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Just another Ron Paul groupie. Don't be fooled.

Midas seems to be trying to paint the occupy movement as being unified that way. It ain't! When is the last time you hear Ron Paul complain about economic inequality in America?

Edited by Jingthing
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Just another Ron Paul groupie. Don't be fooled.

Midas seems to be trying to paint the occupy movement as being unified that way. It ain't! When is the last time you hear Ron Paul complain about economic inequality in America?

Jingthing politics is the furthest thing from my mind at the moment believe me.

this is only about ordinary Americans whether they are on the right or the left of politics

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

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surely isn't this an important point not to forget? :huh:

Greek Cabinet to Fire 20% of Public Workers; Unconstitutional Action? What if Greece Says "* You" to the Troika?

" Greeks are so pissed at banks, at bailouts, at austerity, at Greek Prime Minister Papandreou, and at the Greek parliament the majority simply does not care if a revolt is worse than further austerity measures.

Greek citizens they have been lied to so often they probably cannot tell the difference between relatively good scenarios and disastrous ones if they tried. The one thing they do correctly understand is bailouts were not setup for the benefit of Greece, but rather the benefits of lenders "


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Just another Ron Paul groupie. Don't be fooled.

Midas seems to be trying to paint the occupy movement as being unified that way. It ain't! When is the last time you hear Ron Paul complain about economic inequality in America?

Jingthing politics is the furthest thing from my mind at the moment believe me.

this is only about ordinary Americans whether they are on the right or the left of politics

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

I see. Name these terrorists. This should be interesting.

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Just another Ron Paul groupie. Don't be fooled.

Midas seems to be trying to paint the occupy movement as being unified that way. It ain't! When is the last time you hear Ron Paul complain about economic inequality in America?

Jingthing politics is the furthest thing from my mind at the moment believe me.

this is only about ordinary Americans whether they are on the right or the left of politics

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

I see. Name these terrorists. This should be interesting.

you seem to be in a particularly provocative mood this evening Jingthing ? :rolleyes:

What happened did you have a bad experience at a restaurant in Pattaya again? :lol:

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No. Just not in the mood to watch the extreme right wing falsely claim ownership of a sign of life for the real LEFT in America that is happening now.

No, that wasn't Obama. He fooled a lot of leftists but turned out the be more like Bob Dole.

I also take it you refuse to name the specific people you accuse of being terrorists.

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No. Just not in the mood to watch the extreme right wing falsely claim ownership of a sign of life for the real LEFT in America that is happening now.

No, that wasn't Obama. He fooled a lot of leftists but turned out the be more like Bob Dole.

I'm afraid you're thinking is too deep for me :blink:

I also take it you refuse to name the specific people you accuse of being terrorists.

I don't refuse but I don't see any purpose in doing so. I think it's safe to say everyone who is taking

an interest in developments throughout America are perfectly aware of who these people are.


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Humor us and name the names. Not everyone is plugged into tinfoilhat.com like you are. If you don't or can't, don't be surprised if people see that as a major COP OUT. You accused this small number of people of being TERRORISTS. That is a serious charge. You're man enough to throw out that bomb, but when asked for specifics, you show impotence.

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Humor us and name the names. Not everyone is plugged into tinfoilhat.com like you are. If you don't or can't, don't be surprised if people see that as a major COP OUT. You accused this small number of people of being TERRORISTS. That is a serious charge. You're man enough to throw out that bomb, but when asked for specifics, you show impotence.

I have never claimed to have generated the expression " financial terrorists " myself :unsure:

It is a phrase that Alex Jones and Max Keiser frequently use but I wholeheartedly agree with the expression.

Jingthing it almost seems that you are seeking to defend the behaviour of the people which the Occupy movements are

demonstrating against? as a patriotic American surely you should be pleased that your fellow countrymen

are finally reacting to all the injustices? please tell me you are not on the side of the banksters ?

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Your words,

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

If you won't name who you mean, perhaps it's time for you to retract that statement.

Yes, I am well pleased to see Americans protest against corporate greed and horrific economic inequality that in my view is more severe than in Thailand.

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Your words,

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

If you won't name who you mean, perhaps it's time for you to retract that statement.

I wouldn't dream of retracting it. I'm certainly not going to name just for your benefit but I think all people understand it is the BANKSTERS :bah:


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Sorry, but I find your position cowardly. I really do want to hear the names of who you are talking about.

I refer you to numerous websites that have been referred to in this thread on several occasions :whistling:

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Sorry, but I find your position cowardly. I really do want to hear the names of who you are talking about.

I refer you to numerous websites that have been referred to in this thread on several occasions :whistling:

It was your words. I want to hear what YOU think.

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Sorry, but I find your position cowardly. I really do want to hear the names of who you are talking about.

I refer you to numerous websites that have been referred to in this thread on several occasions :whistling:

It was your words. I want to hear what YOU think.

come on have you been smoking whacky backy tonight? :lol:

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Your words,

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

If you won't name who you mean, perhaps it's time for you to retract that statement.

Yes, I am well pleased to see Americans protest against corporate greed and horrific economic inequality that in my view is more severe than in Thailand.

OK, I'll start the fun and games. Joseph Cassano of AIG.



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Sorry, but I find your position cowardly. I really do want to hear the names of who you are talking about.

I refer you to numerous websites that have been referred to in this thread on several occasions :whistling:

It was your words. I want to hear what YOU think.

I want to see something on TV now so here is something for you to read in the meantime :whistling:

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion


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Sorry, but I find your position cowardly. I really do want to hear the names of who you are talking about.

I refer you to numerous websites that have been referred to in this thread on several occasions :whistling:

It was your words. I want to hear what YOU think.

I want to see something on TV now so here is something for you to read in the meantime :whistling:

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion


Limit your links to either The New York Times or Washingto Post midas. Those ar the only two credible news sources on earth.

That said, I give you Hank Paulson:



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Your words,

fighting back against a very small number of financial terrorists who deserve everything they are going to get.

If you won't name who you mean, perhaps it's time for you to retract that statement.

Yes, I am well pleased to see Americans protest against corporate greed and horrific economic inequality that in my view is more severe than in Thailand.

OK, I'll start the fun and games. Joseph Cassano of AIG.



Don't like those I gave? How about Lloyd Blankfein, Franklin Raines, Angelo Mozillo, Roland Arnall, Brian Clarkson, Stanley O'neal. One really could go on and on.

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a pretty articulate group of people overall

I wonder if Obama's getting concerned?

...Nah the 99% aren't really his power base.

:lol: :lol:

That is the truth of it

I remember this....

It was the tea party express....

The real tea party before the *name* was hijacked by folks

like Palin....Which leads unlearned like JT to believe the Tea Party is right wing or is not a large part of the occupy movement.

This was 9-12-09

At this one right outside his door Obama boarded Marine 1 Copter flew over it & later claimed he did not see it..... :lol:


Country is broke & broken...This admin has done zero,zilch nada to repair.

Only made it worse. Left wing...right wing...same corrupt bird.

As you say the 99% is not his base.

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Somebody has got to be president. Or are you favoring revolution and a new governmental system? You don't seriously believe a right wing republican president is going to be less subservient to the elite than a democrat, do you? Again, back to reality, what can a movement for the non-elite possibly accomplish? All I see is turning the country and the president further to the left. I watched one of your suggested nutjob windbag videos, Alex Jones. That's your leader? OMG! He was complaining the Occupy people had been taken over by George Soros and was ranting that poor people weren't paying any taxes, nothing about going after wealthy people. Also he was obsessed with attacking the federal reserve a la the Ron Paul groupies. No difference from tea party anti poor people rhetoric.

The real running theme I’m hearing is hopelessness: that we did everything right and played by the rules and went to school or got a job and now we’re buried in debt and can’t make ends meet, while these folks at the top of the economy seem to just keep prospering and prospering.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/youre-creating-a-vision-of-the-sort-of-society-you-want-to-have-in-miniature/2011/08/25/gIQAXVg7HL_blog.html Edited by Jingthing
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Somebody's has got to be president. Or are you favoring revolution and a new governmental system? You don't seriously believe a right wing republican president is going to be less subservient to the elite than a democrat, do you? Again, back to reality, what can a movement for the non-elite possibly accomplish? All I see is turning the country and the president further to the left. I watched one of your suggested nutjob windbag videos, Alex Jones. That's your leader? OMG! He was complaining the Occupy people had been taken over by George Soros and was ranting that poor people weren't paying any taxes, nothing about going after wealthy people. No difference from tea party anti poor people rhetoric.

The real running theme I’m hearing is hopelessness: that we did everything right and played by the rules and went to school or got a job and now we’re buried in debt and can’t make ends meet, while these folks at the top of the economy seem to just keep prospering and prospering.

Everything you spout has something to do with politics. This isn't a political problem, it's an ethics and economics problem. Sure politics gets overlaid on that but that's not the issue. The issue is, if there is no answer to the problem, which is ethical and economic in origin, coming from the political realm, the people will affect their own changes. You and the sources you seem to trust are waaaay behind the curve on this one. If I were a cynic I might suggest that they and you are too vested in that which is corrupt and that hinders your judgement and prevents you from viewing WHAT IS rather than talking about all the things that aren't. No solution lay in that direction.

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It seems to me you are dancing around whether you are supporting a revolution. A yes or no will do. I am not buying this, it's too advanced for politics fantasy. The real world -- POLITICS.

If being with the curve means you are so deluded that when you listen to an Alex Jones rant you don't think the man is certifiably insane, then God bless being behind the curve!

It's truly hilarious that some of you have consumed these edgy tinfoilhat voices so long you think you know the absolute truth. You're like religious true believers. Only you are right, others haven't been "converted" yet to the true path.

Many of you Paulite radicals are more radical than Paul. You want to crush the federal reserve overnight leaving nothing to replace it. If you think the pain is bad now, and it sure is, try something like that ...

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It seems to me you are dancing around whether you are supporting a revolution. A yes or no will do. I am not buying this, it's too advanced for politics fantasy.

Many of you Paulite radicals are more radical than Paul. You want to crush the federal reserve overnight leaving nothing to replace it. If you think the pain is bad now, and it sure is, try something like that ...

I don't support a revolution, I support a solution. I don't see a forcoming solution from the present cast of political candidates, but I reassure myself by that oldest of political axioms "If the people will lead, the leaders will follow". I hope that's how it all goes down.

I am neither a radical or a supporter of Ron Paul. I do appreciate that he has begun to raise points that are finding their way into the public debate, which hasn't been possible for decades now. I have a strong belief, that flawed as it is, the capitalist system, with proper oversight, provides the best opportunity for the most people to realize their greatest potentials and provide for the people in their care. I think that system has been corrupted horribly with the TBTF philosophy currently in vogue. Risk takers should assume the responsibility for the risks they take, People who never assumed those risk should not be held accountable to them. If people commit fraud they should be indicted and jailed if found guilty. None of that is the way things work currently. That breeds radicalism, which I don'r favor at all. I favor ethics and transparency and accountability and so should you.

BTW, who is Alex Jones?

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Alex Jones was referred to me by Mr. Midas as someone behind the rhetoric he supports using regarding so called financial terrorists.

Good to hear in your case you don't support a revolution. So when people power makes pressure on the powers that be, who do you think makes the changes? These financial institutions that have misbehaved, do you think they will be good because "the people" asked them to? They need to be forced to behave. Only laws do that, only laws, from ... GOVERNMENT.

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Alex Jones was referred to me by Mr. Midas as someone behind the rhetoric he supports using regarding so called financial terrorists.

I don't think terrorists is the right word, though it probably would be applicable to Hank Paulson and Tim Geithner's actions in cramming through TARP. I prefer terms like fraud, perjury, policy corruption, influence peddling, malfeasance, rackateering. All with the consent and complicity of the seated government.

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Alex Jones was referred to me by Mr. Midas as someone behind the rhetoric he supports using regarding so called financial terrorists.

Good to hear in your case you don't support a revolution. So when people power makes pressure on the powers that be, who do you think makes the changes? These financial institutions that have misbehaved, do you think they will be good because "the people" asked them to? They need to be forced to behave. Only laws do that, only laws, from ... GOVERNMENT.

The American government more resembles the Thai government everday. Lots of laws and zero enforcement. I see you no longer have your fawning Obama avatar but if you want to see him re-elected you might send him a message to start indicting hundreds if not thousands of fraudsters, despite their political contributions to him. At least appear to be trying to do the right thing. Nothing he can do about the economy until the debt washes out, so he might as well fight the good fight. Otherwise he's going to replace Jimmy Carter as the most ineffectual president of the past century.

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The American government more resembles the Thai government everday. Lots of laws and zero enforcement. I see you no longer have your fawning Obama avatar but if you want to see him re-elected you might send him a message to start indicting hundreds if not thousands of fraudsters, despite their political contributions to him. At least appear to be trying to do the right thing. Nothing he can do about the economy until the debt washes out, so he might as well fight the good fight. Otherwise he's going to replace Jimmy Carter as the most ineffectual president of the past century.

Not exactly zero enforcement. Well the Murdoch clan running the right wing wacko biased propaganda machine at the WSJ and his buddies want to make sure you know who the real thieves in America are that got us all into the financial crisis- the likes of those fraudsters involved in education theft. A terrible crime wave of grand theft sweeping America and warranting at least 9 days in jail and branding you as a felon thus eliminating your chances of getting many jobs unless the Governor grants special clemency for the felony.

In this case, the mother was charged with two felonies for sending both of her children to a school in her father's neighborhood. Of course her father pays property taxes directly or indirectly through rent to support the schools the children attended. But the school district taxing him thousands of dollars every year for the property he occupies until he dies in the US to fund schools regardless of whether or not he sends children to the schools is not committing felony grand theft, that is just government. If you have enough children in your family then the schools will probably give them free lunch and breakfast at school too at your neighbor's expense. So who is the grander thief?

The banksters by far have been the grandest (not all bankers just some really rotten apples giving them bankers a bad rep), but you won't read much investigative reporting on banksters in Murdoch's WSJ.


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Alex Jones was referred to me by Mr. Midas as someone behind the rhetoric he supports using regarding so called financial terrorists.

Good to hear in your case you don't support a revolution. So when people power makes pressure on the powers that be, who do you think makes the changes? These financial institutions that have misbehaved, do you think they will be good because "the people" asked them to? They need to be forced to behave. Only laws do that, only laws, from ... GOVERNMENT.

The American government more resembles the Thai government everday. Lots of laws and zero enforcement. I see you no longer have your fawning Obama avatar but if you want to see him re-elected you might send him a message to start indicting hundreds if not thousands of fraudsters, despite their political contributions to him. At least appear to be trying to do the right thing. Nothing he can do about the economy until the debt washes out, so he might as well fight the good fight. Otherwise he's going to replace Jimmy Carter as the most ineffectual president of the past century.

That's up to the legal authorities, which cases to pursue, not Obama specifically.

The economy is not dependent on the debt.

Of course I am disappointed with Obama but clearly for different reasons than you.

As far as the masses supporting the Occupy movement, who do you think they will choose based on these issues?

Obama (holding their nose)

or Romney (a man who specializes in killing American jobs and/or shipping them abroad)?

Still, the protesters chose Wall Street as their physical rallying point, speaking against corporate greed, social inequality, global climate change and other concerns.

Against corporate greed -- DEMOCRATS

Against social inequality -- DEMOCRATS

Action against man made climate change -- DEMOCRATS

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