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Humane Snake Catcher

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Three weeks ago the cleaning lady saw a cobra. I have experienced that some Thai people call a snake a cobra very quickly. We had some "false"alarms before. So we did not really panick at that point.

But last monday my dog behaved very weird. He ran into the garden barking with a new kind of voice. I had never heard him do that (He is a farang dog). i went to investigate but saw nothing. Then the day after that, he did excactly the same, ran in en out of the garden producing that alarming kinda bark. I went to check it out, he came with me, started to bark again and then I saw it raising itself out of the grass, whidening its neck while moving away. It was about 1,5 meters long and defenitly a monocellated cobra. A Naja kaouthia as they are called. I know for sure because I saw the back of its hood and it had a white diamond shape on it!!! http://www.exotic-animals.org/kace/opis_vr...a_kaouthia4.jpg

It was big! And we think it lives near the house as the dog barked at the same place those two days, which was also near where the cleaning lady had seen it. So what do we do??? We have a cat and a dog, both Farang creatures and much loved. I do not wish them to get bitten so they will not do as protection.

I have heard it is the breeding season! We live in a rubberplantation, so our "garden"is a big field of rubbertrees. We have loads of treefrogs around, chicks from the neighbours chicken, so I guess it is a lovely place for a snake to raise a family!!!! :o We have a modern open thais style house on stilts and live outside downstairs. There are many many holes in the grass, which could be the house of any wildlife, so I do not know which one of all those would be theire residence of preference!

The place where it was spotted is very close to the house.

I have now spread sulphur powder around the house. I love snakes and think they are magnificant BUT this is very close to home and my head can not get around the exotic fact that we ARE in danger. I know it will not attack me on purpose or use its venom, without any real danger for it. I am not planning on teasing it or catching it, BUT it (or we) could just be on the wrong place at the wrong time, meaning both us and he/she on the same spot.

I do not even want to think about the dangers of a nest and 45 little poisonous snakes find hiding places in cubbiholes or behind couchpillows!!!

So we NEED someone who can catch it, and here is the most tricky bit, catch it not being stuck in a bathroom, but find it in the field and remove it, or find the nest, or smoke them out or god knows what. I prefer it NOT to be killed. It is not her/his fault that she wondered into our place. BUT if there really is NO other solution than that might have to be done! PLease does anyone know of someone on Phuket who can do it safely??? Any other valuable suggestions?

Moving will not do.

Thanks a lot. I hope I get serious solutions as it does tend to go rather silly, quickly on this forum.

Much apreciated



Sorry I dont know about a snake catcher. We have the same problem around our house and the Thais always kill them. What I want to know - is the sulphur powder okay for pets? I opted not to use it as I was concerned about our cats and dogs.


There is a charity called the Phuket Raum Jai Rescue Foundation which specializes in catching snakes (and other dangerous critters) FOR FREE !!!.

I used them once and they were very good. They do not kill the snake but release it far away.

Contact Khun Sayan Tammapant at 076-283346 / 076-355175

I believe he does not speak much English so get a Thai to call.


Thanks Baabaabobo

I 'll try and find a thai that speaks english or an English speaker that speaks Thai ( I am not that far yet) Thanks for the info!

Chantal, I had heard earlier that it did not harm cat or dog. But to be honest I forgot when I put the sulphur down. I had been putting it of for a while but I guess my brain had only one thing in mind. Halfway of the house I thought "oh what about cat/dog" but then it was down allready. Now one day later dog and cat are fine, no worries they cross the sulphurline all the time and still seem healthy and alert.

You need a fair amount of powder though.I used 8 bags. If you wonder where to get it, supercheap stocks it next to the dried beans ! I believe and close to the plastic containers/bags/cups that streethawkers use. Just ask one of the staff they know. It is very yellow.


erm, speak to your cleaner and or thai neighbours? imagine they will know what to do / know someone who will know what to do without posting on an internet forum (i am only being half sarcastic here, honestly).

erm, speak to your cleaner and or thai neighbours? imagine they will know what to do / know someone who will know what to do without posting on an internet forum (i am only being half sarcastic here, honestly).

Aren't you fantastic! (I'm only being 100% sarcastic, honestly)


Thier is a snake show, if you drive the road from rawaii to patong.... They say they get the snakes from peoples houses and yards.... I don't know their number but I am shure you could drive out thier.... They speak english... The snake won't be killed, but it won't be free either it will become part of the farang entertainment....


Any Thai male, and most females, born and raised in the countryside can solve this problem. The snake won't survive though. Once I heard sometimes monks have a way of removing snakes without killing them.

erm, speak to your cleaner and or thai neighbours? imagine they will know what to do / know someone who will know what to do without posting on an internet forum (i am only being half sarcastic here, honestly).

Aren't you fantastic! (I'm only being 100% sarcastic, honestly)

Prior to internet forums Phuket was overun with wild animals that the local brown people had no help of controlling. Ahh, thank buddha for the arrival of farang civilised progress.


Hi, PM me and I can catch it for you. Have caught a few cobras among other snakes here and been handling them for about 40 years.

However... You need to know where it is since I do not feel good about digging up gardens, cellars, etc... :-)

PS. Sulphur does not work. Nor monks, lemongrass or anything similar. Take away hidingplaces, shelter (cut grass and bushes) and take away all the food for the snakes, you will be fine.

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