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Marraige in thailand with no job


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:o Hi,

I will be giving up my job in London to go and spend another six months or so with my girlfriend in LOS.This time though we may get married,as another spell back here making money without her is not what i want.

However since i will be out of work does this make getting married their impossible?Or should we do it quickly so i could show recent pay slips/ bank statements while i still have mnoey in my account.I have a tenancy on an apartment here that i can show is mine and have no dependents/not been married before and ahve a couple of years worth of e-mails saved as proof of our relationship.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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TBH getting married  in Thailand and getting a visa  for the UK are two different things.

To get married in Thailand would take next to no effort, if you wanted to return to UK as a couple, thats another story.

Rephrase your question if thats the case , I have experience in this field ,as do many others here.


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yeah sorry should have been clearer, late night etc.

Ideally i would like to get married while there, apply for visa for her to come with me to uk, travel about for a few months then when the visa is ready fly back with her.

Is this an impossible dream?Will the British embassy immediately refuse the application when they see i am not currently employed even if i still have some money in the bank/place for us to live without costing the taxpayer anything?

Thanks again for any help

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It's not an impossible dream, but your lack of employment does hamper your g/f's chances of obtaining the visa. The immigration rules for the UK provide, inter alia, that the applicant has to be maintained without recourse to public funds and the best way of proving this is through evidence of a regular income.

The fact that you currently do not have this does not mean that the visa will be refused outright, but the visa officer will then make an assessment of whether he/she believes that the money you have in the bank is sufficient. There is no figure for exactly how much is needed. It is up to the visa officer to determine whether the amount is reasonable or not. Bear in mind that should your g/f get the visa then she will intially be allowed to stay in the UK for 2 years, so the visa officer will be looking for sufficient funds for that period. It would help if you could show that you have a job to return to or that you are in the process of looking for work.

In terms of travelling around for a few months, it is likely that the visa application will be decided after only a matter of 2/3 weeks at the most depending upon how many other applications there are at the time. However, once your g/f has the visa she does not need to immediately travel to the UK. If the application is refused she will have a right of appeal which is heard in the UK and you can seek free representation from the Immigration Advisory Service.



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It will help a lot to get here into the UK if she speaks English and has the offer of a Job.

You see, it's ok for 'phony assylum seekers to stay for about Five years while they are being processed at huge cost to the State, but if your Thai wife to be is even likely, to claim any kind of DSS Benefit, they throw their hands up in horror and refuse entry!.

It took me 23months to get my late wife in from Tanzania.

What a palava THAT was........Never again.

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A question sort of on topic.  I admit not looking into personally with the government which is my fault.  To get married to a Thai don't you have to show proof to the Thai government that you have X amount in the bank, and have this job making X amount, and have records showing you paid X amount in taxes?  This is what I was told, and it put the getting married in Thailand for me in no category.
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When I was married a couple of years ago all that was required was a form from my embassy that stated I was single and it was OK for me to marry,and translated into thai,then we went to the amphur and signed the papers and .They then took her pic for a new ID card.  Thats all there was to it. And we walked out married
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Be prepared for a lot of paper work if you intend to get married here. They may ask for a copy of your bank statement. In addition you will need to go the British embassy fill out a form saying that you are eliegble to be marreid. I have been through the process and found the whole thing to be a pain.Plus there will be alot of questions down at the district office.
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Check the Thaivisa site here.

It says you need a salary statement, well I never produced one and I was in and out of the ampher office in less than in takes to skin a cat.

If you're not sure just ring the office and ask what they require, or go down and ask them in person. Seems like there are different requirements between the amphers.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand

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Edward could you say what you needed?  When you did it?  Maybe things have changed since then.  I hear different things from different people, both Thai and farang.  

I went ahead and married the girl anyway at least as far as the village was concerned with the ring (the ring my idea and choice), the dowry, the chain for mama and one for papa, the ceremony and the party.  Everyone in the village knew we were to marry and to save her family the shame I went ahead with the whole thing even after deciding not to do the legal way.  For me thats good enough, and although she says its enough for her to but I can just tell its not.  

She is a great girl and I would do anything for her as she makes me extremely happy, and if I can I would like to do it.  But I refuse to fork over all my personal info and bank accounts to the government.  I just won't do it for numerous reasons.

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Got married 1/8/2003 (that's August 1 for you yanks). Ampher office in Southern thailand. No salary statement was given (or asked for). I do have a job though and I did give them photocopies of my work permit, however. Can't remember if this was needed though. Wife did all the talking! Again, just ask your local ampher office what is required by them - or get your 'wife' to ask. Asking us will inevitably result in many various replies - based on our experiences across the whole of the country.

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