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Dying In Chiangmai (without An E)


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OK since my last post was a catalyst for some myrth and merriment let's get serious.

What about dying in Chiangmai and when we do what are our options, i.e. cremation, burial etc?

Have many people have made plans for their final exit and if so perhaps you might like to share them with me by post or pm, because it's something I need to get straightened out anf then forget about it rather than just leave it to others. What are the options that can be deemed by a will and who/where are the places that provide both burial and cremation services (non religious)?

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It strikes me that your question begs far more questions than possible answers and, is this the place to ask?

Check with your Consulate/Embassy and take their advice since they are the ones who are going to have to deal with your decaying carcass if you are not legally married to a Thai national.

I have covered myself by owning/owing absolutely nothing and having registered myself and my Thai wife with my Embassy. I die, she puts me in the local oven and she has orders to surreptitiously feed my ashes to those ThaiVisa members who have proven to be a pain in the butt (ThaiPauly and Bunta666, among others, come immediately to mind).

If your life and possessions are more complicated than mine, get formal legal advice, not random answers from some internet forum.

Live long and prosper...

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What about dying in Chiangmai and when we do what are our options, i.e. cremation, burial etc? ....

As I see it (for a person like me in a similar situation to mine) there are only about 5 options: 1) go back to my homecountry where they'll provide food, a soft bed and medical student's to turn me over once in a while. 2) make sure I've got an insurance that'll give the same service in Chiang Mai. 3) Rely on my extended family will take care of me and be capable of handling the financial burden and APPRECIATED responsibility I'd be. 4) Do like the old indian in the 70'movie "A good day to dye" with Dustin Hoffman - Let the tribe walk along, make yourself a good bed, and go to sleep. 5) Become a Buddhistic monk - the Sangha will take good care of you.

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Well now, there you go, Uptheos..

So many options and I have even changed my mind and now think that I will go with "the old indian in the 70'movie A good day to dye with Dustin Hoffman" scenario.

And here I thought that you could not get meaningful legal advice on an internet forum..

Silly me... :o

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I must have seen it at least 200 times along with Robert Redford in Jerimiah(sp) Johnson...

On the visit from Mr. Death, The Grim Reaper...

2 weeks ago we had a death in the family back in the US. Poor guy was only 48 and dropped dead from a massive vapor lock..( heart attack ) Left a 15 yr old son and had just retired from the USAF.

As I write this, there is still confusion on what he wanted to do upon his death, cannot find any will or insurance paperwork, any banking or other paperwork for house, vehicles, credit cards, etc.

Families of both side are confused on what to do, who son goes to live with, just a real mess.

So far both sets of families, one in AZ and another in Michigan have been working together on how to get anything done ( don't know how long this will last ) but it sure let me know right away that I have neglected to fill out all the proper paperwork of a will, insurance etc.

Time to get on the ball.

I wouldn't want my family to have to indure another fiassico like what's going on back in Phoenix right now.

Other than that, I've told the wife to open the oven for me when I go...maybe I'd make a good casserole.

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Well now, there you go, Uptheos..

So many options and I have even changed my mind and now think that I will go with "the old indian in the 70'movie A good day to dye with Dustin Hoffman" scenario.

And here I thought that you could not get meaningful legal advice on an internet forum..

Silly me... :D

You and me both should have nown better than to seek meaningful advice here.

It's always difficult broaching a topic like this on such a forum, because there are too many people who are fearful of their own mortality to enter into discussion and can only deal with it through gallows humour.

Sometimes, though it is possible to meet a person with similar thoughts / fears / concerns and I'm always happy to let the smart <deleted> have their day - every dog has one. :o

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Ive deleted a number of off topic posts

please stay on topic, and remember if you want to share jokes/banter have a bit of a laugh, theres always the farang pub and entertainment sub forum.

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  • 6 months later...

This is a ver good question and one that give serious thought to anyone living there either on a permanent or temporary basis. If one does not leave any instruction on record anywhere there and passes on I just wonder how the Thia authorities would handle the situation. Would have to assume they would contact the deceased one's embassy based on their immigration records and take it from there. I suspose it would be wise for foreigner living there to file a living will with end of life instructions with their emabassy, otherwise it could be a very complicated and expensive affair for someone to settle. Anyone have any experience with this, or would otherwise wish to comment. If one doesn't want to burden anyone else with their passing on to the heavenly gates, or wherever, they had better get off their butt and put their last wishes on record in preparation for that final moment. In the meantime, have a good one and enjoy. Joe

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re ... As I write this, there is still confusion on what he wanted to do upon his death, cannot find any will or insurance paperwork, any banking or other paperwork for house, vehicles, credit cards, etc.

in answer to your points ONLY !.... but if it helps someone else ... great

ive thought about this and told all my family to cremate me in thailand coz i dont want them to have the trouble and probably mountains of paperwork and expence of taking me back to england .

my will ... i left that with my mum and dad four years ago and my brother and nephew know where it is , ive also left a copy with my best mate

life insurance .... i dont have any .

pensions ..... i dont get one for another four years

house .. vehicles ... i dont own one and the stuff i own in my room ( fridge dvd player etc ) is not worth thinking about ( apart from two laptops ) as by the time someone gets here to sort things out in 4 5 or 7 days ?? half of it will probably have gone already but who cares coz it saves someone ? having to think about getting rid of it

bank / b society / credit cards .... i keep an up to date list of all their names , addresses , account numbers , internet log ons ( except passwords etc ) e mail addresses etc ..... EXACTLY up to date !

and send them to my family members and my best mate .

if there are ANY changes in any of them ( and you would be surprised how many changes there are ) i update the list ... send them the new one and they destroy the old list

they all know roughly how much money ( some small some large ) is where and with a death cirtificate i think they should be able to get it back

the only trouble they might have is getting the 3 , 5 or 800.000 ? ? ? thats left in my TMB account but if they all put their heads together and thought obout my past life im sure they could work out my pin number and password

ive tried to make it easier on my family as best i can .... if ive #ucked it up somewhere .... at least i tried :)


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