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Moving to australia

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Seeking some advice or any experience people on this site have of obtaining long term visas for Thai citizens to Australia.

My gf is Thai and currently teachs in Thailand. I'm English but living in Australia on a work sponsored visa. We've been togther for 2 years since I worked in bangkok for a year and we've both have made trips to/from Thailand/Aus in the last 18 months.

We're not intending to get married yet but want to live togther in Australia. We have to demonstrate that we have been living together for 6 months for her to get a 457 visa which is valid for 4 years (which is what I have and can obtain for my gf if we show we're partners). Can this be done by her first coming here on a 3 month tourist visa (twice)?

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I am not familiar with a 457 visa but may still be able to assist you with partner migration.

The Australian Embassy, Immigration Section, need you to prove to them that your relationship is genuine and continuing.

For this, you will need at least two statutory declarations from people who can verify that you and your partner have been living together.

Obviously the longer you have lived together the better.

You will then need to show that you and she were in constant contact with each other during the times that you were in different countries. (telephone accounts, dated letters, emails etc.)

Both of you should supply a letter to the Embassy stating your financial aspects.(joint accounts, joint loan applications, major purchases, residential property, leases, rental receipts etc.)

Social aspects: (evidence that your relationship has been declared to other Govt. bodies, commercial public institutions, statements by parents, family members, relatives, friends, joint membership of clubs, evidence of joint social activities etc.)

Personal commitment to each other: (intention of a long term relationship, marriage, the extent to which you have combined your affairs, wills etc.

In circumstances where you have not lived together for a period of time, provide reasons why.

No doubt there will be other requirements at the Embassy. The whole process can be very frustrating at times.

Good luck

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