to 900 Billion and banks now signalling another 2 Trillion at least is needed.

Where does all this money come from, when people are loosing their jobs, less income tax will be collected, how is this all going to be financed?

And 12 that must have hurt a bit indeed when you transferred your money against a lousy exchange rate...

i'm not sure what you are referring to but i can assure you that since many years none of my transactions did "hurt". only poor or financially still "hungry" people hurt and consider any missed profit as "hurting". but do people hurt when they did not select the correct lottery numbers? do they hurt when a year passed without being sick and they think of the "wasted" premiums they paid for health insurance?

p.s. my compliments for not wasting space with the enter key.

Where does all this money come from, when people are loosing their jobs, less income tax will be collected, how is this all going to be financed?

in the long run by the printing press. there is no doubt about and no real protection against it.

Hi 12,

Here another reason to open the fridge and get some cold yellow liquid.

There is 4 part's, make sure you see them all.



Hi Alex

I am just curious to know who put this together and why ?

And what has been the reaction from viewers ?

I liked watching part 4.who knows who put it together,someone with a vivid imagination?someone in the know? I seem to remember either reading a fictional book with the same story theme,or was it a film,or did i have a vision?but many a true word said in the captions of part 4.


And there's no doubt about the decline of the USA and UK,financially and socially,thats why they will be desperate to get a one world govt in place,including a world body to oversee the so called global economy,but dont they know globalisation is dead!

Many people think the faceless people engineered the attack on the twin towers to legitamise the wars in iran and iraq,so bombing their own cities and murdering their own people would be a piece of cake.

I liked watching part 4.who knows who put it together,someone with a vivid imagination?someone in the know? I seem to remember either reading a fictional book with the same story theme,or was it a film,or did i have a vision?but many a true word said in the captions of part 4.

Oh i agree - its very interesting...........I dont know why but

it provoked this vision of the same people who " own " the Fed being the

managers of these events...................? :D

As for the film ...could it have been this .? This was a great series :o


Many people think the faceless people engineered the attack on the twin towers to legitamise the wars in iran and iraq,so bombing their own cities and murdering their own people would be a piece of cake.

Watch for the quick build up in Afghanistan now. The drone bombing of Pakistan was the beginning.



If they keep it up they will be lucky to have this 5 stars on their flag because hopefully the rest of the 45 States will recede out of their madness. :o



As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

Funny how what goes around comes around.....




Now we will accept help from Russia? Did we not give the weapons

( in directly of course ) That drove the Russians out of Afghanistan?

Now we will enlist them to try our own hand at what ever it is we are trying to steal there? Because I am 99.9999% sure we are not mobilizing this giant excursion to chase down one bearded man.

You know sh*t like this may have flown below the radar in the 50's but those days are long gone.


The most historical pass in the history of the World!

The Aryans came through here.

The Mongols came through here.

The British Army came through here.

Even Alexander the Great came through here & suffered

They all got hurt


I think I posted this before but it will be tough to fight a country whose motto is

sons & guns


The only reason I look at all of this is I wonder why?

Why now when the western world is on the brink would we dare

to even think about this move?

As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

Funny how what goes around comes around.....




Now we will accept help from Russia? Did we not give the weapons

( in directly of course ) That drove the Russians out of Afghanistan?

Now we will enlist them to try our own hand at what ever it is we are trying to steal there? Because I am 99.9999% sure we are not mobilizing this giant excursion to chase down one bearded man.

You know sh*t like this may have flown below the radar in the 50's but those days are long gone.

who's to say the bin laden is still alive?it would pay no side to admit it if he were dead because they want to keep the dream alive.(christianity verses islam.)islams goal is to islamise the world,but there are two forks here,sunni and shi-ite.the sunnis hold the wealth and doing it by financial stealth(the creating of islamic banks,supposedly tying it to sharia law principle,the shi-ites and al queda or doing it through mass attacks trying to create chaos.

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