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This really has nothing to do with the financial crisis. About as much as protesters who smash windows and create havoc at G20 meetings. :annoyed:

Couldn't disagree more. The financial crisis is a direct result of corporatist takeover of world governments. This is just the beginning.

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Can we get back to the topic? :jap:

an excellent idea Craig! yesterday i discussed the global financial crisis with my dogs who were rioting in the garden because a stray cat was on the wall. then i showed them several youtoob clips where dogs displayed nice and polite manners towards cats which they did not at all apprecitate but told me "iff vee vant to see shtoopid youvoodootoob klipps vee ask Midas, Flying or several ozzers in Thaivisa to show us zome!"


This really has nothing to do with the financial crisis. About as much as protesters who smash windows and create havoc at G20 meetings. :annoyed:

Couldn't disagree more. The financial crisis is a direct result of corporatist takeover of world governments. This is just the beginning.

Fine! Then open a thread called "Corporatist takeover of the world governments". Subtitle: "This is just the begining". As Naam mentions above, it can be a few of our members personal conspiracy theory thread. Frequented by the few...

Can we get back to the topic? :jap:

an excellent idea Craig! yesterday i discussed the global financial crisis with my dogs who were rioting in the garden because a stray cat was on the wall. then i showed them several youtoob clips where dogs displayed nice and polite manners towards cats which they did not at all apprecitate but told me "iff vee vant to see shtoopid youvoodootoob klipps vee ask Midas, Flying or several ozzers in Thaivisa to show us zome!"

Thanks...I got a great chuckle out of that!!! :lol:

Can we get back to the topic? :jap:

an excellent idea Craig! yesterday i discussed the global financial crisis with my dogs who were rioting in the garden because a stray cat was on the wall. then i showed them several youtoob clips where dogs displayed nice and polite manners towards cats which they did not at all apprecitate but told me "iff vee vant to see shtoopid youvoodootoob klipps vee ask Midas, Flying or several ozzers in Thaivisa to show us zome!"

:lol: :lol:

Come now Naam & Craig

Who could say this is not all related?

Is the talk about the financial crisis limited to wishful solutions?

Or just the bonuses/bailouts the bankers will get?

Or even a little of this revolting on wall street?

It is all part of the overall financial crisis....It is cause & effect in various degrees we see.

So to say lets get back to the topic? Perhaps point out which part of the topic you folks would like to be limited to?

Can we get back to the topic? :jap:

an excellent idea Craig! yesterday i discussed the global financial crisis with my dogs who were rioting in the garden because a stray cat was on the wall. then i showed them several youtoob clips where dogs displayed nice and polite manners towards cats which they did not at all apprecitate but told me "iff vee vant to see shtoopid youvoodootoob klipps vee ask Midas, Flying or several ozzers in Thaivisa to show us zome!"

:lol: :lol:

Come now Naam & Craig

Who could say this is not all related?

Is the talk about the financial crisis limited to wishful solutions?

Or just the bonuses/bailouts the bankers will get?

Or even a little of this revolting on wall street?

It is all part of the overall financial crisis....It is cause & effect in various degrees we see.

So to say lets get back to the topic? Perhaps point out which part of the topic you folks would like to be limited to?

For sure...I'm laughing really good now. Thanks! I agree, what part of this topic should we focus on? :jap: :lol:

Sorry...but I don't do well with conspiracy theories...nor public insubordination. :(

Which this thread seems to be all about!? :D

Who could say this is not all related?

before you beat me up Flying i admit these protests are "kinda" and "sort of" related to the financial crisis ;) what is not appropriate that due to the lack of more specific "crisis information" too much emphasis in this thread is put on some protesters, who will anyway achieve zilch, nada, niente, mafeesh, rien, nothing, nichts, muffat... with their actions. sad, but true :ermm:


Craig what do you think Willem Buiter was addressing at the Jackson Hole meeting 2 years ago by the polite term "regulatory capture"? Just another crank conspiracy theorist?


Sorry, but that's not a media source I choose to read. Just not my cup of tea. Then again, neither is Fox News. Just my personal choice.

Who could say this is not all related?

before you beat me up Flying i admit these protests are "kinda" and "sort of" related to the financial crisis ;) what is not appropriate that due to the lack of more specific "crisis information" too much emphasis in this thread is put on some protesters, who will anyway achieve zilch, nada, niente, mafeesh, rien, nothing, nichts, muffat... with their actions. sad, but true :ermm:

Right on. Sad, but true. Like that video earlier pointed out...no real focus to the protests yet. And with only a few hundred people participating, it's not really mainstream enough to make something happen.

I do agree with a lot of what you guys say. It's a mess that needs to be sorted out...but likely won't. The world will get through this crisis, just like it has in the past. The future is always fraught with perils, but the human race seems to deal with these things fairly well.


Craig what do you think Willem Buiter was addressing at the Jackson Hole meeting 2 years ago by the polite term "regulatory capture"? Just another crank conspiracy theorist?


Sorry, but that's not a media source I choose to read. Just not my cup of tea. Then again, neither is Fox News. Just my personal choice.

Well that's certainly OK but I would be interested in your answer to my question.

Who could say this is not all related?

before you beat me up Flying i admit these protests are "kinda" and "sort of" related to the financial crisis ;) what is not appropriate that due to the lack of more specific "crisis information" too much emphasis in this thread is put on some protesters, who will anyway achieve zilch, nada, niente, mafeesh, rien, nothing, nichts, muffat... with their actions. sad, but true :ermm:

I agree & have said so in a previous post.

It is at least a start. Baby steps so to speak but at least steps.

Later when they tire of protests they may

also consider further actions.

If people would wake up they would realize they have way more power than the banks & markets.

The banks & markets rely on their faith & continued support.

People could wake up & remove that support & faith anytime they want.

None can ever pinpoint when a revolution starts...But in hindsight it is easy to claim the cause....in this case the financial crisis

In this thread which has gone years now we have talked of many aspects of this crisis.

Whether it be unemployment...

bankers bonuses

banks closing

mortgage foreclosures

FED reserve policy

world wide contagion

alternative investments for protection

many things

They all relate to the financial crisis

Same with this wall street protest

What one may call civil disobedience others might call their last peaceful gasp.

If it changes to citizens voting from roof tops will that be part of it too?

Yes I think all of the above is part of the financial crisis.

I am not saying it will overwhelm this thread I am just saying it is another nail in the coffin of

a broken system.

All of which is related to & caused by this financial crisis


Sorry...but I don't do well with conspiracy theories...nor public insubordination. :(

Labeling anyone as a conspiracy theorist is just another form of ad hominem attack.

My reference to conspiracy theories refers to a variety of websites I've seen referred to in this thread. One reason I quit watching for quite some time.

You have to admit, quite a few have been referred to here....


Sorry...but I don't do well with conspiracy theories...nor public insubordination. :(

Labeling anyone as a conspiracy theorist is just another form of ad hominem attack.

My reference to conspiracy theories refers to a variety of websites I've seen referred to in this thread. One reason I quit watching for quite some time.

You have to admit, quite a few have been referred to here....

Hmmm you have stated what you dont like in a public forum, but it seems it is now the Craig and Naam,s opinion forum. Is this more to your liking?


Sorry...but I don't do well with conspiracy theories...nor public insubordination. :(

Labeling anyone as a conspiracy theorist is just another form of ad hominem attack.

My reference to conspiracy theories refers to a variety of websites I've seen referred to in this thread. One reason I quit watching for quite some time.

You have to admit, quite a few have been referred to here....

Hmmm you have stated what you dont like in a public forum, but it seems it is now the Craig and Naam,s opinion forum. Is this more to your liking?

I think our opinions are but a fraction of what are stated here....

I think it's time for me to unsubscribe again. Have fun gents! :jap:


This really has nothing to do with the financial crisis. About as much as protesters who smash windows and create havoc at G20 meetings. :annoyed:

Couldn't disagree more. The financial crisis is a direct result of corporatist takeover of world governments. This is just the beginning.

Fine! Then open a thread called "Corporatist takeover of the world governments". Subtitle: "This is just the begining". As Naam mentions above, it can be a few of our members personal conspiracy theory thread. Frequented by the few...

It's not a conspiracy theory to suggest that the Global financial Crisis is the direct result of fraudulent activities by bankers done with the complicity and/or profound lack of government oversight.

It's not a conspiracy to point out that thusfar almost none of the perpatrators of these crimes or those who enabled them have been brought to justice, or even indicted for that matter.

It's not a conspiracy theory to imagine that given the foregoing that something just as bad or worse will be arriving again soon at a market near you. One would have to really ignorant or willfully blind to believe otherwise.


Sorry...but I don't do well with conspiracy theories...nor public insubordination. :(

Which this thread seems to be all about!? :D

and I thought you were a proud New Yorker Craig........and following on from that a proud American? :blink:

but you wouldn't be a proud American today had there not been a touch of " public insubordination "

between 1775–83 ? :rolleyes:


It's not a conspiracy theory to suggest that the Global financial Crisis is the direct result of fraudulent activities by bankers done with the complicity and/or profound lack of government oversight.

It's not a conspiracy to point out that thus far almost none of the perpetrators of these crimes or those who enabled them have been brought to justice, or even indicted for that matter.

It's not a conspiracy theory to imagine that given the foregoing that something just as bad or worse will be arriving again soon at a market near you. One would have to really ignorant or willfully blind to believe otherwise.

You know LB there is something really sad about your post.

Sad because it is true.

It is sad that it seems the majority of Americans have become irresponsible, lazy, accepting & as you said basically willfully blind.

Either sheep, fat pigs concerned only with more & those so a part of the problem they will not bite the hand that feeds them.

Of course there are also those so chained to the wheel that they are not even afforded the luxury of looking up & seeing any of it.

I agree though that something much worse is headed this way.


It's not a conspiracy theory to suggest that the Global financial Crisis is the direct result of fraudulent activities by bankers done with the complicity and/or profound lack of government oversight.

It's not a conspiracy to point out that thus far almost none of the perpetrators of these crimes or those who enabled them have been brought to justice, or even indicted for that matter.

It's not a conspiracy theory to imagine that given the foregoing that something just as bad or worse will be arriving again soon at a market near you. One would have to really ignorant or willfully blind to believe otherwise.

You know LB there is something really sad about your post.

Sad because it is true.

It is sad that it seems the majority of Americans have become irresponsible, lazy, accepting & as you said basically willfully blind.

Either sheep, fat pigs concerned only with more & those so a part of the problem they will not bite the hand that feeds them.

Of course there are also those so chained to the wheel that they are not even afforded the luxury of looking up & seeing any of it.

I agree though that something much worse is headed this way.

it is incredibly sad because people have ignored repeated warnings throughout history and don't seem to show any anxiety

that what USA has been turning into over the past two years is so terribly uncharacteristic for what used to be the land of entrepreneurs. You can be chained to the wheel but you can still be acutely aware of the little warning signs when basic freedom and liberty is being eroded?


it is incredibly sad because people have ignored repeated warnings throughout history and don't seem to show any anxiety

that what USA has been turning into over the past two years is so terribly uncharacteristic for what used to be the land of entrepreneurs. You can be chained to the wheel but you can still be acutely aware of the little warning signs when basic freedom and liberty is being eroded?

Two years? Its been going on at least since the off-book/budget zero provision for trillion dollar wars (yes include the Veterans costs too) started under Bush 1, tax cuts, Greenspan Bernake FED printing money and executives salaries that went from a million dollars a year to $100+ million or billions if you are a hedge fund guy.

David Stockman made some good points on this and others today:


Need to stop the wars and return to previous tax rates for the millionaires/billionaires, reduce debt, extend retirement ages, cut off people that don't pay into social security etc. like non-working spouses unless worker pays extra for their coverage, bring more of the 50+% who pay no federal income taxes into paying taxes so they don't just look for a handout from the government but know it all costs money. There are so many opportunities out there to reduce this choking debt.

Stockman next FED Chairman?


The de-evolution of the USA started with Nixon and continues...The contagion has spread to all western countries.. Debt reduction strategies wont work, the damage is too great and there is worse to come. The only question now is will it end with a bang or a whimper. Time to hit the reset button is coming soon.


It is his organization that determines if the US economy is in a recession or not. It's not a matter of opinion, They are the designated arbiters of what is a recession and what is not..

Actually I believe that would be The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research not his company but it was a good interview thanks.


Sorry, but that's not a media source I choose to read. Just not my cup of tea. Then again, neither is Fox News. Just my personal choice.

I wonder if your media sources mentioned this? :rolleyes: now it becomes a little easier to understand the heavy handedness of some members of New York's finest :whistling:

" JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple."


I'm trying to think of an alternative word for incestuous relationships B)


I'm trying to think of an alternative word for incestuous relationships B)

How about....

kickback, payola; sweetener; backhander; hush money; grease; wet my beak: feebag: Fringe benefit :)

Or maybe just leave it at terms of endearment?


I'm trying to think of an alternative word for incestuous relationships B)

How about....

kickback, payola; sweetener; backhander; hush money; grease; wet my beak: feebag: Fringe benefit :)

Or maybe just leave it at terms of endearment?

and then there is plain and simple " OWNERSHIP " :rolleyes:

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