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Look Mum, I'm Scottish..

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Look Mum I'm Scottish...

A young English boy finds a kilt and wears it for a laugh. He goes to his mum and says "Look mum I'm Scottish".

She freaks and slaps him across the head. "I can't believe you just said that, go and tell your gran what you just said"

The boy goes to his gran and says "Look gran I'm Scottish! ".

She freaks and slaps him across the head. "I can't believe you just said that, go tell your dad what you just said"

The boy goes to his dad and says "Look dad - I'm Scottish.

His dad goes ballistic - takes off his belt and gives him a good thrashing. Then he says to him - "I can't believe you just said that, now how do you feel"?

The boy says - "I've only been Scottish for 5 minutes and I hate you English b&stards already".

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