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I don't understand you guys. You seem smart enough.

George bush senior talked about, Bush junior talked about it, Brown talked about it, Kissinger talked about it as well as a host of others and some just don't want to hear it. There are trying to set up a one world government, with one currency. Bush and the rest called it the New World Order. Obama is on board with it. This current economic collapse was orchestrated by them. It started with Bill, relaxing banking regulations. There all on the same team. They are trying to finance it using CO2 payments and the global warming scam. Terrorism is just another ruse to take away more of your rights, as in passing anti terrorist bill to talk away your rights. I know its a tuff pill to swallow, easier to ignore it, pretend it doesn't exit. Many people on this thread have mentioned like in England having to register your plans whenever your travel outside of england and finger printing at the US airports. Well this is just the beginning I'm sorry to say. If you think your safe here, better think again. Kissinger didn't call it the New WORLD Order for nothing. These are not the names that some crazy, tin foil hat, conspiracy nut jobs are calling it but the leaders of the western world.

So, you don't think the market just went up to the .382 Fibonacci retracement and turned down? I do.


perhaps I agree, however you didnt mention 38.2% of what? on what?

So, you don't think the market just went up to the .382 Fibonacci retracement and turned down? I do.


perhaps I agree, however you didnt mention 38.2% of what? on what?



There is a smiley for that Naam, bedtime already?

Anyways here a bit of charcoal on the conspirace fires. Seems the guy is well "Connected"




So what?

"Connected" is defined by that chart as having "former relations" but what does that mean? Did they get in a bar fight together or were they intimately and emotionally involved?

I was once sick on Eric Cantona's shoes... (don't ask)... so a line could be drawn between us, but its worth about as much as the crusty bit of puke on his laces, or in today's money roughly the same as that chart!

I liked your other image of the bottom of the market better! :o

I don't understand you guys. You seem smart enough.

George bush senior talked about, Bush junior talked about it, Brown talked about it, Kissinger talked about it as well as a host of others and some just don't want to hear it. There are trying to set up a one world government, with one currency. Bush and the rest called it the New World Order. Obama is on board with it. This current economic collapse was orchestrated by them. It started with Bill, relaxing banking regulations. There all on the same team. They are trying to finance it using CO2 payments and the global warming scam. Terrorism is just another ruse to take away more of your rights, as in passing anti terrorist bill to talk away your rights. I know its a tuff pill to swallow, easier to ignore it, pretend it doesn't exit. Many people on this thread have mentioned like in England having to register your plans whenever your travel outside of england and finger printing at the US airports. Well this is just the beginning I'm sorry to say. If you think your safe here, better think again. Kissinger didn't call it the New WORLD Order for nothing. These are not the names that some crazy, tin foil hat, conspiracy nut jobs are calling it but the leaders of the western world.

Icke saw it all, the lizards are calling the shots.


Well Well

i had to re-read the statement but i am simply blown aware by the FED action today, Bernanke appears that he gone "ALL IN", theres really not alot more he can do

it seems he wants to put a floor under the long end and, i guess the US will be the bag holders of their own debt, if China have any common sense they will be dumping treasuries

The market called his bluff and he called it to be true

Under Bernankes model he pretty much has now become the Bid on the long end, ie the US sovereign has now confirmed, to be buying its own debt, just like the UK

Why anyone wants to own US paper now is beyond me, likewise sterling when its debasement threatens capital flight

its a MASSIVE bet the FED is going to do, things must be really bad in the UK and US, infact credit markets have got to be frozen

Only thing is its likely most Sovereigns are going the QE route, i can only suggest that High inflation will be arriving at some stage in the future, as the risk of deflation is scaring the US and UK into what they are doing

If this dont work, your have potential currency dis-locations and yields will be going up Big time to save the currencies, sterling will be the loose link first imo

where you will have a depression with a currency that is being de-based, in what is termed a inflationary depression (although that will remain to be seen)

Hhhhmmmm ony a few days ago Obabma assures the chinese all is good Huh!!!!

Yes change we can NOT believe in

mental move on Currencies and the DX and the metals, history today got re-written for sure

Clearly Bernanke is gambling on the fact that the US $ wont loose its power as a Currency and flight into the dollar will remain (this will be monitored will investors still run for the $???? ) after todays little stunt

lets see what the Chinese have to think about that stunt pulled today

Some serious bets being played at the moment make or break time soon, they are trying to re-inflate


the FED confirmed today what we all already knew frankly, they just put some acronyms and figures on it.

So an extra $1Tln will dilute the $ somewhat, hence its spike down.

The Chinese have no choice but to buy US credit; its THE benchmark globally in terms of yield, stability, base currency and most importantly liquidity. Im sure the Chinese would much prefer hard assets, unfortunately when your talking Billions, and your a developing country, you need your cash liquid.

Inflation wont be a problem; banks have already absorbed Trillions, and theres no sign of any of that filtering through to companies or consumers and thus causing inflation. It didnt in Japan, and still hasnt shown up after 20years.


Loved this


and particularly the last part

It’s My Life

Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake

Luck ain't even lucky

Got to make your own breaks

It's my life

And it's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said

I did it my way

I just want to live while I'm alive

'Cause it's my life

Better stand tall when they're calling you out

Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

It’s My Life – Bon Jovi

The American people are at a crossroads. It’s our lives, not the governments. The country is headed on a path toward government running everything in our lives. Now is the time to stand tall. Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke, and Nancy Pelosi can not make us spend money we don’t have. We can force the painful restructuring of our economy on our politician leaders. They can stimulate, print, and urge you to spend, but we don’t have to listen. We can throw them out of office in 2012. If the new set of clueless morons doesn’t do what is right, we can throw them out too. We must heed the warning of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson.

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.”

With the help of famed financial blogger Rob Mulligan, I’ve pulled together a list of practical ideas to restructure your life:

Bring your lunch to work. Savings of $1,000 to $2,000 per year.

Stop buying things.

Keep your appliances until they stop working.

Realize that it isn’t a competition with your neighbor to die with the most stuff.

Mow your own lawn. Better yet, if you have kids, make them do it.

Learn to embrace dandelions and crabgrass. Who cares?

Wash your car in the driveway. Better yet, if you have kids, make them do it.

Buy your next car and drive it for 10 years or 150,000 miles, whichever comes first.

Buy a car that gets at least 30 mpg, as $200 a barrel oil is a certainty in the next decade.

Tell your kids they are lucky to have whatever you give them.

When you walk into a room and the CNBC is on TV, switch immediately to When Animals Attack.

Don’t answer the phone – it’s someone asking for something.

Don’t throw out your old sneakers – you can use them to cut the lawn.

Turn the heat down to 60 degrees at night.

Go to the poor man’s Disney World, Wildwood, N.J. and save $4,000 for a weeks vacation.

Eat out once per month rather than three times a week and you’ll magically save $3,000 to $4,000 per year.

Contribute into your 401k until it hurts. Picture yourself handing out yellow smiley stickers at the age of 80 in a Wal-Mart as motivation.

Buy some gold, just in case.

Plant a vegetable garden, just in case.

Instead of spending $40 at the movies, go for a hike in a National Park like Valley Forge.

Have a catch with your son.

Understand the motivation of anyone who is telling you anything. Most people have an angle.

When the guy in the Mercedes or BMW in front of you is wearing their hat sideways, your taxes are probably making their car loan payment.

When you see that same guy pushing a cart with a 52 inch HDTV out of Best Buy, your taxes are probably making the payment to Capital One.

And the same thing goes for the UK.

The politicians and wanke_rs, er sorry, bankers, want to force you get back on the credit ride and commit yourselves to lifelong debt slavery. Well, maybe this is another and better option, and I can leave the AK47 in the cupboard?

So, Brothers, don't allow them to force feed you more credit. Pay down your debt, live within your means.


Have I not told ya?


Things will get more clear.

But where is transparency?

It is like a post-21826-1237461852_thumb.jpg

Waiting to go off.

It is like looking in a:


And seeing:


Watch a train, going to be, wrecked soon.




Fukcing short sellers

Oh yes, they'll tell you its an essential part of the market, and provides liquidity and put in a few more reasons too. And they will say that the ban on short selling financial stocks showed conclusively that short selling was not an issue in the rapid demise of the banks because the stock prices collapsed more after the ban. Well read this


Ok, most of it was about naked short selling and non delivery. Why are these fraudulent bastards getting off with just a couple of million Dollar fines? But anyway, take a look at

The ban, which lasted through Oct. 17, didn’t eliminate shorting, according to data from the SEC, the NYSE Arca exchange and Bloomberg. Throughout the period, short sales averaged 24.7 percent of the overall trading in Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. on NYSE Arca. In 2008, short sales averaged 37.5 percent of the overall trading on the exchange in the three companies.

To date, the commission hasn’t announced any findings of its investigation.

Pollack, the former SEC regulator, wonders why.

So despite the ban, 25% of the trading was STILL shorting. So this negates the bullshit that the short sellers propagate "the ban proved the case". It proved absolutely nothing, as the short sellers were still in the market.

I'm with Pollack, why aren't these guys being prosecuted?

And I think the investigation should go much further. Who is lending out stock in the current market conditions? Why are they doing it? Surely not to allow their colleagues to make a profit at the expense of the real owners of the shares, which are very possibly you and me through our pension schemes.

Fukcing short sellers

Oh yes, they'll tell you its an essential part of the market, and provides liquidity and put in a few more reasons too. And they will say that the ban on short selling financial stocks showed conclusively that short selling was not an issue in the rapid demise of the banks because the stock prices collapsed more after the ban. Well read this


Ok, most of it was about naked short selling and non delivery. Why are these fraudulent bastards getting off with just a couple of million Dollar fines? But anyway, take a look at

The ban, which lasted through Oct. 17, didn't eliminate shorting, according to data from the SEC, the NYSE Arca exchange and Bloomberg. Throughout the period, short sales averaged 24.7 percent of the overall trading in Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. on NYSE Arca. In 2008, short sales averaged 37.5 percent of the overall trading on the exchange in the three companies.

To date, the commission hasn't announced any findings of its investigation.

Pollack, the former SEC regulator, wonders why.

So despite the ban, 25% of the trading was STILL shorting. So this negates the bullshit that the short sellers propagate "the ban proved the case". It proved absolutely nothing, as the short sellers were still in the market.

I'm with Pollack, why aren't these guys being prosecuted?

And I think the investigation should go much further. Who is lending out stock in the current market conditions? Why are they doing it? Surely not to allow their colleagues to make a profit at the expense of the real owners of the shares, which are very possibly you and me through our pension schemes.

I guess you didn't see my post in the other thread of the 2x Short Finacials ETF which is trading in exactly the same place as a year ago. It doesn't short stocks however, only uses derivatives to mimic moves. Something it does very poorly seemingly.

Anyhow, this may cheer you up:



More bastards that should be in front of my AK47


I'll just take one quote

The ECB’s inaction is “becoming untenable, with every major central bank in the world actively fighting deflation risks through the purchase of government debt,” said Jacques Cailloux, chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Plc in London.

Just look at them all, all those prats and idiot analysts. every single fukcing one is "in London". Yes, "in London", I read through that three times just to make sure. These guys have NOTHING to say, London is finished as a financial centre of the world. They have screwed us all up.

"chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Plc in London". What a wanke_r.

Isn't that the same bank that is almost completely nationalised, full of liabilities to a still unknown extent, and run by proven incompetent <deleted>? And we still have to listen to the ranting of the "chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Plc in London"

Really, when will these frauds, liars and idiots be sacked and the insolvent banks allowed to die? Surely if the depositors were guaranteed their savings and the debtors taken over by a new bank, we could cleanse the system of a huge amount, including "Fred the Shred"'s pension?

Pity there aren't more Trichets and Merckles around to sort out the issues. All I see is are the knee jerk reactions from Brown, Darling and Obama, who is unfortunately persuing the same misguided course as Bush.


Short selling is completely just. There are a number of ways to short-sell pretty much anything, so it will never be stopped. The recent bans were voluntary, but if you were found doing it you could be fined and/or banned.

Why dont people complain about short selling when markets are generally going up? Its only when they trend down people want to blame something.

Its an essential element of financial markets and will always be here, even if its banned again :o


Accounting Brothel Opens Doors for Banker Fiesta:

Jonathan Weil

March 19 (Bloomberg) -- The banks demanded that the accountants give them leeway in how they report losses to investors. The accountants responded by giving away their souls. This week, the Financial Accounting Standards Board unveiled what may be the dumbest, most bankrupt proposal in its 36-year history. If it stands, the FASB ought to change its name to the Fraudulent Accounting Standards Board. It’s that bad. Here’s what the board is floating. Starting this quarter, U.S. companies would be allowed to report net-income figures that ignore severe, long-term price declines in securities they own. Not just debt securities, mind you, but even common stocks and other equities, too. All a company would need to do is say it doesn’t intend to sell them and that it probably won’t have to. In most cases, it wouldn’t matter how much the value was down, or for how long. In effect, a company would have to admit being on its deathbed before the rules would force it to take hits to earnings. So, if these rules had been in place last year, a company that still owned shares of American International Group Inc. or Fannie Mae, for instance, could exclude those stocks’ price declines from net income entirely. It would make no difference that the companies were seized by the government last year, or that both are penny stocks. The loss would get buried away from the income statement, in a balance-sheet line called “accumulated other comprehensive income.”


Accounting Brothel Opens Doors for Banker Fiesta:

Jonathan Weil

March 19 (Bloomberg) -- The banks demanded that the accountants give them leeway in how they report losses to investors. The accountants responded by giving away their souls. This week, the Financial Accounting Standards Board unveiled what may be the dumbest, most bankrupt proposal in its 36-year history. If it stands, the FASB ought to change its name to the Fraudulent Accounting Standards Board. It’s that bad. Here’s what the board is floating. Starting this quarter, U.S. companies would be allowed to report net-income figures that ignore severe, long-term price declines in securities they own. Not just debt securities, mind you, but even common stocks and other equities, too. All a company would need to do is say it doesn’t intend to sell them and that it probably won’t have to. In most cases, it wouldn’t matter how much the value was down, or for how long. In effect, a company would have to admit being on its deathbed before the rules would force it to take hits to earnings. So, if these rules had been in place last year, a company that still owned shares of American International Group Inc. or Fannie Mae, for instance, could exclude those stocks’ price declines from net income entirely. It would make no difference that the companies were seized by the government last year, or that both are penny stocks. The loss would get buried away from the income statement, in a balance-sheet line called “accumulated other comprehensive income.”


As Bernie Madoff was lying on his bunk bed in his NY prison

cell staring up at the ceiling he came up with this new idea..........

Amazing......oh well why even try to re- build trust in the financial world

when you can well and truly kill it off for good......... :o


they have got too used to their fraudilent ways and dont want to let go of a good thing,anyone with any guts(in power) would have swept them all away and let them fail,but as we know many off the policy makers are in bed with them too,just need to sit back and watch the whole thing implode in time,nothing to be done.

Accounting Brothel Opens Doors for Banker Fiesta:

Jonathan Weil

March 19 (Bloomberg) -- The banks demanded that the accountants give them leeway in how they report losses to investors. The accountants responded by giving away their souls. This week, the Financial Accounting Standards Board unveiled what may be the dumbest, most bankrupt proposal in its 36-year history. If it stands, the FASB ought to change its name to the Fraudulent Accounting Standards Board. It's that bad. Here's what the board is floating. Starting this quarter, U.S. companies would be allowed to report net-income figures that ignore severe, long-term price declines in securities they own. Not just debt securities, mind you, but even common stocks and other equities, too. All a company would need to do is say it doesn't intend to sell them and that it probably won't have to. In most cases, it wouldn't matter how much the value was down, or for how long. In effect, a company would have to admit being on its deathbed before the rules would force it to take hits to earnings. So, if these rules had been in place last year, a company that still owned shares of American International Group Inc. or Fannie Mae, for instance, could exclude those stocks' price declines from net income entirely. It would make no difference that the companies were seized by the government last year, or that both are penny stocks. The loss would get buried away from the income statement, in a balance-sheet line called "accumulated other comprehensive income."


As Bernie Madoff was lying on his bunk bed in his NY prison

cell staring up at the ceiling he came up with this new idea..........

Amazing......oh well why even try to re- build trust in the financial world

when you can well and truly kill it off for good......... :o

Nobody is trying to rebuild trust. What for? Wall Street has never been about that.

If this passes its very bullish. At least for awhile.

they have got too used to their fraudilent ways and dont want to let go of a good thing,anyone with any guts(in power) would have swept them all away and let them fail,but as we know many off the policy makers are in bed with them too,just need to sit back and watch the whole thing implode in time,nothing to be done.

Hmmm, who do you think puts them in power? Democrats>>>Wall Street, Construction, Labor. Republicans>>> Defense, Resources.

It's very bullish if passed. Get rid of the shorts, pass a law that says you can't sell stocks, only buy. That should make the price of stocks go up, which is the derivative for what used to be an economy.

Nobody is trying to rebuild trust. What for? Wall Street has never been about that.

If this passes its very bullish. At least for awhile.

I wasnt just refering to Wall Street - i was referring to the constant

drip drip drip of hearing news like this..........

Surely the implications of less trust in the business world goes beyond

the interests of Wall Street traders and the profits that can be made in a bear market rally ?

Nobody is trying to rebuild trust. What for? Wall Street has never been about that.

If this passes its very bullish. At least for awhile.

I wasnt just refering to Wall Street - i was referring to the constant

drip drip drip of hearing news like this..........

Surely the implications of less trust in the business world goes beyond

the interests of Wall Street traders and the profits that can be made in a bear market rally ?

Well, if this law passes, you won't be hearing news like this, you'll be hearing that companies earnings are better than had been expected. No one is going to go into detail as to why, they're just going to buy it. The following quarter may be better still. put enough of them together and you have a Bull Market and people feeling confident enough to go out and buy that 4th car they've always wanted.

Nobody is trying to rebuild trust. What for? Wall Street has never been about that.

If this passes its very bullish. At least for awhile.

I wasnt just refering to Wall Street - i was referring to the constant

drip drip drip of hearing news like this..........

Surely the implications of less trust in the business world goes beyond

the interests of Wall Street traders and the profits that can be made in a bear market rally ?

Well, if this law passes, you won't be hearing news like this, you'll be hearing that companies earnings are better than had been expected. No one is going to go into detail as to why, they're just going to buy it. The following quarter may be better still. put enough of them together and you have a Bull Market and people feeling confident enough to go out and buy that 4th car they've always wanted.

YES! JUST what we all need, another massive PONZI scheme

But this time around a LEGAL one....

:o:D :D

Nobody is trying to rebuild trust. What for? Wall Street has never been about that.

If this passes its very bullish. At least for awhile.

I wasnt just refering to Wall Street - i was referring to the constant

drip drip drip of hearing news like this..........

Surely the implications of less trust in the business world goes beyond

the interests of Wall Street traders and the profits that can be made in a bear market rally ?

Well, if this law passes, you won't be hearing news like this, you'll be hearing that companies earnings are better than had been expected. No one is going to go into detail as to why, they're just going to buy it. The following quarter may be better still. put enough of them together and you have a Bull Market and people feeling confident enough to go out and buy that 4th car they've always wanted.

YES! JUST what we all need, another massive PONZI scheme

But this time around a LEGAL one....


Whaddaya mean? It's always been a Ponzi scheme, and its always been shocking just what's legal within the scheme.

Weren't you decrying the falling prices a few days ago? Did you think fair and resonable measures would get them back up? C'mon!


So there it is, all in plain sight.

Addition of another Trillion to the balance sheet (Guaranteed more to follow), new shady bookkeeping regulation.

What's next?

Let me guess, a separate entity/bank to dump all the toxic waste perhaps?

Nothing so far has improved anything, just prolonging the suffering and trying to squeeze a few hundred Billion more out of the future taxpayer.

And last but not least a picture as I know that Naam likes them so much. :o:D


Edit: For those of you that missed this: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/20/business...rss&emc=rss


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