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I have a small (or maybe large dependent on your viewpoint) setback in my plans to bring my fiancé here to the UK and am hoping somebody can give me advice as to what my next step should be.

To give you some background I met my fiancé in Pattaya in January 2007. We spent a few days together and after I returned to the UK we kept in touch occasionally via a phone call or chat on the internet. You could say at this stage we were friends.

I next visited Thailand in November 2007 and this time I spent about 10 days with her. Once again after my return we kept in touch via telephone and mostly internet chat.

My next visit was nine months later in August 2008 where we spent 2 weeks together and upon my return stayed in contact daily via telephone and internet. It was at this time that we decided it was better she go home and I started to send her money for support.

I then came again in November 2008 and spent another 10 days with her going back to her home and meeting her family.

Just before I left we decided to apply for a fiancé visa and I completed all the forms on 17th November. I then made her an appointment to visit VFS and sent her all the supporting documents. At the end of November she went to VFS and they sent her application onto the British Embassy for review. About 3 weeks later she was informed that she would be required to attend an interview today which unfortunately led to her visa application being refused on the grounds of her not knowing me long enough.

The problem I think lies in the fact that I can provide complete documented evidence of daily phone calls, money transfers, photos etc from August 2008 until present day (although the documents submitted were only up to November as this is when she submitted her application) but any communications we had before this time are not available. Also the majority of our communications were by internet and I do not keep any type of record for msn chats.

I am aware that I can appeal and she is sending me the paperwork tomorrow via email but what can I provide to support my appeal that I have not provided already. My only option is that I was with a friend when I originally met her and would be able to provide a sworn statement if I asked him.

Of course I can send documents to support telephone and money transfers from November until present day but that is all.

I also get the impression that the appeal process is long and drawn out and may take months.

Anybody have any advice as to what I should do next? Appeal? Contact my local MP? Involve a solicitor who specialises in immigration?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks for listening

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Wait until you have the refusal of entry clearance in your hand.

All the facts will be on the form she may of missed something.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I should have that information tomorrow via email so will report back with further details


The appeal is not too long,a friend attended one last year it was only 8 weeks after the initial refusal .She was turned down due to his lady's lack of understanding English but the appeal was successful.............It is important to make sure you attend in person together with your friend,I don't think it is worth wasting money on a solicitor.


I should think the nub of it will be that the ECO did not consider it credible you and your friend would enter into a marriage based upon an acquaintance of scarcely 6 weeks over a 2 year period particularly when the parties are from such differing cultures and, doubtless, backgrounds and presumably demonstrating a common bond would therefore be somewhat challenging. This would cast doubt upon the genuineness of the relationship and any intention to live together permanently, a fundamental requirement of the rules.

I could be wrong but perhaps you will need to spend more time together in order to bolster that credibility.

In any event you should bang in the appeal. You never know, you may get an adjudicator who also fell in love at first sight...........


I have a small (or maybe large dependent on your viewpoint) setback in my plans to bring my fiancé here to the UK and am hoping somebody can give me advice as to what my next step should be.

To give you some background I met my fiancé in Pattaya in January 2007. We spent a few days together and after I returned to the UK we kept in touch occasionally via a phone call or chat on the internet. You could say at this stage we were friends.

I next visited Thailand in November 2007 and this time I spent about 10 days with her. Once again after my return we kept in touch via telephone and mostly internet chat.

My next visit was nine months later in August 2008 where we spent 2 weeks together and upon my return stayed in contact daily via telephone and internet. It was at this time that we decided it was better she go home and I started to send her money for support.

I then came again in November 2008 and spent another 10 days with her going back to her home and meeting her family.

Just before I left we decided to apply for a fiancé visa and I completed all the forms on 17th November. I then made her an appointment to visit VFS and sent her all the supporting documents. At the end of November she went to VFS and they sent her application onto the British Embassy for review. About 3 weeks later she was informed that she would be required to attend an interview today which unfortunately led to her visa application being refused on the grounds of her not knowing me long enough.

The problem I think lies in the fact that I can provide complete documented evidence of daily phone calls, money transfers, photos etc from August 2008 until present day (although the documents submitted were only up to November as this is when she submitted her application) but any communications we had before this time are not available. Also the majority of our communications were by internet and I do not keep any type of record for msn chats.

I am aware that I can appeal and she is sending me the paperwork tomorrow via email but what can I provide to support my appeal that I have not provided already. My only option is that I was with a friend when I originally met her and would be able to provide a sworn statement if I asked him.

Of course I can send documents to support telephone and money transfers from November until present day but that is all.

I also get the impression that the appeal process is long and drawn out and may take months.

Anybody have any advice as to what I should do next? Appeal? Contact my local MP? Involve a solicitor who specialises in immigration?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks for listening

Forget your MP or a solicitor!!

Contact the "Immigration Advisory Service". They appealed my case a few years ago totally free of charge and they won the appeal for me.

Log onto www.iasuk.org/ and you will find a list of all their local offices and all the info you require.

They worked great for me. I hope they can do the same for you.

Good luck.


I should think the nub of it will be that the ECO did not consider it credible you and your friend would enter into a marriage based upon an acquaintance of scarcely 6 weeks over a 2 year period particularly when the parties are from such differing cultures and, doubtless, backgrounds and presumably demonstrating a common bond would therefore be somewhat challenging. This would cast doubt upon the genuineness of the relationship and any intention to live together permanently, a fundamental requirement of the rules.

I could be wrong but perhaps you will need to spend more time together in order to bolster that credibility.

In any event you should bang in the appeal. You never know, you may get an adjudicator who also fell in love at first sight...........

sorry but could not agree more with the comments above, how many people do you know back home who have been together a total of 6 weeks in 2 years and decide to get married, what other out come could you possibly of expected.


I think people are being a bit harsh on the OP. He had known her for 2 years when they decided to make a go of it and other have posted on here after knowing their intended for less than that and not got the reception that he has.

The problem is not that he has only known her for 2 years and spent 6 weeks or so with her, but that he can only provide proof for the last 2 or 3 months of their relationship. This is why the immigration official has rejected the application. Personally, I think that if he could have provided proof they had a 2 year relationship, he would have been fine.

Tampoboy, do you have any documentation from the time before August? Hotel booking slips with her name and yours on, internet chat logs, emails, old phone bills, proof of any money you sent before August last year, any photographs of the two of you from earlier in your relationship? Yes, a sworn statement from your friend may help, but if you really can't provide any proof of the first 20 months of the relationship, then they can only make a judgement on the last few months of proof you provided and that obviously isn't enough in their eyes. The fact you met her in a bar in Pattaya is not helped by the many people before you that have met a girl on a weeks holiday and tried to immediately get her back to the UK. That's what you application looks like from their point of view without the earlier proof.

Yes, appeals can last a long time. There are some posters who have spent nearly a year before their appeal has come to a conclusion, but others have had them done very quickly. It may be that you will have to chalk this application up to experience and apply again in 6 - 12 months time with the extra proof of a relationship. Good luck with your appeal and do a search here and read some posts to familiarise yourself with the type of proof others have provided.

Wait until you have the refusal of entry clearance in your hand.

All the facts will be on the form she may of missed something.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I should have that information tomorrow via email so will report back with further details

Full Text of the refusal is as below, please excuse any errors as I scanned and ocr'ed it

You have applied for entry clearance for marriage to XXXXXXX who is a

British citizen and resident in the United Kingdom. You first met each other in

January 2007 when your sponsor came to Thailand for a holiday However, your

Relationship did not begin until August 2008 when you spent two weeks with him. He

made one further visit to Thailand in October 2008 when he stayed in Thailand for

about eight days. I acknowledge that your sponsor has sent you money regularly and

that some contact has been maintained between you two via telephone, However,

you have failed to show that close contact has been maintained between you two

such as emails, letters and other forms of communications. Furthermore. you have

failed to give satisfactory reasons for deciding to get married so soon after your

relationship began only in August 2008, You have only spent just over three weeks

together and you have failed to give satisfactory reason s why you cannot wait for

your relationship to develop over a lengthy period prior to entering into a marriage. It

is evidence From the interview record that your relationship needs to develop

because you were unable to give details of his previous marriage and employment

details in UK. Furthermore. the reasons given for the late development of your

relationship with your sponsor, despite knowing him since January 2007 was given

as that he did not trust you due to the nature of your employment in the bar and that

you were having regular relationships with other foreign men This statement further

demonstrates that your relationship with your sponsor needs consolidating over a

longer period.

I have carefully considered your application taking into account all you r personal and

Social Circumstances. However, I am not satisfied, on balance of probabilities, that

each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or

civil partner after the marriage or civil partnership.

Your right of appeal

You are entitled to appeal against this decision under section 82(1) of the Nationality,

Immigration and Asylum Ac12002. If you wish to appeal you should complete Appeal

Form AIT-2 ,a copy of which will be given to you with this notice. A guidance leaflet is

also enclosed which explains what to do.

You must lodge your appeal at the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. You can do this


~ Fax to: +44(0)1509221 699 ; or

~ Post to: Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, Tribunals Group Customer Service

Centre ,PO Box 7866 , Loughborough. LE11 2XZ. United Kingdom; or

~ Returning your appeal papers to the Visa Secfion, add address

The completed appeal form must arrive no later than 28 days after the date 01 this

Notice and you must make sure that it is signed and dated.

Would I have any chance of making her a visit visa to come here so "our relationship can develop" as the ECO stated or is this pure fantasy on my part?

Wait until you have the refusal of entry clearance in your hand.

All the facts will be on the form she may of missed something.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I should have that information tomorrow via email so will report back with further details

Full Text of the refusal is as below, please excuse any errors as I scanned and ocr'ed it

You have applied for entry clearance for marriage to XXXXXXX who is a

British citizen and resident in the United Kingdom. You first met each other in

January 2007 when your sponsor came to Thailand for a holiday However, your

Relationship did not begin until August 2008 when you spent two weeks with him. He

made one further visit to Thailand in October 2008 when he stayed in Thailand for

about eight days. I acknowledge that your sponsor has sent you money regularly and

that some contact has been maintained between you two via telephone, However,

you have failed to show that close contact has been maintained between you two

such as emails, letters and other forms of communications. Furthermore. you have

failed to give satisfactory reasons for deciding to get married so soon after your

relationship began only in August 2008, You have only spent just over three weeks

together and you have failed to give satisfactory reason s why you cannot wait for

your relationship to develop over a lengthy period prior to entering into a marriage. It

is evidence From the interview record that your relationship needs to develop

because you were unable to give details of his previous marriage and employment

details in UK. Furthermore. the reasons given for the late development of your

relationship with your sponsor, despite knowing him since January 2007 was given

as that he did not trust you due to the nature of your employment in the bar and that

you were having regular relationships with other foreign men This statement further

demonstrates that your relationship with your sponsor needs consolidating over a

longer period.

I have carefully considered your application taking into account all you r personal and

Social Circumstances. However, I am not satisfied, on balance of probabilities, that

each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or

civil partner after the marriage or civil partnership.

Your right of appeal

You are entitled to appeal against this decision under section 82(1) of the Nationality,

Immigration and Asylum Ac12002. If you wish to appeal you should complete Appeal

Form AIT-2 ,a copy of which will be given to you with this notice. A guidance leaflet is

also enclosed which explains what to do.

You must lodge your appeal at the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. You can do this


~ Fax to: +44(0)1509221 699 ; or

~ Post to: Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, Tribunals Group Customer Service

Centre ,PO Box 7866 , Loughborough. LE11 2XZ. United Kingdom; or

~ Returning your appeal papers to the Visa Secfion, add address

The completed appeal form must arrive no later than 28 days after the date 01 this

Notice and you must make sure that it is signed and dated.

Would I have any chance of making her a visit visa to come here so "our relationship can develop" as the ECO stated or is this pure fantasy on my part?

You can try, it's not too expensive, but if it failed, it would be another failed application on her file. Better idea is to let her stay at home for the next 6 to 8 months and visit her in Thailand a couple more times. Make sure to keep all records of contact and travel in this period and I mean all. If you use a calling card, keep it when it runs out. If you use a 0844 number to call, keep your itemised bill and have a printout of the website that has the number on it saying it is the Thailand access number(There are plenty of cheap call websites around with 0844 numbers). Keep air ticket stubs and e-ticket copies, hotel booking emails etc. Take pictures together visiting places together.

Basically, beef up your proof of a close relationship and the fact she no longer works in the bar, while also lengthening your relationship period to around a year and then try again. Looks like her carrying on in the bar has also counted against you and so you are going to have to prove she only has a relationship with you and this exclusive relationship is not just a few months.


Sorry to disagree guys! But in my humble opinion, its not about the time scale, at all but the preparation and presenting of a genuine case.

My story is proof....

April 2007 met Thai lady online, July 2007 went to TL got married to her within 2 weeks.

Applied for visitor visa (never left TL before) 2 months later and came UK to visit me December 2007

Applied for settlement visa Feb 2008(took 12 days i think!)

Arrived UK May 2008

Got full time job June 2008

Never looked back!

Everything she applied for by herself and alone to the Embassy in BKK, I was in UK, no interviews and questions asked by anyone..reason?? Not the timescale but the preparation of everything back to day one..ie the very 1st email we sent to each other to the very last email we sent to each other, every photo of every place we had been together in UK and TL, the paperwork i sent for both the visit visa and settlement visa was immense, every last detail was accounted for and more! Before we applied for the visa's her friend's were telling allsorts and confusing her very much, however she listed to everything i said and what to do, i learned everything myself from this site!

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail, im afraid is very good saying!

I would appeal and do what ever it takes if you love this lady and want to be with her for ever..good luck

Wait until you have the refusal of entry clearance in your hand.

All the facts will be on the form she may of missed something.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I should have that information tomorrow via email so will report back with further details

Full Text of the refusal is as below, please excuse any errors as I scanned and ocr'ed it

You have applied for entry clearance for marriage to XXXXXXX who is a

British citizen and resident in the United Kingdom. You first met each other in

January 2007 when your sponsor came to Thailand for a holiday However, your

Relationship did not begin until August 2008 when you spent two weeks with him. He

made one further visit to Thailand in October 2008 when he stayed in Thailand for

about eight days. I acknowledge that your sponsor has sent you money regularly and

that some contact has been maintained between you two via telephone, However,

you have failed to show that close contact has been maintained between you two

such as emails, letters and other forms of communications. Furthermore. you have

failed to give satisfactory reasons for deciding to get married so soon after your

relationship began only in August 2008, You have only spent just over three weeks

together and you have failed to give satisfactory reason s why you cannot wait for

your relationship to develop over a lengthy period prior to entering into a marriage. It

is evidence From the interview record that your relationship needs to develop

because you were unable to give details of his previous marriage and employment

details in UK. Furthermore. the reasons given for the late development of your

relationship with your sponsor, despite knowing him since January 2007 was given

as that he did not trust you due to the nature of your employment in the bar and that

you were having regular relationships with other foreign men This statement further

demonstrates that your relationship with your sponsor needs consolidating over a

longer period.

I have carefully considered your application taking into account all you r personal and

Social Circumstances. However, I am not satisfied, on balance of probabilities, that

each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or

civil partner after the marriage or civil partnership.

Your right of appeal

You are entitled to appeal against this decision under section 82(1) of the Nationality,

Immigration and Asylum Ac12002. If you wish to appeal you should complete Appeal

Form AIT-2 ,a copy of which will be given to you with this notice. A guidance leaflet is

also enclosed which explains what to do.

You must lodge your appeal at the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. You can do this


~ Fax to: +44(0)1509221 699 ; or

~ Post to: Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, Tribunals Group Customer Service

Centre ,PO Box 7866 , Loughborough. LE11 2XZ. United Kingdom; or

~ Returning your appeal papers to the Visa Secfion, add address

The completed appeal form must arrive no later than 28 days after the date 01 this

Notice and you must make sure that it is signed and dated.

Would I have any chance of making her a visit visa to come here so "our relationship can develop" as the ECO stated or is this pure fantasy on my part?

You can try, it's not too expensive, but if it failed, it would be another failed application on her file. Better idea is to let her stay at home for the next 6 to 8 months and visit her in Thailand a couple more times. Make sure to keep all records of contact and travel in this period and I mean all. If you use a calling card, keep it when it runs out. If you use a 0844 number to call, keep your itemised bill and have a printout of the website that has the number on it saying it is the Thailand access number(There are plenty of cheap call websites around with 0844 numbers). Keep air ticket stubs and e-ticket copies, hotel booking emails etc. Take pictures together visiting places together.

Basically, beef up your proof of a close relationship and the fact she no longer works in the bar, while also lengthening your relationship period to around a year and then try again. Looks like her carrying on in the bar has also counted against you and so you are going to have to prove she only has a relationship with you and this exclusive relationship is not just a few months.

If she has already tried to migrate and failed - she aint getting a visitor visa, RED FLAGGED for sure....

Were your really expecting your bargirl girlfriend to get a visa, come one. You yourself didnt trust her, why should the UK...


pure fantasty at this point in time, a record of you application will be held in bkk now, if you contine your relationship, and can prove regulary contact you will have a better chance in 6 months, again sorry to sound so negative but you have to do your home work before you apply, ie he could not answer any questions about your married status or employment, you have to sit down together say for 30 mins a day and prepare her for these questions,my wife was asked my parents first and second names, along with does he have brother and sisters and what are ther names, pretty simple questions if the relationship is genuine, but you have to prepare before you apply. i am not blowing my own trumpett, but i have taken 3 different thai girks to the uk on tourist visa, never had a refussal and done all the papper work my self, its all down to that word i keep using ,do your home work. better look next time,

Sorry to disagree guys! But in my humble opinion, its not about the time scale, at all but the preparation and presenting of a genuine case.

My story is proof....

April 2007 met Thai lady online, July 2007 went to TL got married to her within 2 weeks.

Applied for visitor visa (never left TL before) 2 months later and came UK to visit me December 2007

Applied for settlement visa Feb 2008(took 12 days i think!)

Arrived UK May 2008

Got full time job June 2008

Never looked back!

Everything she applied for by herself and alone to the Embassy in BKK, I was in UK, no interviews and questions asked by anyone..reason?? Not the timescale but the preparation of everything back to day one..ie the very 1st email we sent to each other to the very last email we sent to each other, every photo of every place we had been together in UK and TL, the paperwork i sent for both the visit visa and settlement visa was immense, every last detail was accounted for and more! Before we applied for the visa's her friend's were telling allsorts and confusing her very much, however she listed to everything i said and what to do, i learned everything myself from this site!

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail, im afraid is very good saying!

I would appeal and do what ever it takes if you love this lady and want to be with her for ever..good luck

Agree. If you do get involved with a lady from Thailand, and even in the back of your mind you think it might develop. You have to start saving the evidence early on to build up the proof of a relationship to give a good visa application to them.


I think the actual reason for the refusal is the following

the reasons given for the late development of your

relationship with your sponsor, despite knowing him since January 2007 was given

as that he did not trust you due to the nature of your employment in the bar and that

you were having regular relationships with other foreign men This statement further

demonstrates that your relationship with your sponsor needs consolidating over a

longer period.

When did she stop working in the bar? If she was still working after August 2008 and only stopped just before the application was submitted then the ECO was right to have doubts; doubly so if she was still working there when interviewed! As already said, you didn't trust her so why should the ECO?

You can submit the appeal yourelf, but I would strongly recommend that you obtain professional advice; either from a solicitor or an OISC advisor.

Remember that the appeal will judge whether the ECOs decision was right at the time, so will only consider her circumstances and the situation at the time of the application. You can submit new evidence, but only if it pertains to the facts at the time of the refusal. Any change in her circumstances since then, for example if she was still working in the bar at the time but has since stopped, will not be taken into account at the appeal.

There is nothing to stop her from applying for a visit visa whilst awaiting the appeal. However as the ECO has doubts about her real intentions it is unlikely that such an application would be successful.


Agreed - as the refusal has been worded, the OP's fiance stands a better chance of having a fresh application approved in (say) 6-9 months' time than a successful appeal now.


I would develop the relationship a little more and return with 6 months worth of close contact.

It amazes me some guys go on holiday and marry believe it or not 3 months later their wife's are in the UK.

If you wish to appeal i can forward your details onto another adviser as we do not get involved in appeals, i would advise you use Davis Khan he is level 2/3 i believe.

Good luck


I have a small (or maybe large dependent on your viewpoint) setback in my plans to bring my fiancé here to the UK and am hoping somebody can give me advice as to what my next step should be.

To give you some background I met my fiancé in Pattaya in January 2007. We spent a few days together and after I returned to the UK we kept in touch occasionally via a phone call or chat on the internet. You could say at this stage we were friends.

I next visited Thailand in November 2007 and this time I spent about 10 days with her. Once again after my return we kept in touch via telephone and mostly internet chat.

My next visit was nine months later in August 2008 where we spent 2 weeks together and upon my return stayed in contact daily via telephone and internet. It was at this time that we decided it was better she go home and I started to send her money for support.

I then came again in November 2008 and spent another 10 days with her going back to her home and meeting her family.

Just before I left we decided to apply for a fiancé visa and I completed all the forms on 17th November. I then made her an appointment to visit VFS and sent her all the supporting documents. At the end of November she went to VFS and they sent her application onto the British Embassy for review. About 3 weeks later she was informed that she would be required to attend an interview today which unfortunately led to her visa application being refused on the grounds of her not knowing me long enough.

The problem I think lies in the fact that I can provide complete documented evidence of daily phone calls, money transfers, photos etc from August 2008 until present day (although the documents submitted were only up to November as this is when she submitted her application) but any communications we had before this time are not available. Also the majority of our communications were by internet and I do not keep any type of record for msn chats.

I am aware that I can appeal and she is sending me the paperwork tomorrow via email but what can I provide to support my appeal that I have not provided already. My only option is that I was with a friend when I originally met her and would be able to provide a sworn statement if I asked him.

Of course I can send documents to support telephone and money transfers from November until present day but that is all.

I also get the impression that the appeal process is long and drawn out and may take months.

Anybody have any advice as to what I should do next? Appeal? Contact my local MP? Involve a solicitor who specialises in immigration?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks for listening

Maybe there was not enough ''Tea Money'' in the envelope you were or did not offer????? :o

Maybe there was not enough ''Tea Money'' in the envelope you were or did not offer????? :o

Complete and utter drivel!

the majority of our communications were by internet and I do not keep any type of record for msn chats.

Are you sure about this? If you used the same computer in the UK then your Messenger program will have stored your chats in a folder providing you enabled the feature during installation. I can't think of the file address off the top of my head but it's something like 'my msn chats' or similar. If you're in the UK now try using the Windows search facility for 'files or folders including "msn messenger"' and see what it finds. Otherwise search Google for 'stored msn messenger chats' or similar and you should find onfo on where to find the file. If (if!) the feature has been enabled you may then be able to retrieve your chat records.

Sorry to hear about your refusal, good luck with the appeal :o

Wait until you have the refusal of entry clearance in your hand.

All the facts will be on the form she may of missed something.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I should have that information tomorrow via email so will report back with further details

Full Text of the refusal is as below, please excuse any errors as I scanned and ocr'ed it

You have applied for entry clearance for marriage to XXXXXXX who is a

British citizen and resident in the United Kingdom. You first met each other in

January 2007 when your sponsor came to Thailand for a holiday However, your

Relationship did not begin until August 2008 when you spent two weeks with him. He

made one further visit to Thailand in October 2008 when he stayed in Thailand for

about eight days. I acknowledge that your sponsor has sent you money regularly and

that some contact has been maintained between you two via telephone, However,

you have failed to show that close contact has been maintained between you two

such as emails, letters and other forms of communications. Furthermore. you have

failed to give satisfactory reasons for deciding to get married so soon after your

relationship began only in August 2008, You have only spent just over three weeks

together and you have failed to give satisfactory reason s why you cannot wait for

your relationship to develop over a lengthy period prior to entering into a marriage. It

is evidence From the interview record that your relationship needs to develop

because you were unable to give details of his previous marriage and employment

details in UK. Furthermore. the reasons given for the late development of your

relationship with your sponsor, despite knowing him since January 2007 was given

as that he did not trust you due to the nature of your employment in the bar and that

you were having regular relationships with other foreign men This statement further

demonstrates that your relationship with your sponsor needs consolidating over a

longer period.

I have carefully considered your application taking into account all you r personal and

Social Circumstances. However, I am not satisfied, on balance of probabilities, that

each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or

civil partner after the marriage or civil partnership.

Your right of appeal

You are entitled to appeal against this decision under section 82(1) of the Nationality,

Immigration and Asylum Ac12002. If you wish to appeal you should complete Appeal

Form AIT-2 ,a copy of which will be given to you with this notice. A guidance leaflet is

also enclosed which explains what to do.

You must lodge your appeal at the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. You can do this


~ Fax to: +44(0)1509221 699 ; or

~ Post to: Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, Tribunals Group Customer Service

Centre ,PO Box 7866 , Loughborough. LE11 2XZ. United Kingdom; or

~ Returning your appeal papers to the Visa Secfion, add address

The completed appeal form must arrive no later than 28 days after the date 01 this

Notice and you must make sure that it is signed and dated.

Would I have any chance of making her a visit visa to come here so "our relationship can develop" as the ECO stated or is this pure fantasy on my part?

Hi Mate

I would spend another year together go out there 3 or 4 times if you can and get as much information as you can to prove you are in a strong relationship.

More photos (go to her home and get photos's with family etc)

SMS every day (use digital camera to copy if on 02 you can download on to computer)

Write letters to her (keep letters / envelpoes)

Copy of all emails you send each other

All phone records (if you use cheap numbers 0844 they will question it. They want her number on the statements.)

Book flight in Thailand and keep intinery with both names on.

Hotel bookings with both names.

You have to prove your employment - 3 months pay slips next time you have to be able to support her.

Next time also get wedding details such as the wedding,reception, flowers, suits, dresses agai with both names on

The embassy want proof of the relationship and the more you get the better your chances!!!!!!!!!

Try David at Visa No1 he was very good when I did it in December last year and is good at past refusals.

Good Luck Mate


Try David at Visa No1 he was very good when I did it in December last year and is good at past refusals.

With respect, Visa No 1 do not appear on the OISC register. This means that they are neither qualified nor regulated in the UK. As any appeal will be heard in the UK and UK immigration law will be used to judge the appeal it makes sense, in my opinion, to use an advisor who is qualified and regulated in the UK.

All phone records (if you use cheap numbers 0844 they will question it. They want her number on the statements.)

No they won't. They're not stupid, they know that calling by normal methods is expensive and most people call using pre-paid cards or access numbers. If you provide your itemised bills with the access number, proof of the websites (Printout with the Thai access number) and explain it in your covering letter you'll be fine.

I provided about 1.5 years of itemised bills (1 or 2 calls a day) with 2 Thai access numbers on them, plus printouts of the main website screen and the page showing the Thai access numbers + an explanation that I had used these numbers due to the excessive standard rate call charges.

All phone records (if you use cheap numbers 0844 they will question it. They want her number on the statements.)

No they won't. They're not stupid, they know that calling by normal methods is expensive and most people call using pre-paid cards or access numbers. If you provide your itemised bills with the access number, proof of the websites (Printout with the Thai access number) and explain it in your covering letter you'll be fine.

I provided about 1.5 years of itemised bills (1 or 2 calls a day) with 2 Thai access numbers on them, plus printouts of the main website screen and the page showing the Thai access numbers + an explanation that I had used these numbers due to the excessive standard rate call charges.

Hi Mate

That is what they said to me a month ago and I had 18 months worth of phone bills and they would not accept it as proof and I explained why I used this number in a covering letter.

But I suppose it depends who your dealing with at the Embassy.

All phone records (if you use cheap numbers 0844 they will question it. They want her number on the statements.)

No they won't. They're not stupid, they know that calling by normal methods is expensive and most people call using pre-paid cards or access numbers. If you provide your itemised bills with the access number, proof of the websites (Printout with the Thai access number) and explain it in your covering letter you'll be fine.

I provided about 1.5 years of itemised bills (1 or 2 calls a day) with 2 Thai access numbers on them, plus printouts of the main website screen and the page showing the Thai access numbers + an explanation that I had used these numbers due to the excessive standard rate call charges.

Hi Mate

That is what they said to me a month ago and I had 18 months worth of phone bills and they would not accept it as proof and I explained why I used this number in a covering letter.

But I suppose it depends who your dealing with at the Embassy.

Doesn't make sense not to accept this kind of evidence. Who is going to pay the BT rate of about 75p a minute to Thailand. This would also mean the guide at the top of the forum is incorrect. Maybe you just got someone on a bad day. Did you get a refusal?

That is what they said to me a month ago

Who said it to you?

In December I provided a BT bill showing an cheap rate access number and said in my sponsor's letter that we used this number to phone Thailand. Visa issued the following day.

The same four years ago.

I know many people who can tell the same story as I; access number or phone cards or Skype or similar; not a problem. Simply say in your sponsor's letter that this is how you phone Thailand.

All phone records (if you use cheap numbers 0844 they will question it. They want her number on the statements.)

No they won't. They're not stupid, they know that calling by normal methods is expensive and most people call using pre-paid cards or access numbers. If you provide your itemised bills with the access number, proof of the websites (Printout with the Thai access number) and explain it in your covering letter you'll be fine.

I provided about 1.5 years of itemised bills (1 or 2 calls a day) with 2 Thai access numbers on them, plus printouts of the main website screen and the page showing the Thai access numbers + an explanation that I had used these numbers due to the excessive standard rate call charges.

Hi Mate

That is what they said to me a month ago and I had 18 months worth of phone bills and they would not accept it as proof and I explained why I used this number in a covering letter.

But I suppose it depends who your dealing with at the Embassy.

I've known people get knocked back for just showing telephone cards(UK).I just telephone her for 1 minute every few wks to show it on bill. Better I think if you text her it shows up on mobile itemised bills.

Thai wife even phoned AIS to try to get the records of her 'pay as go', they said they had them but they wouldn't give them, well it was a long shot!

Download the excellent Robs visa guide (pinned on this site)-it will show how to structure the application (I hope a smiliar layout will get me a settlement visa soon), good luck. :o


When successfully acquiring a fiance visa for my wife, it was the overwhelming amount of proof provided that I believe did the trick.

Write and save every e-mail....daily. Take lots of photo's of the two of you together, dated with a location noted. Take photo's with family.

Save every envelope, package wrapping etc.

Every single scrap of paper you can produce will greatly improve your chances.

I had hundreds of printed e-mails, years of phone bills, dozens of photo's and folders stuffed with other scraps.


I can't help but think that her working as a prostitute hurts her chances greatly. I had to provide verifiable proof of employment going back a minimum of ten years, providing the names and phone numbers of her supervisors from all her jobs...easy enough for her department store positions, but try tracking down a t-shirt vendor from ten years previous!!

Good luck, You will succeed eventually......Overwhelm them with evidence....start creating it daily.

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