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Second Run In With A Thai


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Here's my story for today, still can't figure out the guys logic....

Wife and I had to pick something up at our shop.

Parking area was full and we had to park in a manner which blocked one car, but we only were going into the shop for 5 minutes.

Coincidentally the owner of the blocked car needed to get out, so she came to the shop and my wife went out to move the car.

Our car is now moved to a different spot in another area of the parking lot, and my wife is standing outside talking to some other woman who lives in the building.

First woman is driving out of the parking area on her cell phone and smashes into a concrete wall, gets out looking embarrassed and calls the insurance company.

Wife comes back inside and 2 minutes later we leave to go home. We are walking to our car and get confronted by an angry looking guy saying he's the first woman's boyfriend, and it's our fault that she crashed into a concrete wall....

We were somewhat confused seeing as our car was parked on the other side of the parking lot with no one in it, when it had "caused" this women to drive into a concrete wall.

But we apologized anyways; but he kept going on and on about us causing this crash. Eventually we just got in the car and drove off.

Sometimes the Thai logic of causation is beyond me. I guess if she'd crashed 30 minutes down the road it would have also been our fault.

My only conclusion is (from meeting the guy) that the g/f was worried about what he would do to her, so concocted some alternative version of events to tell him.

Edited by dave111223
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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

I partially agree. I also would be annoyed; but it wasn't a matter of walking a bit further, as i said the parking lot was full.

Also I'm not sure how it qualifies for "Extremely" pissed off. Or do you have multiple levels above "extremely"?

Edited by dave111223
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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

Thankfully you are not in Thailand!

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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

EVER been to Thailand Yabbs?

It is totally normal to park several deep and expect people to either move your car (brake off) or come and ask you to move it. OP was evidently well known and moved the vehicle in a timely manner so there should be no issue.

I DO understand the issue you have with people blocking your drive, probably with the brake on and it in gear, grrrrr. But it 'aint in Thailand.

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I bet she told BF that she had to manauver around you and crashed. Did yo ife not tell him she crashed well after you had moved? Perhaps, she had tried to get aroud you and put herself in a difficult drivig position she couldn't readily get out of?

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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

Talking about BAD manners and rudeness,you have a lot to learn in live.You may have a drive way but you don't own the street.But again UK explains everything.

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I bet she told BF that she had to manauver around you and crashed. Did yo ife not tell him she crashed well after you had moved? Perhaps, she had tried to get aroud you and put herself in a difficult drivig position she couldn't readily get out of?

Yes i'm assuming this was the story she was telling. In reality she had not even moved her car until ours was already parked in a different area.

The guy was a real nut case though, he did not appear to listen to anything we said (such as our car being parked in a different area during the entire time).

Edited by dave111223
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Oh jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez guys/gals your all, so smart u caught me right out Nope never been to Thailand , what / where is Thailand its that place China sort of owns aint it?? Right so there wa s no other place to park in a 500 metre radius right. How does the pregnant woman get the Vigo moved when theres no one there? Jd sadly I am often there, check your tyres ahhahaha

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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

Talking about BAD manners and rudeness,you have a lot to learn in live.You may have a drive way but you don't own the street.But again UK explains everything.

I own the right to enter exit my property in the UK but hey dont worry when my old Dad comes round has a heart attack and needs to be rushed to hospital Ill be ok knocking all the doors of the person who has parked across my DROPPED KERB (maybe you dont understand this concept in the UK) stopping me getting him out quickly in the car. Guesss you lot just all roll over must be too much time spent in Thailand mai pen rai

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This attitude is not just restricted Thailand.

I remember years ago when I was working for an oil exploration company in the Saudi desert we had similar attitude from passing nomads. We were a fully equipped mobile unit with heavy machinery and supporting workshop slowly moving across tractless desert doing seismic surveys.

We would get the occasional Arab come into camp asking for something to be fixed on his beat-up old truck or could we hoist one of his camels onto his pick-up. Simple enough requests but from experience we declined because if his camel fell sick weeks later or he had a accident in his truck he would find us and be back blaming us for his misfortune.

Those working in the Gulf states will know the local attitude regarding any accident involving a Farang. It's our fault because if we were not there the accident would not have happened. But the concept that if we were not there, getting the Oil that they then sell to us at hugely inflated prices they would not have a vehicle to have an accident in the first place, doesn't appeal to them.


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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

I partially agree. I also would be annoyed; but it wasn't a matter of walking a bit further, as i said the parking lot was full.

Also I'm not sure how it qualifies for "Extremely" pissed off. Or do you have multiple levels above "extremely"?

Abusively and Violently, I said see Gran Torino.

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I guess you figured out the real story Yabaaaa.

I parked my monster truck across a pregnant woman's drive way in the UK and when her dad had a heart attack she couldn't get him to the hospital.

Nice one Dave--way to go, you've truly arrived and are totally embracing the Thai way of life--this is the way we all park over here in "China's Thailand"!

YaBaaaa---your name really suits you.

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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

Talking about BAD manners and rudeness,you have a lot to learn in live.You may have a drive way but you don't own the street.But again UK explains everything.

Im terribly sorry to have offended you and apologise for my sad English ways, your right I should have waited calmy however long I was blocked in or approached said owner if I could find them and asked them humbly if they would possibly mind if they werent too busy chatting or eating their food to move their vehicle and if they were too busy Its ok i could wait and dont worry about the stain in my upholstery where I just wet myself in the process of waiting or the fact the wife was about to give birth on the front seat or any other emergency. I laughed politley when in the process of them reversing out some 45 minutes later how they hit my vehicle several times and drove off.

Oh the shame of my bad manners.

My Thai wife usually does the talking about these "nice"people.

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I guess you figured out the real story Yabaaaa.

I parked my monster truck across a pregnant woman's drive way in the UK and when her dad had a heart attack she couldn't get him to the hospital.

Yeah but her Dad was complete C*** and Im glad to be rid of him, Thanks If I need your help again Ill call :o

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I guess you figured out the real story Yabaaaa.

I parked my monster truck across a pregnant woman's drive way in the UK and when her dad had a heart attack she couldn't get him to the hospital.

Nice one Dave--way to go, you've truly arrived and are totally embracing the Thai way of life--this is the way we all park over here in "China's Thailand"!

YaBaaaa---your name really suits you.

And I may addd your inability to see thru the joke suits you , suggest Hill Billy would be better :o

Edited by yabaaaa
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Yabaaaaaa, nobody gives a flying F... about your driveway in the UK.

Stop smoking your username and get with the program, double parking is almost mandatory in Thailand, I hear smoking yabaa makes one neurotic and self obsessed, google it and then head to a rehab.

Good luck with sorting out your issues.

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and again ... thankfully yabaaaa isn't anywhere near Thailand! (Just think the outstanding amount of property damage he'd have to do just to maintain his Rambo'esque attitude daily in Thailand!) Did he really say he'd be so upset he'd cause property damage because he was inconvenienced? oi!

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Halloooo! Can we get back on topic please??

It's quite normal in Thailand to park cars several deep (as has been mentioned before) and it's quite normal to have to push another car out of the way before you can move your car out? No problems there.

In this instance I guess the driver was simply embarressed because she couldn't drive the car - like most women drivers :o

(Did I really say that?? Sorry, not sure what came over me,.....)


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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

Thai parking lots and parking culture are not always the same as in the west. Often people will park across others with the handbrake off and in neutral gear(so the car can be rolled by a carpark attendant) and this is an accepted and known practice.This is often done at my office carpark.

EDIT : just saw that simon43 said more or less the same thing.

Edited by kiakaha
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Halloooo! Can we get back on topic please??

It's quite normal in Thailand to park cars several deep (as has been mentioned before) and it's quite normal to have to push another car out of the way before you can move your car out? No problems there.

In this instance I guess the driver was simply embarressed because she couldn't drive the car - like most women drivers :D

(Did I really say that?? Sorry, not sure what came over me,.....)


I am quite a good driver, Simon. :D .

Where I live at least, the Thai women seem to be terrible drivers. I think this is for two main reasons 1. their husbands or boyfriends are teaching them how to drive and 2. they are driving vehicles too big; they can't see and they don't know the size of their vehicles.

However, in this case it sounds to me exactly like she gave her boyfriend some BS story about how the accident was all your fault, probably built it up pretty good so she was completely innocent. Think about it from his point of view, his wife or girlfriend has just had a bad accident with someone who is (according to her story) pretending like they know nothing about it.

This is the only explanation that makes sense and regardless of people's built in prejudices, what Thai people do usually does make sense. Perhaps not to your western sensibilities, but it usually makes perfect sense to another Thai person. A shocking idea in a country called Thailand, I know, but there you go. Who can ever figure these people out? :o

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Where I live at least, the Thai women seem to be terrible drivers. I think this is for two main reasons 1. their husbands or boyfriends are teaching them how to drive and 2. they are driving vehicles too big; they can't see and they don't know the size of their vehicles.

...right, a not unusual sight here, a small head just a little bit higher than the steering wheel of a Fortuner or a 4x4 Pick Up.

and reason #3: endless talking on the mobile during driving.

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Halloooo! Can we get back on topic please??

It's quite normal in Thailand to park cars several deep (as has been mentioned before) and it's quite normal to have to push another car out of the way before you can move your car out? No problems there.

In this instance I guess the driver was simply embarressed because she couldn't drive the car - like most women drivers :D

(Did I really say that?? Sorry, not sure what came over me,.....)


I am quite a good driver, Simon. :D .

Where I live at least, the Thai women seem to be terrible drivers. I think this is for two main reasons 1. their husbands or boyfriends are teaching them how to drive and 2. they are driving vehicles too big; they can't see and they don't know the size of their vehicles.

However, in this case it sounds to me exactly like she gave her boyfriend some BS story about how the accident was all your fault, probably built it up pretty good so she was completely innocent. Think about it from his point of view, his wife or girlfriend has just had a bad accident with someone who is (according to her story) pretending like they know nothing about it.

This is the only explanation that makes sense and regardless of people's built in prejudices, what Thai people do usually does make sense. Perhaps not to your western sensibilities, but it usually makes perfect sense to another Thai person. A shocking idea in a country called Thailand, I know, but there you go. Who can ever figure these people out? :o

When parking at big C in Sawan,it is perfectly normal to be three deep,as you normally leave your park break off and out of gear,so the attendant can push and pull cars to get in/out,However,i won't do this with the Merc,as i have seen them push and bump the other cars to stop them....So i simply park further away,and foot it the extra 100 m. :D

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Here's my story for today, still can't figure out the guys logic....

Wife and I had to pick something up at our shop.

Parking area was full and we had to park in a manner which blocked one car, but we only were going into the shop for 5 minutes.

Coincidentally the owner of the blocked car needed to get out, so she came to the shop and my wife went out to move the car.

Our car is now moved to a different spot in another area of the parking lot, and my wife is standing outside talking to some other woman who lives in the building.

First woman is driving out of the parking area on her cell phone and smashes into a concrete wall, gets out looking embarrassed and calls the insurance company.

Wife comes back inside and 2 minutes later we leave to go home. We are walking to our car and get confronted by an angry looking guy saying he's the first woman's boyfriend, and it's our fault that she crashed into a concrete wall....

We were somewhat confused seeing as our car was parked on the other side of the parking lot with no one in it, when it had "caused" this women to drive into a concrete wall.

But we apologized anyways; but he kept going on and on about us causing this crash. Eventually we just got in the car and drove off.

Sometimes the Thai logic of causation is beyond me. I guess if she'd crashed 30 minutes down the road it would have also been our fault.

My only conclusion is (from meeting the guy) that the g/f was worried about what he would do to her, so concocted some alternative version of events to tell him.

Naaaa, don`t make sense. There must be more to this.

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Well for me personally if anyone blocked me in and it involved me having to get out of my car to ask U to move it I would be extremely pi***d off . I get this in the Uk across my drive. repeat offenders usally end up with a flat tyre. Bad manners rude impolite and selfish IMO you can always WALK a bit farther its just laziness in most cases.

Talking about BAD manners and rudeness,you have a lot to learn in live.You may have a drive way but you don't own the street.But again UK explains everything.

Im terribly sorry to have offended you and apologise for my sad English ways, your right I should have waited calmy however long I was blocked in or approached said owner if I could find them and asked them humbly if they would possibly mind if they werent too busy chatting or eating their food to move their vehicle and if they were too busy Its ok i could wait and dont worry about the stain in my upholstery where I just wet myself in the process of waiting or the fact the wife was about to give birth on the front seat or any other emergency. I laughed politley when in the process of them reversing out some 45 minutes later how they hit my vehicle several times and drove off.

Oh the shame of my bad manners.

My Thai wife usually does the talking about these "nice"people.

I think when you making those post you used to much yabaa,and like the ops said the name suits you.

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