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I think the best accountants and economists have come up with a few criminals that mostly haven't been prosecuted and are still living the good life on everyone else's hard earned money. Some of the thefts are still being exposed like who has the $600 million that recently disappeared from MF Global customer accounts? With all the records around they should be able to more quickly identify and recover the money and throw the bums who stole it in jail and return the money or take away all of the thief's assets if they gambled their clients' money away on bets they had no right to make. As long as the criminals get away with it, they will likely continue to commit their crimes and harm the rest of us.

I can say some bankers are banksters but I know most are not so I try to remember to say certain bankers, etc. or just refer to the crooks as banksters not bankers.

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its turned into symantics and not anything more

looks like the dart board purchase could be where the smart money is heading

what part of

financial advice canNOT be given without the advisers having spent hours and hours with those they advice to evaluate their background, risk tolerance, targets, expectations and a dozen other factors.

is it you don't understand and requires an explanation? and since when are facts semantics? :huh:

these facts as you put it have placed the world in the exact position its in now

there are no facts when money and accounting are concerned

bankers, finanical advisors and accountants are the scum of the earth = they get paid win draw lose now thats a fact

evaluate the background = sure all the pension fund and bank crashes - have done a fine job there

risk tolerance - there is no risk to the advisor only the investor

history over the last few years with the best accountants and economists that have spent hours and hours evaluating the situation have come up with WHAT?


sorry Naam - your on the wrong tram

I hate generalizations like the above. Not all bankers, financial advisors and accountants are scum. You obviously have never run a business. Bankers and accountants are critical for a successful business. Sure, there are some who have profited from the current mess. But the vast majority have not. Actually, many of the bankers at your local branch are now out of a job. No fault of their own. And many accountants just add up numbers and plug them into spreadsheets. Nothing to do with our current situation.


' doom and gloom ' as you mention it


Allocate 25 percent to Gold Bullion

"The best thing an individual investor can do right now is to hold 25% of his assets in equities, 25% in real estate, 25% in gold, and 25% in cash," "If equities, real estate, or gold drop another 10% to 20%, put more cash in." said Faber last week. - in Bullion Vault

Contrarian Investor Dr.Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world.'


let's follow the "international investor known for his uncanny predictions"

-we buy 25% equities. which ones? who cares? the "uncanny predictor" didn't mention specific equities, i.e. we can buy any equities. ENRON comes to my mind and Lehman Bros. i was told their shares are nowadays available at bargain prices. and we all know that what goes down must go up again.

-then we buy real estate. what kind, where? the "uncanny predictor" didn't mention specific real estate, i.e. we can buy any real estate... perhaps not too far away that we can look after it? Bangkok and surroundings with free garden irrigation seems to be a good choice.

-gold is no problem. we walk into the next goldshop and tell the sales girl "gimme 25% gold bullion, but leo leo... and don't you dare to cheat us with 96.5% Thai gold!"

-the remaining 25% cash we diversify using a mix of Baht coins, cowrie shells, Angolan Kwanza, Laotian Kip, Burmese Kyat and Cambodian Riel. if the Baht becomes worthless and we can't buy groceries we cross the border to nearby neighbouring to buy what we need. i take it that this is what the "uncanny predictor" meant because he did not mention any specific currency.

-if -as the "uncanny predictor" advises- the non-cash assets drop 10-20% we use our cash and increase their share. should afore-mentioned assets drop 40% we will ask the "uncanny predictor" to loan us some cash because we don't have any cash left. but the latter is theoretically only as we all know that equities, real estate and gold never lose their value but keep on going up, up and up.

as simple as that! :jap:

For Thai Stocks in 2011, Faber recommended Chiang Mai Ram Medical [CMR.Thailand], a hospital-management company, AEON Thana Sinsap [AEONTS.Thailand], a consumer-finance company, MCOT [MCOT.Thailand] is a communications company, partly state-owned.



For Thai Stocks in 2011, Faber recommended Chiang Mai Ram Medical [CMR.Thailand], a hospital-management company, AEON Thana Sinsap [AEONTS.Thailand], a consumer-finance company, MCOT [MCOT.Thailand] is a communications company, partly state-owned.


your link doesn't work and i don't assume that it is wise to put 25% of one's money into two Thai stocks.

Marc Faber’s 2011 Stock Picks

A basket of Swiss insurers including Zurich Financial [ZURN.Switzerland], Swiss Life [sLHN.Switzerland] and Swiss Re [RUKN.Switzerland] are attractive at current valuations.

Zurich Financial 18.02.2011 - 275.00 / today 199.30 = -27.52%

Swiss Life 09.02.2011 - 166.20 / today 98.25 = -40.88%

Swiss Re 18.02.2011 - 60.75 / today 48.54 = -20.10%

merci vielmol Herr Faber... but NO thank you! i will not waste my time to check your other "picks" :whistling:

Marc Faber’s 2011 Stock Picks

A basket of Swiss insurers including Zurich Financial [ZURN.Switzerland], Swiss Life [sLHN.Switzerland] and Swiss Re [RUKN.Switzerland] are attractive at current valuations.

Zurich Financial 18.02.2011 - 275.00 / today 199.30 = -27.52%

Swiss Life 09.02.2011 - 166.20 / today 98.25 = -40.88%

Swiss Re 18.02.2011 - 60.75 / today 48.54 = -20.10%

merci vielmol Herr Faber... but NO thank you! i will not waste my time to check your other "picks" :whistling:

Those picks are from February - Has he not changed since then ? a lot has happened since :rolleyes:

Marc Faber’s 2011 Stock Picks

A basket of Swiss insurers including Zurich Financial [ZURN.Switzerland], Swiss Life [sLHN.Switzerland] and Swiss Re [RUKN.Switzerland] are attractive at current valuations.

Zurich Financial 18.02.2011 - 275.00 / today 199.30 = -27.52%

Swiss Life 09.02.2011 - 166.20 / today 98.25 = -40.88%

Swiss Re 18.02.2011 - 60.75 / today 48.54 = -20.10%

merci vielmol Herr Faber... but NO thank you! i will not waste my time to check your other "picks" :whistling:

Those picks are from February - Has he not changed since then ? a lot has happened since :rolleyes:

i don't know whether he has changed and i don't care. fact is that a "guru" picked shit and adds a lame

"Swiss insurers don’t own a lot of Greek, Portuguese and Spanish bonds. Zurich Financial yields 6%, astronomical compared to Swiss interest rates. The market is saying it doesn’t trust the dividend. But even if it is cut by 50%, you’ll have a 3% yield, still is better than Swiss bonds."

yeah right! lose an average of 30% capital in less than a year but but be happy if the dividend is cut to 3% because "it is still better than..." :lol:


Those picks are from February - Has he not changed since then ? a lot has happened since :rolleyes:

i don't know whether he has changed and i don't care. fact is that a "guru" picked shit'

:blink: :blink:


I don't understand how Nancy Pelosi ends up making $100,000 in one day and keeps enjoying the limelight

while Martha Stewart for doing the same thing exactly ended up in a room with no light ?:blink:

I don't see how Newt Gingrich can get paid $1.8 million from Freddie Mac as a "historian" giving advice that can not be recalled/confirmed by them (Why the big bucks? Was he just the bagman for Republican Congressmen to lighten up on Freddie Mac at the time?). Since Freddie Mac continues to be bailed out by taxpayers, Newt's special deal was effectively billed and paid for by the US taxpayers. Just another example of lack of integrity that resulted in the mis-allocation of resources that enriched the crooks and contributed to the financial crisis for the rest of us.



So what is this from Downunder"?


resident Barack Obama said the U.S. is sending a "clear message" of its intent to lead in the Asia-Pacific region with an agreement he and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced to deploy American Marines on Australian bases next year

Well, right, so we need even more US presence as the self-appointed "Global Policeman", defender of the US Right to Screw the World? Actually, no, we don't.

But what does this mean?

Gillard said both nations are "deeply engaged" with China and want to see the world's second-largest economy "rise into the global rules-based order

"Rise into the global rules-based order"

Maybe she should reconsider where Aussieland is located, where the main export market for Aussie commodities is and who has the financial clout?


I would prefer to see some of our ships and troops based out of Australia if possible or to just come home rather than continue to be radiated in Japan just to show the flag in the area like a cop on the beat. Too bad some of them couldn't help out in Thailand and had to go back to the radiation.


Maybe she should reconsider where Aussieland is located, where the main export market for Aussie commoditie[/size][/font]s is and who has the financial clout?

since when do politicians take facts into their considerations? :huh:


the link

One of Australias leading men in the know said he recently spent time with bankers and was surprised to hear their thoughts plans

heres a snippit but read the rest at the link

Germany and France are pressing hard for a United States of Europe-type solution. The investment bankers explained why this can't work. I will not go into the detail because it was explained brilliantly in yesterday's Stratfor contribution. If there is a break-up of the euro, the banking losses will be truly staggering. The German currency would go through the roof, wiping out vast segments of German industry. So last night the investment bankers said that while theoretically it made sense, the losses and repercussions were so painful that it would never happen.

They believe that the only solution is that the crisis will deepen and just as there is about to be a split, everyone will conclude that the only solution is to quickly construct the biggest printing press that the world has ever seen and run into 24/7 euro printing. The euro will fall sharply and a year or two after the press starts to pump out money, inflation will rise sharply. That inflation will solve the problem in the least painful way. But that crisis could be three months to a year away and the inflationary effects are further away again.

It is possible the US will do the same thing on even larger scale, in which case there would be global inflation.

We concluded that it is dangerous to have your money in euros and share investors face some very bad and good days ahead as the volatility gathers intensity. My thanks to all those involved in this fascinating set of discussions.

I have asked the good Doctor if you stay in cash will it be inflated away

if you stay in gold shares what will happen?

more later


the link

One of Australias leading men in the know said he recently spent time with bankers and was surprised to hear their thoughts plans

heres a snippit but read the rest at the link

Germany and France are pressing hard for a United States of Europe-type solution. The investment bankers explained why this can't work. I will not go into the detail because it was explained brilliantly in yesterday's Stratfor contribution. If there is a break-up of the euro, the banking losses will be truly staggering. The German currency would go through the roof, wiping out vast segments of German industry. So last night the investment bankers said that while theoretically it made sense, the losses and repercussions were so painful that it would never happen.

They believe that the only solution is that the crisis will deepen and just as there is about to be a split, everyone will conclude that the only solution is to quickly construct the biggest printing press that the world has ever seen and run into 24/7 euro printing. The euro will fall sharply and a year or two after the press starts to pump out money, inflation will rise sharply. That inflation will solve the problem in the least painful way. But that crisis could be three months to a year away and the inflationary effects are further away again.

It is possible the US will do the same thing on even larger scale, in which case there would be global inflation.

We concluded that it is dangerous to have your money in euros and share investors face some very bad and good days ahead as the volatility gathers intensity. My thanks to all those involved in this fascinating set of discussions.

I have asked the good Doctor if you stay in cash will it be inflated away

if you stay in gold shares what will happen?

more later

" That inflation will solve the problem in the least painful way. "...and after that...?? :unsure:


This or something like it seems to make sense ....but soooooon...., not after another emergency meeting sometime next week ..

'Even so, a growing chorus of economists within Germany itself is calling for a strategic change. Wurzburg professor Peter Bofinger wants the ECB to cap Italian and Spanish yields.

"We are in an emergency situation; this isn't plastic surgery. If worse comes to worst, the ECB has to act before the financial system falls. And if it acts, it should act properly and set an upper limit for sovereign yields. It's naive to believe that Italy can solve its problems on its own. Structural reforms can't be implemented overnight."



So what is this from Downunder"?


resident Barack Obama said the U.S. is sending a "clear message" of its intent to lead in the Asia-Pacific region with an agreement he and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced to deploy American Marines on Australian bases next year

Well, right, so we need even more US presence as the self-appointed "Global Policeman", defender of the US Right to Screw the World? Actually, no, we don't.

But what does this mean?

Gillard said both nations are "deeply engaged" with China and want to see the world's second-largest economy "rise into the global rules-based order

"Rise into the global rules-based order"

Maybe she should reconsider where Aussieland is located, where the main export market for Aussie commodities is and who has the financial clout?

Lock the world's leaders in a room with no food or water and tell them to sort it out .....

Same with europe ..

Same with Middle East ... :angry:

and then on to Africa... why are people starving when the US can print and throw usd out of a plane ..

and when the world's leaders starve bring in a new team who can sort it out .. :ermm:

US assures Philippines of 2nd warship amid South China Sea territorial disputes



MF Global theft has destroyed the confidence in the futures and options markets

'Besides this new revelation on the futures markets, today also saw a dollar liquidity freeze that ushered in a massive selloff in both commodities and equities. Dollar swaps worldwide are slowing to a crawl, and many are selling off anything they have to get into cash.'

Continue reading on Examiner.com MF Global theft has destroyed the confidence in the futures and options markets - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/mf-global-theft-has-destroyed-the-confidence-the-futures-and-options-markets#ixzz1e1XwtdC1


Interesting to note that the New PM of Italy Mario Monti is listed as a steering member/ one of the leaders of the Bildergerg group.

He is known by some as Super Mario as he is also international adviser to Goldman Sachs

He is also a head of the famous Trilateral Commission

The secretive group, which also lists among its members some of the most influential members of the world elite, was supposedly founded to bring about closer “cooperation” between North America, Europe, and Japan.

The Commission was founded in 1973 by the infamous banker and power-broker David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller once said...

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will,” Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 autobiography. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Interesting to note that the New PM of Italy Mario Monti is listed as a steering member/ one of the leaders of the Bildergerg group.

He is known by some as Super Mario as he is also international adviser to Goldman Sachs

He is also a head of the famous Trilateral Commission

The secretive group, which also lists among its members some of the most influential members of the world elite, was supposedly founded to bring about closer “cooperation” between North America, Europe, and Japan.

The Commission was founded in 1973 by the infamous banker and power-broker David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller once said...

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will,” Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 autobiography. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

but Naam said they didnt exist ? :whistling:


Interesting to note that the New PM of Italy Mario Monti is listed as a steering member/ one of the leaders of the Bildergerg group.

He is known by some as Super Mario as he is also international adviser to Goldman Sachs

He is also a head of the famous Trilateral Commission

The secretive group, which also lists among its members some of the most influential members of the world elite, was supposedly founded to bring about closer “cooperation” between North America, Europe, and Japan.

The Commission was founded in 1973 by the infamous banker and power-broker David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller once said...

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will,” Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 autobiography. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

but Naam said they didnt exist ? :whistling:

Oh they exist & it is no secret.

I know many have built it up into a shrouded cult type existence.

but they are quite open about their governors etc.

As you can see on their website

Mario is listed in the Steering committee

ITA Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi


They even list what they discussed back to 1954



Oh they exist & it is no secret.

I know many have built it up into a shrouded cult type existence.

but they are quite open about their governors etc.

There comes a time when those that say it is only a conspiracy theory

can no longer remain in denial when you are being punched repeatedly in the face

by the facts :ph34r:

Bilderberg Group "highest form of world government"



You know I hear a lot of scenarios on what is going to happen due to the financial crisis. We hear inflation, deflation, hyper inflation, letting the banks go broke, nationalizing the banks, riots and civil war.

More and more people are becoming disenchanted with the way the politicians are running things and the politicians know it. So what is the one thing that is sure to get the people thinking about bigger problems than the economy. That would be a nice war, you choose the players, could be anyone. The government will gin up excuses to justify having an all out war. Once it starts it takes the average Joe’s mind off the politicians and onto the war. It can also be a real money maker for a lot of the rich, and only the poor and middle class do the fighting and lose their lives. Also helps the unemployment situation as it takes a lot of stuff to fight a war and a lot of people to make it.

I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

And before you ask I haven’t been smoking anything

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