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Alex i'm curious and would like to know how many times you look under your bed each evening to make sure that no conspirators are hiding there? :o and when you look are you armed? perhaps with a wet kitchen towel? or a dangerous steak knife?

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Alex i'm curious and would like to know how many times you look under your bed each evening to make sure that no conspirators are hiding there? :o and when you look are you armed? perhaps with a wet kitchen towel? or a dangerous steak knife?

conspiracy lunatics are a thing of the past(they were always treated as nuts)but not anymore,i think we've seen and heard enough to realise its stranger than fiction but truer.people are entilted to ignore the signs but some dont want to.

Alex i'm curious and would like to know how many times you look under your bed each evening to make sure that no conspirators are hiding there? :o and when you look are you armed? perhaps with a wet kitchen towel? or a dangerous steak knife?

conspiracy lunatics are a thing of the past(they were always treated as nuts)but not anymore,i think we've seen and heard enough to realise its stranger than fiction but truer.people are entilted to ignore the signs but some dont want to.

I just don't get all the conspiracy theorists. What's going on in plain sight and is "legal" is shocking enough for me.


I think I mentioned it earlier, it is all about control, he who can control both sides knows who is going to win.

It is funny you ask me which changes, you see, people are already used to it, but indeed patriot act, the right to put you in jail without being charged with anything, ridiculous airport security 100 ml botlle max. in your handlugagge and many other crap that restricts your freedom. (read the ability to control your behaviour). This sh1t has been going on for many many years and I even have one one of my harddisks a document that has instructions on how to change mass behaviour, very interesting once you know their tricks they become very obvious.

I also mentioned a possible scenario of a cashless society and many people say I am a crazy conspiracy nutcase, well I might be crazy and a nutcase but I know they are already trying it out somewhere else so this conspirace theory is becoming a conspiracy fact.


This 11-9 date, is just so obvious, they do not even try to hide things anymore, this Februari event I even mentioned before Obama was elected, my signature file I think I changed somewhere beginning 2008 as already it was clear to me that Obama would be positioned in place.

I only look for klingons Naam as they are the source of all evil, sometimes I find one and then I slash them with wet noodles untill they cry.


conspiracy lunatics are a thing of the past(they were always treated as nuts)but not anymore,i think we've seen and heard enough to realise its stranger than fiction but truer.people are entilted to ignore the signs but some dont want to.

Exactly ! Come on folks just look at the way this stimulus package bill

has been handled in the USA ? How can politicians vote on a bill

that they hadn't even seen and where things were still being added up to the last-minute.

And why is the White House so determined to take over the Census procedure.

conspiracies happening every day now.

It would be very funny if it wasn't so serious

I think I mentioned it earlier, it is all about control, he who can control both sides knows who is going to win.

It is funny you ask me which changes, you see, people are already used to it, but indeed patriot act, the right to put you in jail without being charged with anything, ridiculous airport security 100 ml botlle max. in your handlugagge and many other crap that restricts your freedom. (read the ability to control your behaviour). This sh1t has been going on for many many years and I even have one one of my harddisks a document that has instructions on how to change mass behaviour, very interesting once you know their tricks they become very obvious.

I also mentioned a possible scenario of a cashless society and many people say I am a crazy conspiracy nutcase, well I might be crazy and a nutcase but I know they are already trying it out somewhere else so this conspirace theory is becoming a conspiracy fact.


This 11-9 date, is just so obvious, they do not even try to hide things anymore, this Februari event I even mentioned before Obama was elected, my signature file I think I changed somewhere beginning 2008 as already it was clear to me that Obama would be positioned in place.

I only look for klingons Naam as they are the source of all evil, sometimes I find one and then I slash them with wet noodles untill they cry.


a novel way of the authorities to keep your money should they so wish..............and i bet they'd love to.

easy enough to engineer a total wipeout of all peoples money who would then be dependent on govt.handouts.

I only look for klingons Naam as they are the source of all evil, sometimes I find one and then I slash them with wet noodles untill they cry.

torturing little Klingon babies is against the law Alex! :o

i mean its like the internet,today we depend on it so much through communication,banking etc,what would happen if it went down for a long time or permanently.

a disaster if at the same time phone lines went down too :o



You guy's are scaring me!

Internet down, phone down..............do we have to learn how to smoke signal?


Yeah it might be usefull to learn a few of those essential lifesaving tricks, you never know.

When the doom scenario plays out you don't want to stay in big cities, on concrete and asphalt there is not much that grows.

Watch that docu again about Zimbabwe, they were eating grass!

I know from my father he told me that during the winter of hunger in WW2 they were eating flowers as every living creature like cat's and dog's

had all been eaten.



OK I refound another interesting piece of material. Listen to what is being said, it is not a funny clip this time.


This was not a war......


It was recruitment.....



I am so <deleted> mad today.


According to Business Monitor International, a research company specialising in country risk, "Britain is facing an unprecedented fall in its economic world ranking… from 12th place in 2007 to 21st in 2010".
For when the Bank talks of "quantitative easing", what it really means is printing money: increasing the amount of paper stuff swishing through the economy. You get more, I get more and, in a flash, we'll all be millionaires.

You can see where this is going. From here, all roads lead to Harare.

I hate this man


He should resign, shut up and consider taking a small step from the top of a very tall building.

Until as recently as 2000, British banks lent only as much money as they held on deposit. But the availability of cheap financing on the money markets enabled banks such as Northern Rock to lend up to seven times the amount in their coffers.

So who has been in power during this time? Yes that bstard above.

And this ruthless scumbag

Before he was unceremoniously fired as chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland, Sir Fred Goodwin often said that he had turned the 280-year-old institution into "a sausage machine".

should be personally put legs first through a sausage machine. And can I please turn it on? Go on, please give me that job.

Mr Hester said that only 500 of RBS's bankers ran up the £28 billion losses that brought the bank to the brink of collapse. "Around 176,500 of our 177,000 staff did what was asked of them and made profits last year," he said.

They all take joint responsibility. If a manufacturing plant makes a net loss, then NOBODY gets a bonus. Why the <deleted> should a dam_n bank think it is outside of the normal rules of economics? 28,000,000,000 Quid down the pan, charged to the tax payer.

That makes an incredible, wait for it... 155,000 Quid LOSS for every single bloody employee! Jesus, they are now government employees.

Bonuses??? I do not want to hear that fukcing word ever again.

And now on to Europe


For the euro region, “we see at least another three quarters of contraction, and we should brace for a huge rise in unemployment,” BNP’s Wattret said. “The ECB will cut by at least half a point next month and may have to consider something even more radical.

But WAIT, I see a glimmer of hope on the horizon! Maybe all the trillions have finally worked!

The glimmer, it's getting brighter, I can recognise the country...

...OH NO! China is on the way to recovery BEFORE the west has even reached the bottom. So what has happened? What does it all mean? Surely not that Asia will stage an economic recovery WITHOUT Europe and the Western markets? Will they suddenly rush to buy manufactured goods from us? OH NO! We no longer have the manufacturing plants and no commodities, just a bunch of unemployable bankers, lawyers, estate agents, politicians, civil servants and a huge army of jobless cretins without any education worth speaking of, and another huge army of pensioners and soon to be pensioners out of the baby boom, all hoping to be paid a nice pension and live happily for twenty years or so after reaching pensionable age.


If anybody thinks there is any future in the west for the next decade, then you are a lost soul. China will no longer support your profligate ways by lending credit. They will develop the Asian markets. Will the Chinese come out with "sausage debts" wrapped in gold foil and sold on? No, they certainly won't. They will be carefully observing the western disaster and making plans to avoid the worst of it.


Yo 12, you should delete that site from your bookmarks. a lot of propaganda in there that make peoples bloid boil and that is exactly what they want.

Have another beer, did you looked that clip of the Juice guy?


12 you can get as angry as you like but it will do no good we are on the slippery slide,and regards to china,they will have no one to sell to,and their own population will be enough to keep them busy,its time the curtain came down,"thank you and goodnight".


I think there are enough very angry people out there who will be taking their money

from the banks if they have not already done so in disgust.

I was referring more to what will happen to people who still have huge credit card

and other debts and what happens to them if interest rates creep back up again?

well they cant get blood out of a stone.in today's society it pays to be hugely indebt,have maximum amount of credit on as many cards as possible,spend it all,go bankrupt(make sure to put your home,investment properties in wife's name or childrens before hand.am not saying its what i'd do,but when you see the blind corruption of the bankers and politicians,the social welfare fraud..........if you cant beat them then join them.

Sad but true.....many here use to joke that the one who owes more than is possible to pay back in one life time has won or beat the system. Not kidding I have heard folks actually say that.

Then to top that I have actually seen a year or so ago folks like Suzy Orm saying on her show that if you have high limit cards that is better than a personal loan or a home credit line because if you mess up all they say is no more charging for you as opposed to taking your home. Which is I guess true but it also helped fuel this behavior.

a novel way of the authorities to keep your money should they so wish..............and i bet they'd love to.

easy enough to engineer a total wipeout of all peoples money who would then be dependent on govt.handouts.

It is more about total control....They have talked about this for a long time. They always use illegal activity as the root reason. They say they can stamp it all out. No more drug money no more gambling or fencing stolen goods. If they truly controlled the $$$ they could question you about each deposit.

You know the actual cash in banks is quite small compared to all cash known to exists. They say that is because of the mattress banks & home safes, illegal money etc.

This is their desire for total control & access.

Which when you think about it is quite insane. They cannot even handle what is on their plate now & they want more? Idiots

Well 12 this probably will not help but.................. What the heck I thought Lloyds was top of the heap...cream of the crop....scary man very scary

They will all be after bonuses for this WONDERFUL performance.

I think you need to rearrange your sentence very slightly...

Loyds was top of the heap...cream of the crop => top of the heap...cream of the crap

Get this from their website


Lloyds Banking Group

Our Opportunity

Lloyds TSB Group plc was renamed Lloyds Banking Group on 19 January 2009, following the acquisition of HBOS plc. This makes us the largest retail bank in the UK. One in three people bank with us. Get an overview of the company.

But being the biggest bank does not necessarily make us the best bank. Our goal is to be the best financial services provider in the UK. We believe this means we must build a leadership position not on the basis of scale but on the foundations of reputation and recommendation.

The formation of Lloyds Banking Group is a once in a lifetime opportunity: to implement a way of doing business across all our businesses that’s proven to deliver better financial services for our customers. Successfully implementing this approach will provide us with a strong platform from which we can grow our business and will be our first steps in realising our global ambitions.

Our Responsibility

The creation of Lloyds Banking Group comes with a big responsibility.

Serving over thirty million people means we have a clear role to play in society; through helping our customers everyday. There is a huge potential to make an enormous difference that can improve many people’s lives.

To make that difference we need people with conviction. People who want to build a sense of responsibility to the people they serve. Our leadership team holds this conviction and we will build our business to deliver on it for customers, colleagues and shareholders.

We have come together to deliver on this conviction, to improve the security of the banking system and to play our part in supporting society at large.

Bit late in the fkucking day, isn't?

But wait, here's a interesting sentence buried amongst the bullsh1t.

People who want to build a sense of responsibility to the people they serve

OK Alex, what do you make of that? Who are these "people to be served"?

I am so <deleted> mad today.

Well 12 this probably will not help but.................. What the heck I thought Lloyds was top of the heap...cream of the crop....scary man very scary


Government may have to take full control of Lloyds

the govt. dont have any money.another thing that gets me is all this UK bank failure cannot be just down to the USA re packaging mortgage parcels and selling on,there could not have been enough mortgages given to people who could not afford the debt they incurred.so where are the other write downs coming from that makes the banks balance sheets so negative?

the govt. dont have any money.another thing that gets me is all this UK bank failure cannot be just down to the USA re packaging mortgage parcels and selling on,there could not have been enough mortgages given to people who could not afford the debt they incurred.so where are the other write downs coming from that makes the banks balance sheets so negative?

I interpreted becoming this big because because it wasnt just the packaging of mortgages

but alsothe result of multiplication by many times of the subsequent derivatives

of these questionable mortgages ? Someone correct me

if I am wrong.

so where are the other write downs coming from that makes the banks balance sheets so negative?

Try this for a clue.

And to the losses, so the incompetent twits lost 11,000,000,000 Quid last year. But STOP, hold on here, what was the loss to the shareholders?


So we have 16,345,000,000 shares in existence, 16 Billion of those now almost worthless little bits of paper.

Twelve months ago, were worth a fair bit at 483 pence, so call it 5 Quid, as all these numbers are becoming meaningless anyway. So that was then a market capitalisation of a whopping 90 Billion Quid.

And today the share price is a miniscule 60 pence, and the company is "worth" :P :jerk: maybe just 10 Billion Quid, or zero if Brown takes it over.

So who has lost the 80,000,000,000? All the shareholders. And who are these guys? Yes, you've guessed it, it will be YOUR pension schemes, YOUR Insurance companies, YOUR banks and in the end YOU taking the hit, because THEY WON'T HAVE THE CASH TO PAY YOUR PENSION.

It's all gone down the pan, and Brown is flushing more down it every day.

The Government already holds a 43 per cent stake in Lloyds after injecting £17 billion into the bank last year. The bank's shares closed down 32.5 per cent last night. The fall leaves taxpayers with a paper loss of nearly £10 billion on the government's investment.

There have been a couple of complaints about my bleak rantings on the state of the UK economy, its banks and politicians. Armagedon might indeed be a POSITIVE outlook if this mess carries on.

And for the 45% of the UK population carrying on in blissful ignorance (see a post above) of the depression. This is not something that they will be able to ignore for much longer, it is not like going to a Thai massage with the hope of a happy ending. :o:D :D :D :D :wai:


I told ya they tell ya didn't I.


People who want to build a sense of responsibility to the people they serve

Who want"s to build a sense of responsibility? Answer: The people they serve.


Response, Ability

Being able to respond

a sense= Limited capacity

Build, A plan is needed to build

We have a plan that limits your ability to respond, constructed by the people they serve.


Warning!!!! Funny picture's below.






We the peasants have to obey our kings.

Know your kings and you will: (Click below piccie for the answer)



ok so just looking at the UK now,where is it heading,what are the likely scenarios re debt,unemployment etc,if no govt. or financial institution like the IMF are willing to throw good money after bad,what options other than print money does the UK govt. have?


just broadening the discussion a little,it would appear that asian countries maybe better able to weather the storm.Take thailand as an example,i believe they have adequite reserves to defend their currencies,banks lending for mortgages always securied collateral and asked for a hefty deposit to scure the loan,the country is a great food producer too.

I know in australia(where i lived for 30years)the banks did not get sucked in to the extent of the UK with these mortgage parcels coming out of the USA,the problem aussie banks have is raising capital overseas,as the aus.govt. is worried that overseas institutions will call in the debt as opposed to rolling it over cos they need the cash(on paper) to make their balance sheets not look so bad.So there could be a run on the aust. banks.Also if they have to write down property values,commercial and private,then they'll not look so good,but really at the end of the day its these valuations that are way too high that need to go down.Australia would be a good place to weather the storm too,even though unemploymentmay go very high,canada i would imagine would be in a similar position to aust.both countries are lucky cos they have huge territory and few people,and australia can just about grow everything,only thing lacking is water to do this.sorry i got of topic,but am thinking what we are seeing now is really a huge decline in 2 countries,the USA,UK,and maybe just maybe Russia if energy prices continue to go down.


yes alex the world is being asked to "buy" this new world order crap that was first spouted by non other than bush senior,looking back into the history of thisfamily is truly scary,it was said that prescott bush helped finance the nazi's.

anyone with any commonsense knew this new globallisation problem was/is just a con to keep a few people in control of the many.but the culture of greed is hard to shake,just ask anyone who has tried to kick the drug habit.they want to keep on taking the fix,hence the continual shreiking out that "we can only solve this with world institutions."

My answer is the complete opposite(but it will mean a lowering of everone's standard of living)and that is to retreat,let each country be the master of their own destiny,we dont need these world bodies,what have they done that has really been so beneficial to mankind that each country could not do itself.

just broadening the discussion a little,it would appear that asian countries maybe better able to weather the storm.Take thailand as an example,i believe they have adequite reserves to defend their currencies,banks lending for mortgages always securied collateral and asked for a hefty deposit to scure the loan,the country is a great food producer too.

I dont agree with that statement samui :D Thailand is the land of smoke and mirrors and could they really

" weather the storm " as you say when all they last time was sweep the problem under the mat ? :D

Maybe you didnt read this :-


" The liabilities ( from the 1997 crisis ) have been split into three lots, with 500 billion baht in the first lot to be paid

down from annual profits generated by the central bank. Two other lots, of 112 billion

and 776 billion, would be paid through returns from the central bank's general accounts.

From 1997 to 2007, however, the central bank has paid down just 31.6 billion baht for the first lot of 500 billion baht in debt.

i.e. 31.6 billion baht from 1.4 trillion baht liabilities :o

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