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Customs Duty Question


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I have a video camera (NTSC format) that I purchased in the US last year. I noticed it was not working a month ago and brought it to the local warranty center. They could not repair it because it was not PAL. I then sent it to my father in the US for repair, hoping it could be returned by my cousin who will visit soon. Unfortunately the repair will not be done in time so it will have to be sent back. My worry is that as soon as customs sees that this is a video camera their eyes will light up and I will get hit for some outrageous duty. Although it may be too late this time, I would appreciate it if anybody could help answer the following questions:

1. Is there any procedure recognized by Thai customs for the return of repaired items? I live here and have a work permit if that is relevant.

2. Any idea of the duty (%) I am likely to be hit with when the camera arrives here?

3. Any other advice??

Tnx in advance for any suggestions.

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3. Any other advice??

Dont get it mailed back!! If you had mailed it out via EMS courier through the Post Office with a detailed description of the item, and marked for repair, addressed to the repairer, and they sent it back same method, no problems, you should be able to go into the postal customs house with the original EMS documents and prove it was sent off for repair.

As you are now in a bind, you will need to find someone else coming over to carry it for you. Try ppl you know, forum members you know etc, I have had stuff brought over by guys I knew only casually, if its not very big most wont mind doing it for you.

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It would seem to me that there are two issues of proof to establish for customs.

1) Proof it is a used camera

2) Sent out of country for repair.

Since #2 would be proved by a copy of the repair bill, which should carry the description of the camera and perhaps a serial number and (1) a forgone conclusion once you prove #2, as new cameras don't need repair, I would have you father attach a copy of the repair invoice to the value declaration that clearly states used camera and then send you the original to be used when picking up the camera and fighting customs, if required.

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