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Hey, that is not fair.

Obama redecorated his oficce right?

So why not him?

It is a hard job you know.........



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Did you see this though.............it makes me sick :o

Why? He's spending money in the communitity instead of hoarding it so for the economy as (w)hole it's a good thing. :D


Before I get all religious and start quoting Jesus or the Buddha, let me say it crassly, crudely.

We have all been financially raped by bankers and politicians. Fornicated, violated, and they want all you straight guys go bend over and take it like a woman.

Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world. Take no thought for the morrow, observe the lazy old lilies of the field, etc.

You are allowed to discuss armed revolution. But if you try it, you will be mowed down like summer grass.

I'm with you Jimsknight, unfortunately weve got more wet lettuces than Iron Balls at least where Politicians are concerned.

Is Thatcher still alive and Kicking ?

Talking of 'Alive and Kicking' I think we've Found "Lord Lucan' Alive and Kicking in Thailand. Come on Lordofdelusion admit it ;-)

What ever did I say or do to have you confuse me with an Englishman???


Oh, and Blondie. Yeah you're right. Money buys the guns or in your analogy, the lawnmower.

the trouble is there is n't a churchill or thatcher on the horizon,and do the people have the balls to rise up,no money,no food should do it though.

Oh i dunno

There is always Boris Johnson. Sort of a cross between Churchill and Thatcher with a touch of Billy Smart thrown in.

Did you see this though.............it makes me sick :o

calm down it was just a mistake, It's OK, he's paying it all back.


Now how about all the rest of you bankers, politicians and Madoff (50 BILLION, I mean really how MUCH?) paying back the bonuses and salaries?

The combined lot would probably be enough to bail out the whole Universe and give everybody in a luxury home with SUV sitting in the garage including the rich cousins of the Brits in Zimbabwe :D :D :D

Help is on it's way.

Yoh Dude.

We'll all make the West strooong.

Problem is, that guy didn't check where his T-Shirt, pants, baseball bat, video, computer, modem were made. Man if he had destroyed the lot, I would not have had something to laugh about today.

Thank gaawd for Chinese goods! They deliver information across the globe.

The new star of the web has the answer.

And I agree with his sentiments.

But where are the Brits? Is there nothing left of the "Bulldog spirit?"

Come on, we're all Brothers here. If the banks and politicians aren't going to look after us, then its down to us. We must join up, take our remaing cash out of the banks, and by god, so many BILLIONS have been poured into them, surely they are running out of storage space for it? Refuse to pay the bills, if everybody refuses to pay, then where would they be? Refuse to pay the taxes. Why should we? What have they done for us?

And, when we, the brothers, get the economy going again, why should THEY take the profit from OUR hard work and efforts?

Unite, the future is in our own hands.


Peace bro,

That is exactly what we have to do.

Stop paying all your bills and take out all your money.

Stop working and see who is laughing.

In the end it is us that have the real power.

I would just pay the bills (why bother someone else) and just take out the money from the bank.

Result, no more bank, problem solved.

Line starts to the left.

Please be orderly no pushing :o

Really though this advice is sound & many should already be well into it.

None want to pull all at once....Well depending on what all is ,,,

But yes I am not so concerned about small interest anymore.

So, that's it. I've now reached the point where I am ready to join up.

Bring on the revolution. I have had enough of

Politicians - who were given the trust and responsibility to represent and protect us, paying themselves millions in the process.

Bankers - who accepted our money and gamboled it away, paying themselves billions in the process.

These governments have presided over populations who they know are not always going to make the right personal decisions. That is why we have laws and politicians to make them, codes of conduct, FSA's to prevent your average George, Joe or John from himself. So what happened? They have FAILED.

Now I am one of the most passive people I know. But I am now very angry that my trust has been proven to be misplaced, and I have been let down.

If I now feel this way, then, once the immensity of what is about to hit the UK in particular, including all the 1,000,000 ex pat pensioners and their families, where will it lead to? The Icelandic government is besieged, in Greece there have been riots. The Brits can take a lot, but once they get riled then the fighting becomes very bitter.

I bet you thought you would never be a socialist...........

“Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism.”.........Karl Marx: 1867 :o

I would just pay the bills (why bother someone else) and just take out the money from the bank.

Result, no more bank, problem solved.

Line starts to the left.

Please be orderly no pushing :o

Really though this advice is sound & many should already be well into it.

None want to pull all at once....Well depending on what all is ,,,

But yes I am not so concerned about small interest anymore.

They would just freeze your bank accounts.........

They would just freeze your bank accounts.........

That is why I said many should be well into it.

Most started many months ago.

Transfer a few thousand to another bank till you have 3 or 4 banks...Looks good not like mass withdrawals.

Then pull it out a couple K a day from 3 or 4 banks adds up fast & looks good.

They would just freeze your bank accounts.........

That is why I said many should be well into it.

Most started many months ago.

Transfer a few thousand to another bank till you have 3 or 4 banks...Looks good not like mass withdrawals.

Then pull it out a couple K a day from 3 or 4 banks adds up fast & looks good.

If everyone starts running to the bank it is to late. That is for the sheep.

Me, my family (except one, he lost 95% of his money), my friends all took out their money and spread it in august last year.

Don't be stupid to leave an amount higher than the guarantee. It is easy to open a few bankaccounts. Take one day off to do that and you secure yourself against a bank (could be yours) going belly up.

You read it here, you've seen it on the television, heard it on the radio. No excuse if it happens to you.

Me, my family (except one, he lost 95% of his money), my friends all took out their money and spread it in august last year.

Don't be stupid to leave an amount higher than the guarantee. I

I actually suggest spreading just to remove without flags.

This is what I see

I in no way consider their guarantee valid.

The only reason IMHO they raised from 100k to 250k is because they could not pay even the 100k so are trying to instill confidence.

I say pull & convert what you do not need for bills.

Did you see this though.............it makes me sick :o

calm down it was just a mistake, It's OK, he's paying it all back.


Now how about all the rest of you bankers, politicians and Madoff (50 BILLION, I mean really how MUCH?) paying back the bonuses and salaries?

The combined lot would probably be enough to bail out the whole Universe and give everybody in a luxury home with SUV sitting in the garage including the rich cousins of the Brits in Zimbabwe :D :D :D

"They were a mistake in the light of the world we live in today," Thain

said in a memo to top executives dated yesterday. "I will therefore reimburse the

company for all of the costs incurred."

The fact that he considers after the event that he made a mistake is irrelevant-

it's the fact that there are people like this ( the same type of vulgar people

who splashed out on the AIG parties ) exist and consider themselves

so important they don't see how it's morally wrong to spend $1,400

on a trash bin whether there was a downturn or not . It has nothing to

do with economic times - it is just plain vulgar

These are the people I feel I want to kill



What would be a preferred method?

I would pop out one of their eyes, suck out half their brains, spit it out over their face and then place them in front of a mirror so they can watch themselves slowly die.


The only reason IMHO they raised from 100k to 250k is because they could not pay even the 100k so are trying to instill confidence.

It's obvious : the "blankets insurance" given by Ireland and other europeans countries are a joke.

If you want to be really afraid, I invite you to look this document from an OECD report :


"Banks and leverage"

When you see that BNP (France) has a total liabilities in % of the GDP of...93,4 %....

Bank of Ireland ? 103,4 %

RBS (UK) ? 127,9 %

UBS (Swiss) ? 470 % !!!

Now you know. You know that those "insurances" are nothing but bullshit. For suckers.

I forgot : of course the suckers are going to point out that UBS has 479 % for "total assets" in % of the GPD... But people start to understand what "assets" mean... :o

Now you know. You know that those "insurances" are nothing but bullshit. For suckers.

the guarantees are not bullshit as long as they work. presently they do work. without the guarantees most of us would be in a quite difficult position. bottom line: not only at introduction the guarantees were an absolute necessity but they are still today and will be for quite time to come. personally i am quite happy to be a sucker as the guarantees provide me with much more flexibility. without the guarantees bank runs, banks collapsing and most probably a global freeze for all kind of financial transactions and shipping (the latter happened partially indeed) would have happened last october.

they would be of course nothing but bullshit if "drawn in full", in my view a highly unlikely event.

They would just freeze your bank accounts.........

That is why I said many should be well into it.

Most started many months ago.

Transfer a few thousand to another bank till you have 3 or 4 banks...Looks good not like mass withdrawals.

Then pull it out a couple K a day from 3 or 4 banks adds up fast & looks good.

If we put the money into Thai banks (any time the exchange rate blips upwards) what guarantees will we have. Is it fair to assume that foreigners bank accounts will be the last to benefit from any guarantees the Thai system may put in place?


What would be a preferred method?

I would pop out one of their eyes, suck out half their brains, spit it out over their face and then place them in front of a mirror so they can watch themselves slowly die.


So you have obviously thought about this long and hard.....

If we put the money into Thai banks (any time the exchange rate blips upwards) what guarantees will we have. Is it fair to assume that foreigners bank accounts will be the last to benefit from any guarantees the Thai system may put in place?

We have the 100% Thai government guarantee.

Now, would you place that as being worth above or below the UK government guarantee?

I think I know where I have more faith, and that is in this so-called Third World Country.

Now you know. You know that those "insurances" are nothing but bullshit. For suckers.

the guarantees are not bullshit as long as they work.

they would be of course nothing but bullshit if "drawn in full", in my view a highly unlikely event.

The Funny thing is the FDIC insurance here is based on or backed by the same thing the currency is..............Faith

Faith that not too many all say at once................Let me off this merry go round...

It does not feel like a safe ride anymore :o

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