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Over at AdvRider Website there is a popular topic called Face Plant. The purpose of the topic is be a place where one and all can chronicle and share stories of biking mishaps, near-accidents, or worse.

Since we are a small community here on ThaiVisa, I was thinking it would be beneficial if we have our own Face Plant thread. Here we can learn from each other and give ourselves a good, frequent reminder of the perils of cycling in Thailand :o

Maybe ThaiCbr would be good enough to be our first poster?

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Over at AdvRider Website there is a popular topic called Face Plant. The purpose of the topic is be a place where one and all can chronicle and share stories of biking mishaps, near-accidents, or worse.

Since we are a small community here on ThaiVisa, I was thinking it would be beneficial if we have our own Face Plant thread. Here we can learn from each other and give ourselves a good, frequent reminder of the perils of cycling in Thailand :D

Maybe ThaiCbr would be good enough to be our first poster?

I've been told I seem to like to put people down, so I'll be the first response in this thread and let the favour be returned....

Was the Iron Butt ride I. I had only 600 km on my shiny new Ninja. Was up around Ban Rai and trying to make sure I wasn't the one slowing the group down. Came up on a corner, honestly can't remember, but I think I was leading the pack. Took the corner too quickly, tried to brake but forgot that the front stoppers are quite a bit more potent than the little CBR's and the known limits of the tyres hadn't be discovered. I quickly found out that on that particular corner I was going much faster and trying to stop much more quikly than they could handle. By the time the facts registered and I got things back 'in control' (front wheel wasn't locked up) I was out of space to actually make a difference. With a guadrail looming I chickened out and kicked off. A slide of me at an angle slightly less than the road had me stopped just short of finding out how sturdy the guard rail was. Bike ended up 'highsided' and screeched along on its left side (was a right hander) until it went off the road and into the sugar cane's access road that was just before the rail. Only my second crash ever on a bike, and the first was on a track so that doen't count. :o

Actually the only other time in LOS I came close was one morning when I dropped the brother in law off at school. I headed back to the house and remembered I was out of Oishi yellow top. I made the U-Turn and as I went by the school I was scanning the school yard to make sure the little dude was actually in school and not schiving. Looking back to where I was supposed to I discovered that attention diverted from the road let me nearly run up on the back of a delivery truck. Managed to get enough braking power to stop, although I sure did get a lot of dirty looks from the local shop owners.....


Hi Dave!

You weren't leading, but I was right behind you and watched you crash.

You did indeed lock up the front. The skid was quite visible:


Live and learn my friend! Thank goodness you were not injured and the damage to the bike was only cosmetic.


My last serious crash was in '96- head on with a drunk driver and I was in no condition to take any pics. Wonder if I still have the pics of the totaled bike. Might be worth a scan and a post.

Ride SAFE and Happy Trails!




After surviving many highspeed car accidents & a few extra ordinary 'offs' from various motorcycles, I have always managed to learn a thing or two from good constructive critism. Sometimes one of the best people to conduct the analysis of the crash is YOURSELF, afterall that person is the nutter pushing the buttons and pulling the strings of control.

This thread is an excellant idea & hopefully our keen biking mods like PB & Kerryd wont have to smack too many backsides with people being either offensive or overally critical of people who have made mistakes and are brave enough to post here. Stupid comments are not needed as I am sure none of us here actually likes to see fellow biking nutters doing so called 'face plants'.

Hopefully one day, we can have regular biking meets somewhere safe where we can share experiences about biking skills and best practise for the greater survival of all.

Anyway, personally I am going to review all my accidents & pick some of the best ones for posting, else wise I may jam up the TV site through information overload.

Good post dave, it was such a pity to scratch up a new machine....but fortunately you were dressed appropriately & came up trumps. Glad you were not hurt. You may agree that it takes some time to 'learn' a new ride before you can confidently predict how it is going to respond in any given situation.

Over at AdvRider Website there is a popular topic called Face Plant. The purpose of the topic is be a place where one and all can chronicle and share stories of biking mishaps, near-accidents, or worse.

Since we are a small community here on ThaiVisa, I was thinking it would be beneficial if we have our own Face Plant thread. Here we can learn from each other and give ourselves a good, frequent reminder of the perils of cycling in Thailand :D

Maybe ThaiCbr would be good enough to be our first poster?

I've been told I seem to like to put people down, so I'll be the first response in this thread and let the favour be returned....

Was the Iron Butt ride I. I had only 600 km on my shiny new Ninja. Was up around Ban Rai and trying to make sure I wasn't the one slowing the group down. Came up on a corner, honestly can't remember, but I think I was leading the pack. Took the corner too quickly, tried to brake but forgot that the front stoppers are quite a bit more potent than the little CBR's and the known limits of the tyres hadn't be discovered. I quickly found out that on that particular corner I was going much faster and trying to stop much more quikly than they could handle. By the time the facts registered and I got things back 'in control' (front wheel wasn't locked up) I was out of space to actually make a difference. With a guadrail looming I chickened out and kicked off. A slide of me at an angle slightly less than the road had me stopped just short of finding out how sturdy the guard rail was. Bike ended up 'highsided' and screeched along on its left side (was a right hander) until it went off the road and into the sugar cane's access road that was just before the rail. Only my second crash ever on a bike, and the first was on a track so that doen't count. :o

Actually the only other time in LOS I came close was one morning when I dropped the brother in law off at school. I headed back to the house and remembered I was out of Oishi yellow top. I made the U-Turn and as I went by the school I was scanning the school yard to make sure the little dude was actually in school and not schiving. Looking back to where I was supposed to I discovered that attention diverted from the road let me nearly run up on the back of a delivery truck. Managed to get enough braking power to stop, although I sure did get a lot of dirty looks from the local shop owners.....

Sounds like you walked away from this accident?Lucky not to hit that railing hard,would've hurt..Mate,just out of curiousity,are you the Dave from England that was dating Maprang?If you are,i am John, the Aussie chap staying across from you in Baan Suan resort at the time.I am married to Tum,Maprangs friend. :D

After surviving many highspeed car accidents & a few extra ordinary 'offs' from various motorcycles, I have always managed to learn a thing or two from good constructive critism. Sometimes one of the best people to conduct the analysis of the crash is YOURSELF, afterall that person is the nutter pushing the buttons and pulling the strings of control.

This thread is an excellant idea & hopefully our keen biking mods like PB & Kerryd wont have to smack too many backsides with people being either offensive or overally critical of people who have made mistakes and are brave enough to post here. Stupid comments are not needed as I am sure none of us here actually likes to see fellow biking nutters doing so called 'face plants'.

Hopefully one day, we can have regular biking meets somewhere safe where we can share experiences about biking skills and best practise for the greater survival of all.

Anyway, personally I am going to review all my accidents & pick some of the best ones for posting, else wise I may jam up the TV site through information overload.

Good post dave, it was such a pity to scratch up a new machine....but fortunately you were dressed appropriately & came up trumps. Glad you were not hurt. You may agree that it takes some time to 'learn' a new ride before you can confidently predict how it is going to respond in any given situation.

Mate,i'm not surprised you have had a few accidents over the years,that twitch must make it bloody hard to ride straight....... :o

Sounds like you walked away from this accident?Lucky not to hit that railing hard,would've hurt..Mate,just out of curiousity,are you the Dave from England that was dating Maprang?If you are,i am John, the Aussie chap staying across from you in Baan Suan resort at the time.I am married to Tum,Maprangs friend. :D

I've been around but I've ever dated anyone named Maprang. Is she cute enough to trade my current model in for? :o

Sounds like you walked away from this accident?Lucky not to hit that railing hard,would've hurt..Mate,just out of curiousity,are you the Dave from England that was dating Maprang?If you are,i am John, the Aussie chap staying across from you in Baan Suan resort at the time.I am married to Tum,Maprangs friend. :D

I've been around but I've ever dated anyone named Maprang. Is she cute enough to trade my current model in for? :o

I'd have to see your current model....... :D

I'd have to see your current model....... :D

Here's an older photo, but still decent looking for a 30 year old....

No,Maprang is older then that.....Lovely looking lady you have :o My wife's a bit older at 40,but still an attractive women.


Dave. looks like your feeding your missus to much she's getting a bit chubby around the cheeks..........................................................................

..................... :o:D :D :D

just joking fella.... she looks lovely. even if she keeps selling ya bikes :D

Dave. looks like your feeding your missus to much she's getting a bit chubby around the cheeks..........................................................................

..................... :o:D:D:D

just joking fella.... she looks lovely. even if she keeps selling ya bikes :D

Everyone of the inlaws as those fat cheeks....and they passed it onto the baby. I swear her head looks like a pear.

Dave. looks like your feeding your missus to much she's getting a bit chubby around the cheeks..........................................................................

..................... :D:D:D:wai:

just joking fella.... she looks lovely. even if she keeps selling ya bikes :D

I bet you can tell who eats more in my family........ :o


Hey madyakka,i see you lurking around here,what is that bike on your profile page?It looks nice,got me curious now. :o



Talking about face plants, reminds me of a very early one & only PURE stupidity played a part in this crash. It was a non-thailand related crash BUT the lesson learnt has served me well whilst motorcycling in thailand.

I was an up and coming hero (in my mind) in 125cc motor-cross racing & fortunately my best friend & riding cohort was rather handy with the spanner. We were at a race meet & I was busy being excited about my next race & he was busy fixing a front flat tyre & have a stare at a bit of skirt nearby. As we never listen to each other & were constantly bickering about petty things I wheeled my bike directly into the waiting are for the start of the next race. Everything was perfect...my bike, a CR125 was near new having passed the pre-race inspection early that morning.

Anyway, old race face here managed to get in a full half lap of the track before his front wheel parted with the motorcycle whilst negotiating a small set of jumps, something which entertained the crowd to no end....others found my antics in the pit afterwards with my mate even more entertaining....the fact that he was leaning on the fence chatting to a bird whilst holding my wheel nut in his hand didnt help any. :o

Lesson learnt......DONT trust anyone that works on your bike, especially your best mate OR anywhere eye candy may distract the mechanic. Several times here I have got my bikes back whilst having work done & during a quick check have discovered that things arnt a 100% right. PS: Big dikc head of the moment = ME, imagine going for a ride without your wheel nut. True story but far from the most stupid thing I have ever done. SORRY, I havent had any offs in Thailand to report THANKFULLY!




Not in Thailand but OUCH none the less, if you look closely, there is a hole in the top of the helmet caused by the nut on top of the steering yoke!


^ Father....it certainly pays to wear a good LID!

It certainly does Neverdie, i always buy a new lid every year, highest spec i can get, just got the Arai sinister grey, very nice helmet, if you register it with Arai, they will service it etc free of charge while they are over for the TT, and not bad at £390.00 (19,500 Bhat) including spare visor, wool lined carry bag, visor carry bag & maintanance kit!


Hey madyakka,i see you lurking around here,what is that bike on your profile page?It looks nice,got me curious now. :o

Tis a 4oo intruder and it will be for sale as soon as I pick up my nice new Er6-n :D




Yes, we are running short on face plant stories, perhaps Allan could list a blow by blow description here of his account.

Sounds like dave-boo is the only honest one here....l hope i dont have to post about falling of my g/f's pink bicycle the other day :o

Yes, we are running short on face plant stories, perhaps Allan could list a blow by blow description here of his account.

Sounds like dave-boo is the only honest one here....l hope i dont have to post about falling of my g/f's pink bicycle the other day :o

Now that one i got to hear! :D:D



thaicbr started another thred because he had an off last nite when a pickup driver pulled out in front of him. the pics are on another thread. hes one luck or unlucky boy depending on which way you look at it.


thaicbr started another thred because he had an off last nite when a pickup driver pulled out in front of him. the pics are on another thread. hes one luck or unlucky boy depending on which way you look at it.

I was actually refering to your "G/F Pink Bicycle" episode..................



Face Plant....1989 South of France...18 yrs old... Harley Sporster.It was raining hit an oil slick around a bend...tried to set the bike straight..hit the pavement, the bike jerked up and hit the wall straight on with me on it. My face went straight into the speedometer mounted on the handlebars. My jaw was broken, open fractures in 4 places, lost a few ivories, broken thumb and a pair of purplish gonads(from hitting the gas tank).


thaicbr started another thred because he had an off last nite when a pickup driver pulled out in front of him. the pics are on another thread. hes one luck or unlucky boy depending on which way you look at it.

I was actually refering to your "G/F Pink Bicycle" episode..................


Ohh okay...fairly simple...dikchead on bicycle, acting the fool....end of story sitting on my backside on the pavement....never did like bikes without motors much :o

Face Plant....1989 South of France...18 yrs old... Harley Sporster.It was raining hit an oil slick around a bend...tried to set the bike straight..hit the pavement, the bike jerked up and hit the wall straight on with me on it. My face went straight into the speedometer mounted on the handlebars. My jaw was broken, open fractures in 4 places, lost a few ivories, broken thumb and a pair of purplish gonads(from hitting the gas tank).

Sounds like you are lucky to be alive Pluto. Were you wearing an open faced helmet?


On holiday at the Greek Island of Rhodes back in the day.

I nearly cut my holiday and life short when I fcked up on a corner.

I'd done the dreaded 'thought he was back home and drifted over to the 'wrong' side' deal!

This was no ordinary corner as it was by the sea, so it was 'heads' you hit the castle wall, or 'tails' you end up flying off the quayside into the rocky sea!

So as I was taking this corner (a blind one cause of the castle corner butress) around flies this scooter with two Greek dudes on it! How I managed to veer back to the right and miss them while taking the corner can only be imagined it was that freaky! Almost as freaky as the greek insults and swearwords getting hurled in my direction :o

Only a few days later my parents were telling me how an american biker from the nearby Nato base had ditched his bike further up the quayside. 'If only you'd seen how close I'd come' I mused to myself!

Had a few near misses on the CBR 150 and 400.

Glanced off a canal road wall whilst racing some Harley dude up in Chiang Mai. That took a while to heal as I was just a young upstart back then, I'd overcooked the corner like Dave did and either had to slam on the anchors and tombstone against the walls apex (and risk being thrown over it into the canal) or ride out the corner and take a railing against the walls surface. I chose the latter and even that still threw me up and off my seat a bit!

I've wore armour and decent boots from that day forth.

Then many moons later I dropped the CBR 400, I was wearing my full armour and didn't get a scratch. :D

One fine day in Hua Hin a pedestrian decided to step in front of me, here's what happened:


Face Plant....1989 South of France...18 yrs old... Harley Sporster.It was raining hit an oil slick around a bend...tried to set the bike straight..hit the pavement, the bike jerked up and hit the wall straight on with me on it. My face went straight into the speedometer mounted on the handlebars. My jaw was broken, open fractures in 4 places, lost a few ivories, broken thumb and a pair of purplish gonads(from hitting the gas tank).

Sounds like you are lucky to be alive Pluto. Were you wearing an open faced helmet?

Yep open faced....then broken faced helmet!

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