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The Poluted Air- Now The Water

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The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System reports the following that I just stumbled on while researching water tables [aquifers] in CM. can't breath, can't drink.....why are we here??

the following was coppied and pasted from


Human Health Impact of Fluoride in Groundwater in the Chiang Mai Basin

Matsui, Y.; Takizawa, S.; Wattanachira, S.; Wongrueng, A.; Ibaraki, M.

American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #H23F-1493

Chiang Mai Basin, in Northern Thailand, is known as a fluorotic area. Groundwater of the Chiang Mai Basin has been gradually replaced by contaminated surface water since the 1980's. People have been exposed to fluoride contaminated groundwater since that time. As a result, harmful health effects on dental and skeletal growth were observed in the 90's. These include dental and skeletal fluorosis. Dental fluorosis is characterized by yellow or white spots on teeth and pitting or mottled enamel, consequently causing the teeth to look unsightly. Skeletal fluorosis leads to changes in bone structure, making them extremely weak and brittle. The most severe form of this is known as ``crippling skeletal fluorosis,'' a condition that can cause immobility, muscle wasting, and neurological problems related to spinal cord compression. This study focuses on the problematic issue of the Chiang Mai Basin's groundwater from the viewpoint of fluoride occurrence and current health impacts. Chiang Mai and Lamphun Provinces comprise the Chiang Mai Basin. Fluoride rich granites or fluorite deposits are scattered across the mountainside of the Lamphun Province. Tropical savanna climate conditions with seasonal monsoons bring more than 1,000 mm of annual precipitation, which can prompt weathering of minerals containing fluoride. The Ping River dominates the Basin, and the main eastern tributary of the Ping River runs through the Lamphun Province. The Basin has geological units composed of lower semi-consolidated Tertiary fluvial and upper unconsolidated Quaternary alluvium deposits. The main aquifers are in the upper unconsolidated unit. High fluoride concentrations tend to be observed in the aquifer located in lower part of this unconsolidated unit. We have been investigating two areas in the Basin. These two locations are similar with respect to geological and hydrological settings. However, one area in which groundwater is Ca-bicarbonate dominant has a low fluoride occurrence. Groundwater of the other area contains a high fluoride concentration and is Na-bicarbonate dominant. We will present how naturally-occurring fluoride found in this groundwater has impacted the health of a large portion of residents in the Chiang Mai Basin, and we will explain the mechanism that differentiates Ca concentration, which controls fluoride concentration in groundwater, between different areas in the Basin.

I have seen and heard from locals around my area [Doi Saket] that used to boil ground water for drinking and their teeth were noticably stained, now I know why, and maybe the reason so many of the old people have 'widow's humps'??


Yes this was a surprise to me and written by The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System gives it some authority....surprised that it wasn't made public.

Maybe it will scare off more tourists and give us some more breathin space and drinking water.

I think that it was quite possibly true in the past, but now that reverse osmosis water is so cheap and redily available.....it is nothing to be fearful of, but it makes me wonder about exposure with showers and swimming pools??

There's also fried foods and who knows what's in the soil. But something's gonna get you somewhere no matter where you go. Happy to be here.

In this life you only get what you pay for that's why Kevin charges for his water.

I think that it was quite possibly true in the past, but now that reverse osmosis water is so cheap and redily available.....it is nothing to be fearful of, but it makes me wonder about exposure with showers and swimming pools??

also not sure if its a consideration with regards to grown produce?


We all will die some way or another :-) Air... water... food... old age :-)

What I hate to imagine is that this is the stuff we KNOW ABOUT that is in the water... air etc... but it is what we dont know that is scary :-(

I think that it was quite possibly true in the past, but now that reverse osmosis water is so cheap and redily available.....it is nothing to be fearful of, but it makes me wonder about exposure with showers and swimming pools??

Could you help me out with a layman's description of just what 'reverse osmosis' water is? And from memory this describes the water one can get from all the water banks. Do you, or any other posters, have any knowledge about the cleanliness and health of water from water banks?

While we're on the topic of water, would drinking water from the water banks be safer than buying a filter and drinking filtered tap water? Would flitering water bank water be a waste of time, or make it even safer?

After all, clean water in our chemical age is harder to find and even more important to consume!

I think that it was quite possibly true in the past, but now that reverse osmosis water is so cheap and redily available.....it is nothing to be fearful of, but it makes me wonder about exposure with showers and swimming pools??

Could you help me out with a layman's description of just what 'reverse osmosis' water is? And from memory this describes the water one can get from all the water banks. Do you, or any other posters, have any knowledge about the cleanliness and health of water from water banks?

While we're on the topic of water, would drinking water from the water banks be safer than buying a filter and drinking filtered tap water? Would flitering water bank water be a waste of time, or make it even safer?

After all, clean water in our chemical age is harder to find and even more important to consume!

Google is your friend:



/ Priceless

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