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Supporting Students, Good Idea?


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It's fair play for both, but what I mean is that the girls are at fault from their innocence and desires and the guy (sugar daddy) can end up lonely and depressed when the party's over. I didn't want to sound harsh and it must be tempting, but it just looks odd to me, an old bloke with a heap of uni girls coming around at strange hours. I'm still quite young though.


are you kidding me..and i can still see you young though :D

even when i am in paris two months per year i have students eat out of my hand :D

if thailand is dead i can still go to cambodia for the latte days of my life :o

i know, i know...am pissed now :D

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It's fair play for both, but what I mean is that the girls are at fault from their innocence and desires and the guy (sugar daddy) can end up lonely and depressed when the party's over. I didn't want to sound harsh and it must be tempting, but it just looks odd to me, an old bloke with a heap of uni girls coming around at strange hours. I'm still quite young though.


'Some' young women are actually 'attracted' to old/er men and for a multitude of reasons... When I worked as a professional freelance artist, I never had any shortage of 'young' female admirers... they seem attracted to 'talent'. Young women who lose their fathers at an early age, through divorce or death are often attracted to old/er men as 'father figure replacements'. Young women attracted to 'wisdom' are also often attracted to old/er men who may be wise, or 'seem' to be wise. Old/er men that are 'confident' in themselves also often attract young/er women. Men in high positions of power are also attractive to young women. And of course there is 'money' that most women, young and old are attracted to.

When you see an old/er man walking down the street with a young attractive female on his arm, think first before making 'assumptions'. :D

you really hit the nail right on his head :D

i was and am still succesful in business, albeit on a part-time basis :D

i am amazed on how much they learn from me and at the same time appreciate our gestures in one form or another :o

also another interesting point is that they ask their other student friends if they know a educated, respectable and well-off farlang that they can meet :D

so yes..i get to meet most of them trough refferrals :D

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>>>>> so what the h3ll were you sniffing than man <<<<<<

Never mind that; why not first get a whiff of what you've been shovelling?

Its one thing to be a degenerate -- its a whole other plateau to keep promoting it and bragging about it!

If you can't get it up anymore, and it could very well be just that (heheheh), keep your Paris stories coming.

Hang in there amigo! :o:D

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Ram is cheapest and easiest for those who have other schedules to maintain or just want more free time. The students don't have to go to classes- they just have to keep registering and paying, and they *can* go to classes if they wish (some of the classes even have professors instead of video recordings). They take the exams at the end and if they pass the exam they pass the class.

It's worth noting that the Prime Minister's son wound up at Ram, but possibly only after he couldn't handle any other school? Plus he was cheated, causing a scandal which nearly resulted in loss of jobs for the professors who noticed (very inconsiderate of him, that way- of course it doesn't mean he gets thrown out).

I'm not saying that Ram="Kept Student," because as SiamRuby says there're literally dozens of thousands of them. But being the cheapest, most flexible uni where other work is concerned- I'd say that the ones who ARE kept and/or dodgy generally wind up at Ram. Most of the MB's I've encountered who claimed to be students were always students at Ram.


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>>>> The other explanation was somehow more exotic  and unintelligible  <<<<<


Why aren't you in school?  :D   Do your parents know what you're doing?  :D

Nope ... they don't know. Don't tell will you.

"Don't Ask - Don't Tell"? That hasn't worked to well for the military and you-know-who! :o

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i have lived in asia for 20 years and after the usual gf/bg story, have now always students as regular friends :D

i found them great fun to be with, can teach them a thing or two :o

plus as they are busy studying, can lead my owm peaceful life :D

as there a know permanent commitments, its great to support them from time to time with their career :D

yes, i expect some love and affection in return but so what, its my choice :D

anyone else has simular experiences to share :D

I've a question... Could anyone who does this here do it in their own country?

I think there is less chance of an old guy finding a young student to 'support' in the west, unless the said old guy is good looking, unlike here... Money really talks... I don't know how the girls can do it, I'm sure I couldn't bed an old woman of the same age and shape... :D

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This has been a rather interesting discussion thanks to Khun Kreon. I suppose that I have followed the various posts because I'm an "öld pervet" in some people's books for having long standing relationships with students.

I am a stong beleiever in the power of education to change people's lives. Sometimes I wonder whether the students learn anything in the process, but at least they end up with a piece of paper which seems essential in this credentials oriented society.

In recent years I have sponsored two family members non blood related who have graduated from European universities, and one from a Japanese university plus two from a Japanese technical schools. One blood related student has also graduated from a Russian university and another from an Australian technical school.

I have also sponsored both a male and two female students who have graduated from reputable Thailand universities, and I now have have two females students at school in Thailand: one at an English school and another at university.The Thai students have been completely unrelated.

Have I taken advantage of my Thai students to form an intimate personal relationships.Yes and no. I say that because I already had an intimate relatrionship with one of the female students before I started my sponsorship.

Do the girl/lady students regard me as a pervert. Perhaps but I don't think so. My support is not contingent on their sleeping with me.There has been a deep bond of friendship between us. Certainly I am not an eligible candidate for marriage because I am far too old.

Why do I sleep with students whom I support. Well, to be frank I enjoy the companionship of young ladies (aged at least 20 years) who have never stepped inside a bar or massage parlor and if they are on side to come to bed with me on a temporary basis ...fine. One thing is for sure...I don't want to interfere with their studies and their long term life goals. I cast myself as just a naughty uncle who may have given them a hand along the way.

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i have lived in asia for 20 years and after the usual gf/bg story, have now always students as regular friends :D

i found them great fun to be with, can teach them a thing or two :o

plus as they are busy studying, can lead my owm peaceful life :D

as there a know permanent commitments, its great to support them from time to time with their career :D

yes, i expect some love and affection in return but so what, its my choice :D

anyone else has simular experiences to share :D

I've a question... Could anyone who does this here do it in their own country?

I think there is less chance of an old guy finding a young student to 'support' in the west, unless the said old guy is good looking, unlike here... Money really talks... I don't know how the girls can do it, I'm sure I couldn't bed an old woman of the same age and shape... :D

Sure you could. Drop large money on a girl in the USA on a regular basis and you get kitty anytime.

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This has been a rather interesting discussion thanks to Khun Kreon. I suppose that I have followed the various posts because I'm an "öld pervet" in some people's books for having long standing  relationships with students.

I am a stong beleiever in the power of education to change people's lives. Sometimes I wonder whether the students learn anything in the process, but at least they end up with a piece of paper which seems essential in this credentials oriented society.

In recent years I have sponsored two family members non blood related who have graduated from European universities, and one from a Japanese university plus two from a Japanese technical schools. One blood related student has also graduated from a Russian university and another from an Australian technical school.

I have also sponsored both a male and two female students who have graduated from reputable Thailand universities, and I now have have two females students at school in Thailand: one at an English school and another at university.The Thai students have been completely unrelated.

Have I taken advantage of my Thai students to form an intimate personal relationships.Yes and no. I say that because I already had an intimate  relatrionship with one of the female students before I started my sponsorship.

Do the girl/lady students regard me as a pervert. Perhaps but I don't think so. My support is not contingent on their sleeping with me.There has been a deep bond of friendship between us.  Certainly I am not an eligible candidate for marriage because I am far too old.

Why do I sleep with students whom I support. Well, to be frank I enjoy the companionship of young ladies (aged at least 20 years) who have never stepped inside a bar or massage parlor and if they are on side to come to bed with me on a temporary basis ...fine. One thing is for sure...I don't want to interfere with their studies and their long term life goals. I cast myself as just a naughty uncle who may have given them a hand along the way.

And I see nothing wrong with that.

You'd be in a minority then.

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This has been a rather interesting discussion thanks to Khun Kreon. I suppose that I have followed the various posts because I'm an "öld pervet" in some people's books for having long standing  relationships with students.

I am a stong beleiever in the power of education to change people's lives. Sometimes I wonder whether the students learn anything in the process, but at least they end up with a piece of paper which seems essential in this credentials oriented society.

In recent years I have sponsored two family members non blood related who have graduated from European universities, and one from a Japanese university plus two from a Japanese technical schools. One blood related student has also graduated from a Russian university and another from an Australian technical school.

I have also sponsored both a male and two female students who have graduated from reputable Thailand universities, and I now have have two females students at school in Thailand: one at an English school and another at university.The Thai students have been completely unrelated.

Have I taken advantage of my Thai students to form an intimate personal relationships.Yes and no. I say that because I already had an intimate  relatrionship with one of the female students before I started my sponsorship.

Do the girl/lady students regard me as a pervert. Perhaps but I don't think so. My support is not contingent on their sleeping with me.There has been a deep bond of friendship between us.  Certainly I am not an eligible candidate for marriage because I am far too old.

Why do I sleep with students whom I support. Well, to be frank I enjoy the companionship of young ladies (aged at least 20 years) who have never stepped inside a bar or massage parlor and if they are on side to come to bed with me on a temporary basis ...fine. One thing is for sure...I don't want to interfere with their studies and their long term life goals. I cast myself as just a naughty uncle who may have given them a hand along the way.

welcome to the club...maybe we should start a club for perverts like us :D

we rather support healty young students in need, than the gals that hang-out in a go go's, bars, clubs, parlors etc :o

all i know, that i have still contact with most of them, emails, sms etc, whilst they got on with their lives, got proper jobs, married, kids etc, that to me means that i still have a meaning ful purpose in life :D

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You'd be in a minority then.

And that proves what dr? A majority thinking that something is right... does not make it right.

Ever sit down at a football match wearing orange and notice everyone else is wearing blue n white?

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If both parties are agreeable, then there is no exploitation. Is there a lot of difference between a Uni student of 22yo who will sleep with an older farang so she can buy some nice things and a 22yo hotel receptionist who does the same thing or even a 22yo Go Go dancer who does the same thing.

I think that some of these Uni girls turn up at the Thermae of a night time as well.

I initially took the same stance as some of the guys here and thought "what a bunch of old perverts" But after some thought, I came to the conclusion that if it is consensual, of legal age and all parties know the score then there is no harm done.

At 47yo, I have had my fair share of girls in their early 20's, most of them just for a night.

I think the connatation of supporting them in a "Sugar Daddy" role is what upsets most people here.

I do think though, that if a guy is working as a teacher and beds one of his own students then the guy is a fool, apart from abusing his position, he leaves himself open to all sorts of problems.

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If both parties are agreeable, then there is no exploitation. Is there a lot of difference between a Uni student of 22yo who will sleep with an older farang so she can buy some nice things and a 22yo hotel receptionist who does the same thing or even a 22yo Go Go dancer who does the same thing.

I think that some of these Uni girls turn up at the Thermae of a night time as well.

I initially took the same stance as some of the guys here and thought "what a bunch of old perverts" But after some thought, I came to the conclusion that if it is consensual, of legal age and all parties know the score then there is no harm done.

At 47yo, I have had my fair share of girls in their early 20's, most of them just for a night.

I think the connatation of supporting them in a "Sugar Daddy" role is what upsets most people here.

I do think though, that if a guy is working as a teacher and beds one of his own students then the guy is a fool, apart from abusing his position, he leaves himself open to all sorts of problems.

I couldn't agree more. Any teacher who has an intimate relationship with one of his/her own students deserves to be fired. There's a professional responsibility here. After graduation, however, it could be a different story.

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Hey, when he can't satisfy a grown woman I guess the next best option is a vulnerable schoolgirl.  :D


hey i can statisfy them all...been there done that :D

saying that these gals are vunerable is pure crap, they know exactly what they're doing, its their own choice :o

they do like to learn amore about us to broaden their interlectual horizons and outlook on life, if you know their local education system, you would understand :D

when i was young and studying, i met an older person, who was a succesful businessman and tought me so much about life and how to become succesful at it :D

now its my turn...sugar daddy or not its my time and $$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

say, aren't you:

1. German?

2. one-legged?

3. HIV positive?

4. On over-stay?


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If both parties are agreeable, then there is no exploitation. Is there a lot of difference between a Uni student of 22yo who will sleep with an older farang so she can buy some nice things and a 22yo hotel receptionist who does the same thing or even a 22yo Go Go dancer who does the same thing.

I think that some of these Uni girls turn up at the Thermae of a night time as well.

I initially took the same stance as some of the guys here and thought "what a bunch of old perverts" But after some thought, I came to the conclusion that if it is consensual, of legal age and all parties know the score then there is no harm done.

At 47yo, I have had my fair share of girls in their early 20's, most of them just for a night.

I think the connatation of supporting them in a "Sugar Daddy" role is what upsets most people here.

I do think though, that if a guy is working as a teacher and beds one of his own students then the guy is a fool, apart from abusing his position, he leaves himself open to all sorts of problems.

Very good points here. If the term 'Sugar Daddy' upsets people here, that is their problem, not the sugar daddy's problem. I see Sugar Dads with girls/young pretty women, every day in my casino... and you know what... they are usually 'both' smiling. :o:D

does your wife consider herself a sugar baby?

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Hey, when he can't satisfy a grown woman I guess the next best option is a vulnerable schoolgirl.  :D


hey i can statisfy them all...been there done that :D

saying that these gals are vunerable is pure crap, they know exactly what they're doing, its their own choice :o

they do like to learn amore about us to broaden their interlectual horizons and outlook on life, if you know their local education system, you would understand :D

when i was young and studying, i met an older person, who was a succesful businessman and tought me so much about life and how to become succesful at it :D

now its my turn...sugar daddy or not its my time and $$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

say, aren't you:

1. German?

2. one-legged?

3. HIV positive?

4. On over-stay?


read my posts dummy, save you from asking stupid questions :D

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Hey, when he can't satisfy a grown woman I guess the next best option is a vulnerable schoolgirl.  :D


hey i can statisfy them all...been there done that :D

saying that these gals are vunerable is pure crap, they know exactly what they're doing, its their own choice :o

they do like to learn amore about us to broaden their interlectual horizons and outlook on life, if you know their local education system, you would understand :D

when i was young and studying, i met an older person, who was a succesful businessman and tought me so much about life and how to become succesful at it :D

now its my turn...sugar daddy or not its my time and $$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

say, aren't you:

1. German?

2. one-legged?

3. HIV positive?

4. On over-stay?


read my posts dummy, save you from asking stupid questions :D

sorry if I confused you with the other predator....it's just that from reading your posts that you sounded so similiar, being so like-minded that you and a few others are.


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Hey, when he can't satisfy a grown woman I guess the next best option is a vulnerable schoolgirl.  :D


hey i can statisfy them all...been there done that :D

saying that these gals are vunerable is pure crap, they know exactly what they're doing, its their own choice :o

they do like to learn amore about us to broaden their interlectual horizons and outlook on life, if you know their local education system, you would understand :D

when i was young and studying, i met an older person, who was a succesful businessman and tought me so much about life and how to become succesful at it :D

now its my turn...sugar daddy or not its my time and $$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

say, aren't you:

1. German?

2. one-legged?

3. HIV positive?

4. On over-stay?


read my posts dummy, save you from asking stupid questions :D

sorry if I confused you with the other predator....it's just that from reading your posts that you sounded so similiar, being so like-minded that you and a few others are.


Actually he is

1. Dutch

2. One-legged man in a butt-kicking contest

3. HIV+ & Reprobate+

4 Overstay? Bah humbug! He is here illegally

5. The kind of fella who wakes up each morning, looks down and asks his dick, "where are you taking me today?"

6. His dick doubles as both a leg and a baton and its like a computer processor -- can't sleep except perhaps after death.

Yeah, but one can't help but still like the dude, all of the above notwithstanding!!! We've all suffered from this malady from time to time. He'll get over it too!

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Perhaps it would defuse this a little to discuss a similar situation in another country? I knew a fair number of old-er-ish people dating uni students (not their *own* students, of course) in Japan- and there was no question of money or support there. The Japanese involved simply *wanted* to date those people. One of my last Japanese partners was a uni student about 10 years younger than me, and far wealthier (in terms of his family) than I was. I knew guys in their 50s who were happily dating uni-age folks with nothing about money in the equation. I'd say there must be an equivalent group here, though since money seems to more or less always enter into the equation somehow (they're MUCH poorer than the Japanese students), it makes people more cynical.


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I support a student, I also live with her and have for the pat 2 years, she's 16 years younger than me, never had a farang b/f before, does this make me an old perv????

We met through work (I'm not a teacher)

She had a Thai BF at the time

Knew eachother for 3 months before we even went out

I'm not loaded, infact we both work. SHE teaches English!!!!!

Got engaged with full consent of her family (with conditions, not financial)

Now have a huge extended family who treat me as one of there own

Perv or not??

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