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Work Permits, Breaking Contracts, And Coming Back...

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Ok. Ive searched the crap out of these forums for the answers but I havent found anything I understand. Hope someone here can guide me?

So here is my dilemma.

My friend has a CELTA, and B.A (History). Did the Thai Culture course.

He's getting a work permit soon from the school that I work at. However, the school is absolutely terrible. He will break the contract to leave soon.

He knows that the work permit and visa will be canceled and he will have to leave.

BUT he already knows he will be getting a new job here in a few months. His next employer knows about his crap situation with this job.

The problem:::

He heard that because he desnt have an education degree, he wont get another work permit. (Something about this WP being a one time special request granted by the authorities that be)

Is this true?

Also, he heard that because he broke contract, the powers that be might not let him have another work permit.

Is this true?

Any help, or advice?

Thanks all...

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There are legions of persons working as teachers in Thailand right now that do not have education degrees, or even the chaff that has been approved (or maybe not, see threads in the teacher's room) as a substitute for them. There are also legions of persons without work permits. Of those that have work permits, I would guess that most have the kind of qualifications your friend has. I seriously doubt that anytime soon the numbers of teachers well-educated enough to have real education degrees or daft enough to have enrolled in the substitute 'courses' would be so high that your friend needs to fear not being hired on that account.

As for the work permit, it's always a problem, unless of course, it's not. It all depends on the school, on you and your background, how sane/functional the various apparatchiks are from both the school and the various ministries on the particular days of application, whether or not it's the full moon, etc., etc. Yes, no, and it depends are all possible answers. In this land of exceptions anything is possible- so maybe your friend *does* have a special one-time-only work permit- or maybe that's just the desperate idiots at his school trying to scare him into not leaving. If they're that terrible, it's unlikely that they have the pull to affect your friend- most likely they have a one-time only for THEM work permit based on how terrible or low-influence they are.

On the other hand, he did have a contract with a full work permit and he broke it. They can make trouble over that, possibly, if they want to spend the money and influence to do so and if they have any to start with. They can also make trouble over not "releasing" him from work with an official form, which means he can't just transfer the work permit as he would be able to if the transfer were amicable- he'll have to make a visa run and start all over again from scratch- probably best to do so in another city where they won't know where to locate and harrass him.

Sorry not to have cheery news, but when it comes to Thai paperwork there rarely is any. What's my gut feeling? I'd make the visa run without giving any further news to the previous school (assuming he's been smart enough to hold his own WP booklet and other paperwork). Then leave- and preferably stay out for the next few months so that it doesn't look like he's playing fast and loose with tourist visas- then come back and take the new job under a new non-imm. B and start up the ladder again. If there are any further problems, deal with them when you come to them, much later, and act surprised- most likely the school will be able to smooth over them for him if they really need him- but of course, then he owes them.

And I'd recommend making sure the next school is really right for him, or else don't bother with the paperwork in the first place. It's only worth the trouble if you're really sure you want to stay long term, because then they can mess around with you.

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Thank you SO much for a quality reply.

Its nice to get helpful information.

A few followup questions though;

You said, "(assuming he's been smart enough to hold his own WP booklet and other paperwork)."

What paperwork is that then? Im sure he doesn't have any paperwork at the moment...

Also, you suggested making a visa run without telling the school.

Is this to go from a Non-B to a tourist visa?

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It would depend on your friends current immigraiton status. Does he have a multiple entry non-B or is he here now on an extension of stay. If he is on an extension of stay he will need to leave the country the same day he losses his jobs. He can get an extension of 7 days for 1,900 baht from immigration. So yes, he would then need to go abroad to get a tourist visa. Without a WP he can't get a new non-B from a neigbouring country, only a tourist visa. So he will have to wait till his paperwork for the new school is ready before applying for a new non-B, unless he applies in Europe or US.

If he is not on an extension of stay he can stay till his permisison to stay ends.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It would depend on your friends current immigraiton status. Does he have a multiple entry non-B or is he here now on an extension of stay. If he is on an extension of stay he will need to leave the country the same day he losses his jobs. He can get an extension of 7 days for 1,900 baht from immigration. So yes, he would then need to go abroad to get a tourist visa. Without a WP he can't get a new non-B from a neigbouring country, only a tourist visa. So he will have to wait till his paperwork for the new school is ready before applying for a new non-B, unless he applies in Europe or US.

If he is not on an extension of stay he can stay till his permisison to stay ends.

I entered with a multi entry B permit. I read at some private school's website job application- once you get workpermit your previous multientry permit is cancelled and you need to get a new one. Is this true? They were suggesting it was a waste of money to pay for multi-entry just get one entry B permit and get multi after you get work permit. I have never heard this.

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You or the school got things a bit confused.

Once you have your work permit you can go to the immigration office in Thailand and get an extension of stay (you don't have to get a new visa). With this extension of stay you no longer have to do border runs every 90 days, just report your current address to the immigration office every 90 days.



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