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ENRON changed their name

AIG is changing their name

and drum roll

Goldman Sachs became profitable again -- by pioneering a new round of accounting tricks. In its report on the first quarter of 2009, Goldman claimed a profit of $1.8 billion. How did the banking giant do it? By magically making December disappear. In September, as the financial crisis worsened and pressure from the Fed mounted, Goldman switched from being an investment bank to a traditional bank holding company. As part of that, it had to change its fiscal year -- it used to end in November, now it ends at the close of the calendar year. That meant Goldman's latest report didn't include December -- a month in which the bank lost more than $1 billion. As reported by Floyd Norris, this billion-dollar tidbit was not mentioned in the text of the company's press release about its "profitable" first quarter -- it was buried deep inside the tables that accompanied the release.

bring on the revolution

Here you can read what a bunch of slimy people this Bernanke and Paulson are regarding this BOFA Merryl thingy, disgusting.


these are the same scumbags who won't tell Congress

how the bailout money was spent.( maybe in an SEC investigation some of this will come out now

and they will have to start spilling the beans )........ and now they come out with these lies to try and save their skins.

They make Al Capone look like a Saint :o


I was mad when I started this thread, I had lost hard earned money.

Then I lost a load more.

Then I calmed down.

Then I lost even more.

Then I got annoyed again.

When the fuc_k is this going to STOP. The BULLSHIT, the LOSSES, the BAILOUTS, the LIARS,



Stop fighting it 12.

Let it happen.

The darkness will slide in, and then eternal peace will take over.

Free at last....... :o

Stop worrying about things that are out of your control.

Enjoy life as it is and go out and fulfill your deepest fantasy while you can.

The beginning of the end has just started.


Enjoy the past: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZusnzOd5_w...feature=related

These where the days.

Go and get yourself a: post-21826-1240601874_thumb.jpg

And enjoy while you can.



this is the year

To make your decision.


this is the year

To open up your mind.

If you've been

holding back kind

of slack

Now's the time to

get the things you


There ain't no

reason why you

should be shy

People have died to

set you free.


we need ev'ry one to succeed

Ev'rybody to succeed


Soul isn't enough


come on and join us

Please (come on

come on and join us



this is the year

. . .

If you're strong

out on a Jones

Better make sure

that you leave the

bad stuff

What ever you wanna

do think it over


Cause the change is up to you.

I was mad when I started this thread, I had lost hard earned money.

Then I lost a load more.

Then I calmed down.

Then I lost even more.

Then I got annoyed again.

When the fuc_k is this going to STOP. The BULLSHIT, the LOSSES, the BAILOUTS, the LIARS,


you need more patience 12Chang. just give it a decade (or two) :o

If you're strong

out on a Jones

Better make sure

that you leave the

bad stuff

What ever you wanna

do think it over



I was mad when I started this thread, I had lost hard earned money.

Then I lost a load more.

Then I calmed down.

Then I lost even more.

Then I got annoyed again.

When the fuc_k is this going to STOP. The BULLSHIT, the LOSSES, the BAILOUTS, the LIARS,


I don't think it can stop 12 because

it doesnt seem to take much for someone to become greedy, selfish and dishonest?

All I know is that every day that passes by there is evidence this greed

and dishonesty ( in one shape or another ) is permeating through every part of our society

and could now include Senator Dianne Feinstein's family...............

Pillow talk to be quite lucrative for some :o

EXCLUSIVE: Senator's husband's firm cashes in on crisis

On the day the new Congress convened this year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband's real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.

Mrs. Feinstein's intervention on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was unusual: the California Democrat isn't a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with jurisdiction over FDIC; and the agency is supposed to operate from money it raises from bank-paid insurance payments - not direct federal dollars.

About the same time of the contract award, Mr. Blum's private investment firm reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission that it and related affiliates had purchased more than 10 million new shares in CBRE. The shares were purchased for the going price of $3.77; CBRE's stock closed Monday at $5.14.


I was mad when I started this thread, I had lost hard earned money.

Then I lost a load more.

Then I calmed down.

Then I lost even more.

Then I got annoyed again.

When the fuc_k is this going to STOP. The BULLSHIT, the LOSSES, the BAILOUTS, the LIARS,


This is not a put down, but how have you made a loss, i've made more in the last 6 weeks than a long time, you dont make a loss till you sell. Don't sell

RSB BARC LLOY have all shown great returns as have AV. SL.. This just the UK market, know nothing about the US.

There are some rich pickings out there. Not sure how long it will last, but fill your boots, as they say

I was mad when I started this thread, I had lost hard earned money.

Then I lost a load more.

Then I calmed down.

Then I lost even more.

Then I got annoyed again.

When the fuc_k is this going to STOP. The BULLSHIT, the LOSSES, the BAILOUTS, the LIARS,


This is not a put down, but how have you made a loss, i've made more in the last 6 weeks than a long time, you dont make a loss till you sell. Don't sell

RSB BARC LLOY have all shown great returns as have AV. SL.. This just the UK market, know nothing about the US.

There are some rich pickings out there. Not sure how long it will last, but fill your boots, as they say

And this is not a put down either...........

I love money and the things it can buy -BUT NOT at the expense

of a breakdown in morals and decent human values? And it hasn't always been this way-

an old lady I once sat next to on a shuttlebus to Los Angeles airport

told me she remembers Los Angeles when no one even bothered

to lock their doors when they went out ........... and this is a reference point

to how far our decency has been eroded which IMO

is being illustrated so clearly in this financial crisis.

Good luck to you and enjoy your rich pickings while you can because if that's the only thing

you are thinking about in this mess instead of us taking a long hard look at

what we are all about - and better be prepared for when there is a total breakdown

in law and order and the mobs start banging on your door maybe wanting a piece of you :o

I was mad when I started this thread, I had lost hard earned money.

Then I lost a load more.

Then I calmed down.

Then I lost even more.

Then I got annoyed again.

When the fuc_k is this going to STOP. The BULLSHIT, the LOSSES, the BAILOUTS, the LIARS,


This is not a put down, but how have you made a loss, i've made more in the last 6 weeks than a long time, you dont make a loss till you sell. Don't sell

RSB BARC LLOY have all shown great returns as have AV. SL.. This just the UK market, know nothing about the US.

There are some rich pickings out there. Not sure how long it will last, but fill your boots, as they say

you better time your exit exactly as the banks are all involved in smoke and mirrors and this latest bounce is nothing more than that. Sucker the punters into a falling market to get the last drop of blood.

12 - i too would like to know what you invested in - all the eggs in one basket??? - diversify - shall i say it 10 times

you need money (cash), equity (real estate), shares ( long term ) and try and have some fun.

Tell all that the financial crisis has hit your pocket and you can only pay 500 and not 1000 !!!!!!!!!!!!

YOu can always bail out of the sinking market and jump back in later.

WHen the IMF says Australia's going down hill then WORRY. A resource rich country with assets to back it up - oil, gold, uranium, sea -

Buckle up its going to get NASTY.


Know this slightly off topic but....................australia is resourses rich,but in times of trouble it has the ability to grow all its own food too.Australia's biggest worry will be water.They should have dealt with this problem 30 years ago(how to harness the water that comes from the tropical monsoons).

The other looming crisis will be a potential flood of refugees on its northern border,particularly from indonesia when the shit hits the fan,and i dont think they will be able to keep them out,there will be so many as a result of food shortages,or other natural catastrophy.Apologies for doom and gloom.


WHen the IMF says Australia's going down hill then WORRY. A resource rich country with assets to back it up - oil, gold, uranium, sea -

Buckle up its going to get NASTY.

dont worry, that union jack thingy in the ausie flag, will soon be a chinese one. :o

This is not a put down, but how have you made a loss, i've made more in the last 6 weeks than a long time, you dont make a loss till you sell. Don't sell

RSB BARC LLOY have all shown great returns as have AV. SL.. This just the UK market, know nothing about the US.

There are some rich pickings out there. Not sure how long it will last, but fill your boots, as they say

Your presumably new to owning them. If you owned them all a year ago, your still significantly underwater. As ever, its all down to timing.

12 - i too would like to know what you invested in - all the eggs in one basket???

I only have cash. The stock market exists to allow the financial industry to screw money out of the punters. Real estate is not exactly a good bet at the moment.

Most of my cash was in the Squid, and then Brown devalued that.

Then the reckless frauds in Iceland took out a chunk of my savings.

And now the interest rates have been reduced to zero to save the debtors.

So now I have my cash spread over five currencies.

But back to the doom.

It looks like there are two more waves of debt created misery heading towards the banks. Firstly the private debt from credit cards and personal loans, and then in a year or so when the lease agreements start to run out on now vacant commercial property.


Good News for once!


April 25 (Bloomberg) -- Asian currencies gained this week, led by Malaysia’s ringgit and the Singapore dollar, on signs record interest-rate cuts and government stimulus spending are helping revive economic growth.

The Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asia Dollar Index, which tracks the region’s 10 most-used currencies excluding the yen, rose as investors pumped more funds into emerging markets. Reports this week showed South Korea’s economy unexpectedly expanded in the first quarter and Taiwan’s export orders dropped less than economists forecast in March.

I wondered where this growth was coming from, and, guess what? Yep, it's China.

Taiwan’s AU Optronics Corp., the world’s third-largest maker of liquid-crystal displays, said on April 23 it’s ramping up production partly because of increasing sales to the mainland.

“We’re seeing signs of a stabilization,” said Patrick Bennett, Asia foreign-exchange strategist at Societe Generale SA in Hong Kong. “Exporters of capital goods and bulk commodities to China have potential to outperform other economies in the region.

Maybe the first signs confirming my opinion that whilst the West is going to be bogged down in a 10 year recession under massive debts, incompetent governments, destructive and destroyed financial systems; the East will move from being reliant on exports to the West and build up the economies in Asia.

Today I am feeling very optimistic about this prospect, and hope to see more signs over the next few months confirming it is happening. Maybe it is even worth starting a new thread at some point.


Australia is an accident waiting to happen.

290% debt to GDP

165% consumer debt to GDP (the US is 100%)

House prices 7 times income (as high as the UK at its peak)

60% of bank loans are mortgages

40% of bank financing is wholesale borrowing

60% of that comes from abroad

30% of that is short term < 1 year (borrow short/lend long)

Australia is an accident waiting to happen.

290% debt to GDP

165% consumer debt to GDP (the US is 100%)

House prices 7 times income (as high as the UK at its peak)

60% of bank loans are mortgages

40% of bank financing is wholesale borrowing

60% of that comes from abroad

30% of that is short term < 1 year (borrow short/lend long)

Please post some links verifying the data. Thanks.

Time to buy?

I don't think so.

At the rate prices are rising here in the US I wont have $$$ to buy anything soon.

I swear I am really surprised. Yes I have been gone a couple of months & paying lower prices in TL but it was nothing like this when I left.

For instance I just got back from a small store here. Took my daughter to get a candy. So we bought 2 regular small candy bars a pack of gum & a small thing of tic tacs breath mints............total dang near 7 bucks USD :o

I started noticing it during the week here & there I went to buy things after getting home last Sunday.

Things like a small bag of sweet bread buns....4 dollars ! How about a small pie? 9 dollars!! This is pretty insane. Yesterday I went to the market & got a couple small bags things like 1 pound of ground pork...milk..box of cereal...not much really....66 dollars USD

LOS is starting to look a lot better regardless of the lack of certain rights.


Rising unemployment figures in Europe and the USA

just seems another statistic but when you hear about it in Russia and learn

the government there is expecting street protests and rising street crime

in a nuclear armed country - its more to worry about

Rise in jobless fuels fears of return to '98

More than one in 10 of Russia's workforce will be out of work by the end of this year - as its economy shrinks by 4.5 per cent.

"The problem is that the economy isn't generating jobs," said Vladimir Gimpelman, director of the Centre for Labour

Research. "Even when the economy was booming, the economy wasn't creating jobs."


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