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Anti EU persons taking matters in to own hands in extreme fashion

the lukewarm fart of a frog inmidst of a hurricane saai.gif

but most of the last expert postings confirm that the "financial crisis" as well as "the current socio-economic situation in Poland" is exclusively based on the evil EU and it's satanic currency the Y€Wro even though Poland is sticking to its Zloty and has not adopted the €UR cheesy.gif

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Anti EU persons taking matters in to own hands in extreme fashion

the lukewarm fart of a frog inmidst of a hurricane saai.gif

but most of the last expert postings confirm that the "financial crisis" as well as "the current socio-economic situation in Poland" is exclusively based on the evil EU and it's satanic currency the Y€Wro even though Poland is sticking to its Zloty and has not adopted the €UR cheesy.gif

£ is still £, So what? The EU idiocy is not just its currency.

Anti EU persons taking matters in to own hands in extreme fashion

the lukewarm fart of a frog inmidst of a hurricane saai.gif

but most of the last expert postings confirm that the "financial crisis" as well as "the current socio-economic situation in Poland" is exclusively based on the evil EU and it's satanic currency the Y€Wro even though Poland is sticking to its Zloty and has not adopted the €UR cheesy.gif

£ is still £, So what? The EU idiocy is not just its currency.

so what did the mighty Pound do? has it skyrocketed vs. the €UR? has the half-assed EU-membership prevented U.K. to be in financial doldrums? has the £ lost pro rata less vs. Thai Baht then the €UR since the latters inception?

as the article you posted did not mention one word about EU i expect more of it dragged out of thin air.

suggested topics:

-EU caused AIDS and 90 day reporting of Farang retirees in Thailand

-EU formation causes earthquakes and tsunamis

-Eva luring Adam to buy an apple with €URos caused the LORD to kick them out of paradise.

Anti EU persons taking matters in to own hands in extreme fashion

the lukewarm fart of a frog inmidst of a hurricane saai.gif

but most of the last expert postings confirm that the "financial crisis" as well as "the current socio-economic situation in Poland" is exclusively based on the evil EU and it's satanic currency the YWro even though Poland is sticking to its Zloty and has not adopted the UR cheesy.gif

is still , So what? The EU idiocy is not just its currency.

so what did the mighty Pound do? has it skyrocketed vs. the UR? has the half-assed EU-membership prevented U.K. to be in financial doldrums? has the lost pro rata less vs. Thai Baht then the UR since the latters inception?

as the article you posted did not mention one word about EU i expect more of it dragged out of thin air.

suggested topics:

-EU caused AIDS and 90 day reporting of Farang retirees in Thailand

-EU formation causes earthquakes and tsunamis

-Eva luring Adam to buy an apple with URos caused the LORD to kick them out of paradise.

The pound is getting plenty printing as we have talked about already- USD pound and euro are all down together, against gold and bht (non q eased)

Britain is wasting billions foolishly by bring part of EU. A free trade deal like Swiss has would be better. We would be free then to sign our own trade deals with other countries also. A few ideas- a free trade area of the common wealth, deal with NAFTA, deal with the super block just announced to come in a few years with ASEAN + 5 (or was it more).

+ free from the stupid regs and human rights etc etc etc


The pound is getting plenty printing as we have talked about already- USD pound and euro are all down together, against gold and bht (non q eased)

Britain is wasting billions foolishly by bring part of EU. A free trade deal like Swiss has would be better. We would be free then to sign our own trade deals with other countries also. A few ideas- a free trade area of the common wealth, deal with NAFTA, deal with the super block just announced to come in a few years with ASEAN + 5 (or was it more).

+ free from the stupid regs and human rights etc etc etc

it's a nice feeling when i'm able to agree with you. on "free from the stupid regs and human rights etc etc etc" i wholeheartedly agree with you! the parasites in Brussels, all of them political appointees, are completely out of bounds. they are one of the dozen reasons why i don't live in Europe.


Incredible comment by former HP CEO.


It was the auditor's fault that HP paid $11 billion for a company that gave away its useless software to people who didn't want it and then projected future sales from that customer base. Common sense apparently wasn't very common at HP then or its financial advisers.

HP is beginning to look more and more like another Enron....how many more out there ...?

Hewlett-Packard’s Explanation Just Makes No Sense



Incredible comment by former HP CEO.


It was the auditor's fault that HP paid $11 billion for a company that gave away its useless software to people who didn't want it and then projected future sales from that customer base. Common sense apparently wasn't very common at HP then or its financial advisers.

HP is beginning to look more and more like another Enron....how many more out there ...?

Hewlett-Packards Explanation Just Makes No Sense


You are aware that was an appallingly ignorant article and the author didn't know what he was asking about? Hs thrust seems to be that there's something worse than just totally amateur due dilly at HP or their accountants, that something very untoward happened. His points make no sense in that regard however.


Incredible comment by former HP CEO.


It was the auditor's fault that HP paid $11 billion for a company that gave away its useless software to people who didn't want it and then projected future sales from that customer base. Common sense apparently wasn't very common at HP then or its financial advisers.

HP is beginning to look more and more like another Enron....how many more out there ...?

Hewlett-Packards Explanation Just Makes No Sense


You are aware that was an appallingly ignorant article and the author didn't know what he was asking about? Hs thrust seems to be that there's something worse than just totally amateur due dilly at HP or their accountants, that something very untoward happened. His points make no sense in that regard however.

you are entitled to your opinion... which i dont agree with smile.png

FBI Reportedly Begin Probe Into HP/Autonomy Deal



The pound is getting plenty printing as we have talked about already- USD pound and euro are all down together, against gold and bht (non q eased)

Britain is wasting billions foolishly by bring part of EU. A free trade deal like Swiss has would be better. We would be free then to sign our own trade deals with other countries also. A few ideas- a free trade area of the common wealth, deal with NAFTA, deal with the super block just announced to come in a few years with ASEAN + 5 (or was it more).

+ free from the stupid regs and human rights etc etc etc

i wholeheartedly agree with you!



(I thought actually you secretly agree with quite a lot that's said on here but just find it more fun to argue)




(I thought actually you secretly agree with quite a lot that's said on here but just find it more fun to argue)

it's not amazing because i agree mainly with "free from the stupid regs and human rights". the Brussels parasites seem to concentrate on stupid regulations.

on Britain and the EU i think both parties would be better off to "divorce". on one hand UK, although an island, is an integral part of Europe and still an important political force but on the other hand it was always a half-assed EU-member throwing spanners in the gearbox. moreover, the country is deeply divided as far as the EU is concerned. because its industry has diminished and Sterling had no fixed exchange rate UK hardly profited from the common currency. all focus is on the "city" where the high rolling bankers are influencing political decisions.

the latter is (in my opinion) not only unhealthy but even more dangerous than the ridiculous tugs-of-war the EU-clowns perform for every little sh*t.


Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful, good society’ which shall now be Rome’s, interpreted to mean: more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Asked if EU leaders would be able to keep Britain aboard, Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg’s veteran prime minister, quipped: “The British know how to swim.”



I never understood how the French persuaded all to subsidize their farmers when it seems so unfair especially to the poor farmers outside Europe ......seems they may win again whilst budgets for small firms and job creators are cut ...blink.png

'The French argue that farm support is about not just subsidies but guaranteeing food security and quality in Europe.' Mais Qui ..!smile.png

EU Budget Laugh of the Day "No One Is Discussing Quality"


I never understood how the French persuaded all to subsidize their farmers when it seems so unfair especially to the poor farmers outside Europe ......seems they may win again whilst budgets for small firms and job creators are cut ...blink.png

'The French argue that farm support is about not just subsidies but guaranteeing food security and quality in Europe.' Mais Qui ..!smile.png

I did not read the article but I have always felt if anyone should get breaks it is the farmers.

For just that reason mentioned, Food Security


I never understood how the French persuaded all to subsidize their farmers when it seems so unfair especially to the poor farmers outside Europe ......seems they may win again whilst budgets for small firms and job creators are cut ...blink.png

'The French argue that farm support is about not just subsidies but guaranteeing food security and quality in Europe.' Mais Qui ..!smile.png

I did not read the article but I have always felt if anyone should get breaks it is the farmers.

For just that reason mentioned, Food Security

Poor farmers OK but ...


They sure know how to get the money to the right people !!!

Cut their own wages / pensions .. not a chance

They sure know how to create sensible working rules ... and more and more of them ....

throw dying fish back into the sea .. sounds like a good idea blink.pngbah.gif


I did not read the article but I have always felt if anyone should get breaks it is the farmers.

For just that reason mentioned, Food Security

Poor farmers OK but ...


They sure know how to get the money to the right people !!!

Cut their own wages / pensions .. not a chance

They sure know how to create sensible working rules ... and more and more of them ....

throw dying fish back into the sea .. sounds like a good idea blink.pngbah.gif

Ooops I should clarify

By breaks I meant farming should be a tax free income.

I am not for throwing tax payer money at any sector.

I do also remember years ago in the US

they made loans to all the farmers. Farmers who had farms in their families for generations.

Well of course they have their bad years.

But now with the heavy govt / farmers banks loans for all the new modern equipment they were told they needed

they could not carry the payments during bad times.

The govt. came in & auctioned off their equipment & if that did not cover it

they foreclosed on farms that had been in the same families for generations.

It got so bad the govt had to truck the equipment to far off States as the farmers stood together & would not bid

on equipment as they knew the families it came from.

People like John Mellencamp wrote songs like Rain On The Scarecrow


I never understood how the French persuaded all to subsidize their farmers when it seems so unfair especially to the poor farmers outside Europe ......seems they may win again whilst budgets for small firms and job creators are cut ...blink.png

'The French argue that farm support is about not just subsidies but guaranteeing food security and quality in Europe.' Mais Qui ..!smile.png

I did not read the article but I have always felt if anyone should get breaks it is the farmers.

For just that reason mentioned, Food Security

agreed, but that doesn't justify a "mais qui" instead of a "mais oui" tongue.png

on a serious note, farmers all over Europe are subsidised with billions or €UR (formerly in various European currencies) and that not only for years but for decades.

it is also well known that every year hundreds of millions of subsidies are additionally skimmed off by criminal methods.

example: German farmers are producing butter, the product is subsidised. an exporter ships the butter to Eastern Europe, claims he sells it at a cheap price and collects subsidies. the butter is smuggled back and its "export" is again and again and again subsidised. same game with beef, pork and you name it.

worst of all is the officially sanctioned and subsidised destruction of various food stuff produced only for destruction and subsidies. bah.gif


U.S. food banks raise alarm as drought dents government supplies

The worst U.S. drought in more than half a century has weakened the safety net for the 50 million Americans who struggle to get enough to eat, and the nation's food banks are raising the alarm as the holiday season gets into full swing.

Demand for food assistance - unrelenting as the U.S. economy slowly recovers from the worst recession since the Great Depression - ticks higher during the winter holidays.



" Mrs Merkel said she doubted an EU agreement could be reached at this meeting "


ah well another summit next year. I wonder if the bookmakers are taking bets ? bah.gif

Cameron did a good job and Merkel seems to like it. both are in favour to reduce the budget whereas the "beggar thy neighbour" dwarfs insist on special country specific treatment and therefore a higher budget.

summary: excellent news!


I think the most disturbing part is the abrupt change in peoples psyche over the last 30 to 40 years in that people today are significantly less tolerant and they don't hesitate to use violence to get what they want now.

Here in Thailand the other night a 14 year old kid stabbed his mother to death with a 12 inch knife simply because she wouldn't let him play more computer games.

we are on a dangerous and slippery slope

I'm afraid this piece of depressive gloom also is also myth. Probably caused by a psychological phenomenon which tends to make us over emphasise the present.

Did you know that a couple of thousand years ago in France an average person stood a 70% chance of losing TWO close relatives (mother/father, brother sister, son/daughter) to violence!!

Steven Pinker writes at length on big closely cited evidence that violence is decreasing, and though contested (and though I have noted Pinker to be wrong on another matter) the big picture on this one is very convincing.

Check both sides:


Contested by John , links at


The latter piece has a nice summing up on the argument:

"The world we live in a violent place, however available evidence suggest that it was significantly more violent in the not-too-distant past and much more violent in the distant past. It is not entirely clear why violence is declining and it is not clear that it will continue to decline, but it seems hard to deny that it is declining particularly when you do not engage with the relevant evidence."

So Midas.....things are not so bad.

ps: the second link is from the University of Oxford's Pratical Ethics.

If you look at the links to the right there are some interesting ethics subjects including

"The ban on doping, not Armstrong, is the problem with cycling"


"Ethical problems surrounding the BP oil spill"

As someone who saw the best ever contrarian play when BP was being bombarded ceaselessly by the media (and bought at $31) I naturally take the position that BP is a paragon and whatever they say is ethically spot on......

This is what I was getting at. Don't try telling me this kind of behaviour was characteristic of people

even during World War 2 because I won't believe you.

Oh yes things are definitely bad when people act this way just over “ stuff “.

And this isn't even a crisis situation like hurricane Sandy. I mean if it was food to eat and they were starving there could be some excuse but to treat people this way to get their hands on an electronic item is barbaric.

Black Friday Violence: 2 Shot Outside Walmart, Scuffles Across U.S.

Man arrested after leaving his girlfriend's two-year-old son in car at 1.30am to buy a new TV in Black Friday sales



They still have a "butter mountain"?

i think the Butterberg has melted since years.

Peaking EU beef- and butter-mountains of the 80s and 90s have disappeared. Subsidies no longer reinforce production. After these changes in landscapes one wonders whether or not most children still know where their milk is coming from?



What's the current state of the wine lake?

Milk lakes and corresponding mountains may return again in 2015 after milk quotas have been fully lifted?

EU politicians move money from pocket to pocket:

Romania must not sell out traditional farmers to the biotech giants:


A U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe:


Rapid creation of wealth still has but should not need to have its shortcomings. Money's capable of removing its own smell?


On the upcoming Catalan elections and vote for independence -

"The president of the Spanish Military Association, Colonel Leopoldo Snchez, suggested to Dutch television channel Niewsur that Spain has the right to declare a state of war over threats of separatism.

Catalan members of parliament condemned the rhetoric, calling it inconceivable,fascistic and war-time arguments."


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